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The genotype of an organism is the set of its genes. Their phenotype is all of their observable
characteristics and they are influenced by both their genotype and the environment. Therefore,
when we define evolution, we are actually dealing with changes, from generation to generation, in
the genotypes that make up a population. However, since the genotype of an organism generally
influences its phenotype, the phenotypes that make up the population can be expected to change
as well.

Genome and genes. A genome is the set of all the DNA of a cell of a species and the genes it
contains. Strictly speaking, the human genome includes not only the DNA of the nucleus, but also
that of the mitochondria, which, although it has only 16,000 bases, is essential for cellular
function. Genes are segments of DNA capable of being transcribed, i.e., copied, into an RNA
(ribonucleic acid) molecule with the same sequence as the gene. Genes are not juxtaposed along
chromosomes, but are dispersed and separated over great distances by intergenic DNA sequences.
Intergenic regions make up 70% of the genome, while genes account for only 30%. The human
genome is estimated to have about 20,000 genes. These genes encode different types of RNA,
including so-called messenger RNAs, which in turn code for proteins.

The field of quantitative evolutionary genetics is concerned with predicting the evolutionary
properties of a population or species without going into the complexity of the relationship
between genotype and phenotype. Typically, models use only simple parameters of the genetic
architecture of the organisms studied.

The 'Modelling the evolutionary properties of complex genetic architectures' (EVOLGA) project
tested the ability of these models to describe and predict the evolutionary potential of populations
and species. The team proceeded to contrast the model's predictions with empirical data and
models that were more true to reality.
They set out to better understand the influence of genetic interactions (epistasy) and multiple
traits on the evolutionary properties of quantitative traits.

The researchers built and explored several theoretical models with which to test their hypotheses.
In doing so, they showed how genetic interactions lead to complex and far-reaching changes in
genetic architectures and described their possible role in evolution. Experimental data brought to
light that the lack of independence between the characters could slow down and even impede
their evolution.

When alleles from two different individuals (parents) are combined, the result is a new individual
that inherits the characteristics of both (offspring). For example, when one parent is completely
dominant (AA) and the other is totally recessive (aa) and both go through fertilization (a cellular
process in which the genetic material of the male and female gametes combine and produce
different offspring), in the first generation there will be a genotype that contains information from
both parents (Aa).

In the case of the phenotype, its characteristics will be visibly expressed, so if we have two
individuals where the dominant gene is black hair color (AA) and the recessive gene is brown hair
color (aa), it is likely that their offspring in the first generation will inherit the attribute of the
dominant gene (Aa)

Step 2

The study of the relationship between genotype and phenotype is of great importance for genetics
and life science studies in general. In contrast to the traditional view of this relationship as an
invariant set of parameters, the current approach incorporates the concept of genetic
architecture, a realistic and dynamic tool that allows elucidating the genotype-phenotype map,
which is now considered as an evolutionary structure. From the complex relationships between
the elements of the genotype-phenotype map, several emergent properties emerge that can
explain different evolutionary phenomena.

In addition, some of these properties promote the accumulation of genetic variability in natural
populations, which constitutes the substrate of evolutionary processes such as natural selection.
Characterizing and analyzing the genetic architecture of adaptive traits is a powerful tool for
understanding the genetic underpinnings of evolution.


The class of which one is a member is based on the physical qualities observable in an organism,
including its morphology, physiology, and behavior at all levels of description. The Observable
Properties of an Organism

1. The relationship between phenotype and genotype is fundamental and key to the
concept of genetics.

2. Heredity in the field of genetics, its representatives are the genotype and the phenotype
and represent fundamental concepts that explain these characteristics of both.

3. Appreciate and understand the importance of the transmission of genetic material.


TEP 4: Graphical Connections and Reflection

Genotype, phenotype, evolutionary quantitative genetics

The genotype of an organism is the set of its genes. Their phenotype is all of
their observable characteristics and they are influenced by both their genotype
and the environment. Therefore, when we define evolution, we are actually
dealing with changes, from generation to generation, in the genotypes that
make up a population. However, since the genotype of an organism generally
influences its phenotype, the phenotypes that make up the population can be
expected to change as well.

Genome and genes. A genome is the set of all the DNA of a cell of a
species and the genes it contains. Strictly speaking, the human genome
includes not only the DNA of the nucleus, but also that of the mitochondria,
which, although it has only 16,000 bases, is essential for cellular function.
Genes are segments of DNA capable of being transcribed, i.e., copied, into an
RNA ( ribonucleic acid) molecule with the same sequence as the gene. Genes
are not juxtaposed along chromosomes, but are dispersed and separated over
great distances by intergenic DNA sequences. Intergenic regions make up
70% of the genome, while genes account for only 30%. The human genome is
estimated to have about 20,000 genes. These genes encode different types of
RNA, including so-called messenger RNAs, which in turn code for proteins.
The 'Modelling the evolutionary properties of complex genetic architectures'
(EVOLGA) project tested the ability of these models to describe and predict
the evolutionary potential of populations and species. The team proceeded to
contrast the model's predictions with empirical data and models that were
more true to reality. The researchers built and explored several theoretical
models with which to test their hypotheses. In doing so, they showed how
genetic interactions lead to complex and far-reaching changes in genetic
architectures and described their possible role in evolution. Experimental data
brought to light that the lack of independence between the characters could
slow down and even impede their evolution.

The reflection we can draw from this is that genetics is an essential science for understanding the
inheritance of biological traits and, therefore, is fundamental for biology and medicine. By
appreciating and understanding the importance of the transmission of genetic material, we are in
a better position to understand and address a wide variety of issues, from species evolution to
inherited genetic diseases in humans. Genetics play a key role in our understanding of life itself.

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