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Bachillerato de Bellas Artes Prof.

María Cecilia Carattoli

English 6th year
Grammar Practice: Present Perfect with for and since; already, just and yet.

A. Complete with for or since.

1. She has been a teacher _______ ten years.

2. My father has worked at the office ______ 1985.
3. I have listened to the radio ______ 8 o’clock this morning.
4. We have been on holiday _______ a week.
5. He has been in hospital ________ two months.
6. They have played that song on the radio ______ last week.
7. I’ve had a dog ______ I was 7 years old.
8. I’ve studied _____ I got up.
9. My sister has talked on the phone _____ an hour!
10. I’ve been in class _____ 10 o’clock.

B. Ask and Answer in pairs. Use for or since and your ideas.

How long have you…

1. been a student?
2. studied English?
3. been at this school?
4. done Art or Music (in your life)?
5. lived in your house?
6. known your best friend?
7. had your mobile phone?

C. Two friends are organizing a party. Look at the list. Write their questions
and answers in the Present Perfect. Use yet and just.

do the shopping  Have you done the shopping yet?

Yes, I’ve just done it.
buy the drinks 

make the pizzas 

phone everybody! 

get the new Coldplay

album 

D. Ask and answer. Use Present Perfect with already and yet.
1-do homework/ 
Have you done your homework yet?
Yes, I’ve already done it.

2-phone your friend / 

3-send any e-mails? 
4-have lunch? 
5-drink tea? 

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