ASSIGNMENT2 - Forensic Anthropology and Bioarchaeology ANSWER SHEET

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ANTH 102 Introduction to Physical Anthropology and Archaeology – Fall 2023

ASSIGNMENT 2 - Forensic Anthropology and Bioarchaeology

Name Score/35 Percentage

Manpreet Singh

Your Assignment Should Be TYPED

1. A
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. C
6. A
7. B
8. D
9. A
10. B
11. (a) To calculate the estimated stature in feet and inches for this individual, you can use the
formulae provided in Tables 2 and 3 for American Whites of European descent:

For the femur: Estimated stature = (Maximum femur length in cm × 2.38) + 61.41
For the humerus: Estimated stature = (Maximum humerus length in cm × 3.08) + 70.45
Now, calculate the estimated stature using these formulas.
I For the femur: Estimated stature = (41.6cm×2.38) + 61.41 = 160.418cm = 63.16 Inch.
And the SE = 63.16 Inch approximate. And the height of the White male of Euro-American
decent is 5’3’’ (5.2633) Approximates.
II For the humerus: Estimated stature = (30.4cm×3.08) + 70.45 = 164.082cm = 64.60 Inch.

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And the SE = 64.60 Inch approximate. And the height of the White male of Euro-American
decent is 5’4’’(5.383) Approximates.

(b) The humerus provides a better estimate of stature because it has a lower standard error
in the formula, which suggests a more accurate estimate. A lower standard error indicates
less variation and a more reliable estimate.
12. (c) If the individual is determined to be an African-American male, you can use the formulae
for Blacks of African descent in Table 2:

For the femur: Estimated stature = (Maximum femur length in cm × 2.11) + 70.35
For the humerus: Estimated stature = (Maximum humerus length in cm × 3.26) + 62.10
Now, calculate the estimated stature using these formulas.
I For the femur: Estimated stature = (41.6cm×2.11) + 70.35 = 158.126cm = 62.25 Inch.
And the SE = 62.25 Inch approximately. And the height of the African-American male is
5’2’’(5.187) Approximates.
II For the humerus: Estimated stature = (30.4cm×3.26) + 62.10 = 161.204cm = 63.47 Inch.
And the SE = 63.47 Inch approximate. And the height of the African-American male is 5’3’’
(5.289) Approximates.

(d) The femur provides a better estimate of stature for both European and African ancestry.
The difference in estimated stature between the two bones is smaller for the femur in both
cases. However, it's important to note that the choice of which bone to use may depend on
various factors, and it can vary among individuals.

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