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Rubric Formative Assessment Lesson 7

Talk about Fortinbras as a character: Is he a hero or a villain?


Needs Improvement
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) (1)
Understanding of Deep understanding Good understanding with Basic understanding Little to no
Fortinbras' with good analysis. some analysis. with limited analysis. understanding.
Use of Examples Multiple detailed Several relevant Limited examples No relevant examples
from the Play examples supporting examples supporting with little support. provided.
arguments. arguments.
Application of Advanced vocabulary Effective use of Attempts to use Little to no attempt to
Vocabulary used accurately. vocabulary with minor vocabulary with some use vocabulary.
(Hero/Villain) inaccuracies. errors.
Coherence and Clear, logical Mostly coherent with Lacks coherence,
Organization presentation. some lapses in clarity. making it difficult to Disorganized or
follow. incoherent presentation.
Persuasiveness of
Argument Convincing case with Strong case with some Presents arguments Fails to make a
compelling reasons gaps in reasoning or but lacks depth or full convincing case with
supported by evidence. evidence. persuasion. coherent reasoning.
Final Grade = (Total Points Earned : 20) x 10

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