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Historical Overview of Pragmatics: The Interface between Pragmatics,

Semantics and Discourse Analysis

Article in Greener Journal of Languages and Literature Research · January 2024


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7 authors, including:

Isaac Nuhu Obins Mary Nimram

Nuhu Bamalli Polytechnic Zaria

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By Umeh, AI; Nuhu, O; Nimram, MD; Lagan, BS; Azi, NJ; Nimram, DN (2024).
Greener Journal of Languages and Literature Research
ISSN: 2384-6402
Vol. 9(1), pp. 1-7, 2024
Copyright ©2024, the copyright of this article is retained by the author(s)

Historical Overview of Pragmatics: The

Interface between Pragmatics, Semantics
and Discourse Analysis

Umeh, Ann Ifeoma1; Nuhu, Obins2; Nimram, Mary

Daniel1*; Lagan, Blessing Saina’an3; Azi, Nuhu
Joseph3; Nimram, Daniel Nanlir 1
Department of English, University of Jos, Nigeria
Department of General Studies, School of Agricultural Technology, Saamaru-Kataf Campus,
Nuhu Bamalli Polythecnic Zaria, Nigeria.
Department of English and Literary Studies, Plateau State University, Bokkos, Nigeria.


This paper highlights the historical overview of pragmatics. Pragmatics is the systematic study of
meaning by virtue or dependent on, the use of language. It is the study of the context-dependent
aspects of meaning which is systematically abstracted away from the construction of logical form.
This study is a review article which discusses the historical development of pragmatics as an aspect of
the study of language including the scope, subject matter or object of study. The paper also
investigates the interface between pragmatics, semantics and discourse analysis.


Keywords: Deixis,
Article No.: 010924003 Accepted: 10/01/2024 *Corresponding Author presupposition, indexicals,
Type: Review Published: 30/01/2024 Dr. Mary D. Nimram speech acts, locutionary.
Full Text: PDF, PHP, HTML, EPUB, E-mail: marynimram@

INTRODUCTION fields like semantics, discourse analysis, among many

According to Huang (2007): ―Pragmatics is the The aim of this research paper, which is a
systematic study of meaning by virtue or dependent review article, is to discuss the historical development
on, the use of language‖ (p.2). Horn & Ward (2008) of pragmatics as an aspect of the study of language
define Pragmatics as the study of the context- including the scope, subject matter or object of study.
dependent aspects of ―meaning‖ which is It also investigates the interface between pragmatics,
systematically abstracted away from the construction semantics and discourse analysis.
of ―logical form‖. The study of pragmatics is an
interesting one. Pragmatics is interrelated to other

Greener Journal of Languages and Literature Research, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 1-7, 2024
2 Umeh et al / Greener Journal of Language and Literature Research

History of Pragmatics 1987. In its Working Document, IPrA proposed to

consider pragmatics as a theory of linguistic
The ‗ancestry‘ of pragmatics traces back to the works adaptation and look into language use from all
of philosophers like Charles Morris, Rudolf Carnap dimensions (Verschueren, 1987). After this,
and Charles Peirce in the 1930s. The pragmatic pragmatics has been conceptualized as to include
interpretation of semiotics and verbal communication micro and macro components (Mey, 1993).
studies in Foundations of the Theory of Signs by Throughout its development, pragmatics has been
Charles Morris (1938). According to Morris, steered by the philosophical practice of pragmatism
pragmatics studies the relations of signs to and evolving to maintain its independence as a
interpreters, while semantics studies the relations of linguistic subfield by keeping to its tract of being
signs to the objects to which the signs are applicable, practical in treating the everyday concerned meaning.
and syntactics studies the formal relations of signs to Remarkably in the 1950s, two conflicting
one another. schools of thought came into existence within the
In the semiotic trichotomy developed by analytic philosophy of language. These are the school
Morris, Carnap, and Peirce in the 1930s, syntax they of ideal language philosophy and the school of
say addresses the formal relations of signs to one ordinary language philosophy. The ideal language
another, semantics the relation of signs to what they philosophy school originated centrally by the
denote, and pragmatics the relation of signs to their philosophers Goltob Frege, Alfred Tarski and
users and interpreters. The trichotomy posits an order Berfrand Russel. This school primarily studies the
of decree of abstractness for the three braches where logical systems of artificial languages. In the 1950s
syntax is the most abstract, pragmatics the least and 1960s, the followers of the school of ideal
abstract and semantics is lying in between. Syntax language philosophy namely Richard Montague,
provides input to semantics, and semantics provides David Donaldson, and David Lewis applied partially
input to pragmatics. its theory and methodology to natural language which
Linguists like Horn & Ward (2008) argue for a led to the development of toony‘s formal semantics.
pragmatics module within the general theory of Contrastively, the school of ordinary language
speaker/hearer competence (or even a pragmatic philosophy lays emphasis on natural language rather
component in the grammar), while others like Sperber than the formal languages studied by logicians. The
& Wilson (1986) argue that just like scientific school of ordinary language philosophy as led by J.L
reasoning—the paradigm case of a non-modular, Austin, H.P Grice, Peter Strawson, John Searle, and
‗horizontal‘ system—pragmatics cannot be a module, Ludwig Wittgen flourished at Oxford in the 1950s and
given the indeterminacy of the predictions it offers and 1960s. The emergence of the theory of speech acts
the global knowledge it invokes. as developed by Austin, and Grices‘ theory of
Huang (p.2) took up Grice (1975) by conversational implicative was within the tradition of
elaborating the sense of pragmatism in his concern of ordinary philosophy. The school of ideal language
conversational meanings, enlightened modern philosophy and the ordinary language philosophy
treatment of meaning by distinguishing two kinds of became the landmarks of the development of a
meaning, natural and non-natural. He suggested that systematic, philosophically inspired pragmatics theory
pragmatics should centre on the more practical of language use.
dimension of meaning, namely the conversational In the late 1960s and early 1970s, a
meaning which was later formulated in a variety of campaign was launched by some of Noam
ways (Levinson, 1983 and Leech, 1983). Chomsky‘s disaffected pupils in genoetire semantics.
Practical concerns has also help to shift These pupils namely Jerry Katz, J.R Ross and
pragmaticians' focus to explaining naturally occurring George Lakoff who challenge their teacher‘s
conversations which resulted in hallmark discoveries treatment of language as an abstract, mental device
of the Cooperative Principle by Grice (1975) and the divorced from the uses and functions of language. A
Politeness Principle by Leech (1983). Subsequently, great deal of important research was done in the
Green (1989) explicitly defines pragmatics as natural 1970s by linguists such as Lawrence Horn, Charles
language understanding, which was echoed by Fillmore, and Gerald Gazdar to bring some order into
Blakemore (1990) in her Understanding Utterances: the content of ‗‘the pragmatic wastebasket‘‘ as
The Pragmatics of Natural Language and Grundy advised by Bar Hillel (1940s). This research
(1995) in his Doing Pragmatics. The impact of emanates from the search (by the pupils) for the
pragmatism has led to cross linguistic international means to undermine Chomsky‘s position. The
studies of language use which resulted in, Sperber generative semanticists who were attracted to the
and Wilson's (1986) relevance theory which philosophical work by Austin namely Grice, Strawson
convincingly explains how people comprehend and and Searle, helped employ what the philosopher
utter a communicative act, among other things. Yehoshun Bar-Hillel called the ‗‘pragmatic
The Anglo-American tradition of pragmatic wastebasket‘‘. Steren Levinson pragmatics which
study has been tremendously expanded and enriched was written in 1983 systematised the field and
with the involvement of researchers mainly from the marked pragmatics as a linguistic discipline in its own
continental countries such as the Netherlands, right. From then, the field has continued to expand
Denmark, Norway and Belgium. A symbol of this and flourished. In the last two decades, we have
development was the establishment of the IPrA (the witnessed new developments such as Lawrence
International Pragmatic Association) in Antwerp in Horn‘s and Stephen Levinson‘s new-Gricean theories,
Umeh et al / Greener Journal of Language and Literature Research 3

Dan Sperber‘s and Deirdre Wilson‘s relevance theory like Charles Fillmore, George Lackoff and Jerrold
and important work by philosophers such as Jay Sadock. The Neo-Grecians are Steren Lavision,
Atlas, Kent Bach, and Francis Recanah. The editors Lawrence Horn and Yan Huang while the relevance
of a more recently published, The Handbook of theorists are Dan Sperba, Deirdre Wilson and Robyn
Pragmatics by Horn and Ward (2004) assert that: Carston.
work in pragmatic theory has extended from the
attempt to rescue the syntax and semantics from their Scope of Pragmatics
own unnecessary complexities to other domains of
linguistic inquiry, ranging from historical linguistics to Different scholars like Mey (2001), Huang (2007),
the lexicon, from language acquisition to Horn & Ward (2008) among others have different
computational linguistics, from international structure views as to the various domains or aspects
to cognitive science. pragmatics covers but there are central topics that cut
Huang (p.4) affirms strongly that ―one thing is across them all which are speech acts, reference,
now certain: the future of pragmatics is bright‘‘. implicature, proposition, deixis and presupposition.
Horn & Ward (2006) are of the view that the domain
Pragmatics School for Thought of pragmatics are: Implicature, Presupposition,
Speech Acts, Reference, Deixis, Definiteness and
Anglo-American and European Continental, are Indefiniteness. According to Huang (p.2): ―the central
according to Huang (2007) the two main schools of topics of inquiry of pragmatics include Implicature,
thought in contemporary pragmatics. In the former Presupposition, Speech acts, and Deixis‖. It is worthy
conception of linguistics and the philosophy of of note that, a regimented account of language use
language, pragmatics is defined as ‗the systematic facilitates a simpler and more elegant description of
study of meaning by virtue of or dependent on language structure. Those areas of context-
language use‘. Its central areas of inquiry are dependent, yet rule-governed aspects of meaning
implicative, presupposition, speech acts and deixis. include: deixis, speech acts, presupposition,
The component view of pragmatics stipulates that reference, information structure, implicature and so
―pragmatics should be treated as a core component of on.
a theory of language, on a par with phonetics,
phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics‘‘ (p.4). Speech Acts
On the contrary, the anthropological linguistics,
applied linguistics, and psycho-linguistics lie outside The Speech act theory was foreshadowed by the
this set of core component. On their part, the Austian philosopher, Ludwig Wittgenstein‘s view
continental traditionists defined pragmatics more about Language-game but is usually attributed to the
broadly which encompasses much that goes under Oxford philosopher, J.L. Austin (1962) engaging a
the domain of socio-linguistics, psycholinguistics, and monograph, How to do Things with Words.
discourse analysis. Pragmatics constitutes a general The identification and classification of speech
functional perspective on linguistic phenomena in acts was initiated by Wittgenstein, Austin, and Searle.
relation to their usage in the form of behaviour. This Austin believes that every normal utterance has
perspective opines that pragmatics should be taken descriptive and effective aspects: that saying
as presenting a functional perspective on every something is also doing something. This he calls
aspect of linguistic behaviour. Under this approach, performatives and he distinguishes them from
pragmatics is generally conceived of as a theory of assertions or statement-making utterances which he
linguistic communication which includes the language called constatives. In an explicit performative
of persuasion. utterance (e.g. *I hereby promise to marry you*), the
In summary, pragmatics started in the 1930s speaker does something, which is that he performs an
with philosophers like Morris, Carnap, and Pierce act whose character is determined by her intention,
among others. Morris presented a threefold division of rather than merely saying something. Austin (1962)
semiotics namely syntax which deals with relation regards performatives as problematic for truth-
between signs and their users interpreters. Analytic conditional theories of meaning, since they appear to
philosophy emerged in the 1950s and 1960s with be devoid of ordinary truth value.
ideal language philosophy by Montague Lewis, Austin identifies three categories of acts:
Davidson ordinary language philosophy with Austin, locutionary act (basic act of speaking or acts involved
Grice, and Searle. The pragmatics turn in the late in the construction of speech), illocutionary act
1960s and 1970s with the generative semantics like (purpose the speaker has in mind or acts done in
Katz, Ross, Lakoff, works by Horn, Fillmore, Gadzar, speaking) and perlocutionary act (effect of an
Levison‘s pragmatics and pragmatics wastebasket. utterance on the hearer, or the consequence or by-
The Anglo-American school sees pragmatics as a product of speaking whether intended or not).
core component of a theory of language, on a par with Searle‘s typology of speech acts include:
phonology, syntax and semantics. The European assertive or representatives, directives, commissives,
continental school discusses pragmatics as expressive and declarations. For a speech act to be
constituting a general functional perspective on said to be felicitous, its felicity conditions must be
linguistic phenomena in relation to their usage in the fulfilled. These felicity conditions are the constitutive
form of behaviour. Others relevant in the historic rules.
development of pragmatics include the functionalists
4 Umeh et al / Greener Journal of Language and Literature Research

According to Stalnaker (p.383), if pragmatics Greek word meaning ‗to point out‘ or ‗to show‘.
is ‗the study of linguistic acts and the contexts in Traditionally, three basic categories are discussed in
which they are performed, speech-act theory the linguistics and philosophy of language literature
constitutes a central subdomain‘. He says it has long namely: person deixis (I, Me, You etc), place deixis
been recognized that the propositional content of (here, there etc) and time deixis (yesterday,
utterance U can be distinguished from its illocutionary tomorrow, next Thursday etc). Linguistic expressions
force, the speaker‘s intention in uttering U. employed typically as deictics or deictic expressions
include: demonstratives, first and second-person
Implicatures pronouns, tense markers, adverbs of time and space
and motion verbs. Other types of deixis include
The idea or notion of Implicature was originated by H. discourse and social deixis.
P. Grice, an Oxford Philosopher. Horn (p.3) says: Levinson (1983) posits that the pragmatic
―Implicature is a component of speaker meaning that subdomain of deixis or indexicality for example seeks
constitutes an aspect of what is meant in a speaker‘s to characterize the properties of shifters, indexicals, or
utterance without being part of what is said‖. He token-reflexives, expressions like *I, you, here, there,
views implicature as ‗the-meant-but-unsaid‘. This now, then, hereby,* tense/aspect markers, etc) whose
means that what a speaker intends to communicate is meanings are constant but those whose referents
characteristically far richer than what he directly vary with the speaker, hearer, time and place of
expresses. utterance,
Gazdar (1979) offers implicatures as an style or register, or purpose of speech act.
alternative mechanism in which the potential
presuppositions induced by sub-expressions are Reference
inherited as a default but are cancelled if they clash
with propositions already entailed or implicated by the Speech acts and presuppositions operate primarily on
utterance or prior discourse context. the propositional level while reference operates on the
phrasal level. Reference is the use of a linguistic
Presupposition expression (typically an NP) to induce a hearer to
access or create some entity in his mental model of
According to Horn (1996), the notion of the discourse. A discourse entity represents the
presupposition dates back at least, as far as the referent of a linguistic expression, that is the actual
medieval philosopher, Petrus Hispanus. Gottlob individual (or event, property, relation, situation, etc)
Frege, a German mathematician and logician is that the speaker has in mind and is saying something
generally recognised as the first scholar in modern about.
times who (re)introduced the philosophical study of In philosophy, there is a traditional view that
presupposition. It can be informally defined as an reference is a direct ―semantic‖ relationship between
inference or proposition whose truth is taken for linguistic expressions and the real world objects they
granted in the utterance of a sentence. denote. Under this view, the form of a referring
Presupposition is usually generated by the use of expression depends on the assumed information
particular lexical items and/or linguistic constructions status of the referent, which in turn depends on the
called presuppositional triggers. Some properties of assumptions that a speaker makes regarding the
presupposition include: constancy under negation hearer‘s knowledge store as well as what the hearer
(which stresses that a presupposition generated by is attending to in a given discourse context.
the use of a lexical item or a syntactic structure If every natural language provides its
remains the same when the sentence containing that speakers with various ways of referring to discourse
lexical item or syntactic structure is negated), and entities, there are two related issues in the pragmatic
defeasibility or canceallability (which posits that study of reference. They are:
presuppositions can be cancelled by inconsistent
conversational implicatures or can disappear in the (i) the referential options available to a speaker of a
face of inconsistency with background assumptions or given language
real-world knowledge). (ii) the factors that guide a speaker on a given
In semantic or logic, Presupposition is a occasion to use one of these forms over another.
necessary condition on the truth or falsity of
statements but a pragmatic presupposition is a Proposition
restriction on the common ground, the set of
propositions constituting the current context. Its Stalnaker (p.383), posits that Pragmatics seeks to
failure or non-satisfaction results not in truth-value ‗characterize the features of the speech context which
gaps or non-bivalence but in the inappropriateness of help determine which proposition is expressed by a
a given utterance in a given context. given sentence‘.
The meaning of a sentence can be regarded
Deixis as a function from a context (including time, place,
and possible world) into a proposition, where a
Deixis is directly concerned with the relationship proposition is a function from a possible world into a
between the structure of a language and the context truth value. Pragmatic aspects of meaning involve
in which the language is used. It is derived from the
Umeh et al / Greener Journal of Language and Literature Research 5

the interaction between an expression‘s context of Truth-Conditional versus Non-Truth-Conditional

utterance and the interpretation of elements within Meaning
that expression.
According to this formulation, Semantics deals with
THE INTERFACE BETWEEN PRAGMATICS, truth-conditional meaning while Pragmatics has to do
SEMANTICS AND DISCOURSE ANALYSIS with non-truth-conditional meaning. This is captured
in a well-known Gazdarian formula in Gadzar (p.2),
Semantics and pragmatics are the two major ‗Pragmatics = meaning – truth conditions‘.
subdivisions of linguistics which are concerned with There are a number of problems against
the study of meaning. Even though they are related semantics-pragmatics division called the ―carnapian
and have similarities, they have their distinct domains. approach‖. This approach posits that there are
Huang (p.210) posits two main theoretical positions linguistic forms that do not devote anything and
regarding the relationship between semantics and therefore do not make any contribution to truth-
pragmatics namely: reductionism and conditional content. Examples include paradiginatic
complementarism. The reductionists abolish the cases like good morning (greetings), conventional
distinction between semantics and pragmatics. The implicative like but and imperatives. More
reductionists are subdivided into those taking the view importantly, the linguistically coded meaning of a
that pragmatics should be entirely reduced to sentence does not always fully determine its truth
semantics (semantic reductionism) and those holding conditions. Again, there is often pragmatic intrusion
the position that semantics is wholly included in into the truth-conditional content of a sentence
pragmatics (pragmatic reduction). The uttered.
complementarists are subdivided into radical
semantics and radical pragmatics. Radical Conventional versus Non-Conventional Meaning
semanticist (philosophers in the ideal language
tradition and semanticist in the 1970s) posit that much The demarcation line between semantics and
of the study of meaning should be attributed to pragmatics has been defined in terms of conventional
semantics, while radical pragmatics assimilate as versus non-conventional meaning. Semantics studies
much of the study of meaning as possible to the conventional aspect of meaning while pragmatics
pragmatics. The complementarist sees semantics concerns the non-conventional aspects of meaning.
and pragmatics as complementary though distinct A semantic interpretation which is conventional in
sub-disciplines of linguistics. nature cannot be cancelled while a pragmatic
Lyons (1990) explains the dissimilarity inference which is non-conventional in nature can be
between semantics and pragmatics in the following cancelled. They are linguistic expression that discuss
ways: deictic expressions whose conventional meaning is
closely associated with use. For example, besides,
i. Meaning versus use by the way, anyway, after all, and in conclusion which
ii. Conventional versus non-conventional indicate that there is a relation between the utterance
meaning that contains them and some portion of the prior
iii. Truth-conditional versus non-truth discourse. The only way to specify their semantic
conditional meaning contribution is to specify how they are to be used.
iv. Context independence versus context According to Bach (p.71):
v. Literal versus non-literal meaning A further point to note is that the
vi. Sentence versus utterance conventionality of a linguistic
vii. Rule versus principle and phenomenon may be a matter of more
viii. Competence versus performance or less rather than a matter of yes or no.
For example, of the three types of
Other dichotomies include: type versus token, content implicative identified by Grice,
versus, linguistic meaning versus speaker‘s meaning, conventional implicature is the most
saying versus implicating, linguistically encoded conventional, hence the most ‗semantic‘
versus non-linguistically encoded meaning, and the least ‗pragmatic‘. Particularised
compositionality versus non-compositionality and conversational implicature is the least
intention dependence versus intention independence. conventional, hence the least ‗semantic‘
Three of these formulations according to and the most ‗pragmatic‘ with
Bach (1987), as quoted in Huang (212) are generalised conversational implicature
particularly influential: ‗they are truth-conditional lying somewhere in between. Simply
versus non-truth conditional meaning, conventional put, the three types of implicature forms
versus non-conventional meaning and context a semantics-pragmatics continuum
independence versus context dependence‘. whose borderline is difficult to
demarcate. It is therefore clear that
there is no neat correlation between the
semantics-pragmatics distinction and
the conventional-non-conventional
meaning distinction. All the semantics-
6 Umeh et al / Greener Journal of Language and Literature Research

pragmatics distinction is also grounded occurring connected speech or written discourse. It is

in the meaning-use distinction. an attempt to study the organisation of language
above the sentence or clause but larger linguistic
A particular linguistic phenomenon can sometimes be units such as conventional exchanges or written texts.
categorised as part of the domain of either semantic Gee (p.1) as cited by Dewey (1933) argues
or pragmatics, depending on how the semantics- that discourse analysis is a study of ―how the details
pragmatics distinction is defined. This is the case of language get recruited ‗on site‘ to ‗pull off‘ specific
with conventional implicature. If semantics is taken to social activities and social identities‖.
be concerned with those aspects of meaning that Apparently, "discourse" is a form of linguistic
affect truth conditions, then the investigation of entity, not a name labelling an academic subject of
conventional implicature falls on the pragmatic side of inquiry in itself, in contrast to names such as syntax,
the divide rather than on the semantic side since semantics and pragmatics. Any stretch of meaningful
conventional implicature does not make any linguistic units produced for communication purposes
contribution to truth conditions. On the other hand, if can be described as a piece of discourse, or any
pragmatic is seen as dealing with those inferences stretch of meaningful linguistic units, when uttered, is
that are non-conventional, hence cancellable, then a piece of discourse. Discourse therefore includes
conventional implicature falls within the province of conversation (what is spoken) and text (what is
semantics but outside that of pragmatics, since it written). There are, among others, conversation
cannot be defeated. analysis (shortened as CA) and text linguistics.
Discourse can be studied or analyzed from various
Context independence versus context perspectives, with different commitments and
dependence purposes.
Johnstone (2001) according to Dewey (1933)
This theory in the attempt to distinct semantics and takes discourse analysis/discourse studies as a
pragmatics holds that if a linguistic phenomenon is number of different approaches rather than one
invariant with respect to context, then it is the concern unified subject. Therefore, DA can be discussed as
of semantics. On the other hand, if a linguistic possibly different subjects, as discourse analyses,
phenomenon is sensitive to context, then it is a topic encompassing different methods of DA: formal,
within pragmatics. This characterisation however computational, pragmatic, sociolinguistic,
rests on a mistaken assumption that context has no ethnographic, sociological, etc.
role to play in semantic. On the contrary, deictics and Pragmatics, as a study of utterance meaning
demonstratives (pure indexicals) such as ‗I, here and or meaning in context, is unavoidably concerned with
now‘ are on the semantic side which holds that discourse, not with meaning in isolation, i.e. at word
content varies with context. Bach postulates two types or sentence level. That is why pragmatics is often
of context as quoted in Huang (p.215) namely: narrow listed as one approach (a major approach) to
context and broad context which is semantic in nature discourse analysis, because pragmatic concepts are
and denotes any contextual information that is indispensable even in non-pragmatic approaches.
relevant to the determination of the content of, or the Pragmatics offers the opportunity and possibility of
assignment of the semantic values to variables such describing and explaining discourse facts from a
as those concerning who speaks to whom, when, and linguistic point of view and in a principled way.
where. Broad context which is pragmatic in nature is Pragmatics, as well as pragmatics-oriented
taken to be any contextual information that is relevant discourse analysis, is not to be seen as another
to the working out of what the speaker overtly intends component in linguistics, even though pragmaticians
to mean. It is also relevant to the successful and often consider themselves as linguists (sometimes
felicitous performance of speech acts, given that also as philosophers, semanticists, sociologists,
semantics-pragmatics distinction cannot correspond cognitive scientists, and psychologists). It is a subject
to the context independence-dependence distinction. involving interactions of linguistics and other cognitive
and social systems. Consequently, pragmatics should
Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis rather be considered a multi-disciplinary area; a
meeting point between linguistics, communication
To discuss the relationship between pragmatics and studies, psychology, logic, computation, philosophy,
discourse, the term discourse will be examined first. sociology, anthropology, artificial intelligence,
Stubbs (p.1) defines discourse analysis in machine translation, etc. Or it simply belongs to the
three ways: new science of human cognition: cognitive science.

a. Concerned with language use beyond the

boundaries of a sentence/utterance CONCLUSION
b. concerned with the interrelationships between
language and society and Pragmatics, according to Mey (2001) cannot be
c. concerned with the interactive or dialogic properties purely restricted to linguistic matters because others
of everyday communication. as agreed above see pragmatics from different
perspectives including the whole of human language
He sees discourse analysis as ambiguous which use. Other factors that have to do with the user (extra
could also refer to the linguistic analysis of naturally linguistic factor) must not be neglected. The users of
Umeh et al / Greener Journal of Language and Literature Research 7

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Cite this Article: Umeh, AI; Nuhu, O; Nimram, MD; Lagan, BS; Azi, NJ; Nimram, DN (2024). Historical Overview of
Pragmatics: The Interface between Pragmatics, Semantics and Discourse Analysis. Greener Journal of Language and
Literature Research, 9(1): 1-7.

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