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#OccupyUnveiled Survey

Survey Results, where N=80

1.) What is the Goal of OWS? Options of Response Send Banks a message Send the Government a message Send the World a message All of the Above None of the Above Other: "Separation of Corporation and State" A B C D E F # 6 9 7 48 3 7
50 40 30 20 10 0 A B C D E F S1

2.) What is the Message of OWS?


Options of Response Replace Capitalism Replace Capitalism with: "Humanism" Fix Capitalism End Corporatism/Crony Capitalism None of the Above Other A B C D E F

# 5 4 16 50 0 5

40 30 20 10 0 A B C D E F

3.) Do you believe the US Constitution needs modifying OR no changes are needed? Options of Response Yes, Modifications needed No Changes needed Yes, a new Constitution is needed No need for a new Constitution A B C D # 33 17 5 25

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 A B C D

4.) Do you know who Conceived OWS? Options of Response AdBusters US Government Politicians Not Sure All of the Above None of the Above Other: "Concerned people working together" A B C D E F G # 13 0 0 45 5 3 14
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 A B C D E F G

The following are comments written by individuals attending #OccupyAustin in October, 2011:

Q: Suggested Proposals & Other Comments

"There needs to be a restriction on corporate donations." "Glass-Steagal MUST be reinstated!" "There is only one modification/amendment needed for the Constitution and that is, adding the first part of the Declaration of Independence." "Amendment 27: No money can be donated for political purposes and corporations do not have the same rights as individuals." "The Constitution needs to be amended for clarity; that the rights of personhood belong only to human beings and not to corporations." "End political contributions to candidates, insist banks are accountable and hold them responsible to the people, raise taxes on the rich and raise minimum wage to a living wage." "The Government prepared the Constitution for equality of its citizens of the United States. The only problem is that today's Government is so corrupt that the Constitution no longer applies to people with money (1%) and Government power, there is no more equality in America. Corporate America is unfair in the sense that they no longer follow the means of the Constitution and American rights to civil equality. (aka: we have been stripped of our rights, just as we are victims of corporate greed.)"

Q: What do you want out of Occupy Wall Street?

"I want the world to realize that people are not here for monetary gain." "Change." "To find out my next destination." "Peace. Better understanding and a better way of life for others." "For the little man to win for once." "An opportunity for people to CHECK "An end to corruption and a return to moral human values." "I want to stop being made to pee in a cup for employment!" "Bring our troops home to stop killing the innocent for corporate gain and greed. Tax all US Citizens fairly, demand a more transparent Government, end lobbying and pay more attention to our environment." "Equality among all citizens of the United States, including Government officials & people with money/power. We want our civil liberties and rights restored and no longer fall victim to corporate greed and corruption." "Whatever it may accomplish for good people in general. And any positive changes that may occur because of it." [OWS demonstrations]

"I want to be governed by people I've elected, rather than unaccountable corporations and their deep pockets." "I would like to see the end of "corporate personhood". I would like to see the reinstatement of our full Bill of Rights!" "I would like to see the Department of Homeland Security disabled. I would like to have every prisoner at Guantanamo Bay sent back to their homes or where they were taken from. I would like to see the end of the Rendition Act. Nor more undeclared wars! No military should be sent anywhere when there isn't a declaration of war against America. The Senate must be more in-touch with the people and the peoples wishes. They should only be allowed to stay in-office for 2 years. Government workers in ALL branches must be made to have the same medical and healthcare benefits as the American people!!" "It is clearly evident that many people, who are good citizens, are frustrated with the current economic climate and the Legislative process in the US. It is irrefutable that large corporations have been funding Lobbyists, activists and special interest groups to persuade Congressmen and Senators in order to obtain favoritism on the Legislative voting floor, which benefits their goals and agendas. This may be in the form of a bill to allow a company or industry to obtain special exemptions on Credits (i.e., environmental credits or corporate tax exemptions.) Most rational individuals perceive "special treatment" for the "few" who can buy their way out of needing to adhere to the established laws of the land is the perfect definition of corruption. Protesting against corruption and Crony Capitalism is a common complaint in the Occupy Wall Street movement, but I have not heard any recommendations which are solution-oriented. Allow me to propose a reasonable, lawful solution to many of the problems associated with corruption in Government, Politics, Legislative bodies and Corporations in the US: We need to Demand that the Judicial Branch, the Supreme Court, actually does its job! The sole purpose of the Judicial Branch was to uphold the Laws of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, regardless of who it was applied to. The best way to rid the US of corruption is to practice consistency regarding enforcement of the laws. Not separate laws and rules for the elite and high-powered corporations. Often, it is human nature to push the envelope to see how much one can get away with, right? (Even children will do this.) It is the Ultimate Responsibility of the Judicial Branch to communicate where the boundaries have been established by our Constitutional Laws and consistently enforce these laws/boundaries ensuring that the Laws are applicable to everyone, regardless of money, power, or status. The US was originally established as a Republic with three branches (e.g., Executive, Legislative & Judicial) as a methodology of checks & balances. This was to prevent a Dictatorship from developing and prevent corruption, which can happen due to favoritism, special interests, and coercion. The Question of Occupy Wall Street should be: Why is the Supreme Court so quiet when there have been hundreds/ thousands of violations of the established Laws and Mandates including the Laws of the US Constitution by the Legislative bodies and the US President?"

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