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Phone: 081911703195
Makassar, South Sulawesi

Industrial Engineering graduate with interest in Manufacture, Supply Chain

Management, Risk Management, and Quality Control.

A principled person, well-adapted person, hard worker, high curiosity, like a
challenge , and fast worker and learner. Mustafa is a person who always
want to keep learning, he like a problem, because he think in a problem, he
can find a new knowledge and a opportunity to be good than before.

Hasanuddin University, Engineering Faculty, Industrial Engineering
(August 2018 – June 2023)
Besides academic activities, he is also active in several internal campus
organizations such as Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Industri FT – UH, and
Organisasi Kemahasiswaan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Hasanuddin
GPA: 3.37 out of 4.00

Critical Thinking, Team Leadership, Public Speaking, Ms. Word, Ms. Excel,
Little Ms. Project, English (Passive), Bahasa Indonesia (Fluent).

PT Maruki Internasional Indonesia
(October 2022 – November 2022)

• Organize products in the warehouse

• As an assistant machine operator (NC Router and Hot Press Machine)
• Input raw material inventory data
Project Cost Estimation Analysis (Secret Cafe Gowa)
(October 2019 – December 2019)

• Calculate fixed cost and variable cost

• Calculate the cost of production
• Calculate the selling price of the product
Ergonomic Project (Pabrik Tahu Mallengkeri Makassar)
(May 2021 – June 2021)

• Observing work errors at workers

• Analyze the non-ergonomic working position of workers
Integrated Manufacturing Project
(October 2021 – December 2021)

• Processing data using statistical methods

• Designing office desks based on ergonomic principles using Autodesk
Inventor software
PT Ocean Sky Metal Industry (Power Plant Departement IMIP – Crew Boiler)
(March 2024 – Now)
 Carry out inspections of machines related to the boiler
 Record boiler machine operational data

Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Industri FT – UH
• Rapat Kerja, Head of the Committee
(December 2019)

Rapat kerja are activities carried out by Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik

Industri FT – UH that aim to formulate a work program to be carried
out for one period.
✓ Managed all committee divisions
✓ Communicate with steering committee for the concept
✓ Planed, executed, and evaluate
✓ Succed to formulated work program for one period
• Member of Dewan Musyawarah HMTI FT – UH 2021/2022 and
2022/2023 Period
(September 2021 – March 2022 and June 2022 – April 2023)
Dewan Musyawarah HMTI FT – UH is an institution contained in
HMTI FT – UH which was formed based on the trias politica which
aims to be supervisory agency for executive activities at HMTI FT – UH
✓ Compile and establish operational rules
✓ Accommodate and channel the aspirations of HMTI FT – UH
✓ Impose sanctions on HMTI FT – UH members who violate
organizational rules
✓ Supervisie the running of the work programs
Organisasi Kemahasiswaan Fakultas Teknik Universitas Hasanuddin
• Menteri Koordinator Eksternal Senat Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik
Universitas Hasanuddin 2021 – 2022 Period
Menko Eksternal SMFT – UH is a position formed by the general
chairman of SMFT – UH which oversees 4 minister
✓ Managed 4 ministry namely kementrian kajian dan aksi
strategis, kementrian advokasi dan pergerakan, kementrian
komunikasi dan informasi, and kementrian sosial masyarakat
✓ Assist the chairman for the external affairs of the organization
Integrated manufacturing laboratory
• Laboratory Assistant
(August 2022 – December 2022))

✓ Compile and formulate learning module for practitioners

✓ Provide, supervise, and test the practioner’s understanding of
the module material
• As a speaker at “Pendampingan Kader” held by HMTI FT – UH with
theme “dinamika pergerakan kemahasiswaan”
• As a speaker at “Diskusi Mahasiswa Teknik Industri (DIMENSI)” held
by HMTI FT – UH with theme “Apakah Perlu Budaya Organisasi

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