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Archives of DOI: 10.5152/TurkArchPediatr.2024.23250

Neonatal Seizures in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Review of

the Literature and Recommendations for the Management
Sarah Spenard , Carlos Ivan Salazar Cerda
1 2
, Mehmet N. Cizmeci 1 T.ME/NEONATOLOGY

Division of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics, The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada

Division of Neurology, Department of Pediatrics, The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada


Neonatal seizures are a common cause of neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission and a
significant source of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Over the recent decades, there have
been significant improvements in perinatal and neonatal medicine and elect​roenc​ephal​ograp​
hic monitoring that have enhanced the diagnosis and treatment of neonatal seizures in high-
income countries. However, the management of neonatal seizures remains a major challenge
in low- to middle-income countries, where the availabilityof resources is limited. The purpose of
this article is to present a comprehensive review of the current evidence on the etiology, patho-
physiology, diagnosis, and treatment of neonatal seizures and to offer practical management
recommendations that could be implemented in resource-limited settings.

Keywords: Low- and middle-income countries, neonate, seizure

Neonatal seizures (NS) are defined as seizures presenting in the first 4 weeks after birth in
term neonates or within 44 weeks of corrected gestational age in preterm infants.1 A sei-
zure is the manifestation of excessive synchronous electrical discharge within the neurons
of the central nervous system.2-4 This imbalance is thought to be secondary to an excessive
excitation over an insufficient inhibition and impaired influx–efflux balance of major ions
(i.e., sodium, potassium, and chloride) in the developing brain. Many pathophysiological
mechanisms may explain the occurrence of seizures in newborns, including a failure in the
adenosine triphosphate-dependent sodium–potassium pump to maintain stable neuro-
nal membrane potential and a membrane alteration with increased sodium permeability.
Specific neonatal conditions, such as hypoxic–ischemic injury and hypoglycemia, can also
decrease cellular energy production and lead to the release of excessive extracellular gluta-
mate, an excitatory neurotransmitter.4

Neonatal seizures can be provoked or unprovoked.5 A provoked seizure results from an acute
illness or brain insult caused by a suspected or documented etiology, such as hypoxic–isch-
emic encephalopathy or central nervous system infection. On the other hand, an unprovoked
seizure is not associated with a specific etiology and can meet the diagnosis of epilepsy in
the presence of specific criteria. By definition, epilepsy is diagnosed if any of these condi-
tions are met: (1) at least 2 unprovoked seizures separated by >24 hours, (2) one unprovoked
Corresponding author: seizure and a probability of additional seizures that is similar to the recurrence risk after 2
Mehmet N. Cizmeci
unprovoked seizures (at least 60%), and (3) a diagnosis of an epilepsy syndrome.5,6
 mehme​t.ciz​meci@​sickk​ids.c​a
Received: October 15, 2023
Accepted: October 24, 2023 Status epilepticus is defined as any continuous clinical seizure lasting more than 5 minutes or 2
Publication Date: January 2, 2024 or more discrete seizures without recovery of consciousness between seizures.7 Traditionally,
30 minutes was accepted as the cutoff, but it was later understood that seizures that last for
Content of this journal is licensed
under a Creative Commons more than 5 minutes have a high potential to turn into status and are operationally defined
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0
International License. Cite this article as: Spenard S, Ivan Salazar Cerda C, Cizmeci MN. Neonatal seizures in low and middle-
income countries: Review of the literature and recommendations for the management. Turk Arch Pediatr.

Neonatal Seizures in Resource-Limited Settings Turk Arch Pediatr 2024; 59(1): 13-22

as status epilepticus.8 This definition is difficult to apply to neo- Table 1. Common Etiologies of Neonatal Seizures
nates because NS require elect​roenc​ephal​ograp​hic (EEG) con-
Hypoxia–ischemia Global: Hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy
firmation, and it is difficult to evaluate for interictal return to Focal: Arterial ischemic stroke, cerebral
baseline mental status in infants. Therefore, the term “status sinus venous thrombosis
epilepticus” should be used with caution in neonates.9
Infection Meningitis (bacterial, viral, fungal)
Intracranial Germinal matrix hemor​rhage​–intr​avent​
The immature neonatal brain exists in a state of excitation/inhi- hemorrhage ricul​ar hemorrhage
bition imbalance; its increased excitation facilitates a number Other parenchymal hemorrhages
of activity-dependent developmental processes, such as neuro- Metabolic/genetic Hypoglycemia
genesis and neural circuit development.10 This increased excit- Hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia,
ability makes the neonatal brain more susceptible to seizures. hyponatremia
Hence, seizures happen more commonly in the neonatal period Disorders causing hyperammonemia
than at any other time over the human lifespan. The incidence Acute bilirubin encephalopathy
Nonketotic hyperglycinemia
rate of seizures in term neonates is estimated to be 1-5 per 1000
Pyridoxine-dependent conditions
live births.6,9,11,12 Preterm infants and small​-for-​gesta​tiona​l-age​
Peroxisomal disorders
infants are at increased risk of seizures, with an incidence of
Drug withdrawal Maternal subst​ance/​polys​ubsta​nce abuse
11.1 per 1000 and 13.5 per 1000, respectively.11,13 It is important
during pregnancy
to note that these incidence rates are based on studies done
Brain Focal cortical dysplasia,
in high-income countries (HIC). The incidence of reported NS
malformations hemimegalencephaly, lissencephaly,
in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) is higher, ranging
schizencephaly, polymicrogyria
from 4 per 1000 live births (in Iran)14 to 40 per 1000 live births
(in Kenya and Nigeria).15,16 The high variability in the reported
Tuberous sclerosis
incidence of NS in LMIC can be explained by limited access to
Neonatal-onset Channelopathies
neurocritical monitoring and care resources. Most seizures are
epilepsy Other genetic conditions causing epilepsy
diagnosed clinically and are not based on EEG studies. Some
seizure-like events may be misdiagnosed as seizures, while
subclinical seizures may be missed.17 Furthermore, a higher hemorrhage in neonates living in LMIC could be explained
rate of home deliveries in LMIC may lead to an underestima- by limited access to neuroimaging, especially brain magnetic
tion of NS, as some seizures may go undiagnosed in the early resonance imaging (MRI). The burden of preventable neonatal
neonatal course. Some neonates may also die in the commu- morbidities remains high in LMIC. Perinatal asphyxia is a fre-
nity from complications of seizures before reaching the hospi- quent reason for hospital admission, encompassing 1 out of 6
tal.15 Hence, the incidence of NS in LMIC remains unknown but NICU admissions in resource-limited settings.25 The case fatal-
is likely superior to HIC due to resource limitations and the high ity rate of early-onset group B Streptococcus (GBS) neonatal
prevalence of risk factors for neonatal brain insult. meningoencephalitis is around 10%, ranging from 5% in devel-
oped countries to up to 27% in sub-Saharan Africa.26 Higher
Key Points
rate of NS may also be partly due to the higher rate of consan-
• Neonatal seizures are more frequent in preterm infants. guinity in LMIC countries, which can increase the risk of brain
• The true incidence of NS is unknown in LMIC but likely supe- malformations and neurometabolic disorders that can cause
rior to HIC due to relatively limited access to healthcare NS. Improving antenatal and perinatal care in LMIC could
resources and high prevalence of risk factors for perinatal likely prevent the occurrence of these neonatal morbidities and
brain insult. decrease the associated risk of seizures. Interventions, includ-
ing neonatal resuscitation training of local birth attendants and
ETIOLOGY the provision of basic resuscitation equipment to local health-
care centers, could potentially decrease the burden of peri-
Various etiologies can increase the excitability of the neona-
natal asphyxia.25 Furthermore, improving antenatal maternal
tal brain or cause injury to neurons, which can both increase
serology screening, routine maternal immunization, neonatal
the risk for seizures. Table 1 contains the most common causes
skin care, and most importantly improved breastfeeding rates
of seizures in newborns.4,18-20 The most common etiologies of
are other strategies that could be used to decrease the burden
seizures in late preterm and term infants are hypoxic–isch-
of neonatal bacterial infection in LMIC.27
emic encephalopathy, followed by perinatal arterial ischemic
stroke.1,21,22 On the other hand, intracranial hemorrhage is the Key Points
most common seizure etiology in preterm infants, followed by • Perinatal asphyxia, perinatal infections, hypoglycemia, and
central nervous system infections.10,22 The proportion of uniden-
acute bilirubin encephalopathy are potential causes of NS in
tified etiologies is similar throughout all gestational groups.22
Birth asphyxia, perinatal infection, and hypoglycemia are the • Parental consanguinity, by increasing the likelihood of cere-
most frequently identifiable etiologies of NS in LMIC, based bral malformations and neurometabolic conditions, may
on studies from Pakistan, Kenya, Nigeria, and Iran.15,16,23,24 potentially add to the problem.
Undiagnosed acute bilirubin encephalopathy may add to the • Improving antenatal and perinatal care with standard-
problem in LMIC. The underrepresentation of intracranial ized, cost-effective strategies, such as community-based

Turk Arch Pediatr 2024; 59(1): 13-22 Spenard et al.

education of neonatal resuscitation programs and hygiene settings. The evidence behind clinical characteristics specific
control, could prevent neonatal morbidities associated with to ictal apneas is scarce. However, some clinical clues can be
seizures. helpful to distinguish ictal apneas from nonictal events. First,
apneas are more frequently associated with electrical sei-
CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS zure activity in term compared to preterm neonates.4 Second,
in preterm infants with recurrent apneas that persist despite
According to the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) the introduction of caffeine treatment, an ictal process should
Task Force on NS, the presentation of NS can be divided into be kept in the differential.30 Of note, while tachycardia was
motor, nonmotor, sequential, and unclassified categories.5 thought to be the hallmark of apneic seizures, it should be
Motor seizures can further be classified into automatism, clonic, remembered that bradycardia may also accompany apneic
myoclonic, tonic seizures, and epileptic spasms. Nonmotor sei- seizures in the newborn population.30,31 Neonates with 1 or more
zures can be subdivided into autonomic and behavioral arrest. of these clinical features should be triaged for transfer to ter-
It should be remembered that the most common seizure semi- tiary care facilities to obtain an EEG evaluation.
ology in newborns is EEG-only (electrographic, subclinical)
seizures. Table 2 summarizes the different types of clinical pre- Various atypical neonatal movements can mimic NS, includ-
sentation of seizures. ing jitteriness, benign neonatal sleep myoclonus, and trem-
ors. Some bedside maneuvers can be helpful in distinguishing
Nonmotor seizures can be quite subtle. Neonatologists and seizures from nonictal behaviors. If similar behaviors can be
pediatric neurologists can find it quite challenging to dis- provoked by stimulation of the infant and can be interrupted
tinguish apneas caused by autonomic seizures and apneas by restraining the affected limbs, then they are unlikely to
caused by other neurologic and nonneurologic disorders. be seizures.5 Hyperekplexia is another seizure mimicker that
Most ictal apneas are associated with the limbic/paralimbic should not be missed by healthcare practitioners because its
mesial temporal cortex involvement, and they should be distin- diagnosis is clinical and it can lead to developmental delay.32-
guished from nonictal apneas.28,29 Continuous video-integrated 34
Hyperekplexia is commonly described as an exaggerated
EEG monitoring is required for diagnosing ictal apneas since
startle response to external stimuli. Its hereditary form involves
it measures cortical electrical activity and vital sign variabil- genes that affect glycine neurotransmission and presents in
ity simultaneously, but access to continuous video-integrated the newborn period.34 Neonates with hereditary hyperekplexia
EEG monitoring can be a major challenge in resource-limited exhibit an exaggerated startle response, usually followed by
prolonged stiffening. A useful bedside clinical examination is
to elicit a nonfatigable glabella reflex by tapping on the gla-
Table 2. Semiology of Neonatal Seizures5
bella region or head retraction by tapping repeatedly on the
Type Description trigeminal area of the face.33 Hyperekplexia movements can be
1) Motor aborted by the Vigevano maneuver, which consists of a forced
Automatism Semi-coordinated, repetitive flexion of the head and legs on the trunk.32
movements (e.g., mouthing,
bicycling) Key Points
Clonic Slow rhythmic jerking of a muscle • The clinical presentation of NS can be divided into EEG only,
group motor, nonmotor, sequential, and unclassified.
Epileptic spasm Prominent flexion, extension, or • Ictal apneas should be kept in the differential when apneas
extension–flexion of proximal and are seen in term infants. In preterm infants, ictal apneas
truncal muscles that lasts longer
should be considered if they are refractory to caffeine
than myoclonus
Myoclonic Sudden, quick contraction of
• Seizure mimickers should be high in the differential if they
are provoked by stimulation of the infant and can be inter-
Tonic Prolonged contraction of a group
of muscle rupted by restraining the affected limbs.
Autonomic Altered autonomic function of the
cardiovascular, pupillary, Neonatal seizures have a wide range of presentations, mak-
gastrointestinal, vasomotor, or ing it challenging for medical providers to diagnose a seizure
thermoregulatory system solely based on the clinical assessment. An observational study
Behavior arrest Sudden immobilization during published by Malone et al35 evaluated the accuracy of medical
activity providers in distinguishing true seizures from seizure mimickers
3) Sequential Variety of clinical signs happening caught on video recordings. Only around half of the record-
in a sequence within or between ings were identified correctly, and the interobserver agree-
seizure episodes ment was suboptimal. Furthermore, the majority of NS are
4) Elect​roenc​ephal​ograp​hic Subclinical seizure with subclinical, meaning that they are electrographic only and are
only electrographic-only activity not associated with clinical manifestations.36-38 This holds espe-
5) Unclassified Inability to categorize a seizure cially true for neonates at risk for seizures, such as neonates
due to insufficient information or with hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy, perinatal stroke, or
atypical features central nervous system infections. Murray et al37 showed that

Neonatal Seizures in Resource-Limited Settings Turk Arch Pediatr 2024; 59(1): 13-22

only around a third of electrographic seizures in term infants at with the use of aEEG.47 Although aEEG does not replace cEEG,
risk of seizures had associated clinical manifestations caught they both can be used complementarily, as aEEG can help cli-
on simultaneous video recording, and that only 9% of elec- nicians at the bedside identify neonates who need cEEG.48
trographic seizures had clinical features that were identified
by physicians. A more recent study published by Chen et al38 Different strategies can be used to increase the accessibility of
showed that 80% of electrographic seizures captured on con- EEG studies in LMIC.
tinuous video EEG monitoring in neonates with encephalopathy
1. Improving pediatric EEG training curriculum: As access to
did not have a clinical correlate. Therefore, in order to avoid
electrophysiology equipment is becoming more readily
the risk of over- or undertreating seizures, EEG monitoring has
available in LMIC, access to neurologists and neurophysi-
now become the standard of care for diagnosing seizures in
ologists skilled in reading pediatric EEG remains scarce.
More training needs to be provided to nonspecialist clini-
The ILAE Task Force on NS defines a seizure as “an electro- cians in order to improve access to safe and accurate EEG
graphic event with a pattern characterized by sudden, repeti- interpretation in LMIC.49 Some learning initiatives have
tive, evolving stereotyped waveforms with a beginning and already been launched in LMIC to improve pediatric EEG
end.” The group does not specify a duration in their most training. For instance, the Global Organization of Health
recent definition. They rather explain that the event “has to be Education50 offers face-to-face teaching and online teach-
sufficient to demonstrate evolution in frequency and morphol- ing resources in sub-Saharan African countries, such as
ogy of the discharges and needs to be long enough to allow Ethiopia and Nigeria. Although more research is needed
recognition of onset, evolution, and resolution of an abnor- to evaluate existing curricula, pioneering initiatives have
mal discharge.”5 The omission of a specific duration contrasts already set the foundations for dual online and in-person
with the previous definition published in 2013 by the American learning programs in pediatric EEG for nonspecialist clini-
Clinical Neurophysiology Society critical care monitoring com- cians. Access to training modules, in addition to individual
mittee,39 which included that a seizure needs to be at least tutoring and ongoing support to maintain skills, seems to
be the best approach to enable basic EEG interpretation
10 seconds long.
skills in LMIC.51
Premature neonates are at higher risk of developing seizures 2. Increasing use of digital technologies: The rapid growth of
than their term counterparts. Although the definition of sei- digital technology in medicine can also facilitate remote EEG
zures does not vary based on the degree of prematurity, ges- specialist review and reporting. The ongoing Prevention
tational age does affect the electrographic background of of Epilepsy by Reducing Neonatal Encephalopathy52 trial
EEG.40 A multichannel, continuous EEG (cEEG) is the method of aims to implement a care bundle to reduce birth injury-
choice to monitor seizures in premature infants because pre- related epilepsy at 18 months of age in India. To improve
term infants have shorter seizures and can have a background the accessibility to EEG interpretation, video EEG will be
that is challenging to differentiate from true ictal activity.41 uploaded onto a secure cloud-based server for central
Given that access to a cEEG is challenging in resource-limited reporting, while aEEG will be locally read in real time to
settings, certain risk factors that can increase the likelihood of assist clinical decision-making.53 Smartphones can also
seizures in preterm infants can be used to prioritize the infants be used to facilitate remote EEG reading. Williams et al54
for further EEG assessments. These risk factors include a lower evaluated the use of a smartphone EEG and remote online
gestational age with low Apgar scores at birth, higher Clinical interpretation for children with epilepsy in the Republic of
Risk Index for Babies Score II, evidence of hemorrhagic or Guinea. The Smartphone Brain Scanner-2 allowed for EEG
ischemic brain injury, or major cerebral malformations on cra- data acquisition, filtering, artifact removal, and recording.
nial ultrasound scans.41,42 Monitoring preterm infants at high Data obtained from the application was then converted on
risk for seizures for a maximum of 24 hours is sufficient and a secure web-based platform, and EEGs were read by HIC
cost-effective.40,42,43 board-certified neurologists. The use of this platform was
found to have moderate sensitivity and high specificity for
While cEEG remains the gold standard for seizure detection in the detection of epileptiform abnormalities in children in
neonates, it remains a resource-intensive and costly investiga- low-income countries.
tion tool with limited accessibility across the globe, especially 3. Improving access to telemedicine: Telemedicine could also
in LMIC.44-46 Amplitude-integrated EEG (aEEG) is a reliable be helpful in providing real-time access to neurologists
alternative to screen for seizures. Amplitude-integrated EEG is and neurophysiologists to facilitate the interpretation of
a simplified EEG that uses a montage of 2-4 electrodes, which EEG studies. A prospective, multicenter, and observational
captures the activity of the cortex close to each electrode, study is currently ongoing in Brazil to evaluate the impact
resulting in a raw EEG recording. It also compresses and rec- of an advanced telemedicine model of neonatal neurocrit-
tifies the EEG tracing over time to provide a rough overview ical care on clinical outcomes.55
of the brain background activity and its evolution over time.
Amplitude-integrated EEG can also give prognostic informa- The use of EEG in the NICU may also be hindered by the lack
tion based on the evolution of the background findings and of trained personnel who can perform EEG recordings. One
the emergence of sleep–wake cycling. However, it should be potential solution to this problem is to train NICU nurses to
remembered that aEEG has major limitations compared to attach the EEG electrodes to newborns, which can save time
cEEG. Seizures with low amplitude or brief duration or seizures and reduce errors. This can potentially optimize the use of
occurring remotely from the aEEG leads can be easily missed EEG in the NICU by increasing the availability of EEG data,

Turk Arch Pediatr 2024; 59(1): 13-22 Spenard et al.

facilitating timely diagnosis and treatment of NS, and improv- used as an initial neuroimaging modality to assess for intra-
ing the outcome of affected infants. ventricular hemorrhage, parenchymal hemorrhage, and
posthemorrhagic ventricular dilatation.60 However, ultraso-
Key Points nography is not a substitute for brain MRI and is less sensitive
• The gold standard for seizure detection is electrographic in detecting ischemic injury. Brain MRI can be particularly
monitoring with cEEG ideally with video monitoring. useful in diagnosing hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy,
• Amplitude-integrated EEG that uses a reduced number of neonatal arterial ischemic stroke, central nervous system
electrodes is the second-best alternative to cEEG, which infections, cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, some meta-
can be more readily available in resource-limited settings. bolic disorders, and cerebral malformations.21 Hence, every
However, it should be remembered that the sensitivity of neonate with seizures of unknown etiology should undergo
aEEG in seizure recognition is limited compared to cEEG. a brain MRI if available. Further investigations can be done
• Amplitude-integrated EEG monitoring can also provide prog- when seizures are recurrent and resist first-line treatment or
nostic information in infants with neonatal encephalopathy. when their underlying etiology remains unknown. Metabolic
testing for organic acidemias, urea cycle defects and fatty
• Different strategies can be used to improve access to EEG
oxidation defects, screening for intrauterine infections,
evaluation in LMIC, including developing a pediatric EEG
genetic testing, and pathological assessment of the placenta
training curriculum and optimizing the use of digital tech-
can be considered based on available resources.1 A pediat-
nologies and telemedicine in neonatal units.
ric neurologist should be involved early in the management
CLASSIFICATION whenever possible.

The ILAE Task Force on NS published a diagnostic framework TREATMENT

to guide clinicians in the classification of seizures.5 According
to this framework, neonates who present with abnormal move- Despite earlier recommendations stating that antiepileptic
ments require electrographic recording to confirm seizures, treatment should be initiated once reaching a cumulative
and those with an electrographic component can then be clas- electrographic seizure burden of at least 30 seconds/hour,
sified as electro-clinical or electrographic only based on the seizures should ideally be treated as soon as possible to pre-
presence or absence of a clinical component. A recent study vent further injury.61 However, in resource-limited settings
published by Yozawitz et al56 showed that this classification without access to EEG monitoring, clinicians may need to rely
system can be used by all health-care providers to identify a on their clinical assessment. The levels of diagnostic certainty
predominant seizure type. There was also an average accu- published by the Brighton Collaboration Neonatal Seizures
racy of 85% across the 5 seizure types. Elect​roenc​ephal​ograp​ Working Group can guide clinicians in their decision to start
hic studies are central to this classification system as today the antiepileptic treatment (Table 3).62 When the suspected event
most common semiology of NS is electrographic only. The ILAE has a focal clonic or focal tonic presentation, with or with-
task force excluded “clinical-only seizures” from their classifi- out associated ictal EEG corroboration, administration of an
cation system, as studies have shown that most clinical-only anti-seizure medication (ASM) is recommended. Treatment
events do not truly have an epileptic origin.37,57 Furthermore, may be considered but is not necessarily indicated when the
a distinction between focal and generalized seizures was not suspected abnormal movement is not associated with focal
included in the neonatal classification because all seizures in clonic or focal tonic movements and when EEG evaluation is
the neonatal period have a focal onset.5 unavailable. Further confirmatory testing should also be con-
sidered. The timing of ASM administration may also be criti-
Key Points cal, as treating a seizure within the first hour of its onset may
• Health-care providers across the globe should use the diag- lower the seizure burden over the next 24 hours.63 It is recom-
nostic framework from the ILAE Task Force on NS to classify mended to continue electrographic monitoring for 24 hours
seizures in the neonatal period. after the last ASM dose to watch for uncoupling. Uncoupling
refers to the conversion of electroclinical seizures into electro-
• Transferring neonates from resource-limited settings to
graphic-only seizures after the administration of ASM.64
higher-level units where they can be monitored with EEG
modalities is crucial to optimizing the treatment of NS. The ILAE Task Force on NS recently published treatment
guidelines that include the following consensus-based
Initial steps
The first step in NS management is to assess and secure the 1. Phenobarbital remains the first-line treatment for NS
airway, breathing, and circulation of the patient and to inter- regardless of the etiology unless seizures occur in the con-
vene promptly if necessary. Identifying and managing the text of a family history of channelopathy, in which case a
underlying cause of a seizure is crucial for achieving adequate sodium channel blocker such as phenytoin or carbamaze-
seizure control.1,17,58 One important point is to remember that pine should be administered.
the treatment should not be deferred while waiting for prelimi- 2. Phenytoin, levetiracetam, midazolam, or lidocaine remain
nary and further testing. appropriate second-line ASMs among neonates with sei-
zures that are not responding to phenobarbital.
Access to neuroimaging, especially brain MRI, is far from 3. Levetiracetam may be the preferred second-line agent in
being universal in LMIC.44,59 Cranial ultrasonography can be neonates with cardiac disorders.

Neonatal Seizures in Resource-Limited Settings Turk Arch Pediatr 2024; 59(1): 13-22

Table 3. Levels of Diagnostic Certainty Adapted from the Brighton Collaboration

Level Clinical Findings Elect​roenc​ephal​ograp​hic Findings Management
1: Definite seizure Present or absent Ictal activity on cEEG Treat
2a: Probable seizure Present or absent Ictal activity on aEEG Treat
2b: Probable seizure Focal tonic or focal clonic movements EEG not available Treat
3: Possible seizure Clinical event suggestive of a seizure, with motor or EEG not available Treatment can
nonmotor manifestations other than focal tonic or be considered
clonic movements
4: Suspected seizure Reported event suggestive of seizure, without sufficient evidence to meet criteria Do not treat
5: Not a seizure Reported event suggestive of seizure No ictal activity on simultaneous Do not treat
cEEG or aEEG
aEEG, amplitude-integrated elect​roenc​ephal​ograp​hy; cEEG, continuous elect​roenc​ephal​ograp​hy; EEG, elect​roenc​ephal​ograp​hy.

4. A trial of pyridoxine should be considered in newborns with As noted earlier, access to ASMs can be challenging in LMIC
clinical features of vitamin B6-dependent epilepsy or with due to several factors. In Laos, the national production of
seizures refractory to second-line ASMs. phenobarbital does not match the population’s needs. This
mismatch is caused by delays in the overpriced local produc-
Today, phenobarbital is considered the preferred first-line ASM tion of phenobarbital and the centralization of delivery sites
to treat NS.66 However, until recently, a growing body of stud- in urban centers.75 Traditional beliefs also limit children with
ies suggested that the use of intravenous levetiracetam may seizures from having access to appropriate medical services.
be a promising first-line treatment option for NS compared to Children living with epilepsy tend to be isolated from villages
phenobarbital.67-71 A study from Egypt showed that levetirace- and referred to traditional care or religious sacrifices. These
tam can be an effective and safe option as a first-line ASM misconceptions about epilepsy are also prevalent among Lao
in NS compared to phenobarbital.67 After administering 1 or health-care providers, as 1/3 of physicians treating children
2 doses of levetiracetam or phenobarbital to infants, seizure had never prescribed ASM.76 Similar challenges, including
cessation was achieved in 79% compared to 65%, respectively population misbeliefs regarding epilepsy, financial barriers,
(P = .01). Patients exposed to levetiracetam did not develop and disparities in health infrastructures in remote districts,
adverse effects, compared to patients treated with phenobar- were also present in Madagascar77 and Cambodia.78
bital, who developed hypotension, bradycardia, and respira-
tory depression. Key Points
• Stabilization of airway and breathing and establishing circu-
However, in a recent phase IIb randomized controlled trial, latory support should be prioritized over biochemical, neu-
80% of patients randomly assigned to phenobarbital remained roimaging, and EEG investigations in a neonate presenting
seizure-free for 24 hours, compared with 28% of patients ran- with seizures.
domly assigned to levetiracetam [P < .001; relative risk 0.35
• If the initial bedside testing shows a simple metabolic
(95% CI, 0.22-0.56)]. Of note, more adverse effects were seen
derangement such as hypoglycemia, it should be corrected
in subjects randomly assigned to phenobarbital, but this was
immediately, as prolonged metabolic derangements can
not statistically significant.66 With the current evidence, intra-
further cause brain injury.
venous phenobarbital should be the first-line ASM in neonates
presenting with seizures. Administering phenobarbital prepa- • Neonates with evidence of seizures on cEEG or aEEG should
rations enterally via a nasogastric tube should not be preferred be treated. However, in resource-limited settings, neonates
in settings where intravenous phenobarbital is not accessible. presenting with focal tonic or clonic movements should also
If intravenous phenobarbital is not readily available, then a be treated with ASMs.
trial of benzodiazepine such as lorazepam or midazolam (both • Seizures other than focal clonic and focal tonic types can also
of which have a shorter half-life than phenobarbital) can be be considered for treatment. In these neonates, clinicians use
administered to abort seizures. their best judgment and take into account the underlying risk
factors (such as the presence of birth asphyxia and enceph-
The question of continuing antiepileptic medications after dis- alopathy) and clinical presentation (such as rhythmic move-
charge from the hospital remained a subject of controversy ments continuing despite suppression attempts).
for decades. However, several animal studies showed that
• Intravenous phenobarbital should be the first-line ASM to
antiepileptic medications can be neurotoxic to the developing
treat NS. Administering phenobarbital preparations enter-
brain.72-74 A recent study from Glass et al. also showed that the
ally via a nasogastric tube should not be preferred in LMICs
neurodevelopmental outcomes and epilepsy risk at 24 months
where intravenous phenobarbital is not accessible. In these
were similar among children whose ASM was discontinued or
maintained at hospital discharge after the resolution of acute cases, a readily available intravenous alternative (such as
symptomatic NS. Hence, the updated ILAE Task Force on NS lorazepam or midazolam) should be administered.
recommends discontinuation of ASM before discharge home in • Maintenance ASMs should be discontinued in infants pre-
neonates hospitalized for acute-provoked seizures who do not senting with an acute-provoked seizure, regardless of the
have a diagnosis of neonatal epilepsy. This recommendation neuroimaging findings. These infants require close monitor-
holds true regardless of neuroimaging or EEG findings.65 ing by a pediatric neurologist in the outpatient clinics.

Turk Arch Pediatr 2024; 59(1): 13-22 Spenard et al.

OUTCOMES In recent decades, there have been significant improvements in

perinatal and neonatal medicine and EEG monitoring that have
Compelling evidence suggests that NS significantly increase enhanced the diagnosis and treatment of NS in HIC. However,
the risk of cognitive and motor delays and neurodevelopmental the management of NS remains a major challenge in LMICs,
impairment in multiple developmental domains.79-82 Neonatal where the availability and accessibility of resources are limited.
seizures also increase the risk of childhood epilepsy, especially Several initiatives have been launched to provide optimal neu-
in neonates with extensive perinatal brain injury to their deep rological investigations and neuroprotective care to neonates
gray matter and cortical regions.83,84 The underlying etiology living in LMIC. However, more efforts are needed to close the
of NS remains an important modulator of neurodevelopmental gap and ensure that all neonates with seizures receive the best
prognosis. possible care.53,97,98 We hope that this review article will provide
clinicians with practical and evidence-based considerations
It remains unclear whether seizures are an epiphenomenon for the diagnosis and treatment of NS and stimulate further
of brain injury versus an independent effect modifier further research in this field.
contributing to brain damage.85 Different mechanisms have
been raised to explain how seizures can cause brain injury.
Greater seizure burden has been associated with smaller brain
volumes on term-equivalent age MRI in preterm infants less Peer-review: Externally peer-reviewed.
than 30 weeks’ gestation.86 A rise in cerebral blood velocity may
Author Contributions: Concept – M.N.C., S.S.; Design – M.N.C., S.S.;
also lead to increased intracranial pressure and, consequently,
Supervision – M.N.C.; Resources – S.S., C.I.S.C.; Materials – S.S., M.N.C.;
bleeding from the fragile germinal matrix.87 Another theory Literature Search – S.S., C.I.S.C, M.N.C.; Writing – S.S.; Critical Review –
suggests that the increased cerebral metabolic demand dur- C.I.S.C., M.N.C.
ing an ictal episode88 may “steal” glucose and oxygen supply
from other brain regions, especially in neonates with previous Declaration of Interests: The authors have no conflict of interest to
brain insults.89 declare.
Longer duration of seizures may also worsen outcomes, Funding: This study received no funding. Mehmet N. Cizmeci received
support from Dr. Karen Pape Program in Neuroplasticity for neonatal
especially in neonates with perinatal brain injury.90-92 Pisani
neurodevelopmental research.
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