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Forces and Machines – Final Exam
Multiple Choice. After reading the question, circle the correct answer. (1 mark each)
1. When bicycle brake pads squeeze a bike tire to stop it, it is which force in action?
a. Electrostatic
b. Friction
c. Muscular
d. Spring

2. When two equal forces are applied on an object in opposite directions, the net force is?
a. Strong
b. Unbalanced
c. Weak
d. Balanced

3. What is an example of a class 2 lever?

a. Hammer
b. Wheelbarrow
c. Shovel
d. Scissors

4. What is an example of a Class 3 lever?

a. Hammer
b. Wheelbarrow
c. Shovel
d. Scissors

5. What are the three types of pulleys?

a. Fixed, moveable, compound.
b. Fixed, moveable, complex.
c. Structured, flowing, compound.
d. Structured, fixed, compound.

6. Why are the blades of a windmill shaped like a tear drop?

a. It provides the most wind resistance and encourages drag.
b. It provides the least wind resistance and encourages lift.
c. It enhances gravity.
d. It injures less birds.
7. Read the term in the left box and provide the definition in the right box. (1 mark each)
Term Definition



Spring Force


Short Answer
8. Explain the difference between a balanced and unbalanced force. (2 marks)

9. How does gravity work and how does it relate to our weight? (2 marks)
10. Which axe is a wood splitting axe, and which is used to cut down trees. Explain.
(4 marks)

11. Label the different parts of a screw. (4 marks)

12. If you were weak, would you rather have a longer or shorter pitch? Explain. (2 marks)

13. Calculate the mechanical advantage and output force of a lever. (10 marks)
Effort Arm Load Arm Mechanical Input Force Output Force
Length Length Advantage
50 cm 10cm 100 N
4m 1m 200 N
6m 2m 600N
12m 2 350 N
5cm 4 600 N

Long Answer
14. When you are using a catapult, what type of force is being applied in order for you to
propel the object into the air? Explain the process. (3 marks)
Use the picture below to answer question 15.

15. What simple machines can you find on the construction sight? Explain which simple
machine it is and where it is. (6 marks).
a. ________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________________________________
e. ________________________________________________________________________
f. ________________________________________________________________________

Total Marks /43

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