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Your Roster: Each player brings 10 Characters, 10 Tactics Cards, 3 Secure Crisis
cards, and 3 Extraction Crisis cards.
The Battlefield: 3’x3’. Minimum of 12 terrain pieces. Players agree on the
placement and size of each feature, as well as which features are interactive. No
feature should be within Range 2 of the edge or another feature.


Priority: Roll 5 dice. Most Crits, Wilds, and Hits wins - they get Priority. Ties are
won by most Crits, then most Hits, then most Wilds.
Build the mission: Priority player chooses either their secure or extraction deck,
then shuffles it that deck and chooses one card at random. The other player does
the same, using the deck that wasn’t chosen by the priority player. Once these
cards are chosen, reveal them simultaneously. The player with priority then
selects which card’s Maximum Threat value will be used.
Prepare squads: In secret, each player selects Characters up to the Threat value,
and discards five of their ten tactics cards.
Reveal Forces: Each player reveals their chosen characters and five tactics cards.

Deploy: Starting with the Priority Player, take turns deploying characters.
Characters must be placed within Range 3 of their deployment edge.

Victory Points: If a player reaches 16 VP’s, or eliminates all opposing characters,
they immediately win. Otherwise, the player with the highest VP after 6 rounds
is the winner.
Ties: If players reach 16 VP’s at the same time, then if either player ever has
more VP’s than their opponent, they win. If players are still tied after 6 rounds,
continue play until the tie is broken.

Created by Bamforge Last updated: 19/04/2022
Advancing: Move your Speed Stat or less. The movement tool may overlap
terrain that is the same size or smaller than you, or any terrain you are already in
contact with. Additionally, you may overlap other character’s bases.
Occupying Space: You cannot end a move overlapping a character or partially
overlapping a terrain feature (you can end a move wholly on top of terrain, but
cannot have your base overhanging).
Climbing: When climbing, advance Short. When placing the movement tool for
a climb, the character is considered to be Size 5.
Placing: Measure that range from the character and place it anywhere along the
measurement tool.


Aiming: Position the movement tool in a straight line. The character travels
along the tool, and the throw ends if it overlaps a terrain feature or character.
Otherwise, the thrown object/character moves the full distance of the tool.
(Terrain the thrown object was already overlapping does not interrupt the
Colliding with terrain: If a thrown character collides with terrain, they suffer 1
damage. If the terrain is smaller than the character, remove it from play.
Colliding with characters: If a thrown character collides with another character,
it suffers 1 damage. The character that they’ve collided with makes a dodge roll.
Dodge Roll: Take the size of the thrown character or terrain and add 1 - this is
the incoming damage. Make a Physical Defense roll against this.
Pushing: Follow the same rules as throwing/being thrown, but without collision.
Note: The character doing the throw is ignored for the purpose of collisions.

Alignment: Measure a straight line between the two interacting objects. Create a
90-degree angle with any movement tool. Place this angle behind throwing
character, centering it along the straight line.
Where to measure from: When throwing an object or character, measure the
throw from the character who is being thrown, not from the throwing character.
Size 1: Benches, Small crates, Lamp posts Size 4: Trucks, Market Stands
Size 2: Dumpsters, Cars Size 5: Buildings, Monoliths
Size 3: Kiosks, Billboards, Food Trucks
Attacker: When rolling dice for an 1. Choose an Attack
attack, count all Hit H, Wild W, and 2. Declare a Target
Critical C results as a success. 3. Pay Power Cost
Defender: When defending, count all 4. Create Attack Dice Pool
5. Create Defense Dice Pool
Block b, Wild W, and Critical C 6. Roll Attack Dice
results as a success. 7. Roll Defense Dice
Damage: If there are more successful 8. Resolve Criticals*
attack die than there are defense die, d 9. Modify your own dice
are dealt to the defender equal to the 10. Modify opposing dice
11. Calculate success or failure
12. Resolve effects
Re-rolls: You can not re-roll F results. 13. Apply damage
14. Attack is resolved
SPECIAL ATTACKS 15. Resolve Effects after the Attack
Beam: The ‘B’ before the Range of an
attack indicates a Beam attack. All Note: Critical results that are rolled
from die generated by a critical do not
characters that overlap the range tool generate additional dice.
and are eligible to be targeted are affected.
Area: The ‘A’ before the Range of an attack indicated Area. All characters within
that Range of the attacking character, and are eligible to be targeted, are affected.
Multiple Defenders: When more than one character is hit by an attack, resolve
attacks against each character in the order of the attacking players’ choosing.
Allies: If your attacks hit allied characters, do not resolve attacks against them.
They suffer 1 damage, with no other effects, after all attacks against enemy
characters have been resolved.
Line of Sight: Characters who are not within Line of Sight are not hit by Beam
and Area attacks.

If a character has cover, it may modify one defense die to a Block result. A
Character is granted cover from terrain if it meets all of the following conditions:
• The character is within Range 1 of a terrain feature that is the same size or
larger than that character.
• When measuring a straight line between the attacker and the defender, that
line crosses that same terrain feature.
• The attacker is not within Range 2 of the defender.
Created by Bamforge Last updated: 19/04/2022
Gain Power: All characters gain one power.
Resolve Effects: Resolve all player effects, then all Crisis Card effects.

Priority: Begin with the Player who has Priority. After Round 1, begin with the
player who finished activating first in the previous round.
Alternating Turns: Each player alternates activating one character without an
Activated or Dazed token. They may also play any number of tactics cards. Once
a player declares that a character has finished activating, or that character is
dazed, it gains an Activated token.

Scoring: Both players score Victory Points as listed the two Crisis Cards.
Effects: Resolve Player Effects, then Crisis Card effects.
Dazed Characters: Remove all damage, special conditions, and dazed tokens
from any dazed characters. Flip their Stat Card to the Injured side.
Activations: Remove all Activation tokens.
Rounds: Advance the Round Marker.
Priority: Determine who will have priority in the next turn. This will be the
player who finished activating their characters first.

When a character activates, it may perform any two actions:
Move: Advance or Climb your movement statistic.
Attack: Execute an attack as listed on your Character Stat Card.
Superpower: Execute a Super Power that is marked as an action.
Shake: Remove one Special Condition.
If a special rule or superpower grants an action, it is never counted towards your
two actions.
Characters may also interact with objects during their turn, which costs 1 $.
This is not counted as an action unless otherwise specified.

Created by Bamforge Last updated: 19/04/2022
Bleed: The character suffers 1 damage at the end of each of its activations.
Hex: The character doesn’t roll additional dice for its critical results during
attack, defense, or dodge rolls.
Incinerate: The character removes one die from its defense rolls.
Judgement: The character does not gain power when suffering damage from
enemy attacks. Other enemy effects generate power as normal.
Poison: The character loses 1 Power during the Power Phase.
Root: The character must spend 1 Power before using an Active or Reactive
Shock: The character removes one die from its attack rolls.
Slow: The character can only use the Short movement tool when advancing.
Stagger: When the character activates its first action must be a Shake action.
This Shake action must remove the Stagger special condition.
Stun: If an effect would cause the character to gain more than 1 Power, it gains
only 1 Power instead.

A Active: Can be used at any time during a character’s activation.

R Reactive: Can be used once each time the triggering criteria is met.

Innate: Do not need to be activated and do not cost power. Dazed
characters do not benefit from their Innate Supwerpowers.

Leadership: Can only be activated if more of your characters share the
leader’s affiliation.

Active: May be used at any time during your turn.
Reactive: May be used when the listed trigger condition is met, and only once
per triggering event.
Tactics Cards are discarded after use, unless otherwise specified.

Created by Bamforge Last updated: 19/04/2022
Certain characters have rules that allow them to place Grunts into play. This will
be listed on their character card. A player may only have one Grunt character in
play at any given time.
Deployment: During deployment, Grunts deploy at the same time as their
parent character.
Activation: Grunt characters are not chosen to activate. Instead, if they do not
have an Activated token, Grunt characters activate during their Parent
character’s activation, before the Parent activates. After the Grunt character has
finished activating, the Parent character activates.
Power and Tactics: Grunt characters do not gain power, and cannot have power.
They cannot play Team Tactic Cards, and cannot be chosen as the target of
Allied Team Tactic Cards.
Injury: Grunt characters do not have an injured side. When a Grunt character
would be dazed or would flip it’s Stat Card, it is KO’d instead.
Dazed and KO’d: If a Grunt’s Parent is Dazed, the Grunt character receives an
activation token. If a Grunt’s Parent is KO’d, changes controller, or is removed
from the game, the Grunt is removed from the game. If a Grunt character would
change controllers, it is removed from the game instead.

Whenever the rules say an effect, ability, tactic card, or superpower may be used
‘at any time’, it doesn’t mean literally anytime the player wishes. These abilities
may be used before or after an action is taken or effect is triggered, but can’t
interrupt an action or other effect.

Created by Bamforge Last updated: 19/04/2022

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