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Sumatran Tiger Story

Opening my eyes for the first time, I glanced at my surroundings. I saw my mum and my dad.
We were surrounded by green leaves and plants. After a few weeks I was able to walk on four
legs. I felt the green grass on my paws. It was so peaceful. Every day when the sun began to set,
Dad would come back from hunting with lots of delicious meat to eat. Then that fateful day
came. The day that ruined it all...

It was an average day. The sun shone brightly, and I was out hunting for food. A Deer stood by
the lake drinking water, the perfect prey. Slowly we crept up behind it, my head down close to
the ground. Getting ready to pounce I peeked through the gaps in the grass eyeing out the
antlered meal, but just before we jumped up, something spooked it, seeing it run off and join
the rest of its herd my dad got up and yawned, annoyed. Then the worst thing imaginable
happened, gunfire shot across the plain, next thing I knew my parents were lying dead across
the grass. Distraught, I ran across the grass into the shelter of the trees, not looking back.
- 4 years later -
The sun shone through the trees, as I looked for my next prey. Suddenly I heard a sound in the
bushes. Getting ready to pounce, I looked at my target and waited. Slowly a creature emerged.
To my surprise it was someone like me. A female tiger. It was love at first sight. I knew the
moment I saw her that I loved her. She knew it too. We slowly got closer and closer and sat
together. On the grass looking in each other's eyes. Then something unexpected happened. A
shout. Not like any animal. It was a human.

Fate smiled cruelly down at me today, playing its evil tricks again. I wouldn’t run away, I
couldn’t. I had someone to protect. I jumped onto the hatted and sweaty man with a musket.
He was dead nearly immediately. My lover ran away to safety as the other men came after her
with their guns. I ran towards them, but it was too late. She fell to the ground lifeless. In a blaze
of fury, I ripped through the bodies of the men and sat above my now gone lover.

" Blinking in the light, when my eyes adjusted, all I could see
was... nothing... trees... gone.

Every loved one, every striped animal I’ve ever known, gone. I don’t care anymore. I start
walking, running, full on sprinting, paws hitting the ground rapidly, hitting out a tuneless
rhythm. My face ripping through the undergrowth, going faster and faster. I flew head long
onto my face getting up again, I limped long through a wall of leafy undergrowth, onto a field of
noise. Blinking in the light, when my eyes adjusted, all I could see was... nothing... trees... gone.
An endless hell of stumps and huge machines racing across the horizon.

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