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ADI: ...................................... ............................................
2023-2024 EĞİTİM-ÖĞRETİM YILI ............................................
SOYADI: ..............................
SINIFI: ................NO: ..........

Sınav süresi 40 dakikadır.

1. Read the dialogue and answer the questions. (20 pts)
Psychologist: Good afternoon, Mark. How are you feeling today?
Mark: Hi. I've been feeling really overwhelmed lately.
Psychologist: I'm sorry to hear that. What's been causing you to feel overwhelmed?
Mark: Well, I have a lot of assignments and exams coming up, and I feel like I can't keep up with everything.
Psychologist: It sounds like you're under a lot of pressure. Have you been able to talk to anyone about how you're
Mark: Not really. I don't want to bother anyone with my problems.
Psychologist: Mark, it's important to reach out for support when you're struggling. Talking about your feelings can
help lighten the load. Let's work together to find some strategies to manage your stress.
Mark: Okay, that sounds good. Thank you.
a. What is Mark feeling overwhelmed about?

b. Why does Mark hesitate to talk to anyone about his problems?

c. What does the psychologist suggest to Mark to help manage his stress?

d. How does Mark respond to the psychologist's suggestion?

2. Imagine you have a canvas in front of you, but instead of paintbrushes, you have a collection of emotions.
Today, we'll be creating a mood mosaic using words! Choose one of the following prompts to inspire your
writing: (20 pts)
1. Musical Muse: Pick a song that resonates with your current mood. It could be a song that makes you feel happy,
sad, energetic, or anything in between. Write a short story or poem inspired by the song's lyrics, melody, or overall
2. Painterly Palette: Think about a painting you have seen before. Describe the scene in the painting and let it
influence the mood of your writing. Is the painting peaceful or chaotic? Bright and cheerful or dark and mysterious?
3. Photographic Prompt: Think about a photograph that captures a specific mood. This could be a photo you took
yourself, one you found online, or even one from a magazine. Write a story or poem based on the emotions you see
in the photograph.

Content (5) Grammar (5) Vocabulary (5) Mechanics (5) Total (20)

1 Sonraki sayfaya geçiniz.

3. Read the text and answer the questions. (20 pts)
Founded in 2005, Bright Horizons is a non-profit charity organization dedicated to providing education and support
to underprivileged children in rural communities. With a focus on promoting literacy and access to quality education,
Bright Horizons has established numerous schools and learning centers across the country. Through donations and
volunteer efforts, the organization has been able to make a significant impact on the lives of many children, offering
them opportunities for a brighter future.
a. When was Bright Horizons founded?

b. What is the main goal of Bright Horizons?

c. How does Bright Horizons support underprivileged children?

d. How has Bright Horizons made a difference in the lives of children?

e. What methods does Bright Horizons use to achieve its mission?

4. Imagine you are applying for a scholarship from an organization to support your education. Write an applica-
tion letter to the organization, explaining why you deserve the scholarship and how it will help you achieve
your academic and career goals. (20 pts)
Consider the following points to include in your application letter:
• Introduction: Introduce yourself and explain why you are writing the letter.
• Academic Achievements: Highlight your academic achievements, such as grades, test scores, and extracurricular
• Financial Need: Explain any financial need you have and why you require the scholarship to continue your education.
• Career Goals: Discuss your career goals and how receiving the scholarship will help you achieve them.
• Closing: Thank the organization for considering your application and express your gratitude for the opportunity.

Content (5) Grammar (5) Vocabulary (5) Mechanics (5) Total (20)

5. Bus Scare in Local Town
Local News - A school bus carrying 20 children was involved in a minor accident this morning on Elm Street. According
to reports, the bus driver braked suddenly to avoid a dog running across the road. Luckily, no one was seriously injured.
Several children were shaken up by the incident and received checkups by medical personnel at the scene. The parents
of the children were called and informed about the situation. The bus itself sustained minor damage to the front bumper.
Police are investigating the exact cause of the accident and reminding dog owners to keep their pets on leashes near
busy streets.
Imagine you are talking to a friend who hasn't heard about the accident. Briefly retell the news story in your
own words. (20 pts)
• Use your own words as much as possible
• Focus on the most important details of the news story.
• Make sure your friend understands what happened.

Content (5) Grammar (5) Vocabulary (5) Mechanics (5) Total (20)

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