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University of Kasdi Merbah Ouargla

Faculty of Hydrocarbons, Reneweble Energies, Earth and Univers Sciences

Department of Production of Hydrocarbons Master 2 Production of hydrocarbons
Reservoir stimulation 2021/2022


Exercise 1:

Exercise 2:

Ppf = Perforation Friction (psi)

Q = Flow rate (bpm)
ρ = Fluid density (lb/gal)
D = Diameter of perfs (inches)
N = Number of perfs taking fluid (assumed or estimated from SDT)
C = Discharge Coefficient 0.6
Q = 60 bpm
SG = 1.03= 8.56 ppg/8.34 ppg
D = 0.5”
N = 4 shots/foot x (3435-3400) x 1 = 140 perfs
Ppf = 16.5 psi
N = 4 shots/foot x (3435-3400) x 0.65 = 91 perfs
Ppf = 39.2 psi
Exercise 3:

Midperf = (9780+9810) /2 = 9795 ft

PC = 0.8 psi/ft x 9795 = 7836 psi
Phyd = 9795 ft x 8.34ppg x 1.01 x 0.052 = 4290 psi
Ptf = 9700 ft x 480 psi/1000ft = 4656 psi
Pcasing = (9795 – 9700) ft x 60 ft/1000ft = 5.7 psi
Ppf = 5 psi
Pnwb = 500 psi
Pwh = 7836 + 500 - 4290 + 4656 + 5.7 + 12 + 500 = 9219.7 psi
Exercise 4:
SG = 0.8498
Avg-depth = 3299 ft
Ph = 0.8498 x 8.34 ppg x 3299ft x 0.052
Pf = 1216 + Ph = 1216 psi + 1400 psi = 2616 psi
FG= 0.793 psi/ft
(considered at ISIP and assume Pnet=0)
Exercise 5:
Total friction (calculated from surface): 4000 – 3000 = 1000 psi
Fluid friction in completion: (92 psi/1000 ft) x 8700 ft = 800 psi
Perforation friction: 33.6 psi
NWB pressure: 1000 – 800 – 33.6 psi = 167 psi
FG = 6400 psi / 8700 ft = 0.736 psi/ft VS 0.8 psi/ft initial estimation
Phyd: 0.052 x 8700 x 1.02 x 8.34 = 3848.5 psi
ISIP BHP: 3000 + 3848.5 = 6848.5 psi
Pnet : 6848.5 – 6400 = 448.5 psi

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