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Practice Vocabulary

Sentence Revision Revise each sentence so that the underlined

vocabulary term is used correctly. Be sure not to change the vocabulary
term. The first one is done for you.

1. Deposition is the process by which water, ice, and wind

remove material.
Deposition is the process by which water, ice, and wind deposit
eroded material to create new landforms.

2. When volcanic lava erupts and flows, it is called magma.

3. Faults are huge blocks of Earth’s crust.

4. At the equinox, all parts of Earth are an equal distance from the sun.

5. Erosion makes rocks break apart into tiny pieces.

6. Plate tectonics theory is that Earth’s core is made of plates of rock that
can move.

7. At a solstice, days are nearly equal in length everywhere on Earth.

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8. Weathering is a force that carries away soil and bits of rock.

TOPIC 1 15 Introduction to Geography

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