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Journal of Space Safety Engineering 10 (2023) 66–69

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An estimate of expected economic losses from satellite collisions with

orbital debris ✩
Nodir Adilov a,∗, Vitali Braun b, Peter Alexander c, Brendan Cunningham d
Purdue University Fort Wayne, 2101 E. Coliseum Blvd., Fort Wayne, IN 46805, United States
IMS Space Consultancy at European Space Agency, Germany
Federal Communications Commission, United States
Eastern Connecticut State University, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We estimate the expected annual cost of satellite collisions with orbital debris and find that the expected
Received 23 July 2022 annual loss for all orbits was $86-103 million in 2020. Nearly all expected losses, $79-102 million, were
Received in revised form 22 December 2022
in LEO, and these losses represent approximately 0.16% of the value of operational satellites in that orbit.
Accepted 16 January 2023
Over 70% of losses occurred in the 60 0-90 0 km orbital band. Commercial satellites’ share of expected
Available online 28 January 2023
losses is approximately one-third of expected total losses. These findings may have implications for policy,
Keywords: in particular relating to the market for active debris removal.
Orbital debris © 2023 International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All
Collision losses
rights reserved.
Economics of space

Introduction ket for debris removal. It also provides a valuable benchmark for
policymakers, researchers, and satellite operators.
Orbital debris is hazardous to satellites in orbital space, as Other studies that explore the economics of orbital debris an-
collisions with debris can destroy satellites or render them non- alyze the impact of various debris mitigation and reduction pol-
operational. Studies suggest that a continuous increase in the icy options, including taxes, orbital use fees, and debris removal
quantity of non-functioning human-made objects in space may [9,12–15]. These studies rely on behavioral assumptions regarding
generate a Kessler effect, which may make some orbits unusable space actors in their analysis. Because this paper does not focus on
[1,2]. Despite a common interest among space-faring nations to comparing the effectiveness of various policy options, it does not
limit pollution of Earth’s orbits and the adoption of voluntary de- make behavioral assumptions in its analysis. Instead, it measures
bris mitigation guidelines [3,4], the number of debris objects is in- expected costs based on physico-economic conditions in Earth’s or-
creasing [5,6]. Theoretical research on the economics of orbital de- bits. The unique feature of the paper’s approach is that it calculates
bris suggests that in the absence of a proper incentive structure, expected annual losses using the replacement value of satellites,
self-interested firms will generate more debris than socially opti- which is more closely related to costs faced by commercial satel-
mal due to the free-rider problem, as firms only consider the costs lite operators.
of orbital debris on their own satellites [7–11]. The direct cost of
orbital debris for satellite operators is the cost due to collisions of Data and methodology
their satellites with debris.
We measure the annual cost imposed on satellite owners in The data on active satellites are from the Union of Concerned
terms of expected loss of satellites from collisions with debris. The Scientists, for the 2020 calendar year [16]. We cross-referenced
analysis is useful because it allows us to better understand the these data with the Database and Information System Character-
economic pressures orbital debris imposes on satellite operators, ising Objects in Space (DISCOS), and obtained cross-sectional area
and provides information on potential demand regarding the mar- information on the objects. The collision probabilities are obtained
from the Meteoroid and Space Debris Terrestrial Environment Ref-
erence (MASTER) model. For operational satellites missing some

The ideas expressed in this article are those of the authors and expressly not information needed for the analysis, we imputed the missing val-
those of the European Space Agency, the Federal Communications Commission, or ues.1 We did not include the International Space Station in our cal-
the United States Government.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (N. Adilov). In our dataset, about 5% of the satellites were missing some information.
2468-8967/© 2023 International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Adilov, V. Braun, P. Alexander et al. Journal of Space Safety Engineering 10 (2023) 66–69

Table 1 Table 2
The total value of all satellites in 2020. The expected value of annual satellite losses.

Type of Total value of satellites (millions of USD) Type of Expected value of annual losses (millions of USD)
orbit N (1) (2) orbit (1) (2)

LEO 2777 50,684 54,264 - 65,116 LEO 78.62 84.81 - 101.77

MEO 141 8,820 - 10,584 MEO 0.02 - 0.03
GEO 571 113,379 - 136,055 GEO 0.88 - 1.05
Elliptical 59 5,155 - 6,186 Elliptical 0.26 - 0.31
All 3369 181,618 - 217,942 All 85.97 - 103.16

culations because our methodology applies only to individual satel- above Earth’s surface, which generates close to 72% of expected
lites. losses from collisions with orbital debris in LEO. Expected losses
For a given orbital type K, we calculate the expected annual loss peak at the altitude between 600 to 700 km.
(EL) from collisions as: Figure 2 shows the percent of expected losses attributable to

ELK = wi pi vi (1) collisions between orbital debris and commercial satellites by alti-
tude.4 The total value of expected losses to commercial satellites is
between $28-33 million, representing approximately one-third of
where pi is the annual collision probability of satellite i with ob-
total expected losses for all orbits. MEO, which contains global po-
jects 1 cm or larger in diameter, vi is the replacement value of
sitioning satellites, has the highest share (94%) of potential losses
satellite i,2 and wi is the fraction of the year satellite i was in or-
to commercial satellites. The commercial sector’s shares of losses
bit in the year 2020.3 To calculate the value of a satellite, we use
are about 73% for GEO and 32% for LEO.
the approximation formula presented in Kunstadter [17], which de-
Approximately 71% of LEO satellites are commercial. Note that,
scribes the insured value of satellites:
despite a higher percentage of commercial-use satellites, commer-
vi = 52, 253m0i .9843 (2) cial satellites represent a smaller fraction of potential losses in LEO.
One possible explanation for this finding is that commercial satel-
In (2), mi is the mass (in kilograms) of satellite i. We use the
lites are typically smaller in mass than non-commercial satellites.
approximation given by Eq. (2) because satellite-specific produc-
For example, the data reported in [20] shows that the annual av-
tion and launch costs are proprietary and unavailable to the pub-
erage mass of commercial LEO satellites launched between 2016-
lic. Importantly, Eq. (2) is based on actual data of insured satellites,
2020 varied from 153.2 to 205.4 kilograms, while the annual aver-
which [18] clarifies includes the cost of manufacturing the satellite,
age mass of non-commercial LEO satellites launched in the same
the launch cost, and the capitalized interest cost. This is essentially
period varied from 457.5 to 687.5 kilograms.
the cost a satellite operator would incur to replace a lost satel-
lite. According to [17], the calculations using (2) are accurate for
satellites in LEO, but not for other orbits. Therefore, Eq. (2) is used Discussion and policy implications
only for calculations involving LEO satellites. We refer to these es-
timates as model 1 estimates. In addition, we perform the cal- We estimate the expected economic cost of collisions of satel-
culations using the approximation presented by Daehnick et al. lites with orbital debris, where satellites are valued at replacement
[19] and refer to it as model 2 estimates. In our analysis, we em- cost. The analysis reveals that the expected annual loss is currently
ploy both methods to calculate the expected annual loss to satellite between $86-103 million, which represents approximately 0.05% of
operators. As shown in the next section the calculations based on the estimated value of operational satellites ($182-$218 billion) in
Daehnick et al. [19] yield slightly higher satellite value estimates 2020. The expected losses are significantly higher in LEO (which
(for LEO) than those based on the formula derived in Kunstadter has the highest quantity of tracked space debris) with losses rang-
[17]. ing between $79-102 million annually, representing approximately
0.16% of the replacement value of satellites in LEO. In fact, over
Results 70% of expected economic losses are concentrated in the 600 to
900 km orbital band. The share of losses for commercial satellites
The estimated values of satellites in LEO, MEO, GEO, and ellipti- is approximately one-third of total expected losses.
cal orbits are presented in Table 1. Column (1) represents the val- These findings may have policy implications. For example, while
ues calculated based on [17], and (2) represents the values based a collision with orbital debris is a concern for satellite operators,
on [19]. As noted in [19], the per kilogram cost of satellites is be- our estimates imply that other risks, such as launch failure, may
tween $50,0 0 0 and $60,0 0 0. These values represent the combined generate higher expected losses. Historically, launch failure rates
value of all satellites (commercial and non-commercial) in a given fluctuate around 5% [21], while the estimates presented here imply
orbit. As can be seen in the table, the total value of satellites in all the expected annual losses due to collisions with debris are below
orbits range from $182 billion to $218 billion. GEO has the highest 0.2% of the aggregate value of all satellites in LEO. Thus, individual
total value of the satellites – between $113 billion and $136 billion. satellite operators have relatively weak incentives to mitigate or
The total value of satellites in LEO ranges from $51 billion to $65 remove orbital debris. This is consistent with the findings of theo-
billion. retical economic models that predict higher levels of orbital debris
Table 2 yields the estimated expected losses to satellite opera- generation by an unregulated market compared to what is socially
tors due to collisions with orbital debris. The highest expected loss optimal [7–11]. Importantly, continued accumulation of debris will
occurs in LEO due to the higher debris flux, where the estimated have a cumulative effect on the orbital environment and signifi-
value of expected losses is between $79 million to $102 million. cantly reduce the economic value of certain orbits. Thus, a policy
Figure 1 graphs expected losses by orbital bands in LEO. The intervention or coordinated action by space-faring nations will be
highest expected losses are at altitudes between 600 to 900 km necessary to mitigate the problem [6].

2 4
Values in 2020 US dollars. Satellites with a dual purpose (commercial and non-commercial) are classified
v = 1 for satellites that were operational for the whole year. as commercial satellites.

N. Adilov, V. Braun, P. Alexander et al. Journal of Space Safety Engineering 10 (2023) 66–69

Fig. 1. Expected satellite losses due to collision by altitude.

Fig. 2. Commercial sector’s share of expected losses.

The European Space Agency contends that active debris removal and debris monitoring was $803 million in 2020, where roughly
is the only viable option for reducing the number of extant large a quarter of the market share consisted of debris removal. Given
objects in LEO, and the global impact of removing a particular de- the total value of expected losses for only commercial satellites is
bris object should be taken into account when selecting objects for between $28-33 million annually, the demand for debris removal
removal [22,23]. Our estimates facilitate a comparison of expected from the commercial sector alone will not be sufficient to sus-
annual satellite losses to current expenditures on active debris re- tain current investments in debris removal technologies. We note
moval. Based on [24], the total global market for debris removal in this regard that the European Space Agency purchased a con-

N. Adilov, V. Braun, P. Alexander et al. Journal of Space Safety Engineering 10 (2023) 66–69

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