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Level: Second year

Unit Three: Waste not Want not
Rubric: Putting thing together.
Lesson: project assignment.
Aim: producing a conservation plan
Stages Time Teacher’s and learners activities Classroom Remarks
* T asks Ls to open their books on page 72. and take a
sheet of paper to take notes. Class
Task *Ls respond. interaction
assignment *T asks Ls to divide themselves into groups of four.
*T explains the strategies to be followed to make the
-define the theme and determine the final outcome ( a
prospectus :which is a written document that gives
information about a plan)
- structure the project by identifying information they need
to obtain it.
-explain language skills they need and ask them to gather
information needed to fulfil the project. listening and
- ask them to compile and analyse information they note taking
gathered and decide how to organize them for efficient
The information they need to get:
+A fact sheet synthesising the main conservation measures
that have already been taken by the Algerian government
concerning natural resources: a- soil, water, wild life and
open spaces, mineral resources, monuments.
- Human resources: health, education, culture, economy.
+diagrams with presentations of how the public amenities
and waste disposal systems work in his town. (They have to
use sequencers and the present passive).
+a country code and a town code( They have to use the
a town code like the picture shown on page 72.
+ a map of an ideal (future) town with symbols and a small
presentation.( they have to use future passive).

Level: Second year
Unit Three: Waste not Want not
Rubric: Discovering language.
Aims: Text study “The Amazon ecosystem”
Activities: Preview, putting things together, think it over, words to say, before you read, as you read, after reading.
Stages Time Teacher’s and learners activities Classroom strategies Remarks
First stage After writing the date and the titles on the board, T
Preview asks Ls to open their books on page 58 and to read the
Preview. T and Ls interaction
Objective: make the Ls aware of what will they learn
across this unit.
Second Putting Things Together p 72. Activate background
stage * Ls do their work. knowledge and
Think it * T asks Ls to look at the stumps shown on page 59 and stimulate imagination
over express their ideas about them.
- Objective: introduce the theme of the unit.
*Ls give their answers.
*T says the given words and asks Ls to repeat them. Listening and
Third stage -Objective: pronouncing the consonant correctly. repeating.
Words to *Ls listen then repeat.
say Before you read: p60
*T asks Ls to look at the map shown on page 60 and
Fourth answer the given questions.
stage -possible answers: Class discussion
Pre-reading 1- The southern part.
2-It’s famous for coffee production and Amazon river.
3-They are Tropic of Capricorn and the Equator.
4-it’s fine.
-Objective: introduce the theme of the text.
Fifth stage *Ls report their answers.
While As you read:
reading *T asks Ls to read the text silently and think of the Silent reading and
given questions on task 03. selectively attend
*Ls do their work.
* T reads the text loudly and explain the ambiguous
words, Then he asks one or two Ls to read it. Self correcting
- Objective: make Ls correct their pronunciation
* Ls listen and ask for clarification.
*T reads the questions on task 03 and waits for the
answers. Class discussion
-Possible answers:
a- more than a decade of global fossil fuel emissions of
Sixth stage carbon.
Post b- it has been protected because of its isolation.
reading c- it’s considered so because it’s no longer isolated.
-Objective: check Ls’ understanding
*Ls report their answers.
Grammar desk: Reasoning
-Objective: learning the passive and the active forms.
*T asks Ls to read the sentences given in grammar desk
and answer the questions following them.
*Ls do their work.
*T asks Ls for the answers.
*Ls report their answers.
- Possible answers:
1- The real doer in sentence A is timber companies and
in sentence B is the Brazilian government.
They are passive because the their subjects are not the
doers of the actions.
2- *Timber companies fell 18.000km² of forest trees.
*The Brazilian government built new roads
throughout the 1960’s and 1970’s.
3- The sentences that focus on the doer of the action
are students’ sentences; the sentences that focus on the
action itself are the written in the text.
4- To transform active sentence into passive one, the
writer change the sentence order from subject, verb
and object to object verb subject.
5- A-C B-D C-B D-A
6-No, it’s not. We use it to focus on the doer of the


Level: Second
Unit Three: Waste not Want not
Rubric: Discovering language.
Aims: practice the use of passive and active forms
Lesson: Practice p62-63.
Activities: tasks 01,02,03and 04 p62,Write it right p63.
Stages Time Teacher’s and learners activities Classroom strategies Remarks
Warming After writing the date and titles on the board
up T asks learners about the lge aspect they have reminding
learnt in the previous lesson.
*Ls give their answers.
*T asks Ls to practise the use of simple past
passive by doing task 01 on page 62.
Classroom * Ls do their work then they report their
correction answers:
(Was wrecked- was washed- was polluted-
was damaged- was ruined). Reasoning
Task *T asks Ls to read the sentences in task 02
assignment and to conjugate the verbs between brackets
Classroom into the simple past passive or the simple past
correction active.
*Ls do their work then report their answers.
* T checks the Ls’ answers.
Task *T asks Ls to brainstorm the dialogue while
assignment listening to T’s reading of the dialogue:
Teacher’s * Ls listen. Listening attentively
presentatio A: what happened to the Exxon Valdez? Brainstorming
n B: it was wrecked off the coast of California
and the oil spilled out. (Weak form).
A: was the oil washed out onto the beach?
(Weak form).
B: yes, it was. It was spread out by the winds.
(Strong form).
A: was the fish poisoned?
B: yes, they were. They suffocated for lack of
oxygen. (Strong form). Pair work
-Objective: correct pronunciation of was and Play out
were “weak and strong forms”.
Task 03:
*T asks Ls to close the books and play out the
previous dialogue.
Ls’ * Ls do their work.
practice - Objective: Practise the pronunciation of was
and were. Reasoning
Task Task 04:
assignment T explains the question.
Classroom *Ls do their work. Guess and discuss
correction -Objective: practise the use of passive form.
Write it right:p63
*T asks Ls to look at the picture shown on
Teacher’s page 63 and to say what it represents.
presentatio * Ls give their opinions.
n -Objective: attract Ls attention to the subject
of the task.
Class -possible answers:
discussion * T explains the meaning of ‘ press release’: Listening attentively
après release is an official statement made by and ask questions
authorised persons, companies’
organisations, political party, or a
government department to be published in
news papers in order to apologize and make a
particular event less tight.
* Ls listen and may ask for clarification.
*T asks Ls to read the question of the task
then he explains: imagine that you are the Cooperating
secretary in the shipping company; you are to
write a press release to apologize for the
damage of the Exxon Valdez. Here are the Reading and listening
notes to be followed and the tense to be used
to express promises is the future passive.
Class *Ls do their work? T turns around to check
correction their understanding.
* T asks Ls to present their press release.
*Ls report their answers.


Level: Second
Unit Three: Waste not Want not
Rubric: Discovering language.
Lesson: say it loud and clear.
Aim: practise intonation, consolidate consonants and vowels.
Activities: tasks 01, 02 and 03.
Stages Tim Teacher’s and learners activities Classroom Remark
e strategies s
Warming up T asks Ls to mention the names of their teachers.
*Ls give their answers. Attract the
*T asks Ls what they feel about what they here; whether they attention
still wait for the list to be continued or not and why.
*Ls give their answers.
-Objective: show the importance of correct intonation.
*T asks Ls to listen and mark the intonation on the words in
bold type with appropriate arrows.
Task *T reads:«there are five types of alternative energies: solar,
assignment wind, biomass, and hydroelectric energies. All of them
can be produced in our country because we have the
following natural resources. the wind, the sun, the Show the
Teacher’s mountains… wanted aspect
presentation However, solar energy is by far the most viable it is in context
cheaper, safer and less polluting. SONELGAZ has Listening and
already built power plants in Biskra, Djelfa, Hassi Rmel taking notes
and other localities in the South of Algeria. 
*Ls listen then do their work.
*T makes the correction collectively with the Ls.
Task 02:
*T asks Ls to look at the boxes and to consider the shown
Class symbols of consonants and vowels then answer the given
correction questions:
-Objective: know about the possible consonant and vowel
problems facing the Ls.
*Ls answer and discuss.
Task 03:
*T explains that the given transcriptions in the sentences Class
bellow are incorrect and ask them to write the correct ones: interaction
Letter / /.
Beautiful / /.
Task Burned / /
assignment Were / /
Saved / /
Polluted / /
Bird/ /
Washed / /.
Class - Objective: correct the common mistakes of pronouncing
discussion consonants and vowels.
*Ls do their work then report the answers


Level: Second
Unit Three: Waste not Want not
Rubric: Discovering language.
Lesson: working with words.page65
Aim: learning new words in context, learning some strategies for consulting a monolingual dictionary and
study of a dictionary entry.
Activities: tasks 01, 02 and 03.
Stages Time Teacher’s and learners activities Classroom strategies Remarks
Task 01:
Task *T gets the Ls read the sentences:
assignment -the conservation of positive human resources Show the wanted
begins with health improvement, in which vast aspect in context
progress has been made since 1900.
However, medical services and various types
of equipment for the lame or the blind could
Class be made more widely available if public
correction money were appropriated to cover the coasts.
And asks them to look up the underlined
words in a dictionary. Class interaction
-Objective: vocabulary building.
Class *Ls do their work then report their answers.
discussion Task 02: Ls – T interaction
* T asks Ls to mention briefly the steps they
followed in performing the previous task.
*Ls explain their strategies.
*T explains the correct strategies for
checking difficult vocabulary:
1- You resort a dictionary just if you can’t
guess the meaning of the word from context.
2- To realise that you need to identify the
category of the word, whether they have any
synonyms, antonyms, or paraphrases.
3-if not, you need to check a monolingual
dictionary, you open it on the page of the first
letter of the wanted word.
-Objective: learning the strategies to
understanding ambiguous words.
Task 03:
*T asks Ls to read the given dictionary entry
and to put the keys in the right boxes:
A-pronunciation B-part of
C- figurative language D- example
E- transitive/ intransitive verb
F- something G- somebody
H- proverb I- uncountable
J- idiom K- American
L- colloquial English M- adjective
N-adverb O- complex word
-Objective: study of a dictionary entry.
* Ls do their work.
*T checks the given answers and makes the

Level: Second
Unit Three: Waste not Want not
Rubric: Developing skills.
Lesson: Listening and speaking
Aim: listening for specific information, describing a process, organising ideas, making an oral and written
presentation of a product.
Activities: tasks 01, 02, 03 and 04.
Stages Time Teacher’s and learners activities Classroom Remarks
* T asks Ls to open their books on page 66 and look at the
Warming picture, gets them speak about the process of Activate the
up photosynthesis and to mention what they know. prior knowledge
*Ls present their ideas.
-Objective: enhance Ls to listen to the lecture. Class
* T asks Ls to fill in the blanks in sentences(A-E) interaction
Using the correct form of the given verbs.
*Ls do their work.
Task 02:
*T asks Ls to take notes, check their previous answers
Task while he presents his lecture.
assignment *Ls listen and take notes.
* T makes the correction. Then ask them to describe the Listening
process of photosynthesis. attentively
*Ls do their work.
*T asks Ls to report their answers.
Class - Objective: listen for specific information.
correction Describe a process.
Task 03: Ls – T
*T asks Ls to note the pronunciation of must be, can’t be interaction
and shouldn’t be while he reads the text again and to cross
Task out the transcriptions:
assignment - must be
- can’t be
-shouldn’t Listening and
-Objective: correct pronunciation of must, can’t noting
shouldn’t in passive.
Class * Ls report their answers.
discussion Task 04:
*T interacts with Ls about the process of respiration in
Task plants at night.
assignment *Ls use their knowledge in botany to describe this process Class
Class in class. interaction
correction -Objective: make an oral description of a process.
 Your turn:
*T asks Ls to turn the given sentences into the passive Brainstorming
Task then to read them aloud with correct pronunciation of the Activating prior
assignment modals: knowledge
- expected answers: Class
A- Animals in danger of extinction mustn’t be hunt. discussion
B- Recyclable objects shouldn’t be thrown.
C-Desertification should be stopped.
D-Pollution can be divided into four types.
E- Alternative energies may be grouped in five categories:
wind, solar, biomass and hydro-electric. Reasoning and
Class F- Human resources must be protected. speaking
correction -Objective: pronunciation of modals in the passive form.
 Write it up:
*T goes through the tip box with Ls to explain that when
T making a speech, giving a lecture, a report or a detailed
presentatio explanation we use a number of link words to organize our
n ideas and to make it easy for the listener to follow what we
say. Some of these discourse markers are:
*To begin/ start with…
* First(ly), second(ly), the first/ second reason why…
* Next, then, another reason why… Listening
* Furthermore, moreover, in addition, besides… attentively
* Lastly/finally/ to conclude…
*in short/ in conclusion…
* Ls listen.
- Objective: learning some strategies for ideas’
Task organization.
Assignment * T interacts with Ls about the shown picture.
* T explains the task to be performed: write a presentation
Class of the solar home in the picture using the given notes.
correction -Objective: making a written presentation of a product.
*Ls do their work then report their answers.

Level: Second
Unit Three: Waste not Want not
Rubric: Developing skills.
Lesson: Reading and writing
Aim: reading for general information, reading for specific information, , organising paragraphs and
Activities: tasks 01, 02, 03, 04 and 05.
Stages Time Teacher’s and learners activities Classroom Remarks
* T asks Ls to look at the pictures shown on page 69 and to Correct
Warming choose the best choice. Guessing task01
up * Ls do their work through
-Objective: introduce the theme of the text. task02
-Task 02: Silent reading
Task *T asks Ls to read the text silently and check their answers. Check previous
assignment - Objective: reading for general information. guesses
*Ls do their work Class
class *T checks the given answers and makes the correction interaction
correction 1- The ear in picture A is assaulted by noise.
2- The ear in picture B is wearing a hearing aid.
3- The topic of the magazine article will be about noise Class
Task pollution. discussion
assignment Task 03:
*T asks Ls to read the text again and answer the given
questions: Class
Expected answers: discussion
In the text: -a noun which means ‘the condition of
someone who easily made angry’ is irritability.
Class -a verb which means ‘is confirmed’ is ‘is borne out’. Reading and
correction - an adjective which ‘is related to the brain/ mind is note taking
Task * Ls report their answers.
assignment -Objective:read for specific information.
Task 4:
Class *T asks Ls to choose the best title for the article: class discussion
correction -Objective:check Ls understanding of the article.
- Expected answer: ‘Another Kind of Pollution’
Task Task 05:
assignment *T gets the Ls read the tip box and explains the types of
sentences and their functions in building paragraphs:
Then asks them to provide example of each type from the top- down
previous text: processing
-possible answers:
Topic sentences which focus on the general/ main idea of
the paragraph as a whole: For a long time, noise has been
known to cause sleeplessness and irritability, and now
other studies are linking it to a wide range of mental an
physical disturbances.
Class + supporting sentences which give details to support/
correction develop the general idea: in Los Angeles, researchers have
found that people living in the airport have…
+ transitional sentences which provides a smooth
transition from one idea to another: in the opinion of
many hearing specialists, time is running out.
+ sentences supporting a new idea: the number of mental
diseases will be multiplied by two or three…
+concluding sentences which logically concludes the ideas
discussed in the paragraph: this health alert against…
- Objective:paragraph organization
 write it out:
T asks Ls to write the verbs between brackets into the
correct form of the passive:
Expected answers:
a- are created , are grazed , trampled …6
b- are denuded….9
c- are introduced, are nudged….7
d- is caused, are provoked….5
e- are dissipated, is eroded….8
f- Was made….1
g- Are threatened…..4
h- Be stopped, will be transformed…..10
i- Were built….3
j- Were established….2
Task 02:
*T explains that the previous sentences are not in the right
order and ask them to re-order them into a coherent
newspaper article about desertification
* Ls do their work
- Objective: reporting using strategies for organising


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