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Maximum Marks: 60 Time: 3 Hours

General Instructions:
Section A: It consists of 12 Multiple choice questions (MCQs) and all of them are to be answered.
Section B: It consists of 12 short answer questions of which 08 are to be answered.
Section C: It comprises 06 descriptive answer questions of which 04 questions are to be answered.

Section ‘A’ (Compulsory) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Marks: 12

(i) Attempt ALL the questions of this section.
(ii) Do not copy down the part questions. Write only the answer against the proper number of the
question and its part according to the question paper.
(iii) Each question carries ONE mark.

1 Choose the correct answer for each from the given question:

i. It is considered the fourth state of matter.

(a) energy (c) plasma
(b) wave (d) quanta
ii. Molecular formula = __________
(a) Empirical formula (c) n(Empirical formula)
(b) (Empirical formula)n (d) (Empirical formula)n
iii. If the proton number is 19, electron configuration will be.
(a) 2, 8, 9 (c) 2, 8, 8, 1
(b) 2, 8, 1 (d) 2, 8, 3
iv. Name the material of screen used in Rutherford atomic model:
(a) Aluminium foil (c) Zinc sulphide
(b) Sodium sulphide (d) Aluminium sulphide

KHS/KS4–M/Y9–M TI–II/MAR/23–24/SATS [Turn over]


v. Chlorine has :
(a) Two isotopes (c) Three isotopes
(b) Three isotopes (d) No isotopes
vi. He proposed a modern periodic law
(a) Dobereniner (c) Mendeleev
(b) Newland (d) Moseley
vii. Because of these electronic configuration of noble gases are:
(a) Stable and active (c) Unstable and active
(b) Stable and not active (d) unstable and not active
viii. The gases are highly compressible due to:
(a) The size and mass of the (c) Large spaces between their
particles molecules
(b) Molecular mass (d) Density of gases
ix. Which solution contains more water:
(a) 1.0M (c) 0.5M
(b) 0.75M (d) 0.25M
x. Which of the following is not an electrolyte?
(a) Benzene (c) Both a and b
(b) Glucose (d) None of them
xi. Elements of group IA are called:
(a) Alkali metals (c) Transition metals
(b) Alkaline earth metals (d) Rare metals
xii. Chlorine can be displaced by :
(a) F (c) I
(b) Br (d) At

Section ‘B’ Short Answer Questions

Marks: 24

Note: Attempt any EIGHT (08) questions from this section. All questions carry equal marks.

2 Name and define any three branches of chemistry.

3 Write the differences between Compound and mixture.
4 Write three postulates of rutherford's atomic model?
5 What is ionization energy? Define its trends in group and period in the periodic table.
6 What are mettaloids ? Write two diffeences between metals and non- metals..
7 Defne the following.
8 1)Boilig point 2)Melting point 3)Freezing point
9 Write three properties of group IA of the periodic table.
10 Identify the electronic configuration of the following elements.

11 1)
11 Na 2)
12 Mg +2 3)
Cl −

12 Calculate the molarity of the aqueous solution containing 18g of Glucose ( 𝐶6 𝐻12 𝑂6 ) dissolve in
300ml of solution.
13 How many molecules are there in 8 g of 𝐶𝑂2 .
14 Balance the chemical equation.
Al + O2 → Al2O3
Mg + HCl → MgCl2 + H2
Zn + HCl → ZnCl2 + H2

Section ‘C’ Descriptive Answer Questions

Marks: 24

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Note: Attempt any FOUR (04) questions from this section. All questions carry (06) marks.

15 14 : Define ionic bond? Discuss the formation of sodium chloride (NaCl).

16 Q16: Define charle's law of gases and explain the mathematical representation of it.

17 Q17: Compare the characteristics of Solution, Colloid and Suspension.

18 Q18: Describe how to prepare dilute solution from concentrated solution?

Q19: What is electrolytic cell? Explain it with diagram or what is electroplating? Describe the

electroplating of zinc.


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