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Global Post-Reflection

This practicum and simulation experience opened my eyes to many vulnerable populations in our

community. I wasn’t sure what to expect at the beginning of this semester but overall am very

happy with how it turned out. I observed the most selfless people at Belmont Church work

together to feed over hundreds of families every week. It was truly special to be a part of it.

During the simulations we had to participate in I noticed that it is not easy to try to grocery shop

on a fixed amount or to flip a school into a disaster shelter. At the beginning of this course, I

caught myself having bias towards the vulnerable populations we were working with. It honestly

took me until the end of this course to get past that. It is not easy to be in these situations of

poverty or even natural disasters, but people are truly doing the best they can. After the

simulation experience my values changed for the better. The poverty simulation was truly eye

opening to the populations of people who struggle day in and day out to meet the basic needs of

life. I saw that trying to buy groceries for a family with a fixed income is challenging. When you

think you maximized your budget you are left with items that would be boring to eat or not be

healthy. It made me realize how important it is for places like Belmont Church food bank to

remain open as that could help people supplement what they can afford and even sometimes be

all they have for the week. After completing the disaster preparedness simulation, I realized how

not easy it is to be prepared for a natural disaster to take place. Even the most fortunate of people

during an event like that can become without nothing. Having places to shelter these people

during a time of need like that is insanely important. Overall, I learned that the need for these

vulnerable populations is great. Whether it is food, clothing, or shelter. The most important thing

these vulnerable populations need, that I learned over this course, is kindness. As a future

registered nurse, who will be working with these vulnerable populations, I will take that being
kind to the people is important. Showing them kindness and grace during an incredibly tough

time in their lives is what they need the most. They don’t need the bias that I experienced in the

beginning as they are doing the best, they can with the limited resources they have.

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