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About the author

Aman is a 17 years old boy who are passionate in writing and thinking out of the
box. He took his interest towards the field of information technology when he was
only 13 years old and later he shown his interest in some writing skills like poems
and music.
Aman seen many out of the world events and things that someone can’t even
imagine and mentioning this in book will not be a good idea.
He was very brilliant in studies until someone came and changed his life. He
realized that studies only trains to earn but in order to change this world we have
to bring innovation and this is only possible when we make a strong foundation
and the biggest foundation is our mind. We have to make a strong mind and make
a world where people will not judge each other by religion or caste.
He is one of them, had been judged once in life by his caste. He was the owner of
multiple talents such as in IT field, new languages, music.
He loves to motivate others and he changed life of more than 5-6 depressed and
given guidance to them in the age of 16.

this book doesn’t promote any superstitious activities and beliefs. I’m trying to my
knowledge about this particular topic to expand your mindset and take you to
another dimensions of knowledge and wisdom.

About this book

This book is based on numerical astrology. it can be very helpful for those, who
faced heartbreaks and betrayals.
After reading this you will be able to understand others. You will get to know who
are your friend and who are your enemies.
We should not misuse this knowledge by teasing others by knowing their
weaknesses. The main motive of this book is to take your vision to out of the box
and you see everything by the new glass of astrology. The name ‘bird with glass’
signifies this meaning. Bird used for freedom from your mind slaved by small
vision and little knowledge

1. What is Astrology?
2. What is Numeric Astrology?
3. History of Numeric Astrology
4. Logic Behind Astrology
5. Importance of Astrological Precautions
6. Introduction to Numeric Astrology
7. Finding the Driver and Conductor
8. Characteristics of Planets
9. Characteristics of Sun
10. Characteristics of Moon
11. Characteristics of Jupiter
12. Characteristics of North Node
13. Characteristics of Mercury
14. Characteristics of Venus
15. Characteristics of South Node
16. Characteristics of Saturn
17. Characteristics of Mars
18. The Astrology Grid
19. Fixing Numbers in Lou-Shu Grid
20. The Special Patterns in Grid
21. The Repeating Numbers in Grid
22. Predicting Relationship using Numeric Astrology
23. Keep an eye out there in your surrounds
24. Let’s Predict Something Using Astrology
25. Things to Remember

What is Astrology?
Before start this Astrology Book, Let’s Know about what is astrology?
Astrology is any of various ceremonial, religious,
and divinatory practices which claim to discern information about
human affairs and terrestrial events by studying the movements
and relative positions of celestial objects. Astrology has been dated
to at least the 2nd millennium BCE, and has its roots
in calendrical systems used to predict seasonal shifts and to
interpret celestial cycles as signs of divine communications. Many
cultures have attached importance to astronomical events, and
some—such as the Hindus, Chinese, and the Maya—developed
elaborate systems for predicting terrestrial events from celestial
observations. Western astrology, one of the oldest astrological
systems still in use, can trace its roots to 19th–17th century
BCE Mesopotamia, from where it spread to Ancient Greece, Rome,
the Arab world, and eventually Central and Western Europe.
Contemporary Western astrology is often associated with systems
of horoscopes that purport to explain aspects of a
person's personality and predict significant events in their lives
based on the positions of celestial objects; the majority
of professional astrologers rely on such systems.

What is Numeric Astrology
Astrology is mostly based on making a Kindle or Horoscope. But Numeric
Astrology is totally based on playing with numbers. We will study the
numbers, how they affect us and tell us the future events. These
numbers are totally English numbers but for your causality we also use
symbols or lines as you learn ahead.

History of Astrology
Around 1000s of Years ago, Rishi Parashar Discovered this Devine art of predicting
anything by just knowing the position of cosmic heavenly bodies and planets. They
made to successfully predicting the future events like Rain, Crops Failure,
Thunderstorm etc. Then Rishi Parashar taught this Art to his Students and So on,
this art came with generations and with new updates. From that time, there is only
few those can predict like that Rishi but predicting things related to a human being
is quite easy because of Changing nature of Human Beings.

Logic Behind the Astrology
Now, you will think that what is the logic behind this working. How these heavenly
bodies thousands of miles away effects the behavior of Humans?
There is a small logic or theory we will discuss. When a child get birth, his or her
body is not fully developed and mature so when he/she come in the contact of
direct environment, the gravitational pull of certain planets which is on a certain
position in the universe changes the physical condition of that child and other
planets interferes in this task. Now when that child grows to a man, that mind
condition made by planetary positions and pull becomes the nature and mindset
of the person.

Is Everyone Possessed by Planets or

Now you are thinking that if these planets interfering in our life and changing our
natures and behaviors. Is everyone working under his or her planetary position or
astrological condition? So the answer is No!
A person who can change his or her mind condition by meditation practices or
spiritual development can overcome the astrology and no one in the world can
predict the next step of that person.

Importance Astrological
Is it important to keep an eye on
Astrological Conditions every time?
Keeping an eye on astrological conditions every time can be good way to know
about the future possibilities. And the probability of certain actions and events.
But completely depending on the astrological reading and predictions can’t be a
good idea. We should always keep the Astrological Predictions on mind and keep
an idea on the possibilities. This can help us very much.

Introduction to Numeric
Let’s start the Numeric Astrology, in this Book we will discuss from the scratch to
advance level. We will learn about the how can we predict anyone behavior by
using his or her date of birth, we will predict the U-turn in someone life and also
about the relationships of two people.

Numbers in Astrology
There are some numbers in astrology. These numbers are from 1 to 9 not 0
because 0 was discovered later by Rishi Aryabhata. So we skip the 0 in this course.
Every number represents a particular planet with this formation
1 Sun
2 Moon
3 Jupiter
4 North Node
5 Mercury
6 Venus
7 South Node
8 Saturn
9 Mars

Like this we skip zero and if comes to double digits, adds the digits.

Finding the Driver and
There are two numbers, both numbers represent its own importance. According to
Vedic Culture, these numbers are MoolAnk and Bhagyaank. The word Moolank
derived from two Sanskrit words – ‘Mool’ means Root or starting point and ‘ank’
means Number, just like this – ‘ bhagya ‘means Luck or a wisdom factor or
experience and ‘ank’ means number.
In this book we will abbreviate these both numbers with Moolank – Driver and
Bhagyank – Conductor.

How to Find the Driver and Conductor
Number of any person?
In order to find the driver and conductor number of a person, we need to know his
or her Date of Birth with day, month and year exactly.
Let’s know the process
To find the driver:

Date of Birth = 23 - 06 - 2002

Driver = 23 – 06 – 2002
Hence the driver of this person in 5
Date of Birth = 7 – 07 – 2003
Driver = 7
Hence if the birth date is already in single digit, we will write it as it

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To Find the Conductor Number:

Date of Birth = 23 - 06 - 2002

Driver = 23 – 06 – 2002 (ignore zero everywhere)
Now add these = 2+3+6+2+2
= 15 {this is in double digits now add it again}
1+5 =6
Hence the conductor of this person = 6
Hence the driver of this person in 5
Date of Birth = 7 – 07 – 2003
Driver = 7+7+2+3 = 19 {now add it again}
1+9 = 10 {ignore the zero}
Now the conductor of this person will be 1

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Characteristics of Planets
Each and every character shows his own behavior. Some are moody, and some are
depressed. Some are clever and some are intelligent.
We will discuss in brief about each planet serial wise from 1 to 9.
How they effect and behave.
The driver and conductor represents the possession of these planets on a person.
For example:
If a person has a driver number of 4, it means he or she is possessed by the Saturn
planet and his or her behavior will be match to Saturn’s behavior will discuss
And Conductor Number shows the changes in life of that person and especially
after the age of 35.
Other numbers like month and years also matters with partial characters in
Aside of this, every planet has its own negative and positive attributes with health
effects and financial condition.

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Characteristics of Sun
As we know, the sun is in the center of our solar system and it gives life to other
planets. So we can clearly say that sun is the father or king of all planets. Just like
this, its attributes like a king. First we talk about the positive attributes and then
negative attributes and then health effects.

Positive Attributes
Leadership A person with good leadership skills
Authoritative Good in doing authority work
Aggressive Can do work very efficiently
Intelligent Can be a person with a very good mind level and understanding
Courageous Can be very courageous and high will power
Independent Can like to do every work in complete freedom
Creative can be a very creative person
Inventive Can come up with new ideas and creations
Initiative Person will take initiative and responsibilities

Negative Attributes
Stubborn Person can be stubborn
Dominating Person can be very possessive towards his own things
Selfish Person can be selfish
Egoist Person can be very egoist
Demanding Person can be materialistic

Sun can be a very good leader and very attractive personality with a glow on face
and no one can overcome his or her will. He or she can be very stubborn and
egoist with a dominating behavior.
He or she can face health problems like Stomach, Eyes, Chest.
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Characteristics of Moon
Moon is a supporter and closest planet of earth, which means presence of moon
can play a major role in someone’s life. Moon is the lord of mental feelings. Its
presence in positive can make a person very intelligent and creative but negative
effect can make a person a very confused, depressed and cold.

Positive attributes
intuitive person have a very intuitional mind
Tolerant One can show a behavior acceptable to all
Diplomatic Can be a very diplomatic person
Patient Person with a very high patience level
Peaceful Person like to live peacefully and don’t like violence
Quite Person want to live quietly and don’t like crowds at all
Agreeable Person can agree to everyone with one voice
Reliable Person make a good trust on others
Understanding nature Person with a nature of understanding others
Sympathetic Person can show sympathy to others
Charming Can have a very charming mindset

Negative attributes
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Shy Person can be shy
Depressed Person can be depressed so much
Uninterested Person can show less interest in others
Emotional Person can be over emotional
Ambitionless Person can be ambitionless lead to money problems in life
Over-sensitive Person can be over-sensitive
Money problems Person can face money problems in life

Moon is very intuitional person who can understand others with only eyes sight.
He can be depressed and confused in every aspect of life and feels very
unsatisfied. He or she can face health problems like Cough and Cold, Anxiety,
Blood, Mind, Mood Swings

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Characteristics of Jupiter
According to Vedas and Purans, Jupiter is known as the Teacher of Gods and
Devtas with Name ‘ Devguru Bhraspati ‘, his work is to teach others, guide others
and want to do everything in right way.
Just like this, all the attributes of a teacher comes in the Jupiter. Jupiter is the
biggest planet of our solar system so its presence can bring a very huge effect on
someone’s mind.

Creative Person can show high creativity

Knowledgeable Person can have very high knowledge and very good suggestion giver
Educator Person can have very good teaching skills
Versatile Person is flexible towards situations
Like to meet new Person likes to meet new people out there and very social able and also
people very popular in his or her friend circle
Romantic Person can show romantic and caring nature
Charming Person has a charming behavior
Easily express feelings Person can express his or her feelings freely
Friendly Person can show friendly nature towards everyone
Talented Person can very talented
Passionate Person can be very passionate one
Writer Person can be very good writer

The Jupiter is good in teaching others and always tries to guide others path so
listening to him can be a very good idea for a particular ambition. They sometimes
go over emotional.

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Negative Attributes
Egoist Person can show ego because of their knowledge
Person can be easily distracts because she or she tries to do multiple tasks
at same time
Person can do over trust on others lead to multiple failures in love
Over trust on others
Sacrificing Person can sacrifice anything to get to his or her ambition or goal
Time wasting Person does a lot of time waste
Procrastination Person can delay jobs or tasks on next day
Talkative Person can be very talkative because of their knowledge and creativity

Jupiter loves to learn new things and very curious one. He wants to help others
and guide others for his or her ambition. He also over trusts on others which make
him a vulnerable person of being betrayed. If we talk about their health, then its
Liver and Skin.
They are born leaders also and very imaginative. They are so logical and curious.

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Characteristics of North Node
North Node is also known as the Hard work and organization factor in a life of a
person. Presence of North node can make a person very hardworking and
Practical Very can be very good in practical work
Disciplined Person can show a very disciplined behavior
Organized Person can be very good in keeping things in organized way
Logical Person thinks very logical
Patient Person can show very patience behavior
Loyal Person can be very loyal towards his or her responsibility
Permanent Person can be permanent in his or her decisions
Determined Person can be very determined
Hardworking Person can be very hardworking with a sacrificing nature
Conservative Person can be conservative
Reliable Person can be reliable

Negative Attributes
Argumentive Person can be argumentive
Fundamentalist Person can show a fundamental behavior
Depressed Person can be always depressed in thinking of future
Jealous Person can feel jealous from others in material things
Stubborn Person can be stubborn
Person can listen others and follow them but bad in making his own
Good employer
Judge himself Person judges himself so much

The presence of north node makes a person very humorous and good in
understanding the situations. If we talk about the health of the north node –
Gastric, Stomach, Chronic. Money comes with a lot of hardship in their life.
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Characteristics of Mercury
Mercury is the middle planet in astrology which makes it a balancer and a fallback
behavior. This person is a multitalented personality with a very good
communication skill. He is also a good control on mental feelings a very frank
Flexible Person can be flexible in nature
Communication Person can be good in communication
Experimental Person can be very experimental
Good balance Person has a good balance on his mental feelings
Adventurous Person can be very adventurous
Exciting Person can be very exciting
New concept grabber Person loves to learn new concepts and things
Passionate Person can be passionate
Intelligence Person can be intelligent
futuristic Person can be thinks of future
Inventive Person can come up with new concepts

Negative Attributes
Unreliable Person can be very unreliable
Layback Person can show a summer salt nature
Jealous Person can be jealous from others
Person can be distracted can confused in every aspect of life because of
multiple skills and talents
greedy Person can be greedy and always think for himself at first
Wasteful Person can waste resources
Inconsistence Person can lack of consistency in thoughts
Moody Person can be moody
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Sarcastic Person can show a sarcastic nature
Critical calculating Habit of calculating in every situation of events

The mercury makes a man multi-talented and a good concept grabber. It also
makes the man flirting and not being on one decision. Person can always have
confused and fickle.
Health problems – Respiratory, Skin and Mind, Nervous system, Restlessness, No

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Characteristics of Venus
We studied about the Jupiter, who is teacher of all gods. Now, Venus is also a
teacher but a teacher of demons. According to Hindu Vedic culture, Venus is also
known as Daityaguru Shukracharya { daitya = demon } but there is point to be
remember, Demon Teacher Shukracharya is not a bad person or demonic native.
There is a very old story related to Daityaguru Shukracharya, you should listen so
you can understand the nature of Venus easily.
When gods and demons started to war, the demons were defeated and gods won.
Then Shukracharya worshiped lord Shiva for 1000 years and Lord Shiva presented
himself, and said “Shukra, what you want from me. I am satisfied with your
worship and love, ask me anything you want” then Shukracharya asked to get the
Immortality but Shiva replied “this is impossible, anyone who took birth have to
die. Ask any other thing.” Then Guru Ji asks for the boon of supreme healing, and
Shiva gave them a mantra called The Mritasanjeevani Mantra and further Guru
chanted this mantra for more 1000 years and then he make the demon army alive
again. And from this event, Shukracharaya taught this healing art to their students
and further. It is said that if we get success in making this mantra alive then we can
also heal anyone and make alive again.
From this event, Shukra is called to be the Supreme Healer. Shukra is the lord of
wisdom and all the luxuries in life with material things.

Positive attributes
Artistic Can have an artistic nature , person can be a good artist
Creative Can be creative
Unselfish Person can be very good humanitarian
Sympathetic Person can be very sympathetic
Home loving Person can show much love toward family and loved ones
Intelligent Person can be good in studies
Loyal Can be a trust worthy person

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Loving Person can be very loving nature
Caring Person can be very caring
Reliable Can show reliable nature
Thoughtful Person can have a very good mind
Humorous Person can be very frank and humorous nature

Negative Attributes
Wasteful Person can waste resources
Nagging Person can be somehow irritating
Self-righteous Person always tries to show himself right
Manipulative Can be manipulated by others easily

Aside of this, Venus makes a person very intelligent and a materialistic. It also
makes the life of a person very materialistic and luxurious. But brings many types
of disease also like – Lower Body Part and sex related.

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Characteristics of South Node
Just like north node, it is a hardworking person but he is stocked in his own mind
and plan. He always tries to find out secrets and also wants to keep his things
secret. He doesn’t like to reveal his secrets this makes him a very secretive person.

Positive attributes
Analytical Person can think very analytically
Discreet The person be cautious in words to maintain his self-respect
Sympathetic Person can be very sympathetic
Spiritual Person can be spiritual
Quit Person don’t speaks much
Intelligent Person can be intelligent and good in studies
Inventive Person can be a creative
Physic Can show some out of the box abilities
Artistic Person can be artistic
Reserved Person can show himself reserved
Secretive Person don’t reveals his secrets and keep everything hidden

Negative attributes
Depressed Person can experience depression
Moody Person can be moody
Lonely Person can feel lonely
Shy Person can be publically shy
Slow Person can be cold and slow
Calculating Person calculates analytics a lot

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A person with dominance of south node can be very calculating and depressed
person. We can say it a mad scientist, who always want to discover. The main
problems in their life are Health and Relationship. With health problems like
Hidden, nasal congestion, lungs and skin

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Characteristics of Saturn
Saturn is the 6th planet of our solar system and have longest orbit and takes a long
time to complete its one revolution. As same as in astrology, presence of Saturn
slows the progress in one’s life and makes it a hardworking person with good
control on eyes part.

Relation of Eyes to Saturn?

This is an ancient story, dedicated to Shani (Saturn in Hindi language).
Shani was a great devote of Lord Vishnu, he was meditating and spent 100 years in
meditation. One day, their wife came and told something to her husband Shani,
but they were in meditation and can’t heard her wife. So their wife angered and
given a curse to god Shani that,” you disrespected your wife, from now whatever
comes before your eyes will be destroyed except me”

Why Saturn is slow?

This was the story of the son of lord Shiva, Ganesh. When everyone was invited in
the birth ceremony of Lord Ganesh, no one invited God Shani because of their
cured and Shani was also agrees with everyone and decided to not go in
ceremony. But Dervish Neared comes and says Shani,” Lord you should go with
your wife and see Lord Ganesh, their beauty is divine and unique. No one another
in the world like him. But should go and see them only for 1-2 second, it does not
affect him I swear my lord.” After listening this Shani goes to birth ceremony and
when he saw lord Ganesh, his beauty was divine and unique, after seeing Shani
was unable to keep his eye off and Ganesh got cursed. When Goddess Lama saw
this scene, she immediately took her Trident and attacked Shani and broke their
leg. From that day, Saturn became slow.

Positive attributes
Name and Fame Person can have high name and fame

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Power Person can be powerful
Charitable loves to do charity work
Wise Wise personality and knowledge
Leadership Person can be a good leader
Courageous Can show extreme courage
Helpful Loves to help others
Humanitarian Can do humanity work
Ambition Have very clear ambition
Successful Can be success in most of the works
Good judge Can judge others very nicely and takes decision

Negative attributes
Egoist Person can show ego
Stubborn Can be stubborn
Dictatorial Person can show dictatorial behavior
Money hungry Person loves money a lot

Saturn usually keeps feeling of revenge from all others and want to do everything
by hard work. He doesn’t rest which make it a restless person and learn everything
by experience because of its stubborn behavior. If we talk about their health then
it’s like Sinus, Respiratory, Chronic.

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Characteristics of Mars
Now make an image of a person with high attitude and high head, who knows
everything about the business world and have a lot of experience. This is mars, it is
significator of energy. A person with dominance of mars can be very experienced.
Warrior Person can be a very good fighter
Nature lover Loves natural beauty
Spiritual Can be spiritual
Wise Wise personality and knowledge
Passionate Can be own a good passion
Interesting Can be very interested person
Inspiration Person can inspire others for their ambition
Humanitarian Can do humanity work
Giving nature Person can have a very strong feelings to give things to others and sharing
Emotional Person can be very emotional

Negative attributes
Unpredictable Person can be unpredictable
Being impulsive Person can be impulsive
Loneliness Person feels lonely
Depression Can feel depress
Over-emotional Person can be over-emotional
Offrolled easily person can show summer salt behavior

mars dominant person has a highly experienced person with very strong controls
on feelings. Its usually noticed that these people can have a birth mark on body.
Their health problems are eyes, stomach and mouth blisters.

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The astrology grid
There is a astrology grid called Lou-Shu grid. It is used to do accurate astrological
prediction as per the information available. There are fixed numbers in grid as

4 9 2
3 5 7
8 1 6
We have to put every number of date of birth in this grid and skip the absent
numbers along with driver and conductor.
For example:
If a person has date of birth = 23-2-2001
Then we have to find driver and conductor first i.e.
Driver – 23-2-2001
Driver = 5
Conductor – 23-2-2001
Conductor = 1 (ignore zero)
Now, D = 5

Now put these in Lou-Shu grid,

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1 : First put the D and C -

2: Now put the other numbers of date of birth –

3 5
3: Now we can do prediction here –
Before the age of 35, The driver number affects the person 70% and conductor
number affects 30% and then other numbers of date of birth.
driver > conductor > other numbers > name number (>35)
conductor > driver > other numbers > name number (<35)
so let’s predict;
according to driver and conductor, the person will be multi-talented, and good in
communication with good balance on feelings. He can be very curios with a strong
will to grab new concepts, he can be humorous and sarcastic.
He can show two sided behavior and selfishness, with greediness. He can be
jealous and somehow moody. He can be bad in keeping promises and a summer
salt nature. He can be the owner of strong leadership skills and aggressive nature.
Curios and independent.
Person can be egoistic, stubborn, selfish, demanding with the health problems of
respiratory, skin and mind, nervous, restlessness.

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I hope you understand, lets take another example:
Date of birth = 4-3-2005
Driver = 4
Conductor = 4+3+2+5 = 15 = 1+5 = 6
Now, D = 4, C= 6
Now fix numbers in Grid:
Note: if the birth date is single digit then we don’t write this again in grid.
First fix D and C in grid

Now fix other numbers of DOB –

4 2
3 5
Now we can predict;
This person can be very organized and disciplined. With strong ambition and very
practical mindset. This person thinks very logically and practically. And have a high
patience level. With a conservative mindset.
This person loves his family a lot and take cares of his loved ones. He is very loyal
and unselfish, charming and reliable.
He can be jealous and time waster and very materialistic.
I hope now you understand how these things work.

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Special Patterns in Grid
There some special patterns in great which gives special abilities to person, here
are 8 patterns and some exceptions mentioned:

4 9 2
= these numbers provide strong
mental plane to person

3 5 7 = makes emotional and


= this is a very unique pattern

8 1 6 and gives supreme success in
life along with wealth name
and fame

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3 = makes person a minded,

8 strategic and thoughtful

5 = gives strong will power

7 = makes person a sudden
6 decision maker

5 = gives success, royalty and

6 beauty to a person

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5 = gives ultimate luck to
8 person

Some other advance patterns

= gives short temperedness

= makes extreme materialistic


Note: if these patterns are missing then their qualities will also
absent in person.

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Repeating numbers in grid
Now we will discuss about when will a number show his negative or positive side.
These things depend on the iteration of numbers in the grid. Here are mentioned:

if 1 repeats one time

 Person will face difficulty in expressing feelings
 Cannon say
 Bad in communication

if 1 repeat two times

 Person will be good in communication

if 1 repeats three times

 Duality in nature
 Introvert
 Chatterbox

If 1 repeats four times

 Sensitive and caring
 Misunderstood in society
 Misfit in society
 Emotional

if 2 repeats one time

 Sensitive and intuitive

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 Good judge
 Detaching and assessing others

if 2 repeat two times

 Highly intelligent and sensitive
 Born with super intuition

if 2 repeats three times

 Over sensitive
 Be in themselves
 Afraid of getting hurt
 Unsocialize
 Very doubtful
 Confused in every aspect of life
 unsatisfied

If 2 repeats four times

 impatient and rash
 over react to small things
 extremely introvert

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if 3 repeats one time
 we can say them teachers
 good in communication
 imagination
 expressive
 excellent memory
 marked creative streak
 positive and practical
 realistic approach

if 3 repeat two times

 very good communicators
 we can say them master teachers
 awesome story tellers
 expressive and writers
 over trusts on others and get cheated

if 3 repeats three times

 bad listener
 over trust on others and over-imaginative
 writer

If 3 repeats four times

 extremely impractical
 extreme bad listeners
 over talkative
 over imaginative

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if 4 repeats one time
 practical
 hard working
 disciplined

if 4 repeat two times

 excellent organizers
 good hard working
 person might not listen to others

if 4 repeats three times

 more is the ego
 admanetness
 tends to fall sick

If 4 repeats four times

 totally immersed in physical materialism
 extremist

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if 5 repeats one time
 emotionally stable and balanced

if 5 repeat two times

 extremely enthusiastic
 tends to invest time in learning

if 5 repeats three times

 high risk takers and adventurous
 lazy in doing routine works
 flirting nature
 no balance

If 5 repeats four times

 over communication
 over flirty
 no balance
 confused in all phases of life

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if 6 repeats one time
 they make good parents and equally children
 love handling domestic responsibilities
 worry about family

if 6 repeat two times

 more worried about family
 takes extra responsibility of family

if 6 repeats three times

 over protective
 possessive
 more insecure
 can’t live alone
 issues in lower body part

If 6 repeats four times

 very vulnerable
 don’t send away from home alone

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if 7 repeats one time
 good wisdom
 analytical
 good in studies

if 7 repeat two times

 very analytical
 cannot enjoy life
 no chill in life
 health is vulnerable

if 7 repeats three or four times

 very vulnerable to get cheated
 cannot work in teamwork
 do proper astrological reading before marriage

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if 8 repeats one time
 active mind
 restless
 good in finance work

if 8 repeat two times

 they learn everything by experience
 struggle in life

if 8 repeats three times

 rigid and restless
 over-materialistic

If 8 repeats four times

 restless beyond belief

if 9 repeats one time

 good human being

if 9 repeat two times

 rough and tough
 ambitious
 good in technical work
 person will be impulsive

if 9 repeats three or four times

 impulsive
 summer salt nature
 fickle, egoistic and adamant

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Predicting Relationships in
Numeric astrology
Now we will discuss about how will a relationship go or end by using numeric
astrology. These nine numbers we studied before have and particular
behavior. But some numbers also show passive behavior to others and some
shows very friendly behavior comparison to others.
Let’s discuss about the relationships of different numbers.
We will categorize the relationship in four categories,

1st = Lucky (numbers that are very friendly)

2nd = enemy (numbers that are enemy)
3rd = hardcore enemy (numbers that are dangerous)
4th = neutral (numbers that don’t effects much and vulnerable)

Now understand the below table,

Numbers Lucky Enemy neutral
1 9, 2, 5, 3 - 8 6, 4, 7
2 1, 5, 3 9, 4 8 6, 2, 7
3 1, 5, 2, 7 6 6 7, 8, 9, 4
4 7, 6, 1, 8, 4 9, 2, 4, 8 - 3, 5
5 1, 2, 3, 6, 5 - - 7, 8, 9, 4
6 7, 5, 4, 6 3 3 8, 9, 2, 1
7 4, 6, 5, 1 - - 3, 8, 9, 2, 7
8 5, 6, 3, 4, 8 1, 2, 4, 8 1, 2 9, 7
9 1, 5, 3 4, 2 - 9, 8, 7, 6
Note: the relationship of 3 and 6 best in short term but in permanent like marriage
or business partnership, this can be dangerous.

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By this table we can see their relationship with each other, whether they will stay
happy together or create conflicts.

For example, if a boy DOB is 13-3-2001 and girl with DOB: 15-7-2002
We have to find the Driver and Conductor of both dates so,
Boy’s driver and conductor will be – D = 1+3 = 4
C = 1+3+3+2+1= 10 = 1+0 = 1
Girl’s driver and conductor will be – D = 1+5 = 6
C = 1+5+7+2+2= 17= 7+1= 8
Now we will verify their number compatibility-
- boy Girl
D 4 6
C 1 8

Here first check the D, and their D’s are 4 and 6 which is a good combination. Now
check C which are 1 and 8 which are hardcore enemies, as we now Conductor
number shows the life after age of 35 and driver number shows before 35. This
means their relationship will go very well but later in life, this create conflicts.
Note: If the driver and conductor number of a person are enemies then his or life
will be full of struggles.

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Keep an eye out there in your
In order to keep ourselves safe and secure we should keep an eye towards the
behavior of our friends. If we don’t know the date of birth of a person, we can
predict it by his or her behavior. Like the person with number 6 will be very caring
and artistic and the person with number 5 will be very sarcastic and uninterested.
If a person is our hardcore enemy, it doesn’t mean to avoid him. We have to
change ourselves to fit to their behavior. And this is the motive of this book. We
can change ourselves to be nice to them and we can also understand others. We
can get rid of heartbreaks and betrayal friends.
We can see our passion and heart desires. And guide others by helping them in

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Things to remember
 If the date of birth is wrong, then the prediction will also be wrong because it
totally depends on it
 If the date of birth is wrong but the person very proudly believes that its true,
then that date will start to reflect that person’s behavior
 If a person is unique and not the slave of his mindedly desires, then no one
can predict his or her future or behavior and no planet can affect him
because he or she will do everything with uniqueness and creativity
 We should not do partiality by watching his or her astrological reading.
 No one in the world can do 100% correct prediction, its only 30% prediction
we can do and rest depends on nature.
 This is Vedic astrology and very old art, this art was very vast and
Manuscripted but most of the parts of archives were destroyed by Allaudin
Khalzi at Nallanda University
 This is the simplest form of astrological science otherwise the art of making
astrological predictions and astrological grid is very complicated.

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Let’s Predict Something Using
Now we will predict a famous person called Sir. Albert Einstein.

Their date of birth was – 14-3-1879

Now we will find how was their behavior and qualities.
First we will find their D and C numbers.
D = 1+4= 5
C = 1+4+3+1+8+7+9= 33 now, 3+3 = 6
Now D = 5 and C = 6
Now we make astrology grid and set D and C along with all numbers

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4 9

3 5 7

8 11 6

Now note down the patterns which are = 4-5-6 , 9-5-1 , 8-1-6 , 3-5-7
Now note down repeating numbers and their iterations = 1 (two times)
Now we will predict according to this.
He was a multitalented person and a very good speaker. He took interest in
various artistic activities. They were also good in communication and get success in
every work (8-1-6 and 4-5-6 pattern) he had a very big heart (3-5-7 pattern and a
strong will power. they were also short tempered (presence of 9 and 8) and
somehow materialistic (4 and 8 present).
By this we can predict anyone

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Message to you
If you want to inform us anything then you can contact us a:
Thank you for reading this E-Book

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