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rg Costing (Operating Costing)

spot in ~.
runnin g five bu ses between Delhi and Tilliar (a Picnic
•n8. Atransport comp
!,,1 ''
any is
pa city of each bus is 50 passengers. The following particulars
ng ca
ittingadistance of 125 kms. The seati
of October, 2015:
·iwned from its books for the month Am ou nt s(~
~of drivers, conductors 70,000
• of office staff 25,000
um of accountant 7,50,000
~~oii etc.
and ~intenance 50'000
!· 1,50,000
. msurance
: tion • 1, 12,500 E h b:us
a.ttd other h • All the bu ses ran for 30 days. ~c
c arges . km if it wants
.ed Passen er8 .
80% of the seatm g ca pa city.hould charge per passenger/
.°'ero~d . earned we re
s .. . .
tiiS fare the co mp an y
~of25% :p per da!. Find out the [B.Com (H.) Delhi u~,v, 2015
the takmg.
- - --A 111 1nP .r-k m per
month. --- ...

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