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Hello, my name is Ellie Sullivan. I am here to tell you why I am fully in support of S.

1113 To
amend the Public Health Service Act to establish direct care registered nurse-to-patient staffing
ratio requirements in hospitals, and for other purposes. This bill is so important to the lives of
patients and nurses across the United States. Without safe patient to nurse staffing ratios
hospitals and health care facilities are experiencing increasing nurse burn out rates and patient
safety events. So many patients have died or experienced poor quality of care due to nurses being
stretched so thin. When you are admitted into a hospital you should feel confident and
comfortable with the care, you're receiving but the reality is that’s not the case anymore. There
has been statistical data to prove that these staffing ratios have increased infection rates,
mortality, and safety events. S. 1113 is the cure to these issues and will help save many lives and
complications from occurring.

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