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Albert Einstein was born in Germany and he was a theoretical physicist

widely acknowledged to be one of the greatest in that science of all time. His
story is special because he was not the prodigy child who could read at the age
of two, but quite the opposite. His story is special because he had many
problems during his life. First, his tormented family had to wait he learnt to
speak at a late age. Hopelessness was in parents, they did his best for him
and that´s why they consulted a doctor for getting better his son. The family´s
abandonment didn´t appear as a solution and I think it was the support that
didn´t allow to feel Einstein defeated.

Perhaps his ability to think in unique ways and to develop new scientific
concepts differently came from his early struggles, yearned for go ahead.
When he was an adult he got Nobel Prize winning physicist; created special and
general relativity, major contributor to quantum mechanics, statesman. Einstein
didn´t think that his invent was going to be used in a sordid way, that´s real. He
was not rich neither meager, he was not filled with misery, a terrible poverty
was not in his life because of his job. He never was again the boy who inspired

I think he gave us a lesson of overcoming and perseverance. It is not

easy to be a different person because a desability is inside, the people don´t
accept those kind of problems in anybody and that´s why we can say that our
society is selfish and mercantilist. However, in this particular case his great
intellectual achievements and originality have made the word "Einstein"
synonymous with genius and a great person that can serve as an inspiration for
desability people which believe the dreams are lost for them. These kind of
stories are necessary to know in order to go beyond what the mind initially can

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