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Lesson Plan

Teacher’s Name: Levi Amundson Grade: 10-1/2 Length of Class: 80min (2:05-3:25
Date: April 11th, 2024
Materials: Video,
Set-up Required:
Topic: Industrialization and globalization
Location: PC
Related Issue 2 Should people in Canada respond to the legacies of historical globalization?
General Outcome Students will understand the effects of historical globalization on Indigenous and non-
Indigenous peoples.
Objectives: 2.7 explore the foundations of historical globalization (rise of capitalism, industrialization,
imperialism, Eurocentrism) (TCC, ER, PADM)
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Have a base understanding of how Industrialization relates to globalization
2. Watch the video presented to them in class to be able to understand this
3. Be able to write a detailed response following the rest of the episode

Time and Student Activities: Teacher Activities - Assessment

Lesson Section - (Students will) - (Teacher will)
Intro 2min - Be in deks - Attendance -
(2:05-2:07) chatting - Agenda; Review, new content, video
- Learning goals of the day: Use the video
for our understanding of
Industrialization and how this is
connected with globalization
- Use that information to help write the
Body: 5min - In desks listening - Review of what we remember from the - Formative discussio
2:07- 2:12 for the review video together
- Try to have the students recall -
information and get them to answer my
review questions
- As I go through the review have
students have quick table discussions
and remind each other about
everything we learned last class

Body 15min -In desks learning -Go through the new content explaining -Formative discussion
2:12-2:25 the new content what industrialization is so they can
connect it to the show more
-Play the short video embedded in the
-Try to echo student's responses and
move the questions around the room.
Note: Usually the entire right side does
not say anything and is very hard to get
them to discuss

Body: 40min - At desks taking - Play the start of the video (Around -
2:25- 3:05 notes on video 60min)
- - The video shows lots of new
technology in 1900 within the
household that students can compare
industrialization towards throughout
watching it
- Will get to around 40 minutes in the
- Pause throughout and bring students up
to speed/remind them we are watching
this to learn about globalization in this
- Urbanization, new technologies, trade
and market expansion etc
- Have discussions throughout the video
- Keep trying to get more students' voices
Body 15min -As desks working on -Go over the expectations of the students -Formative exit slip
3:05-3:20 writing response and what they are required to work on
-Answer the question “How does
industrialization contribute to
globalization” use specif examples from
the video we are watching.
- Let the students get started and get
going on the response
-Circulate the room throughout their
working (Watch for the back corner
being off task and guide them back)
-remind students how long they have to
finish it

Conclusion -In desks then -Conclude the class and go over the -Formative discussion
5min putting up chairs learning goals
3:20-3:25 - Were we able to use the video to make
sense of industrialization and
globalization in our written responses?
- Conclude the class and lay the plan
moving forward for Friday.
-Start spraying desks and putting up chairs
after this

What went well + why?

-I was able to remember the content and deliver a good lecture before we started the video. The
agenda was helpful for students to have a context of what we will be learning today. The
introduction was nicely done and helped students understand the learning goals for the day.
This is getting better because of the experience I am having throughout practicum getting
better and more confident of what the goals will be.

What did not go well + why?

-The class was very smooth today. The only thing is telling expectations before telling students
to get out materials. I told them to get out a piece of paper and then started explaining the
expectations for what they needed to do. I caught myself and had to get students to stop getting
their materials and hold off before they do that to explain.

What to do next time + why?

-Next time have students with more table discussions explaining some aspects of globalization.
I did lots of answering my own questions and need to have students engaged more throughout.
Also, before I tell students to get materials out, explain what they need to do first.

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