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KY THI TOT NGHIEP TRUNG HQC PHO THONG NAM 2024 Bai thi: NGOAINGO Mén thi THENG ANH. ‘TW gan Km Bt €0 ph Bg tht gn ph ad Mark the or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that Best completes each ofthe fllowing exchanges, ‘Question 1: Bob and Khanh ate chating Bob: “I thnk we should lead a green lifestyle.” Khan: Ithelps to protec the environment.” A. Really? B. 1 don’t think so, ©. Of course not @ Sag Question 2: Giang is at Mary's house, ‘Mary: “Would you like something to ink, Giang?” “ciag:= Si, pee. Yes tke some bread rothansy D.NeTpetrin Mark the leer 4B Cor D on your answer shet ont he correc ansver to ech of the fotoving quests ‘Question 3: Hong staat inher "Ate mest theta > C.themor tl Date ter Queton 4: The schools nto havea Srnming.— forthe fistyearstdent retton B.compets——Crsampetively D.cmpetive Gaston 5 Air pon has besome sous, __ lth problems for masy pele. ‘Ais caused B. to cause causing 7 (D.Yjused X ee eae 5 Bie CO (moar) Da Ceston 7: Hs heath nn pon tines he skin ‘Auton ety ve up Dito off Cucston 8: Thektsen "= by my moter ast Sy morning ‘A vas claing Bele lene Das leaned fon 9:1 wll never forget with Tom, We Gate wonderful tie together. yorking ‘B. work work D. to working, action 10: Tey should yea ulin for their BA, _—_? ‘shoul they Soni hey Cdathey e'tihey Question 1: The resus Oa reent sey Qealy teenage’ cumet-petrences for leisure ‘flared (ey mnie / Cashed D bast Question 12: When LeaerotBhouss he tal mach on TY, ‘Ab miching has watched wes thing 7D. satches (Qeetion 13: He got steny___far baking tfc mpltocs yesterday. Sine * ND tae tion 14 ak wl jon ws Pas von sshd finshed Hsfaieverk —_B.assoonat he wil nish his homeward sionshehihatonenak (Tn he fh stoner ‘Queton 15: Whenever Ms. White propares mal berdhieen ep er te able ‘sand eo Chump in tion 16: Is imponsibe__usto lp boom of th oie. for Boon ‘oat ton 17: John cat hangout with his eds at the weekend since he neelv@ hit_ to prepare forthe upoming exams. ’A the pepers B.the roof Eiyetwons / Petiedicionary ‘Trang V4 ‘Mark the leter A, B,C, oF D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three n pronunciation in each of the fllowing questions. ‘ueston If: A. comle Bonin, Cy Basar Question 19: A. wife Byive Emine D. smile Mark the eter, B,C, or D on Yomansvcr she to nda the word tha dif fram the other ‘thre in the postion of stress in each ofthe following questions. Question 20; A. popular B nae) ,sceurate Bptesive Question 21: A. offer esr Ctheaten finish Meteo Denhesloe ena sr CLOSEST we underlined word In each ofthe following questions. Question 22: The salary you receive will ary according to your qualifications and experience, hiaten anc bela an roman oe nme ec 3 ne re ri 2 New ecg even 7 ‘Question 25: His resignation ame asm bolt from the-blue, We were all very surprised. ‘A accidentally 'B. suspiciously redicuably 7D. incredibly Read the following passage and mark the letter ABC, or D on your answer sheet to indiate the correct word or phrase tha bet fts each ofthe numbered blanks from 26 0 30, ‘Tourism is now one of the largest industries in the world, and is the main source of income jn @6)___ counties. It may being in earings, create jobs fr local people and improve thee life as ‘whole. Uaforinately, the construction of essenil flies to @7) the nereasing need of visitor has destroyed natural habitats, thus threatening wildlife and spoiling some cf the world's most beautiful regions. Air travel to distant places results in huge amounts of carbon emissions (28) contibute to global warming. ‘The majority holidaymakers are unaware of such issues, (29)__fortunately ther are people ‘who would mther travel with environmental responsibility, For These trvellers, there is now ah ltemative ro conventional turism, known as ecotourism. They choose their traveling carefully, and ty ‘omake sure tat thei visit will have only a (80) effect onthe environment a tgs en gr in Question 26: A. ile I, snaher every Sen Stren 27; Abr tiie inet ‘isk Staton 26 A here Teen hh Dein Sueston 2: QDbut Ben cea D morover Saeston 3: (ars Blapniican ——G destucve nr Read the following passage and mark the leter A, B, C, or D on your answer Sheet 10 indicate the ‘correct ansner to each ofthe questions from 31 10.38. ‘Sheena Southall, a 22-year-old student, was keen to test her limit when she agreed to appear on a TY show, Ihas been deseribed as one ofthe most fascinating shoves inthe world ‘She saw an advert which sid: “Do you want to make some quick cash and do you want to travel?” She talked to herself: “Why don’t Ihave a tr? I'm always looking for an opportunity to st myselE” So, she spplied for the ob, went fran interview, and pot. At he interview, she explained how she was prepared Torany challenges, Then, just as she was leaving for Singapore she fund out that she was going to become skyscraper window cleaner ‘Thejob was challenging. Se had o pull herself up and down carying heavy wate buckets. Ise didn. lean the windows properly they would tell her to go back and do it again. But she admits the experience has changed her. As soon as she got back, she finished her studies and graduated, She sated hunting for @ job that would be both exciting and tough, Sheena says: "Nothing wll ever be as exciting and scary a that first day of cleaning windows up in the at. But you don't face your fears and acept what life offers you, ‘ho wil you know what you are capable of thas been the best experience of my ie sf ‘Alig oe Gite) Trang 2/4 Cueaton 31 The sg email aout "ht TY show abou young people ia Sinapors ( B)eclenging experience ofa young stuleat E:Syome teal reaming mency”D-ancxperens of yeep now ces ‘Question 32: The word ¢inpuagraph Ife 10 an ‘hth ord Banat TVshow Da tetni ‘uestin 3: According tthe passage, Sheena WAL aperon the show nor to ‘A. complete her study —B. become a cleaner splore her limit D. atend an interview Ceston 4: The word fngh in puragrph ssn meaning "ting boing C.neeaive Gan - ston 3: Accoring to paragraph 3, Shen dial of be allowing EXC roping out school Bhat fr ajob © cing windows D can hay water bckts Read the fllowing passage and mark the leter A, B, C, oF D on your answer sheet to indicate the ‘correct answer to each ofthe questions from 36 10 22. Do you find yourself yawning all day at school? You probably need more slep However, iis not jst how much sleep you get that is mporan. What you do before bedtime also has ahuge effet on how you fel the nextday. Ifyou spend time chating to Someone on social media, o reading a book on Your ‘ereader, you are not alone, All devices seeens give out large amount of blu Tigh, which affet the body’s production of the sleep hormone, melatonin, which ean change your sleep patterns. So itis not just geting to sleep that ‘becomes hard, but the quality of your slep also suffers. The result is that you can wake up several times during the night, and have dificulty geting up inthe morning. Sleep is food for the brain, so not sleeping well canbe w severe problem for anyone, especially for teenagers, eeause ther brains are stil developing. When you do not sleep well, it can be dfieut 10 concentrate at schol, which makes it harder to learn and get good prads. I ean als affect your mood, ‘making you fel sad or anxious. So, its clear you should not use your phone before you go to sleep. Why not leave i in another room? Nothing on social media is so important that it eanot wait afew hours! You should rediscover Paper books and enjoy feeling tired and sleepy before bedtime rather than wondeing why your best fiend has not ike your photo! How will you wake up? You do not have to use the alrm on your phone. Jo and buy yourself an old-fashioned alarm clock! The negative effects that screer time is having on sleep have been in the news a lot recently, so manufacturers of smartphones and tablets have added a feature tothe mobile devices that can help reduce these. Most new phones havea nghtsime setting that changes the colour ofthe sereen so that it gives out less blue light Ifyou really cannit avoid going onto Seclal media at bedtime, think about turning on his setting on your phone. siesaiha Question 36: Which of the following can be the best title of the passage? Mt Now Deve Ol anon inven re Soi Neto Sven Tie bf Being D. Suen Tine Bes Time ion 1: Blight fom igi ren aes, "hey peope et does a Chow pone commas joebenn ‘estion 8 The word ulin prgaph 2s clon mening o eee hips

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