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Exposition English

On November 16, 2020 in the early morning in the archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and
Santa Catalina there was a hurricane, was very devastating (devasteirin)

A day before there wasn’t risk to the islands, but, when approaching (aprochin) the archipelago
step from category 2 to category 5.

The effects weren’t the same in the three islands:

San Andres has a population of about 100,000 (one hundred-thousand) inhabitants (injabitants),
received (reciv) the impacts of Hurricane Iota more strongly in the south of the island. The road
called “circunvalar” was destroyed (destroid), many palm trees and fallen trees, some damaged
houses and others completely (complitmen) destroyed

The situation was more difficult in the Islands of Providencia and Santa Catalina

The Hurricane Iota left more than 6000 (six thousand) displacement (displaement) inhabitants
(injabitants), four people dead and 98% of infrastructure (infrastrocion) destroyed (destroid)

Unlike San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina ended up completely (complitmen) devastated
(devasteired) and its inhabitants (injabitants) were adrift (a la deriva)

The authority of nationals and locals made a presence in the archipelago and thousands of
donations were received.

In San Andrés the reconstruction and the removal of rubble (rubul) was done in the week after the
passage (pashis) of the hurricane, but in Providencia and Santa Catalina for the damages (damayis)
the reconstruction process was longer

But until last year in December, 97% of the repair of homes was going, currently (curronly) San
Andrés, Providence and Santa Catalina is recovering (ricovering) and looks like this

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