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1, 1987)

Rapid Determination of Methyl Mercury in Fish and Shellfish: Method Development
Food and Drug Administration, Division of Contaminants Chemistry, Washington, DC 20204

The AOAC official first action method for methyl mercury in fish vestigated and validated the adequacy of sample cleanup for
and shellfish was modified to provide more rapid determination. EC detection by monitoring the GC effluent with an Hg-
Methyl mercury is isolated from homogenized, acetone-washed tis- specific, microwave-induced helium plasma (MIP) detector.
sue by addition of HC1 and extraction by toluene of the methyl MIP-GC detection of methyl mercuric chloride in fish was
mercuric chloride produced. The extract is analyzed by electron cap- reported by Bache and Lisk (8), who used the Westoo method
ture gas chromatography (GC) on 5% DEGS-PS treated with mer-
curic chloride solution. The quantitation limit of the method is 0.25 (9). In this work, we used the modified method with MIP
detection to confirm the presence of Hg in selected extracts

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fig Hg/g. Swordfish, shark, tuna, shrimp, clams, oysters, and NBS
Research Material-50 (tuna) were analyzed for methyl mercury by and to quantify the Hg at the methyl mercuric chloride re-
the AOAC official first action method. All products also were ana- tention time. Our results obtained by MIP-GC demonstrate
lyzed by the modified method and the AOAC official method for that the modified EC-GC method produces no coeluting in-
total Hg. In addition, selected extracts obtained with the modified terferences.
method were analyzed by GC with Hg-selective, microwave-induced
helium plasma detection. There was no significant difference be- Experimental
tween the results for the various methods. Essentially all the Hg
present (determined as total Hg) was in the organic form. Coeffi- Product Selection
cients of variation from analyses by the modified method ranged Three varieties each of fish and shellfish were selected for
from 1 to 7% for fish and shellfish containing methyl mercury at study. Swordfish and shark were chosen because they fre-
levels of 0.50-2.30 ng Hg/g. The overall average recovery was 100.5%. quently contain high levels of Hg. Shrimp, clams, oysters,
and canned tuna were chosen to represent commonly con-
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regularly sumed seafoods.
monitors fish and shellfish for Hg and recommends that reg-
ulatory action be taken when levels are greater than 1.0 n$ Sample Preparation
Hg/g. This action level, which was established in 1978 (1),
Fresh swordfish, shark, shrimp, and oysters, and canned
was derived from data on human consumption of fish and
clams and tuna (water-packed) were purchased locally. The
toxicity of methyl mercury. From 1978 to 1984, enforcement
shrimp were peeled and the tuna and clams were drained
of the 1.0 ng Hg/g action level was based on determination
before homogenization. Approximately 300 g of each accu-
of total Hg (2), although methyl mercury is the most toxic
rately weighed seafood was homogenized about 7 min (until
form of this element present in human food (3). There were
the seafood appeared to be a uniform paste) in a food pro-
2 reasons for monitoring total Hg instead of methyl mercury:
cessor with a stainless steel blade. The shark was difficult to
Almost all of the mercury in most fish species is present in
homogenize and required the addition of water (equal to 20%
the methylated form (4), and an official method for methyl
of tissue weight) to obtain a uniform paste. It was not nec-
mercury was not yet available. To meet the need for such an
essary to add water to the swordfish, tuna, shrimp, oyster,
official method, FDA developed a gas chromatographic (GC)
and clam homogenates. Separately homogenized fresh frozen
procedure which was collaboratively studied (5) and adopted
swordfish steaks (with various Hg levels) were used for the
official first action by AOAC in 1983 (6). In 1984, it was then
analytical parameter optimization experiments.
possible for FDA to change the basis of enforcement of the
1.0 fig Hg/g action level from total Hg to Hg in the form of For recovery experiments, swordfish A, shark, tuna A,
methyl mercury (7). clams, and shrimp were homogenized, weighed, individually
fortified with a known amount of methyl mercuric chloride,
The GC method adopted by AOAC in 1983 has several refrigerated at 8°C, and analyzed within 24 h after homog-
disadvantages: The use of benzene is undesirable for safety enization. Swordfish B, swordfish C, tuna B, tuna C, and
reasons; evaporative concentration and quantitative trans- oysters were homogenized, fortified, frozen in bulk, and then
fers are time consuming and introduce potential for dilution thawed and weighed immediately before analysis.
errors; and the electron capture (EC) detector of the gas chro-
matograph may respond to other compounds in addition to Total Mercury—AOAC Method
methyl mercuric chloride if the tissue is not thoroughly preex-
Total Hg was determined by the AOAC official alternative
tracted to remove interferences. The purpose of this work
method for fish (2) by solubilizing the test portion with a
was to address these problems.
sulfuric acid-nitric acid mixture and V 2 0 5 . The digestion was
In the modified EC-GC method presented here, we sub- carried out exactly as described in the procedure. The partial
stituted the use of toluene for benzene and eliminated the digest was analyzed for Hg by the method of standard ad-
evaporative concentration step. Results for the modified dition to ensure that undigested fat did not cause erroneous
method are equivalent to those for the AOAC official first results. A Perkin-Elmer Model 403 atomic absorption spec-
action methods for methyl mercury and total Hg. We sub- trophotometer equipped with an Hg hollow cathode lamp,
sequently initiated a collaborative study of the modified deuterium background correction, and an 11.5 cm, closed
method; the results of the study will be the subject of a future end, quartz, flow-through cell was used for analysis.
In addition to comparing the results for the modified EC- Methyl Mercury—AOAC Method
GC method with those for AOAC official methods, we in- Methyl mercury was determined by the AOAC official first
Received December 19, 1985. Accepted May 28, 1986. action method (5, 6). To conserve reagents, the extraction
HIGHT & CORCORAN: J. ASSOC. OFF. ANAL. CHEM. (VOL. 70, NO. 1, 1987) 25

was carried out with the following modifications: A 1 g por- ture in separatory funnel for 15 s. Discard toluene extract.
tion of homogenized tissue was prewashed 3 times with 10 Repeat extraction step 4 times. Solution may be mixed in
mL portions of acetone and once with 10 mL benzene. The advance. However, the extraction must be performed im-
prewashed tissue was acidified with 5 mL HCl-water (1 + mediately before HCl solution is used to avoid formation of
1) and extracted 3 times with 10 mL portions of benzene. electron-capturing compounds which produce extraneous
The phases were separated by centrifugation at 20°C. The peaks in chromatograms.
combined benzene extracts were concentrated in Kuderna- (c) Carrier gas.—GC quality argon-methane (95 + 5).
Danish glassware equipped with a new style of Snyder col- (d) Sodium sulfate.— Heat overnight in 600°C furnace, let
umn (No. K-503100-003, 170 mm long, 2 bulbs, Kontes cool, and store in capped bottle. Line cap with acetone-washed
Co., Vineland, NJ 08360). The extracts were diluted to 25 aluminum foil to prevent contamination from cap.
mL with benzene, mixed with 5 g Na2S04, and analyzed by (e) Methyl mercuric chloride standard solutions.—Keep
EC-GC as described in Apparatus (g). tightly stoppered. Seal stopper with Teflon tape. (1) Stock
solution. — 1000 Mg Hg/mL. Weigh 0.1252 g methyl mercuric
MIP Detection chloride (ICN-K&K Laboratories Inc., Plainview, NY 11803)
To provide Hg-specific methyl mercuric chloride detec- into 100 mL volumetric flask. Dilute to volume with toluene.

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tion, the gas chromatograph was interfaced to the MIP system (2) High level intermediate solution.— 40 fig Hg/mL. Dilute
described by Carnahan (10). The GC column described in 10.0 mL stock solution to 250.0 mL with toluene. (3) Low
Apparatus (g) was interfaced to the MIP detection system level intermediate solution.—2.0 Mg Hg/mL. Dilute 10.0 mL
with a manual switching valve to allow solvent venting. The high level intermediate solution to 200.0 mL with toluene.
column was switched to the MIP system 1-1.5 min after (4) Working standard solutions.— 0.005-0.10 Mg Hg/mL.
injection for methyl mercuric chloride detection at ca 3 min. Prepare monthly by diluting with toluene in volumetric flasks
Helium gasflowwas 30 mL/min at all times. The MIP system as follows: Dilute 10.0 mL of 2.0 Mg Hg/mL solution to 200.0
consisted of a 2450 MHz microwave generator (Opthos In- mL for 0.10 Mg Hg/mL. Dilute 20.0 mL of 0.10 ng Hg/mL
struments, Rockville, MD) and a TM010 microwave cavity solution to 25.0 mL, 15.0 mL to 25.0 mL, 10.0 mL to 25.0
(Beenakker design) fitted with a 2-3 mm id x 6-8 mm od mL, 10.0 mL to 50.0 mL, 10.0 mL to 100.0 mL, and 10.0
quartz discharge tube. Power was maintained at 75-80 watts. mL to 200.0 mL for 0.080, 0.060, 0.040, 0.020, 0.010, and
The cavity was tuned with a 3 stub tuner. Light emission 0.005 Mg Hg/mL, respectively.
was measured at 253.45 nm by using a Jarrell-Ash scanning (f) Mercuric chloride column treatment solution. —1000
monochromator (Model 82-000, Waltham, MA 02254) with ppm mercuric chloride. Dissolve 0.1 g mercuric chloride in
3 mm x 50 ^m entrance and exit slits and a type R212UH 100 mL toluene.
photomultiplier tube (Hamamatsu Corp., Middlesex, NJ (g) Fortification solutions.—(1) Stock solution. —1000 Mg
08846). A mercury lamp was used to manually select the Hg/mL. Weigh 0.1252 g methyl mercuric chloride into 100
wavelength of maximum emission. Maintenance of wave- mL volumetric flask. Dilute to volume with water. (2) Work-
length for maximum emission was verified with the Hg lamp ing fortification solution. —15 Mg Hg/mL. Dilute 1500 ML
throughout the day to check for drift. The photomultiplier stock fortification solution to 100.0 mL with water.
tube was powered by a Model 240A high voltage supply
(Keithley Instruments, Cleveland, OH 44139). The signal
was processed by a Model 1021filterand amplifier (Spectrum Apparatus
Scientific Corp., Newark, DE 19711) and Model 417K chro- Wash all glassware with detergent (Micro Laboratory
matograph electrometer (Keithley Instruments). Output was Cleaner, International Products, Trenton, NJ 08601) and rinse
recorded on a Hewlett-Packard 7131A recorder. thoroughly with hot tap water followed by distilled or deion-
ized water. Then rinse 3 times with acetone and 3 times with
Methyl Mercury—Modified Method toluene. Dry in hood.
Methyl mercury was also determined by the following (a) Centrifuge. -Model IEC CRU-5000 (International
modified EC-GC method, which is the subject of this report. Equipment Co., Needham Heights, MA 02194).
(b) Centrifuge tubes. —50 mL with Teflon-lined caps (Cat.
METHOD No. 9212-K78, Arthur H. Thomas Co., Philadelphia, PA
Principle (c) Graduated cylinders.—Class A, 50 mL, with ground
Organic interferences are removed from homogenized sea- glass stoppers (No. 20036, Kimble Div., Owens-Illinois, Inc.,
food by an acetone wash followed by a toluene wash. Protein- Toledo, OH 43666).
bound methyl mercury is released by the addition of HCl (d) Transfer pipets.— Disposable glass, Pasteur-type.
and is extracted into toluene. The toluene extract is analyzed (e) Dropping pipets. — 5 mL (No. 13-710B, Fisher Scientific
for methyl mercuric chloride by EC-GC. Co., Pittsburgh, PA 15219).
(0 Mechanical shaker.—-Model S-500 shaker-in-the-round,
Reagents with Model PT-0 timer (Kraft Apparatus, Inc., Mineola, NY
(a) Solvents.— Acetone, toluene, and isopropanol, all dis- 11501).
tilled in glass (Burdick & Jackson Laboratories Inc., Mus- (g) Gas chromatograph.— Hewlett-Packard Model 5710A
kegon, MI 49442, or MC/B Manufacturing Chemists, Nor- equipped with linear "Ni EC detector, Model 7131A re-
wood, OH 45212). Warning: Toluene is harmful if inhaled corder, and 6 ft x 2 mm id silanized glass column packed
and is flammable; conduct all operations with toluene in with 5% DEGS-PS on 100-120 mesh Supelcoport (Supelco,
laboratory hood. Inc., Bellefonte, PA 16823). Pack column no closer than 2.0
(b) Hydrochloric acid solution (1 + 1).— Add concentrated cm from injection and detector port nuts and hold packing
HCl to equal volume of distilled or deionized water and mix. in place with 2 cm high quality, silanized glass wool at both
Use 2 volumes of toluene to extract potential interferences ends. Install oxygen scrubber and molecular sieve dryer (No.
from 1 volume of HCl solution by vigorously shaking mix- HGC-145, Analabs, North Haven, CT 06473) between car-
26 HIGHT & CORCORAN: J. ASSOC. OFF. ANAL. CHEM. (VOL. 70, NO. 1, 1987)

rier gas supply and column. Condition column according to chromatogram may indicate that more vigorous shaking with
manufacturer's instructions as follows: Flush column 0.5 h acetone and toluene is required. In products for which methyl
with carrier gas at 30 mL/min at room temperature. Then mercury recoveries are to be determined, fortify tissue at this
heat 1 h at 50°C. Next, heat column to 200°C at 47min and point by adding working fortification solution (g) to centri-
hold at 200°C overnight. Do not connect column to detector fuge tubes.
during this conditioning process. Maintain 30 mL/min car- Add 2.5 mL HC1 solution (b) to centrifuge tube containing
rier gas flow at all times during conditioning, treatment, and acetone- and toluene-washed sample. Break up tissue with
use. Operating conditions: temperatures (°Q—column 155, glass stirring rod, if necessary. Extract methyl mercuric chlo-
injector 200, detector 300; carrier gas flow 30 mL/min; re- ride by adding 20 mL toluene and shaking tube gently but
corder chart speed 0.5-1.0 cm/min. Under these conditions thoroughly 5 min on mechanical shaker at setting 5 (2 min
and with mercuric chloride column treatment procedure de- by hand). Loosen cap and centrifuge 5 min at 2000 rpm. If
scribed below, methyl mercuric chloride peak appears 2-3 emulsion is present after centrifugation, add 1 mL isopro-
min after injection of extract. panol to reduce emulsion. Gently stir isopropanol into tol-
uene with glass stirring rod. Do not mix isopropanol with
Mercuric Chloride Column Treatment aqueous phase. Add equal amounts of isopropanol to blank

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Five percent DEGS-PS, conditioned according to manu- and test solutions. If emulsion is not present, do not add
facturer's instructions, can be used to determine methyl mer- isopropanol to blank or test solutions. Vigorous mixing of
curic chloride only after treatment by mercuric chloride so- isopropanol with HC1 may produce interfering peaks in chro-
lution (f). Because column performance degrades with time, matograms. Recentrifuge. With dropping pipet, carefully
also treat column periodically during use. Perform appro- transfer toluene to graduated cylinder. Rinse walls of cen-
priate mercuric chloride treatment procedures described be- trifuge tube with 1-2 mL toluene and transfer rinse to grad-
low. uated cylinder. Repeat extraction step one more time. Com-
(a) Following 200°C column conditioning and after every bine both extracts in graduated cylinder, dilute to 50 mL
2-3 days of analyses. —If column has just been conditioned with toluene, stopper, and mix well. Add 10 g Na 2 S0 4 and
according to manufacturer's instructions or has been used 2- mix again. Tightly stoppered extracts (sealed with Teflon
3 days to analyze extracts, proceed as follows: Adjust column tape) may be refrigerated and held overnight at this point.
temperature to 200°C and inject 20 ixL mercuric chloride Analyze by GC.
treatment solution 5 times at 5-10 min intervals. Maintain
200°C temperature overnight. Chromatogram will contain Gas Chromatography
large, broad peaks. Adjust column temperature to 155°C next Verify that system is operating properly by injecting 5 yL
morning and inject 20 juL mercuric chloride treatment so- standard solution containing 0.005 /ug Hg/mL into gas chro-
lution 2 more times. Large, broad chromatographic peaks matograph. The difference between methyl mercuric chloride
appearing at ca 1-2 h signal completion of treatment process peak heights for 2 injections should be <4°/o. Check linearity
and that column is ready for use. by chromatographing all working standard solutions.
(b) On day preceding analyses. —If column has been treat- Inject 5 fiL standard solution with concentration approx-
ed by procedure (a) or used 1 day at 155°C to analyze extracts, imately equal to or slightly greater than concentration of
column may be treated at end of working day for next day's extract. Immediately after methyl mercuric chloride peak
use as follows: Lower column temperature to 115°C and in- appears, inject 5 /uL extract. Immediately after methyl mer-
ject 20 pL mercuric chloride treatment solution one time. curic chloride and background peaks for extract appear, inject
After large, broad peaks appear in chromatogram (11-20 h), another 5 ML aliquot of standard solution. Because column
treatment process is complete. Next working day, increase performance and peak height slowly decrease with time, cal-
column temperature to 155°C operating temperature. When culate Hg concentration in each test sample by comparing
baseline is steady, column is ready for use. peak height for each test extract to average peak height for
(c) During extract analyses at 155XJ. —If column has been standard solutions injected immediately before and after test
used at 155°C to analyze extracts and if column performance extract.
has degraded enough to require mercuric chloride treatment, Correct height of methyl mercuric chloride peak for test
inject two 20 »L aliquots of mercuric chloride treatment extract by subtracting height of peak for method blank ob-
solution. Large, broad peaks will appear in chromatogram tained at same attenuation and recorder sensitivity. Calculate
1-2 h after mercuric chloride injection, signaling completion methyl-bound Hg content of test sample expressed as ^g Hg/g
of treatment process. Wait for steady baseline; then column (ppm Hg) by comparing height of peak from injection of test
is ready for use. extract to average height of peak from duplicate injections
of standard solution as follows:
Extraction of Methyl Mercuric Chloride
Perform all operations except weighing in laboratory hood. Mg Hg/g fish = (R/R1) x (C'/Q x 50 mL
Take empty centrifuge tube through all steps for method where R = corrected height of methyl mercuric chloride peak
blank determination. Accurately weigh 1 g homogenized test from injection of test extract, R' = average height of methyl
sample into 50 mL centrifuge tube. Add 25 mL acetone; mercuric chloride peak from duplicate injections of standard
tightly cap and vigorously shake tube by hand 15 s. Loosen solution, C = weight (g) of test portion, and C" = concentra-
cap and centrifuge 5 min at 2000 rpm. Carefully decant and tion Oig/mL) of Hg in standard solution.
discard acetone. (Use dropping pipet to remove acetone, if
necessary.) Repeat 25 mL acetone wash step 2 more times.
Break up tissue with glass stirring rod before shaking tube, Results
if necessary. Add 20 mL toluene; tightly cap and vigorously Table 1 presents the Hg levels in selected fish and shellfish,
shake tube by hand 30 s. Loosen cap and centrifuge 5 min determined by the AOAC official method for methyl mercury
at 2000 rpm. Carefully decant (or draw off with dropping (5, 6), the modified method for methyl mercury that was
pipet) and discard toluene. Extraneous peaks in final GC developed in this study, and the AOAC official method for
HIGHT & CORCORAN: J. ASSOC. OFF. ANAL. CHEM. (VOL. 70, NO. 1, 1987) 27

Table 1. Comparison of methods for determining Hg in seafood Table 3. Means, standard deviations (SD), and coefficients of
variation (CV) for determination of methyl mercury by the mod-
Hg, uglg ified method
Methyl mer- Methyl mer- Total Hg
Hg, Mg/g
cury by AOAC cury by modi- by AOAC
Commodity method (3) fied method method (2) Commodity Mean' ± SD CV
Swordfish A 1.27 1.40 1.26 Swordfish A 1.33 ± 0.05
1.24 1.33 1.41 Swordfish B 0.72 ± 0.05
1.25 1.26 Swordfish C 1.36 ± 0.09
1.25 1.31 Shark 2.15 ± 0.05
1.35 Tuna A 0.55 ± 0.03
Shark 1.88 2.16 2.11 Tuna B, level 1 0.98 ± 0.02
2.10 2.17 1.75 Tuna B, level 2 2.30 ± 0.02
2.07 Tuna C, level 1 0.62 ± 0.01
2.18 Oysters, level 1 0.50 ± 0.03
Oysters, level 2 1.46 ± 0.04
Tuna A 0.47 0.58 0.48
0.49 0.55 " Average of 4-6 determinations.

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Clams ND' ND ND is no significant interference by other electron-capturing com-
pounds at the retention time of methyl mercuric chloride.
Coefficients of variation (CVs) for determinations by the
Shrimp ND ND ND
modified method with EC detection ranged from 1 to 7% for
ND ND seafood containing methyl mercury at levels ranging from
ND 0.50 to 2.30 Mg Hg/g. These CVs are presented in Table 3
ND with the corresponding means and standard deviations. Ta-
Tuna" 1.00 0.98 0.88 ble 4 shows the percent recoveries of methyl mercury from
0.97 1.08
fortified products analyzed by the modified method. The
'ND indicates not present above quantitation limit, i.e., 0.05 ng Hg/g for overall average recovery of methyl mercury was 100.5% for
AOAC methyl mercury method, 0.25 »g Hg/g for modified methyl mercury the fish types studied. The average recoveries of methyl mer-
method, and 0.1 /ig Hg/g for AOAC total Hg method.
cury from shrimp and from oysters at one fortification level
»NBS Research Material-50; total Hg reference value = 0.95 ± 0.1 /*g
Hg/g. were lower than the overall average. We experienced diffi-
culty in homogenizing and mixing the rubbery, gelatinous
shrimp homogenate with acetone, toluene, and HC1 solution.
total Hg (2). There is no significant difference between the The oysters fortified at the low level produced emulsions that
results for the various methods. Essentially all of the Hg were not fully eliminated with isopropanol. These difficulties
present in thesefishtypes (as determined by the AOAC meth- may explain the lower recoveries of methyl mercury from
od for total Hg) is in the organic form. This observation has shrimp and oysters.
been reported elsewhere for swordfish and tuna (11).
Table 2 presents the results from analysis of selected, for- The cleanup provided by this method is adequate for the
tified products by the AOAC (5, 6) and modified methods determination of methyl mercury at Hg levels >0.25 /*g/g.
with EC detection and by the modified method with MIP The quantitation limit (QL) of 0.25 ^g Hg/g is based on
detection. There is no significant difference between the re- the height of the methyl mercuric chloride peak (0.005 tig
sults obtained by EC and MIP detection, indicating that there Hg/mL extract) that is equal to 10 times the height of inter-
fering background peaks in chromatograms obtained in this
Table 2. Comparison of EC and MIP detection in analysis of
seafood for methyl mercury by AOAC" and modified methods QL = (0.005 fig Hg/mL extract) x (50 mL extract/g sample)
= 0.25 ng Hg/g
Hg, ng/g

AOAC Modified Modified Figure 1 shows a typical EC-GC chromatogram for shark
Commodity method/EC method/EC c method/MIP" extract obtained from analysis by the modified method.
Swordfish B 0.76 0.72 0.75
Swordfish C 1.34 1.36 1.36
Table 4. Recovery of methyl mercury by the modified method
Tuna B, level 0* 0.12 0.16 0.16
TunaB, level 1' 0.92 0.98 0.98 Commodity Hg added, #ig/g" Av. rec., %»
Tuna B, level 2» 2.32 2.30 2.25
Tuna C, level 0* NA» 0.09 NA Swordfish A 1.87 109
Tuna C, level 1' 0.64 0.62 0.65 Shark 1.87 104
Oysters, level 0' 0.02 0.02' NA Tuna A 1.87 108
Oysters, level V 0.52 0.50 0.51 Tuna B 0.80 103
Oysters, level 2" 1.42 1.46 1.48 Tuna B 2.21 96.8
Tuna C 0.54 99.5
•Ref.3. Oysters 0.54 89.6
'Average of 2-4 determinations. Oysters 1.52 98.7
'Average of 5 or 6 determinations. Clams 0.93 104
'One determination. Shrimp 0.93 92.6
Overall av. rec., % 100.5
'Fortified with 0.803 ^g Hg/g.
'Fortified with 2.208ng Hg/g. " Fortified with aqueous solution of methyl mercuric chloride.
"NA indicates not analyzed. " Average of 2-6 determinations. Recovery for each individual determination
'Fortified with 0.539 jig Hg/g. was calculated by subtracting average result for unfortified test portions
'Average of 2 determinations. (column 3, Tables 1 and 2) from result for fortified test portion, dividing by
" Fortified with 1.522 ng Hg/g. ng Hg/g added, and multiplying by 100.
28 HIGHT & CORCORAN: J. ASSOC. OFF. ANAL. CHEM. (VOL. 70, NO. 1, 1987)

Table 5. Determination of methyl mercury in the presence and

absence of mercuric chloride by the AOAC and modified
Hg found,
AOAC Modi-
Fortification Hg added, method fied
species Mg/g Time of addition (3) method
None 0 1.50 1.45
Inorganic (HgCI2) 2 after prewash 1.49 1.42
Inorganic (HgCI2) 2 before prewash 1.49 1.51

1 Organic
(methyl mercuric
chloride) 4.67," 4.53" before prewash 5.09" 4.34"
* Average of duplicate determinations.
Jtn" 0
For determination by the AOAC method.

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2: For determination by the modified method.
o " Net found (fortified concentration found - unfortified concentration found).

zene, because we felt that the higher quantitation limit which

results when evaporative concentration is eliminated (0.25
jig Hg/g) would not prevent using the modified method to
enforce the FDA action level for methyl mercury of 1.0 yg
0 3 0 3 Hg/g. Although toluene is safer to use than benzene, it is
harmful if inhaled and is flammable. Therefore, all operations
RETENTION TIME, MINUTES should be conducted in a laboratory hood.
Chromatographic Conditions
6 FT X 2 m SILANIZED GLASS The reader is referred to previous work done in this lab-
155-0f£N 200-JNJ 300-flEr oratory (13) for information on the chromatographic behav-
ELECTRON CAPTURE NICKEL 63 ior of organomercury compounds on various column-pack-
ing materials. The previous study showed that methyl
Figure 1. EC-GC chromatograms from determination of methyl mercuric chloride and ethyl mercuric chloride chromato-
mercury in shark tissue: (A) methyl mercuric chloride (MMC) peak graphed well on diethylene glycol succinate (DEGS) treated
from injection of 5 iiL standard solution containing 0.0844 ppm Hg; with mercuric chloride.
(B) methyl mercuric chloride (MMC) peak from injection of 5 iiL In the work reported here, various column dimensions and
extract (2.34 ng Hg/g tissue; 1.09 g tissue/50 mL).
percentages of liquid phase were investigated in an effort to
shorten elution time. However, no advantage was found for
any of the following: 3 ft x 2 mm id column, unsilanized
Discussion support, and 10% liquid phase load. Therefore, we decided
to continue using the chromatographic conditions in the
Solvent Selection AOAC official method (5, 6): 6 ft x 2 mm id silanized glass
The first goal of our study was to eliminate the use of column packed with 5% DEGS-PS on 100-120 mesh Su-
benzene for extraction. The U.S. Occupational Safety and pelcoport. Our EC chromatographic system gave a linear
Health Administration time-weighted average (TWA) ex- response for 5 /uL injections of standard solutions containing
posure limit for this carcinogen is 10 ppm (12). As a possible 0.005-0.300 ixg Hg/mL (correlation coefficient = 0.99991).
substitute for benzene, hexane (isomer mixture, TWA = 100
ppm) was investigated. Hexane (bp 69°C) concentrates rap- Optimization of Extraction Parameters
idly in Kuderna-Danish glassware. Methyl mercuric chloride Preliminary experiments showed that the amount of meth-
in hexane gives a short retention time, good peak shape, and yl mercury extracted from fish tissue by toluene increases
steady baselines under the chromatographic conditions in when the volume of HC1 solution is decreased and the vol-
the AOAC official method (5, 6). A major disadvantage of ume of toluene is increased. This effect is explained by the
hexane is that it extracts only 23% of the methyl mercuric fact that methyl mercuric chloride is slightly soluble in water
chloride from the aqueous phase when it is substituted for (14).
benzene in the AOAC official method. Hexane, therefore, Consequently, a series of experiments was conducted to
was eliminated from further consideration. optimize conditions for maximum recovery of methyl mer-
Toluene (TWA = 100 ppm) was also investigated. The cury. Results showed that maximum recovery is obtained
retention time and peak shape of methyl mercuric chloride when methyl mercury in 1 g fish tissue (prewashed with
are almost identical in toluene and benzene under the chro- acetone and toluene) is extracted with 2.5 mL HC1 solution
matographic conditions of the AOAC official method. Tol- and 20 mL toluene. Under these conditions, 95% of the
uene is also a good solvent because it extracts about 83% of methyl mercury in the aqueous phase is transferred to the
the methyl mercuric chloride in the aqueous phase when it organic phase by one extraction.
is substituted for benzene in the AOAC method. A disad- Swordfish was chosen for the optimization experiments
vantage, however, in using toluene is its high boiling point because FDA monitoring programs have shown that it fre-
(111°C) which makes evaporative concentration impossible quently contains high levels of methyl mercury. A 1 g test
in Kuderna-Danish glassware on a steam bath. Despite this portion was chosen because a smaller quantity might have
drawback, toluene was chosen as the solvent to replace ben- caused homogeneity problems and would have resulted in a
HIGHT & CORCORAN: J. ASSOC. OFF. ANAL. CHEM. (VOL. 70, NO. 1, 1987) 29

higher quantitation limit. A larger weight would have re- steps and the addition of HC1 solution as directed in the
quired using more organic solvent, which we wanted to keep procedure. We have obtained excellent recoveries (95-106%)
at a minimum. All volumes of HC1 solution were >2.5 mL, using this time-saving step.
because initial experiments showed that smaller quantities
did not provide sufficient mixing with the 1 g test portion. MIP Detection of Methyl Mercury
A 20 mL portion of toluene was used because initial exper- Because the EC detector employed in the modified method
iments showed that larger volumes could not be adequately responds to many electron-capturing compounds, we decided
mixed in the equipment that was readily available in our to monitor the GC effluent with an Hg-specific detector. We
laboratory. compared the Hg concentrations in the extracts analyzed by
Shaking time.— The effect of shaking the acidified sample obtaining responses with the EC and MIP detectors. If the
with toluene for various times was studied in an effort to EC result had been greater than the MIP result for the same
reduce the time required to complete the analysis. Shaking extract, coeluting compounds (compounds other than methyl
times investigated were 2, 5, 10, and 15 min. A 1 g portion mercuric chloride) would have been indicated. Since the EC
of swordfish was prewashed with acetone and toluene, and and MIP results were equal, there was no coeluting interfer-
the methyl mercury was extracted once with 2.5 mL HC1 ence.

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solution and 20 mL toluene. All mixtures were mechanically The MIP output was not linear with respect to the Hg
shaken. concentration of standard solutions at the higher levels. MIP
Experimental results showed that the length of shaking results from the analysis of test samples, therefore, were cal-
time has no significant effect on the recovery of methyl mer- culated by using a separate set of standard solutions with
cury from swordfish. However, past experience in our lab- concentrations of Hg that more closely matched the Hg con-
oratory indicated that mixtures from some products such as centrations in the test samples. (For the analyses with MIP
homogenized shrimp do not appear to be well mixed after 2 detection, methyl mercuric chloride peak heights in chro-
min on a mechanical shaker. On the basis of this experience, matograms of standard solutions were within 5-8% of the
we chose the 5 min shaking time when a mechanical shaker peak heights in chromatograms of extracts.) Results were
is used. Mixtures shaken thoroughly by hand appeared to be calculated by comparing the average peak height from du-
well mixed after 2 min, and the analytical results were equiv- plicate injections of test extract to the average peak height
alent to those obtained after 5 min of mechanical shaking. from 2 injections of standard solution made immediately
Number of extractions.— When the optimized analytical before and 2 injections of standard solution made immedi-
parameters are used, only 2 solvent extractions are necessary ately after the injections of test extract. This 6 injection se-
for acceptable recovery. The extraction optimization exper- quence was necessary to monitor the MIP system stability,
iments show that about 95% of the methyl mercury is trans- which was frequently disrupted by laboratory environmental
ferred to toluene in the first extraction when the optimized changes (temperature, pressure, vibration, etc.). If the range
analytical parameters are used. It follows that 99.75% [95% + of the 4 standard peak heights was >10% of the average
(95% of 5%) = 99.75%] of the methyl mercury will be trans- standard peak height, the data were rejected and the entire
ferred to toluene in 2 combined extractions. This recovery 6 injection sequence was repeated.
is well within the experimental precision of the method. For The MIP system response (at Hg emission line 253.45 nm)
analysis of 2 combined 20 mL extracts diluted to 50.0 mL, for potentially interfering amounts of CI, C, and P was eval-
the quantitation limit of the method is 0.25 /ug Hg/g. Al- uated by comparing the MIP response to hexachlorobenzene
though this limit is higher than the 0.05 ug Hg/g quantitation (C6C16, 2.05 retention time relative to methyl mercuric chlo-
limit of the official method (5, 6), it is adequate for moni- ride) and phorate (C7H1702PS3, 3.48 relative retention time)
toring at the 1.0 ppm action level. with the MIP response to methyl mercuric chloride. CI, C,
and P do not produce an MIP response at respective levels
Methyl Mercury in the Presence of Inorganic Mercury that are 1340, 1510, and 556 times as great as the Hg level
Several experiments were carried out to determine whether in the sample extracts analyzed. Higher levels of CI, C, and
the modified method is specific for methyl mercury when P were not investigated.
inorganic Hg (mercuric chloride) is present. Swordfish con- MIP-GC and EC-GC analysis of selected extracts gave
taining about 1.5 Mg Hg/g was used for the experiment. The equivalent results, as shown in Table 2. Therefore, we con-
fish was fortified with solutions of mercuric chloride and clude that the modified method provides adequate cleanup
methyl mercuric chloride in water. Some portions were for- for the determination of methyl mercury in seafood.
tified with mercuric chloride after the solvent prewashes to
determine whether mercuric chloride is extracted into the Conclusions
toluene and interferes with the methyl mercuric chloride peak The method developed in this study gives accurate and
inthechromatogram. Other portions were fortified with mer- precise results for the determination of methyl mercury in
curic chloride before the solvent prewashes to determine fish and shellfish. Coefficients of variation obtained by this
whether mercuric chloride can be removed by the prewash method range from 1 to 7% for seafood containing 0.50-2.30
if it does interfere with methyl mercury. A third set was Mg Hg/g. The overall average recovery is 100.5% (range 89.6-
fortified with methyl mercuric chloride before prewashing to 109%) for test samples fortified to contain 0.56-4.05 ixg Hg/g
determine whether it is lost during the prewash step. The (values from Table 4 plus appropriate values from column
experimental results are presented in Table 5. There is no 3, Table 1 or 2). This modified method has several advan-
significant difference between the results for the unfortified tages over the AOAC official method in that it (1) eliminates
portions and those for the portions fortified with inorganic the health hazard associated with benzene by replacing it
Hg. The results show that inorganic Hg does not interfere with toluene; (2) reduces analytical time by 30-45 min per
with the analysis for methyl mercury and that methyl mer- determination by eliminating evaporative concentration and
cury is not lost during the prewash steps. reducing the number of extractions, quantitative transfers,
During routine analysis, the analyst may fortify test por- and extract injections; and (5) is easier to use with less chance
tions with methyl mercuric chloride between the prewash of low recoveries by reducing the number of quantitative
30 HIGHT & CORCORAN: J. ASSOC. OFF. ANAL. CHEM. (VOL. 70, NO. 1, 1987)

transfers. The parameters for extracting methyl mercury into of Toxic Trace Elements, Environmental Protection Agency,
toluene are optimized so that 99% of the methyl mercury is Las Vegas, NV
recovered. Experiments show that mercuric chloride does (4) A Swedish Expert Group (1971) "Methyl Mercury in Fish: A
Toxicologic-Epidemiologic Evaluation of Risks," Nord. Hyg.
not interfere and that methyl mercury is not lost during anal- Tidskr. Suppl. 4, p. 65 ff
ysis. (5) Hight, S. C, & Capar, S. G. (1983) J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem.
We are currently conducting an interlaboratory study to 66, 1121-1128
evaluate and possibly recommend the modified method for (6) Official Methods of Analysis (1984) 14thEd., AOAC, Arlington,
VA, sees. 25.146-25.152
AOAC official first action status.
(7) FDA Compliance Policy Guide (1984) Food and Drug Admin-
istration, Washington, DC, sec. 7108.07
Acknowledgment (8) Bache, C. A., & Lisk, D. J. (1971) Anal. Chem. 43, 950-952
The authors thank Lee Miller, FDA, Division of Food (9) Westoo, G. (1968) Acta Chem. Scand. 22, 2277-2280
Chemistry and Technology, for setting up and maintaining (10) Carnahan, J. W. (1983) Am. Lab. 15, 31-36
(11) Kamps, L. R., Carr, R , & Miller, H. (1972) Bull. Environ.
the MIP detection system. Contam. Toxicol. 8, 273-279
(12) Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances in the Work
Environment (1984) American Conference of Governmental

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REFERENCES Industrial Hygienists, Cincinnati, OH, pp. 10, 20, 31
(1) FDA Compliance Policy Guide (1978) Food and Drug Admin- (13) O'Reilly, J. E. (1982) J. Chromatogr. 238, 433^44
istration, Washington, DC, sec. 7108.07 (14) Handbook of Organometallic Compounds (1968) N. Hagihara,
(2) Official Methods ofAnalysis (1984) 14thEd., AOAC, Arlington, M. Kumada, & R. Okawara (Eds), W.A. Benjamin, Inc., New
VA, sees. 25.131-25.145 York, NY, p. 804
(3) Jenkins, D. W. (1981) Project Summary: Biological Monitoring

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