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College of Applied Engineering King Saud University, Muzahimiyah Branch Semester 2, Academic Year 1441/42 (2020/21) MARKING SCHEME Course code: AEE 4550 Course title: Artificial Intelligence Level: 10 Exam period: Mid-term Year: 1441/42 (2020/21) Examiner: Dr Eldaw Eldukhri : Question (1) wee (i) Mention the three main operations in a fuzzy system. (4 marks) (ii) You are asked to select an implementation technology for a numerical processor. Computation throughput is directly related to clock speed. | Assume that all implementations will be in the same family (e.g., CMOS). You are considering whether the design should be implemented using medium-scale integration (MSI) with discrete parts, field-programmable array parts (FPGA), or multichip modules (MCM). Define the universe of potential clock frequencies as X = {1, 10, 20, 40, 80, 100} MHz; and define MSI=M, FPGA=F, and MCM=C as fuzzy sets of clock frequencies that should be implemented in each of these technologies, where the following table defines their membership values. Clock frequency, MHZ Mi FPGA MCM 1 1 03 0 i} 10 07 i 0 20 04 1 0s 40 0 05 07 80 0 0.2 1 100 0 0 1 a} Express M, F and Cas fuzzy sets with respect to the universe X. (3 marks) b) Find MU FUC, M|Fand FC. (8 marks)| CLO’ (25%), CLO2 (75%) [14 Marks] Solution (1): (i) Fuzzy main operations: 1) Fuzzification | 2) Fuzzy rule association {rule evaluation) 3) Defuzzification (ii) uy 2 } 1 40 BO” 100. Ore eset } 40" 0 100. College of Applied Engineering King Saud University, Muzahimiyah Branch Semester 2, Academic Year 1441/42 (2020/21) MARKING SCHEME Course code: AEE 4950 Course title: Artificial Intelligence Level: 10 Exam period: Mid-term Year: 1441/42 (2020/21) Examiner: Dr Eldaw Eldukhri Solution (1) continued: MARK Cee pts tie ie u{(e+e+e+E+E45} SLPS eo vos. a1 ; 2 0, . a ptate tag G+ att ete ti 20 o +37 ial 1 of to mot 10 oot ico) 1 A Gratatitatal 2 oe TOTAL ae College of Applied Engineering King Saud University, Muzahimiyah Branch Semester 2, Acaclemic Year 1441/42 (2020/24) Examiner: Dr Eldaw Eldukhri ‘Course tiile: Artificial Intelligence Laval: 10) ~ Year: 1481742 (2020/27) Guestion? Two companies bid for a contract. A committee has to review the estimates of those companies and give reports to its chairperson. The reviewed reports are evaluated on a nondimensional scale and assigned a weighted score that is represented by a fuzzy membership function, as illustrated by the two fuzzy sets, B, and B, shown below. 7 . / ae i By eat gokce bebo of 2 or se < i, Obtain the union and write the equations for the different membership segments, (8 marks) ii, Calculate, in detail, the defuzzified 2" using the centroid method. (7 marks) CLO2 (100%) [15 Marks} Solution (2): a} Aur: (0,0), (2,0.7) The straight line can be expressed as: yrs G4) ay-0= 22 @-Oory = 0.352 Ayz:(2,0.7), (3,0.7) The straight line can be expressed as: y=07 MARK] College of Applied Engineering King Saud University, Muzahimiyah Branch Semester 2, Acaclemic Vear 144 1/42 (2020/21) MARKING SCHEME Course cote: AEE 4050 Course tile: Ariificial Intelligence Level: 10 Exam poriod: iiid-term Year: 1441742 (2020721) Examiner: Dr Eldaw Eldukhri Solution (2) continued. MARC Agx: (2,0), (3,1) The straight line can be expressed as: yn = a Bea) y— 0=2@-2ory= 1 Aja: (3,1), (4,1) The straight line can be expressed as: ‘i ye Azz: (4,1), (6,0) ‘The straight line can be expressed as: x 4 (z~ A) ory = ~0.52+3 At the intersection of the set, solving Ay and Aa, gives: 1 y=07=2-292=27 3 Total i} +t ery eer Num = [20.352)ede + J) (0.7ede + [Pe — Dade + [A We2dz + [5(-052 + 3)adz | 2 oS 3824 )ae+ J ‘o: Told fp (2 ~ Qadde + Bows i; 0.522 + 3z}d2 ; (eae) + (22 “C2 CAL +E-2L, Den = {7(0. a8e)de + He: aa S C = 2dz + fade + tea: 52+ 3)dz 1 1 ee a Totalii) | © Total 14 College of Applied Engineering king Saud University, Muzahimiyah Branch Semester 2, Academic Year 1441/42 (2020/21) : MARKING SCHEME Course code: AEE 4950 Course title: Artificial Intelligence Level: 10 | Exam period: Mid-term Year: 1441/42 (2020/21) Examiner: Dr Eldaw Eldukhri 1 Question (3) | MARK a) Draw an MLP with 4 inputs units, 3 hidden neurons and 2 output neurons. indicate all details (3 marks} b) For the simple perceptron shown below, find the output of the logistic activation function thresh (i.e. output = ==). The input x= [0.3 0.2 0.1 0.15] and the weightw= [0.1 0.2 04 0.2} (3 marks) ¢) lfthe weight is incremented by Aw = 6x after each iteration. Choose n = 2, target = 0.5, and 8 = [target — output}, find the outputs after two iterations (20 marks} x CLO1(25%), CLO2(7594) [16 Marks] Solution (3): a) 4 oe Total a) 3 b) 2 Bees Total b) 3 Q es 6 = [target — output] = [0,5 ~ 0.535] = -0.035, n 1 Aw = ndx = 2x (-0.035)[0.3 0.2 0.1 0.15] —[0.021 0.014 0.007 0.0105] a 0.079 0.186 0.393 0.1895] College ot Applied Engineering King Saud University, Muzahimiyah Branch Semester 2, Academic Year 1441/42 (2020/24) MARKING SCHEME code Course title: Avificial intelligence Level: 10 Exam period: Mid-term — ear: 1447142 (2020121) Examiner: Dr Eldaw Eldukhii a] Solution (3) continued oa ~ MARK sum = w;x? = 0,079 x 0.3 + 0.186 x 0.2 + 0.393 x 0.1 +0,1895 x O15 1 0.532 1 5 = [target ~ output! = [0.5 ~ 0.532] = -0.032. 1 Ow = 6x = 2 x (—0.032)[0.3 0.2 O1 0.15) [0.0192 0.0128 0.0064 0.0096) 1 ws Aw {0.079 0.186 0,393 0.1895} -[0.0192 0.0128 0.0064 9.0096] = [0.0598 0.1732 0.3866 0.1799] wx? 7 0.0598 x 0.3 + 0.1732 x 0.2 + 0,3866 x 0.1 + 0.1799 x 0.15 1 See © po = 0531 - ie 1 Totale)| 10 nears ae ane TOTAL | 46 College of Applied Engineering King Saud University, Muzahimiyah Branch Semester 2, Academic Year 1441/42 (2020/21) MARKING SCHEME Course code: AEE 4850 Course title: Artificial Intelilgence Level: 10 Exam period: Midterm Year: 14a1ié3 (202021) Examiner: Dr Eldaw Eldukdari = MARK Question (4 Using your own intuition and definitions of the universe of discourse, plot fuzzy| membership functions for the level of water in a tank. Choose five fuzzy’ variables to representthe universe level ranging from empty (0%) to full (100%), [Hint: for each of the five fuzzy variables, define a range in terms of percent level.) [8 Marks} cL01(100%} Solution (4): Define the range of percent level for each fuzzy variable as follows: very low (vl): Level (L) < 20% 1 low (I}: 15% << 40% i medium (m): 35 <1. < 60% : high (h): 55% <1 < 80° 1 very high (vh}: L > 75% 1 Bay 3 Level (%) = TOTAL 8

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