Miss America Pageant Fitness For Texas

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Miss America Pageant Fitness

Miss Texas Seminar 2021

By: Brian Attebery, B.S. Exercise Science, O.U.
N.F.P.A. Certified
I. Mindset
1) You are an athlete, not a “dieter”
2) Weight is not the key. Symmetry is the key.
3) You should be training with the mindset to go to Nationals
4) Training will condition your body AND mind.
5) Do you understand how BIG this is?
6) Be unique. No regrets.

II. Nutrition
1) 80% of your success
2) Not all foods that are “healthy” are “helpful” when eating too much of them.
3) Are you aware of what kind of “car” you are? Your metabolism.
4) Do you track your food and calories?
5) Never go below 1200 calories per day. Most will be 1200-1500 but some even more. Everyone is different.
6) Carbohydrates are fuel. Do you watch yours? Do you eat too many?
a) Examples: Bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, grains, sugar, fruit
b) Fiber is important: Minimum of 25-35 grams per day. Tons of nutrients but no calories.
Fibrous Veggie Examples: Bell peppers, broccoli, cucumbers, spinach, romaine, asparagus, green beans. Eat all of
these Fibrous carbs you want! (Little to no calories in these foods.)
c) One Can of Soda: 200 calories a day. 73,000 calories per year or 20.8lbs of FAT per year. Bad news.
d) Quantity matters in healthy food as well
7) Protein: Essential to tone and maintain your ENTIRE body. Muscles, organs, skin, hair, and nails require it.
a) Examples: meat, eggs, dairy (but watch the lact”ose” sugar), whey protein
8) *Supplements/vitamins are great but know the quality and remember they are only “supplemental” to a good
nutrition plan
9) Drink LOTS of water.
III. Weight Lifting
1) NOT going to “bulk” you. Only “shape” you and help develop the symmetry you desire.
2) Low enough body fat is the key with the “right” amount of muscle in the right places.
3) Everyone is different. There is no such thing as “spot reducing” fat
4) Understand what kind of “weight lifting” you personally need. Harder is not always better. Better is better
5) Body fat ideal for PAGEANTS on STAGE: 12% based on a Lang Skinfold Caliper BUT…it is not exact for
everyone. It could range from 12-15%. Your actual body weight might not change as much as your body fat %. That is
fine. However, it is all about your “look” not the percentage. Those numbers are generalizations and some methods are
greatly skewed.
6) It takes discipline and sacrifice to make time to do this
(Examples of exercises on video) Thanks Michael!
IV. Cardiovascular/Aerobic Training
1) The word means “with oxygen”. The body requires this to burn fat.
2) Various ways to go about it. Different modes are great to vary it and keep it interesting.
3) Know how much, how often and what kind. Track it so you have a baseline.
4) This is where you “burn” the fat off. NEVER starve it off!
5) Low intensity, long duration cardio AND High intensity, low duration BOTH have benefits.
6) Muscle you built with weights: 1lb of muscle raises your metabolism 24/7 by 50 calories per day. 4 lbs is 200 per
day. That extra muscle WITH the cardio make a great metabolism, boosting combination.
7) Vary your exercise programs. Online programs get a new one every month. Essential to continue to progress and not
get bored.
Contact Info:
Subject: Online Programs
(405) 562-2091 work line (Not cell)
*Discount supplements info available. Direct to you.
Online programs start at $100. They include personalized workouts and nutrition.

Results Fitness and Nutrition Center, L.L.C.

801 Signal Ridge Drive
Edmond, OK 73013

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