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Publisher: Grim Press
Project Lead: Trevor Armstrong
Designer: Darryl Lehane
Editors: Jason Price, Duncan Bachen
Artist: Bob Greyvenstein
Cartographer: Anthony Rush
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Embracing the Void is a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition compatible supplement designed as a resource for game masters to

use in their adventures. This product is compliant with the Open Game License (OGL) located on the last page of this product.
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a,
Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, etc.), dialogue,
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Copyright © Grim Press 2021
In fantasy worlds...
The Void has been referred to by many names:
Shadow Realm, Realm of Cold Embrace or
Nothingness, Shadowfell, or Ether Space, among
many others. While each fantasy world may depict
this as a realm of shadows or nothingness, which in
many ways mirrors a surface world, it is rarely
without its own diverse cultures and creatures.
Although some may think of it as a place of evil,

this can be potentially a very narrow view of the
realm. It is alien, or otherworldly, to the way many
on the surface would live and certainly a harder
place to live. Those who are born to that realm are
hardy folk, able to survive in almost any


What's Inside? On the Cover

This release of the Exploring the Realms contains the Bob Greyvenstein depicts the Void Walker, as it manipulates
following 5e compatible content: its shadow on the side of a cliff.

MAGIC ITEMS (pg.4). There is little that the Void's grasp
can't influence, these seven Magic Items included.
ARCHETYPES (pg.6). Those who have embraced the Void
have shaped the power gained there into formidable
weapons; both steel and eldritch alike. Explore new
archetypes for the Ranger, Rogue, and Warlock.
MAGICAL SPELLS (pg.10). The Void is a realm of flowing
energies, open to many spell wielders. Ten new spells are
sure to give your campaigns a touch of the unknown.

GM VARIANT RULE: INSANITY (pg.12). The Void has

driven many brave adventurers to the brink of insanity. Now,
Game Masters have new rules to utilize.
MONSTERS (pg.14). A host of monsters that can be found
in the Void. Eight new beasties are ready to assault
adventurers that stray too far from safety.

SHORT ADVENTURE (pg.21). Birth of The Dark Tree is a

short adventure that is intended to be run as a one-shot, or
dropped into a long running campaign.

Note from the Designer

Darryl "Blokka" Lehane is a New Zealand born resident of
Australia, who has been a fan of fantasy writing for as long as
he can remember. In this month's volume of Unearthed
Spoils, he details the Void and how it might fit your game.
Magic Items of the Void
Whether crafted by its dezidens or simply inveigled due to a prolonged exposure in the void, otherwise mundane items may
become enchanted with properties that represent the cold embrace itself, granting them magical properties. Such items often
come with consequences for the wearer, so proper examination is advised before giving in to the allure of attuning to an
otherworldly magic item.
Amulet of the Voided Mind While cursed, whenever you complete a long rest, you must
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw to determine if you
warlock) are able to progress the attunement process. A successful
saving throw inches you closer to attunement of the Rags of

Your Charisma score is 20 while you wear this amulet. It has Mu’Dahir, but otherwise has no effect by itself. On your third
no effect on you if your Charisma is already 20 or higher success, you attune to the Rags of Mu’Dahir. On your first
without it. In addition, you can cast the Hal’Frezan’s failure, you must roll on the Fleeting Insanity table. On your
Emporium spell once a day. Once you use this property of the second failure, you must roll on the Prolonged Insanity table.
amulet, you can't do so again until you complete a long rest. On your third failure, you must roll on the Permanently

Curse. This amulet is cursed, a fact that is revealed only Insane table and don’t attune to the Rags of Mu’Dahir. The
when an identify spell is cast on the amulet or you attune to successes and failures don’t need to be consecutive; keep
it. Attuning to the amulet curses you until you are targeted by track of both until you collect three of a kind. Upon failing to
the remove curse spell or similar magic; removing the amulet attune to the rags, you can begin the process again.
fails to end the curse. While cursed, your Intelligence score is While you wear the rags and are attuned to them, you gain
6. darkvision out to 120 feet, have advantage on all skill checks,
and can cast the dark dimension spell once per day without
Potion of Health Stealing expending a spell slot.
Potion, very rare Sentience. The soul of Mu’Dahir exists inside the rags,
creating a sentient neutral evil wondrous item with an

The potion of Health Stealing is a healing potion with a
difference. Instead of the normal drink and heal effect of
similar potions, this one works by taking health from those
around you, be they friend or foe.
When drinking this potion, you target every creature within
Intelligence of 16, a Wisdom of 13, and a Charisma of 19. It
has hearing and darkvision out to a range of 120 feet.
Mu’Dahir can speak, read, and understand Common, and
can communicate with its wearer telepathically. Its voice is
low and whispered. While you are attuned to it, Mu’Dahir also
20 feet of you. Each must succeed on a DC 20 Constitution understands every language you know.
saving throw or take 1d10 necrotic damage. For each target Personality. Mu’Dahir speaks with a raspy tone, typically
that takes the damage, you gain 1d4 health, up to a maximum choosing to infest its wearer's thoughts while sleeping,
of 10d4. causing their dreams to be plagued by dark thoughts. The
ultimate goal of Mu’Dahir is to be set free from its
Rags of Mu’Dahir imprisonment within the rags.
Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a
warlock) Amulet of the

Voided Mind
The legend of Mu’Dahir is an old tale, told by parents to their
children to scare them into obedience. Mu’Dahir, which in the
local language of the time meant “Twice Cursed” was said to
be a wizard, warlock or sorcerer, though none still living is
known for sure. Mu’Dahir was said to have reached out to the
dark powers of the void in an attempt to harness those
powers to end all death in the world.

Something went wrong and instead of ending all death in

the world, Mu’Dahir ended their own existence, or so it was
thought. Instead, Mu’Dahir has been cursed to live within the
hood they wore during life; never dying, but instead always
serving masters of The Void.
Unidentifiable. When the rags are the target of an identity
spell, the only information gained by the spellcaster is the
storied origin of the rags.
Curse. These rags are cursed, a fact that is not revealed
when an identify spell is cast on them. Putting on the rags
curses the wearer, which can only be removed by a greater
restoration spell or stronger magic; remove curse or similar
magic is not strong enough to break the curse of the Rags of
Rags of Mu’Dahir

Ring of Void Zombie Summoning Soul Reaper
Ring, very rare (requires attunement) Weapon (sickle), rare (requires attunement by a rogue)
Created by voidsmiths, these rings contain the essence of a Dark rogues have long preferred the sickle over the more
bound void zombie. Originally given as gifts to valuable common daggers or swords of other roguish orders. The
servants of the Void Barons for protection on travels away sinister aspect of the sickle as a tool of reaping adds an extra
from the Void. dimension of terror which they use to intimidate their foes.
While you wear this ring, as an action, you can speak the The sickle itself is given as a gift upon completion of their
command word to summon forth a void zombie. The zombie trials and entrance into the order, when they take their vows
is friendly to you and your companions. Roll Initiative for the to serve the gods of the void faithfully and their roguish
zombie, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal masters as well.
commands that you issue to it (no action required by you). If You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls while

you don't issue any commands to the zombie, it defends itself wielding this weapon. In addition, the sickle has 4 charges,
from hostile creatures but otherwise takes no actions. A void regaining 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. While holding
zombie disappears 1 hour after you summoned it, or if it is it, you can use an action to cast the cold edge of the void spell
killed. The GM has the zombie's statistics. The ring can't be (save 15 DC), expending 1 charge per use. If you expend the
used this way again until the next dawn. sickle's last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the sickle loses the

ability to cast the spell.
Staff of the Dark Tree
Weapon (quarterstaff), very rare (requires attunement by a Void Touched Chain Mail
warlock, sorcerer, or wizard) Armor (chain mail), very rare (requires attunement)
Once in an age, the dark druids who tend the Dark Tree, will In the dark forges which exist at the center of The Void, the
prune one of its branches. Those branches are enchanted Voidsmiths work their cold forges; a cold is so intense it
using dark and terrible rites, imbuing it with even more burns like the heart of a dying sun. Their armies are outfitted
power than it already possesses. The process takes many with many of their inventions, one of the most common being
weeks and has been known to drive people insane. But once a suit of Void Touched Mail.
completed, a Staff of the Dark Tree is born. You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you wear this armor and
While holding this staff, you gain a +1 bonus attack and
damage rolls. In addition, you are able cast the following
spells once per day without using a spell slot: blessing of the
void, fly, haste, and dark fireball. After casting one of these
have advantage on skill checks against being grappled, as the
armor radiates an unnatural cold that makes it hard for other
creatures to hold onto you without letting go.
In addition, as an action, you can use the armor’s magic to
spells with the staff, you can't cast that spell again until you cast the pass without trace spell. Once you use this property
complete a long rest. of the armor, you can't do so again until you complete a long

Ring of Void
Zombie Summoning

Soul Reaper Void Touched Chain Mail


Staff of the
Dark Tree

Potion of
Health Stealing

The Void does not need to be defined as a place of evil, rather a place very different from the surface world. Those who follow the
tenets of The Void are not corruption-fueled , although they may be strange to others of their own kind, considered eccentrics, or
even insane by many.
Shadow Incarnate
RANGER Beginning at 7th level, your shadow gains a number of
Void Walker temporary hit points equal to its hit points when you
manipulate it using your Shadow Companion feature.
The Void Walker Ranger has learned to utilize the darkness Additionally, as a bonus action, you can switch places with

at the center of all. To use it to remain silent and unseen your shadow if you can see it and it is within 60 feet of you.
while they stalk their prey. While they wield dark powers, not
all Void Walkers are evil, though they do tend towards more Void Step
chaotic outlooks rather than following the laws of the lands in At 11th level, you are able to quickly move great distances. As
which they operate. an action, you can teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied

space you can see and take the attack action against a target
Shadow Companion within 5 feet of your destination.
Starting when you choose this path at 3rd level, you gain the You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
ability to manipulate your shadow to form a creature that Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all
embraces the void and serves you. As a bonus action, you can expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.
use one of your ranger spell slots to detach your shadow,
which appears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet of you. Punishing Attack
While your shadow is manipulated in this manner, you no At 15th level, you gain the ability to deal devastating damage
longer cast a shadow as you normally would. Your GM has to a foe. When you use your Void Step feature and attack a
the shadow's statistics. creature after teleporting, you have advantage on the attack.
The shadow remains until it is reduced to 0 hit points,
moves more than 120 feet away from you, or you dismiss it as
a bonus action. It is friendly to you and your companions. Roll
initiative for the shadow, which has its own turns. You can
communicate with it telepathically, and it obeys any
If the attack is a critical hit, it deals the attack's maximum
possible damage.
commands that you issue to it (no action required by you). If
you don't issue any commands to the shadow, it defends itself
from hostile creatures but otherwise takes no actions. If your
manipulated shadow is destroyed or you dismiss it, you do
not cast a shadow again until the next dawn. You can't use
this feature unless you possess a shadow.

Void Walker Magic

Also at 3rd level, you learn an additional spell when you
reach certain levels in this class, as shown in the Void
Walker Spells table. Each spell counts as a ranger spell
for you, but it doesn't count against the number of ranger
spells you know.
Void Walker spells

Ranger Level Spell

3rd blessing of the void
5th misty step
9th blink
13th confusion
17th dark dimension

Dark Path Spellcasting
Rogue Rogue Cantrips
Level Known 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Dark Path
3rd 3 2 — — —
The Dark Path is a path open to rogues who worship the
Void, or creatures within it. They aren’t just your average 4th 3 3 — — —
rogues, they are religious zealots, who fight for their masters. 5th 3 3 — — —
They are not all evil by any stretch, neither are they all good. 6th 3 3 — — —
Some creatures of The Void, like creatures anywhere, are
good and some are bad. Their powers are considered 7th 3 4 2 — —
anathema, not because they are evil, but because they are 8th 3 4 2 — —

Not unlike clerics or paladins, dark path rogues are 9th 3 4 2 — —
granted spells from a higher power, such as a deity, granting 10th 4 4 3 — —
them the ability to affect their enemies with status effects in 11th 4 4 3 — —
battle. These rogues tend to prefer using the sickle to
traditional daggers and swords, however this need not be 12th 4 4 3 — —

true for every dark path rogue, and you should feel free to 13th 4 4 3 2 —
flavor them however you want within your campaign setting.
14th 4 4 3 2 —
Spellcasting 15th 4 4 3 2 —
When you reach 3rd level, you augment your martial prowess 16th 4 4 3 3 —
with the ability to cast spells.
Cantrips. You learn three cantrips from the cleric spell list. 17th 4 4 3 3 —
You learn another cleric cantrip of your choice at 10th level. 18th 4 4 3 3 —
Preparing and Casting Spells. The Dark Path
Spellcasting table shows how many spell slots you have to 19th 4 4 3 3 1

cast your spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these
spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher.
You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long
You prepare the list of cleric spells that are available for
20th 4

Strike of the Dark Path

4 3 3

At 3rd level, the connection to your otherworldly source

grants you the ability to utilize certain powers when you
you to cast, choosing from the cleric spell list. When you do attack from the shadows. When an attack you make benefits
so, choose a number of cleric spells equal to your Wisdom from your Sneak Attack feature, the attack deals its normal
modifier + your half of your rogue level (rounded down; damage and you can expend one of your dark path spell slots
minimum of one spell). The spells must be of a level for which to cast a spell as part of the attack.
you have spell slots. The spell must target at least one creature and can't have a
For example, if you are a 3rd-level Dark Path rogue, you range of self. If the spell targets multiple creatures, it only
have two 1st-level spell slots. With a Wisdom of 14, your list affects the target of your attack.
of prepared spells can include four spells of 1st level. If you

prepare the 1st-level spell cure wounds, you can cast it using Expanded Spell List
a 1st-level. Casting the spell doesn't remove it from your list of The Dark Path lets you choose from an expanded list of
prepared Spells. spells when you learn a spell. The following spells are added
You can change your list of prepared spells when you finish to the Dark Path spell list for you.
a long rest. Preparing a new list of Dark Path spells requires
time spent in prayer and meditation: at least 1 minute per Dark Path Expanded Spells
spell level for each spell on your list. Spell Level Spell

Spellcasting Ability. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability

for your cleric spells, since you learn your spells through your 1st bane
connection to your deity. You use Wisdom whenever a spell 2nd blindness/deafness
refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your 3rd bestow curse
Wisdom modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a
cleric spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one 4th dark dimension

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Wisdom modifier
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus +
your Wisdom modifier

Wreathed in Shadow Discreet Demeanor
At 9th level, you are able to pull threads from The Void to Starting at 13th level, you know when you are the target of a
cover yourself in concealing shadows making it difficult for spell or spell-like effect that is attempting to read your
others to sense your presence. As a bonus action, you wreath thoughts. You do not learn the source of the spell, unless you
yourself in shadows, which last until the start of your next otherwise would.
turn. The shadows end early if you attack or cast a spell. You can choose to block the effect, preventing your
While you are wreathed in shadows, you have advantage thoughts from being read, or you can present false thoughts
on the attack rolls you make. Additionally, attack rolls made by succeeding on a Charisma (Deception) check contested by
against you have disadvantage. the invader's Wisdom (Insight) check.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all Stalkers of the Void
expended uses of it when you finish a long rest. At 17th level, you can assume the form of a shadow stalker.

Using your action, you undergo a transformation. For 1
minute, you gain the following benefits:
A magical darkness spreads outward from you, filling a
15-foot radius sphere. The darkness moves with you and

spreads around corners. A creature with darkvision can't
see through this darkness, and nonmagical light can't
illuminate it. You can see through the darkness created by
this feature.
Resistance to the following types of damage: cold,
necrotic, poison; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
nonmagical attacks.
Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you
finish a long rest.


Spread the Insanity
Warlock At 14th level, you can instill insanity from the Void to affect
The Void those around you. As an action, you can cause up to six
creatures that you can see within 60 feet of you to make an
Warlocks who make a pact with the Void strive to follow one Intelligence saving throw. On a failure, a creature must roll
of the realm's greater powers. It may be any creature that on the Permanent Insanity table (see pg.12).
inhabits the cold nothingness, from a whispering elemental Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
to an imposing void dragon. These patreons grant many finish a long rest.
powers from their deep connection with that place. Many
have lost themselves, revelling in death rather than life, or
ending up as hollow shells inhabited by void creatures.

Expanded Spell List
The Void lets you choose from an expanded list of spells
when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are
added to the warlock spell list for you.

Void Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st bane, inflict wounds
2nd blindness/deafness, silence
3rd cold edge of the void, dark fireball
4th death ward, locate creature
5th contagion, dark dimension

Insanity Forthcoming
Starting at 1st level, you can use your connection to the Void
to augment your spellcasting. When you cast a spell that
targets only one creature, you can force the target to roll on
the Impending Insanity table (see pg.12).
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain any
expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Silence in the Void
At 6th level, you gain resistance to cold and necrotic damage.
In addition, whenever you cast a warlock spell, you can ignore
any somatic and verbal requirement.

Void Step
At 10th level, your connection to the Void deepens. Once per
turn after you deal damage or restore hit points using a spell,
you can vanish from your current plane of existence and
appear in a harmless demiplane somewhere in the Void until
the start of your next turn. At the start of your next turn, you

return to an unoccupied space of your choice that you can see

within 10 feet of the space you vanished from. If no
unoccupied space is available within that range, you appear
in the nearest unoccupied space (chosen at random if more
than one space is equally near).
While in the harmless demiplane, you can't see, hear, or
interact with the plane you originated from.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain any
expended uses when you finish a long rest.

The Void is a plane that lends itself to many spell wielders and creatures that can utilize its cold embrace. It is home to its own
unique spells and powers.
Blessing of the Void At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using certain
1st-level abjuration higher-level spell slots, you choose one of the summoning
options above, and more creatures appear - twice as many
Casting Time: 1 action with a 5th-level slot, three times as many with a 7th-level slot,
Range: Touch and four times as many with a 9th-level slot
Components: V, S, M (a black quartz shard)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

Dark Dimension
Classes: Cleric, Druid 5th-level abjuration (ritual)
This spell blesses a willing creature you touch, creating a Casting Time: 1 action
deprived connection with the Void. For the duration, the Range: 30 feet
target gains a +1 bonus to AC and has resistance to cold and Components: V, S, M (beating heart from a void cursed soul)

necrotic damage. Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute
At Higher Levels. If you cast this spell using a spell slot of Classes: Warlock, Wizard, Sorcerer
3rd level or higher, the duration is concentration, up to 10 You attempt to send one creature that you can see within
minutes. range to the Void. The target must succeed on a Charisma
Cold Edge of the Void saving throw or be teleported. While there, the target is
3rd-level illusion subjected to visions of soul-destroying dark rituals, but is
otherwise unharmed. If target remains there for the full
Casting Time: 1 action duration, at which point the target reappears in the space it
Range: Self (30-foot-radius sphere) left (or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is
Components: V, S, M (a piece of cured skin from a void tiger)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
You cause a shockwave of dark energy to pulsate outward.
Each creature in a 30-foot-radius sphere must succeed on a
occupied) and must roll on the Permanent Insanity table.
If the target returns before 1 minute passes, it does not
need to roll on the Permanent Insanity table.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 6th level or higher, you can target one additional
Wisdom saving throw and become convinced they are creature for each slot level above 5th.
standing on a precipice above a never ending void for the
duration. An affected creature is stunned for 1 minute as they Dark Fireball
are overwhelmed by the sight of the dark pit before them. A 3rd-level evocation
creature is stunned until it takes damage, or someone uses Casting Time: 1 action
an action to shake or slap the stunned creature. Range: 150 feet
Components: V, S, M (a ball of void goo)

Conjure Shadows Duration: Instantaneous

3rd-level conjuration Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 action A dark streak flashes from your pointing finger to a point you
Range: 60 feet choose within range, and then blossoms with a low roar into
Components: V, S, M an explosion of cold fire. Each creature in a 20 foot radius
Duration: Concentration, Up to 1 minute sphere, centered on that point, must make a Dexterity saving
Classes: Warlock, Wizard, Sorcerer throw. A target takes 3d6 cold damage and 3d6 necrotic
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a

You manipulate the unlit areas around you, causing 4

shadows to form and appear in unoccupied spaces that you successful one. The dark fire spreads around corners.
can see within range. Each shadow disappears when it drops At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
to 0 hit points or when the spell ends. The summoned slot of 4th level or higher, the cold damage or the necrotic
shadows are friendly to you and your companions. Roll damage (your choice) increases by 1d6 for each slot level
initiative for the summoned creatures as a group, which has above 3rd.
its own turns. They obey any verbal commands that you issue
to them (no action required by you). If you don’t issue any
commands to them, they defend themselves from hostile
creatures, but otherwise take no actions. The GM has the
shadow’s statistics.


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