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Drink hot green tea or a glass of water before meals to feel full faster.

Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in green tea (and some black teas) has also been shown to
increase caloric burn1 throughout the day.

Numerous doctors, nutritionists, and medical groups recommend drinking at least half your
weight in ounces per day2. This may seem like a lot, but remember that many foods (like fruits
and vegetables) also contribute to your daily intake.

Eat lean proteins

Build muscle and lose fat by ensuring 25-30% of your caloric intake comes from quality sources
of protein.

Choose grilled varieties of chicken breast or fish. Don’t forget about eggs, beans, and legumes!

Quinoa, soy-proteins, and plant-based protein powders are great options for vegans.

Limit carbohydrates

Avoid refined grains like white breads and pastas, white rice, and anything made with white

Make easy swaps to lessen your intake. For instance, instead of pasta, use spaghetti squash or
spiralized zucchini or summer squash.

Replace (or mix) higher calorie grains like brown rice with lower-calorie, high-protein grains like
quinoa or barley.

Eat small meals

Don't starve yourself, because you’ll be ravenous at the next meal and more likely to overeat.
Eat small and eat often!

Avoid feeling too full or too empty — eat up to the point where you feel comfortably satiated and

Skip sugar and salt

Sugar decreases your ability to lose weight3 by creating spikes in blood sugar and then storing it
as fat all over your body, including your thighs.

Sodium causes water retention,4 which will make your thighs (as well as your entire body)
appear larger. Put down the shaker and avoid foods (like fast food, sauces, and processed
foods) with excessive salt.

Eat slowly

It takes 20 minutes for the microbes in your stomach to send signals to to your brain that it's full
and satisfied.5

Slowing down also gives you time to notice all the flavor profiles and textures of your meal,
increasing your overall satisfaction and making you less likely to overeat.

Avoid sneaky calories

Meal additions like prepared salad dressings can have excessive sugar, fat, sodium, and
calories--all of which will stifle your efforts to trim your thighs.

Make your own salad dressings with oil and vinegar, yellow mustard and sesame oil, soaked
and blended nuts and seeds, or avocado and lemon juice.

Don’t drink your calories

Blended coffee drinks, bottled smoothies, non-diet sodas, cocktails, and energy drinks all
contain loads of sugar and calories.

Limit your alcohol and caffeine intake as well to avoid dehydrating your body.


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