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Surah Al-Feel


1-Have you not considered, [O Muhammad], how your Lord dealt
with the companions of the elephant?
2-Did He not make their plan into misguidance?
3-And He sent against them birds in flocks,
4-Striking them with stones of hard clay
5-And He made them like eaten straw.

Surah Al- Zalzalah

1. When the earth is shaken in its ultimate quaking,
2. and when the earth throws out all its contents,
3. and humanity cries, “What is wrong with it?”
4. on that Day the earth will recount everything.
5. having been inspired by your Lord to do so.
6. On that Day people will proceed in separate groups1 to be shown ˹the
consequences of˺ their deeds.
7. So whoever does an atom’s weight of good will see it.
8. And whoever does an atom’s weight of evil will see it.

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Hadith about Faith (Iman)

‫قال رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon

ُُ‫ان‬ ‫م‬‫ي‬
ِ َ ِ ‫ُاإل‬ ‫ن‬
َ ‫ُم‬
ِ ٌ ‫ة‬َ َ َ َ ‫ِإ َّن‬
‫ب‬ ‫ع‬
ْ ‫ُش‬ ‫ء‬‫ا‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ح‬ ْ
Indeed modesty is a branch of faith.'

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Dua for Parents

ُ‫ُار َح ْمه َماُ َك َما‬

ْ ‫ب‬ ِ ‫َّر‬
‫يرا‬ً ‫ص ِغ‬َ ُ‫َربَّيَا ِني‬

My Lord, have mercy on them, as they raised me

when I was a child.

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