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I 1wc1+ible mat,ice1

f R it, o siua"I' .-;~ of arclet 111, a-nd if -Hiett ex.1st;& a11o#tl~

s-iu.•~ 'ftMltYix of ,the .S411le tf(des ,n, such .ftiot A8::8A : t , -Hte-n
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co.tied i'ftt,Ytible tnot't'i.a; a:nl 8 i) o.lled i11vtY,e , m,#Tit of A· lf. it, denate.J
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U1"1iiu.e11t)S of l'flV°tt.fC. -
if it e.xi.sf.g, 11, uniiut.•
l'flY 'Tc e. of t1 siu•~ 111aHiX ,

of o-rJeT n.
Le+ A -:. [! ~~ Q s1u.«-re md hit .

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fl> TOU).5 cmd -Hin~ du..e it> c. 1 7 °"' a mo.n-,x /tin~ cf which aTe diu.
t:rt t'rm~dlO A} . o l("'"S' wluch on /lno,.m d) e l e ~ o~euhons

(I) f""le'Mffl+al'j r,>c.u oJ>e---n 01' -

l•) Th~ ;.-.m c,ho:nr 6f ,... •ncf ~... • oou I) dnokd bJ F,. I-+~_,
{It) ~ 'l'flui¾i►licofi•"fl o-f ,fh lb(.) ba " nll"IO~ ~;to '~ dellOttll bl I!,. ➔ ~~,.
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(~) ~ ,,,...di•"r -f i.~ a"fld 3-,,, t.o111mri ,~ 4e~ b~ c;_ ..,cJ°
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(C) n, ad,u+;ori of ~ ,tr-, of- -ti-I. J.fft (.o/UJl'I,., to ~ ,_-ffl (o)urrrn 1"' dtno~ bf
C;_ --+ c, -t ~ (j
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Lef p{n) : L f

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piifl,1 pl~ c, f 'IVIIU he t11o.h c.J i.-i du.dl6tl

Lf A: roo_e Si71& J /1,-A,n p,,1\ _ r[foM ~11n9l

L- St'118 ~& L
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