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1.3 Test your understanding
Type : Practice Quiz
Questions : 3
Scoring Policy : Highest Score

Your Marks : 3/3



Attempt History
Attempt #1 Marks: 3
Apr 13, 1:20 PM

Q No: 1 Correct Answer

Marks: 1/1
Simple linear regression has _______ independent feature/features while multiple linear regression has _______ independent features/features.

one, many You Selected

one, one
many, many
many, one
Simple Linear regression is single-variate and hence has just one independent feature. Whereas multiple Linear Regression is used on
multi-variate data samples.

Q No: 2 Correct Answer

Marks: 1/1
The R-squared value ______ with the addition of features, but the adjusted R-squared value might _______ with the addition of features to
generate the best fit line.

remains the same, decrease

remains the same, increases
increases, decrease/increase You Selected

decreases, increases
The R-squared value increases when we add a new feature, but the adjusted R-squared value may increase or decrease based on
whether the addition of features adds value or not.

Q No: 3 Correct Answer

Marks: 1/1
While building a multiple linear regression model, it was found that the addition of a variable decreased the value of the adjusted R-squared.

Which of the following statements is correct?

The new variable should be added in the final model

The new variable should not be added in the final model You Selected

The decrease in adjusted R-squared value signifies that the newly added variable does not add value to the model performance. And
hence should not be included.

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