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9th Grade
Practice Worksheet
‘Used to’ and Connectors

Name: _______________________________________ Date: _____________, 2023

Objective: To describe past habits using the expression ‘used to’.

To express purpose or reason behind an action.

Used to

Activity I – Choose the best answer for each sentence.

200 hundred years ago...

1- … people used to / didn’t use to make their own clothes.

2- … people used to / didn’t use to have smartphones.
3- … people used to / didn’t use to read a lot of books.
4- … people used to / didn’t use to watch TV.
5- … people used to / didn’t use to drive cars.
6- … people used to / didn’t use to walk everywhere

Activity II – Decide if the sentences below are correct or incorrect.

1- When I was a child, my hair used to be much blonder than now.

Correct / Incorrect

2- I never used to go to football. I hate it. I can’t understand why people like it.
Correct / Incorrect

3- I used to like his music before he went all hip-hop. But now … !
Correct / Incorrect

4- We used to visit my grandmother every weekend. I love listening to her stories.

Correct / Incorrect

5- 'Didn't you use to wear glasses?' 'Yes, but I had an operation on my eyes.'
Correct / Incorrect

6- I used to walk to school. I don't like using public transport and my mum doesn't have a car
Correct / Incorrect
Activity III – Complete the sentences using ‘used to’ and a verb from the box below.

Do – sit – play – speak – smoke – buy – have (x2)

1. He lived in Brazil until he was seven. He _______________ Portuguese, but he's forgotten a lot
of it now.
2. We _______________ smartphones, or even internet in our houses. To go online you had to go
to an internet café or library or something.
3. She _______________ but she's given up now. She's really healthy these days.
4. We _______________ together when we were children, but I don't see them much anymore.
5. You used to live on the same road as me! _______________ sweets in that shop on the corner?
6. She _______________ any sport at all, but now she's in the basketball team and she loves it.
7. We always _______________ on the bridge with our legs hanging down and throw sticks into the
8. I didn't recognize him because of his new beard. He _______________ a beard! He looks
completely different now.

Activity IV – Have you changed in the last five years? Write answers to these questions.

1. Where did you use to spend your vacation five years ago? Where do you go now?
I used to…_____________________________________________________

2. What kind of music did you use to like then? Who were your favorite singers? What kind of music
do you like now?

3. What kind of clothes did you use to wear? What kind of clothes do you wear now?


Activity I – Choose the best connector for each sentence.

1- The robbers wore masks to/ so that hide their faces.

2- We did what the robbers said so that / in order to we wouldn’t get hurt.
3- The witness went to the police station in order to/ so that help the police.
4- The artist asked us questions to / so that he could draw the suspect.
5- The policeman studied the crime scene in order to / so that understand what happened.
6- The guard in the shop usually looks in people’s bags so that / to make sure they haven’t been
Activity II – Decide if the sentences below are correct or incorrect. Re-write the incorrect ones.

1- Vicky locked the door so that nobody could bother her.


2- My brothers bought a bottle of champagne in order to they could celebrate their raise.

3- Her cat eats a special type of food to prevent renal diseases.


4- Liza is cooking lasagna in order to surprise her daughter with his favorite dish.

5- I didn’t go to bed so late to I could get up early next day.


Activity III – Complete the sentences using your own ideas and the connector between brackets (..)

1- He opened the window. He wanted to let fresh air in. (in order to)
He opened the window ________________________________________________

2- I took my camera because I wanted to take some photos. (so that)

I took my camera _________________________________________

3- He studied really hard. He wanted to get better marks. (in order to)
He studied really hard___________________________________

4- Jason learns Chinese. His aim is to work in China. (to)

Jason learns Chinese____________________________________

5- Linda turned on the lights. She wanted to see better. (so that)
Linda turned on the lights __________________________________________

6- She attends to a course. She wants to learn chess. (to)

She attends to a course ___________________________________________
Activity IV – Look at the pictures and answer the questions using ‘in order to’, ‘so that’ or ‘to’.

1- Why is he drinking water?


2- Why is she putting on some makeup?


3- Why is Cathy sleeping so late?


4- Why is Matt wearing sunglasses?


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