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Chair Press Editors

Tristan Harvey Ruiz Reyes
and Eniola Isola and Yash Dumra

MACMUN Press Daily Delegate
Dear Delegates,

As the third annual MACMUN 2024 begins, the press delegates have been
paying close attention to international relations, documenting important events
along the way. This document consists of all the Press daily delegate’s articles
from the first Session of this conference. These are the hard work of all the press
delegates and as the chair of this great committee, I couldn’t be more proud of
their work so far.

You delegates are lucky to have multiple press editors this year, Ruiz Reyes,
Yash Dumra- and Eniola Isola is both your chair and editor. Eniola is a grade 12
student currently at Archbishop Macdonald. She has participated in many
conferences as a Press Delegate and was a chair volunteer for LOCMUN 2023. Ruiz
Reyes and Yash Dumra are also a part of MAC’s Model United Nations Club who
volunteered this year for MACMUN. As I am delighted to have these editors who
will read over your Daily Delegates and suggest changes before posting these
articles live.

We are so excited to have you all a part of this committee! This is a great
time to make connections and the United Nations has a beautiful way of bringing
people together.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication,

Eniola Isola
Chair; Press

MACMUN Press Daily Delegate

Session One
United Nations On Counter Terrorism (UNCT)

Billy Zheng (Fox News)

America Neglects Terrorism and May be Paying For It

The United States, the most important country in the world, makes a fool of itself by not even
showing up to the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism to mitigate the issue of nuclear
wastes used by terrorists so it is relying on other countries for protection.

As climate change progressively worsens, and as countries seek to gain more energy
independence, nuclear energy has grown in popularity. The world must know how to deal with
the radioactive nuclear waste, which can unfortunately fall into the hands of terrorists.

During the unmoderated caucus, China, Brazil, the United Kingdom, among others
deliberate various solutions. In the long term, they seek to foster international research and the
construction of nuclear recycling waste plants, which Ghana is especially fond of as the wastes
can be used for energy. In the short term, China is willing to send in their own military to protect
nuclear facilities in other countries. Concern still remains on the transporting of wastes regarding
the possibility of hijacking from terrorists.

France, Gabon and Japan disagree with China, Ghana and Mozambique on allowing
Chinese forces to be in other countries and prefer to focus on organized international research.

On the other hand, Russia mentions dumping the waste into the ocean. Given the
potential harm on the marine ecosystem, the idea raises alarms. After some discussion, Russia
has become more open to research and recycling.

What does the United States think? No one knows. The nuclear superpower is giving zero

Regarding the absence, Brazil, along with other delegates, states that the UNCT should
"penalize the United States" since it has extensive resources, military forces and money. The United Arab
Emirates demands that the United States funds the efforts while France even suggests sanctions!

The United States's absence has been viewed as "immature" to China and "avoiding the problem"
to the United Kingdom. Now, other countries are telling the United States how to deal with terrorists

MACMUN Press Daily Delegate
United Nations On Counter Terrorism

Rea Pallay (El Universal)

Addressing How to Mitigate the Loss of Nuclear Waste Linked to Nuclear Activity
Russia: “We should dump nuclear waste into the sea!”

Opening the first session, the delegation of France emphasizes the importance of securing
nuclear waste disposal. The delegation of China agreed, stating it is important that “nuclear
[waste] doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.” The chair points out the absence of the delegation of
the United States of America, suggesting a possible discussion of consequences for delegations
that choose not to partake. Despite the suggestion, the committee did not proceed with this topic.

Starting off, the committee discussed the improvement of security. The delegation of
France suggests the implementation of frameworks to properly dispose of nuclear waste such as
geological disposal. Many delegations were hesitant to speak, resulting in China encouraging
other delegations to discuss their views, “despite the absence of the USA.”

Consequently, the delegation of France questions Russia’s actions to secure nuclear

waste. Without shame, the delegation of Russia proudly states they dispose of nuclear waste by
dumping it into the ocean. Delegates question the environmental effects, but the delegation of
Russia retorts “if you dump it in the remote area, it won’t affect the environment.” The
delegation of the United Kingdom stated that “[the waste will be] environmentally damaging
regardless, affect[ing] everyone.”

Environmental concerns regarding nuclear waste were brought to light. Although

delegations such as China and France suggested frameworks to reduce negative effects on
nuclear waste, the delegation of Russia quickly displayed their distaste for the suggestions. The
delegation of Russia claims that geological disposals are “totally useless.” Not long after, the
delegation of Gabon accused France for asking “smaller countries to implement big plans they
can’t afford.” The delegation of France responds that they are willing to discuss funding, but
another delegation questions the presence of underlying conditions. Although the delegation of
Gabon accused France’s delegate of inaction, they did not participate in the unmoderated caucus.

MACMUN Press Daily Delegate
Security Council

Bella Gonzales (El universal)

Addressing the Topic of Artificial Intelligence

To begin, the UN Security Council (UNSC) commences the morning session with countries
discussing the benefits and risks that artificial intelligence (AI) holds on humanity. The countries break
the ice by voicing their opinions of the threat of safety and the protection that machines offer. The
delegation of the United States states “If a man chose an act of aggression for one day, would you throw
him forever?” when arguing the implications of violence that the development of AI wields.

The delegates continue to take on the malicious use of AI which could potentially lead to death.
The Netherlands counters by saying that if the international community continues to have the best interest
of humans, it is best for AI to be embraced. Addressing the topic of ethicality, the US urges the rest of the
delegates to cooperate together yet does not want to heavily reinforce regulations. In addition, the US,
France, the UK and Luxembourg band together to form a Working Paper that prioritizes the core values
of flexibility, transparency, equity, and accountability. Meanwhile, a second Working Paper is created by
Russia and UAE with the help of Denmark on the transparency of AI in the military.

In a separate development, UNSC proceeds the session with a crisis update from CBC News,
revealing the United States’s creation of a sentient weapons system with the help of AI. However, the US
quickly dismissed the claims, calling it “fake news”, because it is too early in the expansion of AI
technology. Later, a second crisis update from X claims that China and UAE are lying about the usage of
compturial intelligence. Both countries deny the claim.

In conclusion, UNSC carries on debate about threats and misinformation that AI possesses on
social media.


Michael Peralta (El Universal)

MACMUN Press Daily Delegate
From Science Fiction to Science Fact: UN Summit Addresses
Development of Transhuman Soldiers
“Enhancement is inevitable … humanity can only benefit from the use and development of
super soldiers” - Russia delegates in response to the notion of possibly banning super soldier

"Super soldiers are a major threat on the battlefield and within our own countries. They have
free will and they will use them how they wish to - which has the potential to become a major
threat" - Switzerland, above.

In this morning's session of MUN, the delegates of the DISEC committee discussed the
issue of genetically and cybernetically modified soldiers and their place in both society and war.
The initial conversation revolved around the ethical and practical considerations of enhancing
soldiers through genetic and cybernetic modifications. Nations such as Switzerland strongly and
passionately oppose the idea, while nations such as South Korea, UK, Israel, and China support
it, albeit with varying degrees of regulation. Concerns include the rights and treatment of
enhanced soldiers, the potential misuse of technology, and the impact on global security.
Nations such as Russia and Sweden emphasize the ethical dimension, with Sweden particularly
vocal about the need to prioritize the humanity of soldiers, stating “just because these soldiers
are modified, does not mean they are less human. They will still have PTSD and the like and
should be treated accordingly and with dignity - if not more.”

MACMUN Press Daily Delegate

Sweden as quoted above.

That branch of discussion concluded with a seemingly unanimous agreement among delegates
towards the notion that humans are humans and deserve to be treated as such; modified or not.

Discussions also touched upon and moved to regulations, research, and the implications
for warfare and civilian life. Tensions then began to climb, especially between Russia and
Sweden, due to their differing perspectives on the issue. As the session continued, nations such
as thePhilippines and Thailand proposed ideas for possible regulation and treatment of these
genetically modified soldiers, as tension between Switzerland and Russia generated as Russia
made the claim that “humanity can only benefit from the use and development of super
soldiers”. Talks then shifted to regulations and possible criteria for who should be eligible for
testing of these genetic and cybernetic enhancements: from Japan advocating for animal
testing, Sweden for only fully autonomous adults, to Italy strongly rejecting the idea of embryos
being used - citing EU articles that denounce it.

MACMUN Press Daily Delegate

Secretary General delivering news of crisis to DISEC

As morning talks came to a close, the Secretary General delivered news of a crisis that
reached the committee, in which military sites of any and all nations, all across the globe, have
been attacked by unknown assailants. After the devastating attacks, the assailants left one
message: “We are Merryweather, We are the protectors of the human race. Cease all use of
genetic and cybernetic augmentation of soldiers. Bow to our demands or else.” With this
development, the delegation was adjourned and set to readjourn in the afternoon with
previously discussed topics put on temporary hold.

MACMUN Press Daily Delegate
World Health Organization (WHO)

Viranjanie Shambhu Dayal (Fox News)

Addressing the Issue of Substandard and Falsified Medical Products
Debate has begun on the floor of the World Health Organization this morning as
countries have come together to address the pressing issue of the falsification and substantization
of medical products. Countries such as Canada and the United Kingdom have harped on global
cooperation on being a major player for resolving this issue.

A focal point of discussion revolved around the countries of origin for these fraudulent
medications, particularly major players like India and China. Israel pointedly noted China's
unusual silence on the matter, prompting further scrutiny.

In a bid to combat this threat, the US proposed that countries where such products are
manufactured compensate all affected nations, a proposition met with widespread approval.
Israel echoed these sentiments, emphasizing the importance of accountability in addressing this
issue. Canada also highlighted the economic well-being of individuals within this questionable
industry, raising important considerations.

Amidst deliberations, attention shifted midway to the Yuhr-Neighme virus. Despite

concerns surrounding its origins, the US has demonstrated high levels of cooperation and
transparency. Many nations rallied behind the call for international collaboration to combat the
virus, with the US taking a leading role. Russia echoed this sentiment, stating, "This virus
transcends borders and necessitates a united global effort."

Proposed solutions included stricter quarantine measures, exemplified by France and the
US closing their international borders. These proactive steps signify a collective commitment to
tackling emerging health threats and fostering international solidarity in the face of challenges .

MACMUN Press Daily Delegate
Historic Security Council

Arriane Buensalida (Fox News)

More Land, More Problems: The League of Nations on Invasion of Manchuria
Belgium: “We cannot afford a war with the current economic decline.”
Japan: “Everyone here is scared.”

Source: Adobe Stock

1931 April 13 to 1933 April 13 revealed to be an unlucky time for the League of Nations.
Tension and anger echo the walls amidst discussions over Japan’s detrimental invasion of
Manchuria. The League paused Japan’s plans to liberate East Asia and expand on its own territory.
This is on shared ideological bases that this incursion is a forceful military threat, specifically to
human rights.

Many prominent speakers include Belgium, China and Brazil who strongly condemn Japan’s
actions as an overstep of territorial boundaries and the rights of citizens in the city. On the other
end, Japan and Italy have been seen discussing Japan’s rights over the land. And, though a visiting
state, the United States has posed compelling points on promoting peace alongside other nations like
the UK, even going so far as to discuss with Japan and Italy about how to settle the issue. It should
also be noted that Italy sides with Japan to an extent, however they seem to enter other directives.
This discussion also revealed the imminent possibility of another world war, which causes the

MACMUN Press Daily Delegate
Delegation of Belgium to raise awareness of economic struggle around the world. Belgium has also
expressed their concerns, raising the question “Have we learned nothing?” However, France has
later warned the League that the politics following this debate will reach a “point of no return” due
to what they perceive as “unnecessary disputes” deriving from Japan’s incursion.

The morning’s debate included numerous unmoderated caucuses pertaining to topics such as
the implications of Chinese nationalists, directive, and direct (even unfiltered) negotiations between
the Delegations of Japan and China. Japan’s aggressive defense of its choice to invade West China
has caused a unanimous retaliation from delegations from Europe and the West as a whole. Brazil
and Belgium played a huge hand in discrediting Japan’s reasons to incur on Manchuria. Both
delegations have called out Japan’s use of comparing and contrasting its occupation to the USA’s
occupation of Panama, declaring them as “not the same.”

While these discussions are prevalent, the overall goal of achieving world peace is the
League’s major concern. Japan has stated that the League of Nations acts on hypocrisy, however the
League has been said to be a “new chapter” in the period following the Great War. This “new
chapter” succeeded in forcing Japan’s nationalist efforts to a screeching halt, as Japan now amended
their occupation of Manchuria to allow only the Chinese working class to re-inhabit the land.


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