1.2 Test Your Understanding - Predictive Modeling

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1.2 Test your understanding
Type : Practice Quiz
Questions : 6
Scoring Policy : Highest Score

Your Marks : 5/6



Attempt History
Attempt #1 Marks: 5
Apr 13, 12:52 PM

Q No: 1 Correct Answer

Marks: 1/1
Linear Regression is a guided learning process, i.e., the data needs to come with labels/targets, and then the regression model is trained to
minimize the error.

True You Selected

Linear regression is a Supervised Learning algorithm, and hence requires labels/targets to formulate a minimum error model.

Q No: 2 Correct Answer

Marks: 1/1
Residuals are a way to figure out the deviation of the actual values from the _________ values.

predicted You Selected

square of actual
square of predicted
Residuals are calculated as the difference between the predicted value and actual data points. It helps in quantifying the correctness
of a model.

Q No: 3 Correct Answer

Marks: 1/1
In simple linear regression, the R-squared value is equal to which of the following?
covariance of the data
standard deviation of the independent variable
square of correlation You Selected

Correlation helps us realize the strength of the linear relationship between two variables. And, the R-squared value is calculated by
squaring the coefficient of correlation.

Q No: 4 Correct Answer

Marks: 1/1
Which of the following statements are correct?

A good fit model will have a smaller standard deviation of residuals.

A good fit model will have a larger standard deviation of the residuals.

Only statement 1 is correct You Selected

Only statement 2 is correct

Both the statements are correct
None of the statements are correct
The smaller the residual standard deviation, the closer is the predicted value to actual data.

Q No: 5 Correct Answer

Marks: 1/1
Which of the following is minimized in a linear regression model?

Mean Squared Error You Selected

Mean Absolute Error

The mean absolute error of a model is the mean of the absolute values of the individual prediction errors and is not differentiable at 0.
This makes minimizing it a problem. The mean squared error (MSE) is the mean of the squared values of the individual prediction errors
and is differentiable everywhere. So, it is minimized to find the best-fit hyperplane in linear regression.

Q No: 6 Incorrect Answer

Marks: 0/1
When a linear regression was trained, it was found that its R-squared value was 0.85. Which of the following statements is correct?

The model explains 85% of the variance Correct Option

The model explains 15% of the variance You Selected

The model does not explain any fraction of the variance

The model explains 0.85% of the variance
The R-squared value tells us the proportion of variance of the dependent variable explained by the model. For an R-squared value of k,
100 times k percent of the variance is explained. So, for an R-squared value of 0.85, 85% of the variance is explained by the model.

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