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| i December 1992 FORM: OM-302J Miller Effective With Serial No, JJ345180 i ® MODEL: Econo Twin® (60 Hz) Econo Twin® HF (60 Hz) Econo Twin® (50 Hz) Econo Twin® HF (50 Hz) OWNER’S MANUAL | P IMPORTANT: Read and understand the entre contents of this manuel. with special emphasis on tne safety materla Yrougrout te manual, before instaling, | MILLER ELECTRIC Mig. Co,| operating or maitarang is Gqubment. This uni ae ieee faratons ae or aera use only by persons trained and experienced in the safe operation of welding | P.O. Box 079 | J squipmen: Do notaiow untrained pergonsto tah operate ormantain usu | AMPtet. Ht SSB12USA Contact your estroutor you do hot fuly understand these instructions © LIMITED WARRANTY EFFECTIVE: AUGUST 6. 1990 This warranty supercedes all previous MILLER warranties ang is exciusiva with no olher evarantees or warranties exoressed or imped LUMITED WARRANTY ~ Subjectto the toms and eonaions heroc MILLER lacie Mig, Ce. Apoleten. Wisconsin wa fants io is, DsinbutouDealer that ak new and unusee Equpment furnshed by MILLER fea trom setcch t weerinanahipand material as ofthe bme ang lace of celven EPMILLER, No warranty mada by WILLER wih respects hanes, ado accessories or one! tome manusactrre Stier, Sucn engi, tado accessories and other ems are Solscubjectttne wartante oltnow espectwemanutacuror trang alvengaws are watranig bythe enanvtacurer fro you's ftom date ol orignal purchase. exceo! Geutr engines {uvoh have one your 200d havr n3"amty Exooptas specified below, MILLER's watany coesnot apo to components having normal uscll tle of Jets than oe Year such as. spol welder ips. relay and contactor gon NILLEAWATIC aris at commen contact win te weg wre including nozzles and nozzle neulators where faiure does re result rom defect workmarsho# mara) MILLER shall be requted 10 honor warranty claims on war ranted Equipmantin te evento are suiting Kom a cater: taihis Ine folowing penods tom the date of delvery Equipmentto the ongial ser 1. Are welders, power sources. 1s, and ‘companents 2, Lona sank 3. Original man power iecthiers (iabor = 1 year ony) ‘Allwelding guns, leeder’quns and torches ‘ilother MILLERMANIC Feeders Replacement or repair parle. exeusie o! lor Batters ‘yer 6a days Simon's provided hal MILLER is natiied a weting vt ty 0} cas tthe gate of such falure ‘As a mati of goneral poicy only. MILLER nay on cl susie by the onal user wahin ne oregang pends Inthe cage of MILLER's breach of waranty or any ther duly with respeetto the quality ot any goats tve exclusive remedies therefoee snaltbe. a ILE coton (1 ropa or (2) replace ‘ment or whore authorized in wring by MILLER m apprepnate ‘cates, (2) the reasonable cost of repair o¢ replacement at an futnonzed MILLER service son oF (a) payent of oF erect for the puichaso pace less reasonable den‘eciaion basod upon actual use) upon elu ofthe goods at Customer's rsk Sand expense, MILL=R's option ol repair of replacement wll bo FO.8. Factory at fapeton, Wisennsi or FOB at a MILLER funorzed service taciy, Ierelore. no compensalion (Or Transpertation caste of any kind wi be alloweo, Uoonroccipt ot notice of apparent defect or tare, MILLER shall ase he {lamant on the warranty claim procedures tb Tlowe ANY EXPRESS WARRANTY NOT PROVIDED HEREIN AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY GUARANTY OR REPRE: SENTATION AS TO PERFORMANCE. AND ANY REMEDY FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT WHICH. BUT FOR THIS, PROVISION, MIGHT ARISE BY IMPLICATION, OPERATION. OF LAW. CUSTON OF TRADE OR COURSE OF OFALING. INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHAN. TABILITY GA OF FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE. WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL” EQUIPMENT FURNISHED BY NILLER IS EXCLUDED AND OISCLAIMED BY MILLER EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED FY MILLER IN WAITING, MILLER PRODUCTS ARE \NTENDED FOR UcIIMATE PURCHASE BY CONIMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL USERS AND FOR OPERATION BY PERSONS TRAINED AND EXPERIENCED IN THE USE AND MAINTENANCE OF WELDING EQUIPMENT AND NOT FOR CONSUMERS OF, CONSUMER USE. MILLERS WARRANTIES DO. NOT EXTEND TO, AND WO RESELLER IS AUTHORIZED TO EXTEND MILLERS WARAANTIES TO” ANY CONSUMER, Oo RECEIVING-HANDLING Before unpacking equipment, check carton fer any damaga that may have occurred during shipment. le any olaims for ‘398 or damage with the delivering earrier Assistance 'e" hing or setting claus may ba cbiained fron dstrbulor andior equipment manufacturer's Transportation Department When requesting information about this equioment, al Use the folowing spaces to record Model Designation anc Snr ‘e rating label or nameplate Model Serial or Style No. Date of Purchase + prowse Mode! Designation an Senal or Siyle Number Style Number alyour nt Themarmationis locatedon ARC WELDING SAFETY PRECAUTIONS 4_WARNING ARC WELDING con behazardous. | TELECTAIC SHOCK ean kill PROTECT YOURSELF AND OTHERS FROM POSSIBLE SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH. KEEP CHILDREN AWAY. PACEMAKER WEARERS KEEP AWAY UNTIL CONSULTING YOUR DOCTOR. In welding, as in most jobs, exposure to certain hazards occurs. Welding is safe when precautions are taken. The safety information given below is only a summary of the more complete safety information that will Be found in the Safely Standards listed on the next page. Read and follow all Safety Standards, HAVE ALL INSTALLATION, OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REPAIR WORK PERFORMED ONLY BY QUALIFIED PEOPLE. eck they ean thro of sag Proper etal and ground tne eqpant aooordng to Hs Touching fe elect pats con cae ate sks {Oumers Manual and national stat, ad al codes FR te'sevre ue, the cross wotecweun's 6 Tumafallequpment whon notin vse Sicily ne whanever he oun on Theinst 7. ‘Dy nat uaa wm, eOMaged, undersied, oF pool spleed Kownan poverison nsomauiornsieorauorahe cables srg weldng’ the wre wo fel sve navnng, Dol wrap cates around yur bo nda ra parts oochng. Ne wen ke ne eee ar age a peta prs oucg (ag weg wre = 9 Graund me workpoo to a goo8 etna enh) ound srounied oqigmert a Maca 40, Donot tov lated wien contact with he work (zound) 7 Da rltbuch he lecial pars creat 2. Wear dy hoe toe nung loves and body protection. 11 Use ony wolementained eupren Ropar or rptaco 2. Inst yours fom work and greur Jing ery nultng Ataragos parts at once fan eraecs 12. Weara sly anes to prevent ating if working above Foor 44 Daconnet put powar oF stop engine before instaling or tev Sercing hi equipment 13, Keop allpanes ad covers seeurayin place TARC RAYS can burn eyes and skin; ' Weara welding newet ted with a propor shale of filer (see NOISE can damage hearing. 2 24S tad opt arco ya wher welding o waning, Ae ‘cay om he woking roc0ssprosuce rls 2 Wsr approves sey gastos Se sil reconnonce ton a songs sirens Scan bn eyes 9, Uso ptacvesetoo ot bas to potel thas Wom ach Pa Zo P| ci He et en poof daagy eal ae cam enen eiseeen ioe aS “ang 4. Wear prtecve ching mage fom dural, fame sistant Iter (nolan tena tot toe. 5_Useapooved war lige or er mute ne vals high FUMES AND GASES can bo hazardous Work na conned cpace ony 1 wal vorate. or whe | to your health svesing an senippie rept Shing goeot used or Wilding roducestinosand gases. reathing inxe sling can olpiace a Causing in or death. Bo sure he Mow BA gasu ur be arco toyor Beak renting sr te 6. Donetweisin atone nee degreasing, cleaning, or praying poratons Thehwatandrayacltho arcean eal wih aporto {Keep yournend out ofthe umes Do nt brea te ies. eperatons Theneatandraysottho 2 inside. vette ino aon andr yoo exhaust tte fe 1 form nen one and inten removevweding umes and gests 7. Oo not wed on coned mel, sch ws gavanzed, fad, oF 2. venation poor uve an approved af-supled espa faimarn pated ste, les th coating termed fom ne 4 Read tho Matoral Safely Data Sheste (MSDSS) and fhe ‘ld aaah area wo verted, and nsceseary, whe tmanutaciurors secon fr meas, corsumabes,coaings, ‘wearng air uppiedrosptor Tmo coalings andor moll ndcleanars onan iheso ooments can ge of ove foes welded = P| MELDING can cause ror xpiosien, > aera aan Recor Wy (RFE soar ond spate ty of rom the wel ar. The 6 Beaxare fat wl on a.ceig, oo, kendo patan | ‘anion Rt mot wes, a tar caution ton sda woriiee, and hol emigre ca cause fr : : une necdoneomacloreecrodeorwelingwce 7 OnOLwelton costdcoraners such ao ante or crams Imei’ bjcts can caus spatks werent, ot 8. Comet wark cable th wok a5 cose tothe welding area a the pracesltprovent edna corent am favetngany posey 1. Protect yours ane oer tom yng spark a tea uncon pas and causing ech shoe andre haracs 2. Domtwoldahertying sparks consti ammabio mara, 9. OBPOLUBEwaler to thaw frozen pipes 3. RomovealtarimabloswininaSi0.7mohewetdngace i 10. Remave sick elect rom holder or eto welding we at thls not posi, ight caver them wth approved overs Conia phen notin 4. Bealorthatwolingsparsandhoimsteaistemneléngcin 11. Woarai-eaprolecivegumontssuchasloahorgvos.hamy casi go twoughemah ees and opanngstoadacontareas. Shi etese user, igh soe. and acon, Ba] FLYING SPARKS AND HOT METAL can 1. Wieor anjrovod lace sci or sfay goggs, Sido sheds cause injury. ‘ccommerdet A Chipping and pining cause thing moa. As wotzn __% Wear propa body protection protect skin CYLINDERS can explode if damaged. Shielding gas_cyinders contain gas under high irossreariags,wcyiodr can exo, Sica Bs yinders. are normally part of the wold Process, bo sre to treat them cael 7 1. Protect compressed gas cylinders trom excessive heat ‘mochaneal shocks, ang ares 2. Install and secura cylinders in an upright position by chaining them to 2 staionary suppor or equipment cylinder tack 10 prevent fling or tpn 3. Keep oyindore avay ftom any welding or other eloctical creuts. 4, Never ew a wong etactode to touch any cylindo. 5 Use oni correct shielding gas cylinders, roglatrs. hoses, ana fitings designed forthe specie appeaion maintain ther ana ‘associated paris in good condition 6 Turn ace away rom vahe outlet whon opening oytndar valve. 7. Keapprolective capin place aver valve except wien cylinders ine of somected for use. 8. Read an folow instucions on compressed gas oylinders. associated equipment, ana CGApubieaton-1 istedin Saety Standort Wn va eI ENGINES can be hazardous. ENGINE EXHAUST GASES can kill. Enginas produce harm exhaust gases. 1 Use eqsinment outside in open, wot-ventiated areas. 2, used in a closed area, vent engine exhaust outside and away loin any bling ai intakes, ENGINE FUEL can cause fire or explosion, Engine fuel is highly flammable, Slop engine before chacking o ang Yue 2, Do natadd fuel whe smoking orf units near any sparks or open farses, 3. Alowengine to coolbefore fueling. possible. check ard ads fuel to sod engine beoce negianng [0 1 not veri tank ~ alow room for el to expan 5. Do not spl fuel I fuels spied, clean up bolore stating engine MOVING PARTS can cause injury. Moving pars, uct as fans oles, and bale can utfingers anid hand and catch loose dthing, ‘Koop all doors, panels, covers, and guatds closed and securely in place. Stow engine bole insaling or connecting unit 3 Have only qualifed people remove guards or covers for maintenance an woubleshooting as necessary. 4, To pravent accidental starting during serving, disconnect negative) baltery cable rom battery 5. _Keophands, hair, ease clothing, and tools away rom moving pars 6, install panels or quatds and close doors when servicing is fisshod and before saving engine, ‘SPARKS can cause BATTERY GASES. TO EXPLODE; BATTERY ACID can burn eyes and skin. Batteries contain acid and gonerate explosive aces 1. Always wear a face shield when working on a battery. 2. Slap engine before disconnecting or conrecting bulery ‘ables 3. Donctallowtoolstocause sparks when werking ona ballery 4, Donotuse welder fo charge batteries o ump star vehicles 5._ Observe correct panty (+ and -) on batteros. STEAM AND PRESSURIZED HOT COOLANT can burn face, eyes, and skin. “The coolant in the radiator can be very ot and lindo prossure 1 Donotremove radiator cap when angie shot low engine | tocoo. 2. Wear gloves and pularag over cap area when removing cap. 9, Allow pressure 1 escape botoce completely removing cap. PRINCIPAL SAFETY STANDARDS Safty in Wolaing and Cuting, ANSI Standard 748.1, trom American ‘Wielding Society, 550 NW. LeJeune Rd, Miami FL 33126 Safty and Heath Standards, OSHA 29 OFF 1910, trom Superinte: ‘ant of Documents, US. Government Printing Oitce, Washington, 0.6, 20802, ‘acommended Sate Practices fo the Proparation for Welding and Curting of Containers That Have Held Hazardous Substances, Aner tan Welding Society Standars ANS Fa, rom American Welding So: Ciel, 950 NW LeJeune Rd, Miami, FL 53126 National Electrical Code, NFPA Standard 70, rom Nalional Fr Pro tection Association, Balterymarch Park, Quincy. MA 02269, ‘Sato Handling of Compressed Gases in Cylinders, CGA Pamphlet Pt, rom Gompressed Gas Association, 1235 Jeterson Das High way, Suto S01, Arington, VA 22202, Code for Safety in Wielding and Cutting, CSA Standars W117 2, rom Canadian Standards Associaton, Siandards Sales, 178 Rexdale Bou tovard, Rexdile, Ontario, Canada MOW TR Safa Practices For Occupation And Educational Eye And Face Protec, ton, ANSI Standard 207.1, kom American National Standards inst tue, 1490 Breadway, Now York, NY 10018. : Cutting And Woiding Processos, NFPA Standard 918, from National Flea Protection Association, Gatlerymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269. TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘SECTION 1 - SAFETY SIGNAL WORDS. ceeeeteeeeeseeeees noo 1 SECTION 2 - SPECIFICATIONS 241, Volt-Ampere Curves : 5 a8 2:2. Duly Cycle SpebnnnnA apg a 8 SECTION 3 - INSTALLATION 3-1. Typical Gas Tungsten Are Welding (GTAW) Connection (For HF Models) 3 3-2. Selecting A Location And Moving Welding Power Source 4 3-3. _ Installing Contro! Handle ‘i 5 3-4, Selecting And Preparing Weld Output Cables ....... 5 3-5. Connecting To Weld Output Terminals 7 93-6. Remote High Frequency Receptacle Connections (HF Models Only) 7 3-7. Connecting input Power : a SECTION 4 - OPERATION seen 10 ‘SECTION 5— MAINTENANCE & TROUBLESHOOTING 5-1, Overtoad Protection (HF Models Only)... . we 14 5-2, Adjusting Spark Gaps (HF Models Only) 2.2... : cee 15) 5-3. Lubricating Shunt Block ........ sc. eeees : bine rn) 5-4, Troubleshooting . bay - coe 16 SECTION 6 - ELECTRICAL DIAGRAMS . : : cee 19 SECTION 7 - TUNGSTEN ELECTRODE 7-1, Selecting Tungsten Electrode obaebeceS oe oea 2) 7-2, Preparing Tungsten Spbensb56e 2 25 SECTION 8~ HIGH FREQUENCY oe eo000 sects 26 SECTION 9~ PARTS LIST Figure 9-1. Main Assembly ...... we a a 28 Figure 9-2. Panel, Rear w/Components - , 30 Figure 9-3. Transformer & Shunt . vies 31 Figure 9-4. Panel Front w/Components .... pbubce) on a2 Figure 9-5. Shunt viene 34 Figure 9-6. Switch, Range Or Selector 35 Figure 8-7. HF Panel : 36 SECTION 1 — SAFETY SIGNAL WORDS “The following safely alert symbol and signal words are used throughout this manual to call attention to and identify different levels of hazard and special instructions. yea) WARNING statements identify procedures or practices which must he followed to avoid serious personal injury or loss of life. CAUTION statements identify procedures or practices which must be followed to avoid minor personal injury or damage to th DIMPORTANT: statements identity special instructions necessary for the most efficient operation of this equioment. SECTION 2 — SPECIFICATIONS Table 2-1. Welding Power Source ‘Specifications Description Type OF put ‘DCIGG OF ACIGG (Owe! CurrenUConstant Guvent Or Aerating GurentiConstant Curent) Wilding Processos ‘Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SAW; Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (TAM) With High Frequency (HF) Models Only Fated Weld Output For SMAW +150 Amperes, 26 Vols ACO: OC At 80% Duly Gye (see Section 22) Fated Weld Ouput For GTAW (HF | OG Mode: 150 Ampoces At 50% Duty Cycle Models Oh) ‘AG Modo. 80 Ampares AL50% Duty Gyle (808 Section 2-2) Maximum Open-Crcut Voltage 10C Med: 75 Vols DG; AC Made: 80 Volts AC Input Power Cord 6h 8m Overall Dimensions See Figuie 3-3 Weight | modols winout HF Net: 173 tbs. (78 kg): Ship: 185 Ibe. 89 kg) Models Wah HF ~ Net 185 bs. (84 kg}; Ship: 185 tbs. (88 kg) ] Options ‘See Rear Cover 60 Hz 50 Hz “ype Of Input Power 208, 230.460, Or 575 Vals AC 208, 230,380, Or 415 Volts AG Input Amperes At Fates Output ‘2A At 2OBV, SSA Al 200V, 28A At 460V, 22.48 | BBA AL2OBV, 59.44 Al ZIDV, 268 At 9BOV, 338 AST aay VA Usod At Rated Output 129 kVA 19658 KW Used At Rated Output exw eanw (oM.202 Page 1 2-1. Volt-Ampere Curves 60 Hz Models. 93s 80 TE to BE BO OS Bon 208 200 B. AC Mode With HF O80 16 Bo BE BS Te f00 Zee a0 AG AMPERES: A._AC Mode "20" AMPERES sq CDC Mode With Or Without HF The voltampora curves show the rmiimum and. maximum volage and amporage output capabiltos of the welding power source Curves of other setings fall be twoon the curves shown 0 a5 6075 Wo F169 O ao0 a Eso De Avpenes! 50 Hz Models. re © pe 30 Bx » ® ow 18 Oo es a_i 00 Bes BO E, AC Mode With HF » ® 0 Lao * [O35 6076 80 Ed WS aD BOF 280 AP AMPERES D._AC Mode Without HF 38 AveeRes F_DC Mode With Or Without HF | OBS eo 16 0 ws ST WO as 380 Dc AMPERES. Figure 2-1. Volt-Ampere Curves (0-202 Page 2 2-2. Duty Cycle EXCEEDING DUTY CYCLE RATINGS will damage unit. «Do not oxcoad nod yey. a uy oe eworg heuntean | eta nin atone posed 200 eat cal oven > ceaae g Thisunts rated) 5% au eye Towing wong & pein ka £ so ‘vory 10 minutes at rated toed It a Rototingmmperescecoace ne 3 Sayeyooner | ‘0 | 0 3 00 | Figure 2-2, Duty Cycle Chart SECTION 3 —- INSTALLATION 3-1. Typical Gas Tungsten Are Welding (GTAW) Connection (For HF Models) ‘See Sectonsbotoreinstalingunt 1 Welding Power Source 2 Remote HF Control Cord 3 Electode Cane 4 Torn 5. Workpiece 8 7 8 9 Work Clamp Work Gable Gos Hose Securing Chain 10 Regulator 11 Gas Cylinder 12 Flowmeter | onse2 Pages . Typical GTAW Connection 3-2, AR ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill. * Do not touch ve eloctical parts, Disconnect input power conductors from ‘deonergized supply ine BEFORE maving waling power soureo. FIRE OR EXPLOSION can result from placing unit or combustible surfaces © Do.not locate unit on, over, oF near combustible surfaces ‘= 000! instal unt near fammables. ‘over, or near Selecting A Location And Moving Welding Power Source BLOCKED AIRFLOW causes. overheating and possible damage to unit, *# Do not block or titer ailow. Wiaranty i vod any type of itr is. used FUMES can be hazardous; LACK OF FRESH AIR AND "PROPER VENTILATION can be harmful. ‘© De mnot breathe welding fumes ‘Place unit oniy where thoro Is a good fresh ait ‘supply and proper veraion FALLING EQUIPMENT can cause serious personal injury and equipment damage. ‘© Useliting yetotituntonly, NOT runaing gear, gas Coflnders oF ay othor accessories. | Use oquipment of aoquste cpscty ott he unt ow-202 Page 4 18in. (460 rn) Open Space On Front And Fear Sides For Good Aitlow Ling Fors I using iting forks, extend forks ‘out epposia end of unt 3 Rating Label Locate unit near correctinput pow cersupply. Figure 3-3. Overall Dimensions And Base Mounting Hole Layout 1 Amperage Adjustment Rod 2 Handte a Pn Instal handle onto rod, tino up holes, and insert pin, Move pin up into lacked postion shown Figure 3-4. Installing Control Handle 3-4. Selecting And Preparing Weld Output Cables 1) Weld Output Cabie | Determine total cable length in weld ecut and maximum welding lamperes. Use Table 3-1 to select proper cable size Use shortest cables possiie, Do not use damaged cables 2 Terminal Lug Use lugs of proper amperage ca: pacity and hole size for connecting to work cimp and olectode hl =) Fasano, — & a Capsule ecto Hoter orga) Sm) nalaccorsngt maniacs tinaere | 4 Work Clamp: | Insta onto werk cab, 5 Jack Plug For SMAW, instal plugs onto bath weld cables a8 shown in Figure 36 Too Neo For HF models used f GYAN n Stalled jk pug ono work cable am & seshownin Figure 9-8 sta ack ~ Bug adopter ona torch able 28 = ie Shown in Figure 37, Figure 3-5. Selecting And Preparing Weld Output Cables (onso2 Page 5 gain 1 Weld Output Gablo eee Stipingulatonas shown Campin rt 2 Te Wiea 3 Vise 4 Screwdriver “Twiat wire ighty around insulation ag shown, Bond wire along bare ‘Wold cable and eu! af oops 5 Coppor Foil Wirap tol tightly around wire and aro weld cable, 6 Jack Plug 7 Seteceon Push jackplugover weldcableand copper fll and tighten setscrews. Remove wold cable kom vito 8 Insulating Handle Secon Side handle ovarjackpug, no Up holes, and ighton eerow. Tools Noodod SEB TF topoiiew — =p 1 Toreh Cable 2 Terminal Lug 8 Jack Plug Adaptor 4 Washer 5 Nut Connect torch eable ug to adapter fs shown ‘Tools Needed: IF iin rset Figure 3-7. Connecting Jack Plug Adapter To GTAW Torch Cable (HF Models Only) Table 3-1. Weld Cable Size* ‘Total Gable (Copper) Length In Weld Circuit Not Exceeding* ‘sort, | z00n | 250%. | s00m | 60% | a00tt Se a aaa (asm) | om) | om | (om | (osm | (20m) welding [ 107060% | 60 Thru 100% rs Amperes | Duty Cycle | Duty Cycle ee 700 4 4 =o D 1 10 170 150 3 3 2 1 1 20 310 30 200 3 2 1 10 20 30 a0 40 250 2 1 10 20 310 40 2.210 2.210 "Weld cabo size (AWG) is based on ellher a4 vols less drop oracurtentGensity noi more than 00 circular mils perampere. Useweld cable with insulation raling equa fo or groater than the apen-eirouk voltage of the unt, ‘om-a02 Page 6 3-5. Connecting To Weld Output Terminals ae == | ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill; ARCING can burn skin or damage electrical equipment. * Do not touch ve electrical pats + Turn OFF welding power souree before making any weld ouput connectons. ' Donot change position of welding cable connectors while welding, * Be aure connectors avo secure in receplacos before welding ewensa220e f Negative (-) Weld Output Re coplacle Poste (+) Weld Output Re. coplacle { For SMAW dlrect curontelectods posite (OCEP}. connect elec trode cable plug fo POSITIVE (5) receptacle and work eae plug 10 NEGATIVE (-) receplace For SMAW diroct cucent electrode agate (OGEN) 0° SMAW AC welding, reverse cable conde tors, Fr GTAW with HE modes, con ect adapter to torch cable (see Figure 3-7) and connect araptert0 NEGATIVE. () receptacle. Con ect work cable plug io POSITIVE: (4) ecoptacie To connect meeptace, insert plug fan tur clockwise, 1 ey jure 3-8. Weld Output Connections 3-6. Remote High Frequency Receptacle Connections (HF Models Only) 1 Remote High Frequency Re coplaclo RE Ht cemote HF contol is equipped wih matching Wwistock pug, nse ‘lug, and tun locker, I remote HF contr! wil not con ‘ecto raceptace, comin afl rows. 2 2-Canductor Cord Cutoff existing plug kom remote | HF conte! ear ® ‘Tools Needed! 3 Twistlock Pg Insta suppbes twistlock pug onto ’ ova = 2econdctor cord. Connect one 2: Sea ‘we to each prong sorew = choice am par ernrssyn errs Figure 3-9. Connecting To Remote ligh Frequency Receptacle (0M-902 Page 7 3-7. Connecting Input Power R | ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill. * Donot touch ve electice pats, ‘Tum OFF welding power source, and disconnect input power before inspecting orinstaling, ‘© Have only qualified porsons install unit + _Instalation must meet National Elgctreal Code and al oher codes. _ ara 1085 ‘A, Matching Input Voltage For 208/230 Or 380/415 Input Voltage Models CCheckratingiabeitobe sureunitis | ‘dual vllage model. unt ot 2 ‘al voltage, 0 onto Figure 3-11 2 or Figure 342 Dualvoltage models aretactary set 0 (Or 45) Voll £208 (01 380) Vol forthe highest input vokage. ‘Connection ‘Connection Check input voltage avilable at 3 Ey 3 / _ ‘Remove wrapper to check the fol Broo ead cornecore 1+ 208 (0r 38) Vott Leed 1] 2 230(0r418) voltLead 3 Lead 10 Wt necessary, reconnect toads to match input voltage, 4 Ineulation Sieoving ‘To find end of lad, side elooving 5 Serow 6 Star Washer 7 Load Terminal | 8 Flat Washer 9 Looking Nut Remove hardware to disconnect leads. Reinstal "hardware. a8 shown to conneet leads. Side ane secure sleoving over ends offloads. Reinstall wrapper. Go onto Figure 3-11 or Figure 3-12 1 nse essary Tools Needed \ oy P===e ain Lead Terminal ~ ‘Connection Figure 3-10, Matching Input Voltage For Dual Input Voltage Models om.202 Page 8 B. Connecting input Power For 208/230 Volt Models Have only quaitieg persons make this instaation, 1 Line Disconnect Switch OF Proper Rating 2 290 Volts AC Wall Recep: face Input Conductors Grounding Conductor Select size and length using Table 3.2. Conductor Insulation must comply with natlonal, state, and local lactic odes, Install and connect input conduc- tore: and. grounding conductor in condultor aquivaion betweon wall receptacle and deanergized fine ‘sconnect suteh | Bo sure grounding conductor goes to an earn ground 5 Une Fuses. ‘Select fuses or crcl breakers us- ing Table 3-2. Install ilo. deen ‘orgizad ine cisconmect switch “oo Needed: = Figure 3-11. Input Power Connections €._ Connecting Input Power For All Other Models Have only qualified persons maka ‘Wis instalation, 1 Line Disconnect Switeh OF Proper ating = 2 Grounding Conductor Gtoon Or Greea With Yetow Strives) 1 8 Input Conductors fy Inetal Input conductors and ‘grounding conductor tram unk to Beonorgizes ine

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