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Mana La Excellence Group 1 Mains Practice Questions

Subject- Telangana Economy • The report emphasized that the level of

development in sectors like agriculture,
1.Explain the status of Telangana Economy during irrigation, education, broadcasting and
1956-1970 phase. transport was not even half of the national
Introduction: average.
• 1956-57 The total land under cultivation was
Write briefly about the socio-political condition of 123.8 lakh acres in 1967-68.
Telangana state during 1956-1970 period. • As of 2016, it was at the same level of 124.2
Body: lakh acres.
• Similarly, the area under drainage. In 1956-57
Explain the state of Telangana-Economy during it was 23 lakh acres and in 1967-68 it was only
1956-1970 phase. 26.47 lakh acres with little change.
Conclusion: • It should be noted that the increase in
cultivated area and area under irrigation
Content: during 1966-68 was nominal.
• Telangana's area under cultivation in Andhra
• The united state of Andhra Pradesh was state is 40% but Telangana's share in key
formed on November 1, 1956,
products was only 27%-35% by 1967-68.
with Hyderabad as its capital, after the merger
• Animal hospitals are in ratio of 1:1.75 even
of the then Andhra state.
though livestock is equal in both regions.
• The economic system of Telangana was done
• Rural electrification cost less than a third 12.7
in 3 phases.
crore was supposed to be spent on rural
• They are:
electrification but only 10 crores was spent.
➢ 1956-1970
• 100 square miles despite spending 49% on
➢ 1971-1990
road transport and broadcasting. The area is
➢ 1991-2014
only 20 miles of road.
• The period 1956-2014 can be divided into “3”
• According to Kumar Lalit's report, the ratio of
parts regarding the state of Telangana.
expenditure in Telangana - Andhra was
➢ 1956-1970 Later stage of merger (1969
supposed to be 2:2.5, but in reality it was 1:22.
• During the Second Plan period, the share of
➢ 1971 1990 Major role of public sector
Telangana in Andhra Pradesh state revenue
in economy
was 45% but the expenditure did not exceed
➢ 1991 – 2014 Implementation of
economic reforms, subsequent phase.
• Similarly, during the third Plan period, even
First Phase (1956 – 1970): though Telangana had a share of 42.6%, it did
not spend more than 37%, and as a result,
• Implementation of Jagirdar Abolition Act 1949 agricultural and industrial development did
• 1950 – Hyderabad Tenancy Act. not get the required incentive.
• The movement that took place in 1969 was a • In early 1950s, people of Telangana region
consequence of the development of Telangana in Hyderabad state, started organizing
in the state of Andhra Pradesh for 12 years themselves with a demand for separate
from 1956. state. In 1953 the Indian government
• According to the regional committee report appointed the States Reorganization
issued in 1969, the level of development in Commission (SRC) to look into various
Telangana was higher than that of India. statehood demands in the country.
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Mana La Excellence Group 1 Mains Practice Questions

• During the period between 1955 • The poorer states gained less from economic
September and 1956 November, the reforms and continued to remain poor while
people of Telangana launched a series of developed states other than Punjab gained the
protests demanding statehood by most.
implementing the SRC recommendations. • For inclusive economic growth, labour-
But intense lobbying by leaders from intensive process of development is vital.
Andhra state in New Delhi resulted in the • It could be achieved by incentivising the small
merger of Telangana region in Andhra and medium sized firms or farms, in the formal
state to form the Andhra Pradesh state. and informal sectors, and imparting education
• Telangana leaders insisted on a and skills to the people so that they could take
Gentlemen’s Agreement before the advantage of opportunities created by small
merger could take place. The agreement and medium enterprises.
was signed by Andhra and Telangana
leaders and provided safeguards with the
purpose of preventing discrimination
• Economic growth in the post reform period has
against Telangana by the Andhra leaders.
not been inclusive.
However, the agreement was violated.
• The pattern of development has aggravated
2.Analyse the impacts of implementation of inter-state inequality, widened rural-urban
economic reforms in the state of Telangana. disparity and worsened intra-rural and intra-
urban inequality.
• In the post-reform period, the growth was led
Write briefly about the reasons for the by the private corporate sector.
introduction of economic reforms in India. • The share of the private corporate sector in
investment increased from 28 per cent in
1991-92 to 41 per cent in 2007-08, while the
Describe the impacts of the implementation of share of the public sector declined from 43 per
economic reforms in Telangana State. cent to 24 per cent.
• The private corporate sector led growth was
associated with the rent seeking, under-pricing
• Economic growth in the post reform period has of public sector assets in the process of the
not been inclusive. privatisation of the public sector and transfer
of public and private lands to the corporate
• The pattern of development has aggravated
inter-state inequality, widened rural-urban
disparity and worsened intra-rural and intra- Increase in casual labour
urban inequality.
• In the post-reform period, the growth was led • With regard to labour market, the
by the private corporate sector. employment increased at a low rate of 1.3 per
• The share of the private corporate sector in cent per annum and decelerated in the recent
investment increased while declining of Public years while the growth rate of Gross State
sector investments. Domestic Product (GSDP) accelerated to 7.1
• Increase of caual labour. per cent a year.
• The growth process in the post reform-period • The growth of the labour-intensive
was widening regional inequality. manufacturing sector has been slow and has

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Mana La Excellence Group 1 Mains Practice Questions

been lagging behind the service sector, which and skills to the people so that they could take
is less labour intensive. advantage of opportunities created by small
• Also, a high growth in the post-liberalisation and medium enterprises.
period has been accompanied by increased
Implementation of economic reforms in
informalisation and de-unionisation of
Telangana state:
• Economically and socially deprived sections of • Economic reforms in India picked up pace
society were mostly employed as casual after the 1990s.
• The implementation of economic reforms
• These are some of the worrisome features of in the state of Andhra Pradesh also took
the labour market. place almost at the same time. The
• Coming to reduction of poverty, the absolute reforms affected all sectors of the
number of poor declined by a meagre one economy.
million between 1993-94 and 2004-05 • A direct impact on the agricultural sector
whereas the decline was much higher at 38 has been seen since the mid-1990s. The
million between 2004-05 and 2011-12. Yet WTO Agreement came into force.
there were an unacceptably high number of
• After 1997, protections for commercial
270 million of poor in 2011-12. This apart, 80
movements were removed as trade
per cent of the poor continued to be in rural
reforms would allow for remunerative
prices in the agricultural sector.
Widening inequalities • Productivity markets in the country were
also liberalized and the private sector was
• The growth process in the post reform-period given an opportunity. Government
was widening regional inequality. expenditure has been reduced on several
• The poorer states gained less from economic key aspects. The impact of reforms has
reforms and continued to remain poor till widened the gaps between economic
2014-15 while developed states other than sectors, between states, between regions
Punjab gained the most. within states, and between urban and rural
• Among the major states, Assam, Uttar sectors.
Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Jharkhand and • In the context of the economic reforms
Madhya Pradesh lagged far behind on level of undertaken by Andhra Pradesh state, it is
GSDP per capita as well as growth. On the known how the impact on Telangana's
other hand, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, economy has been.
Uttrakhand, Gujarat, Haryana and Himachal • Another development during this period
Pradesh witnessed impressive growth. was the introduction of district wise
revenue assessment process from the year
Creating employment:
1993-94. So it is possible to estimate gross
domestic income and per capita income of
• The growth would be affected and “may also
lead to social disarticulation”.
• Similarly, what is the composition of
• For inclusive economic growth, labour-
various sectors of the economy? What is
intensive process of development is vital. It
the composition of the districts? It is
could be achieved by incentivising the small
possible to analyze the factors such as how
and medium sized firms or farms, in the formal
these are changing between the years
and informal sectors, and imparting education
1993-94 to 2013-2014.
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• From 1993-94 to 2009-10, although the per • Telangana has outperformed in economic
capita income of the state was lower than development.
the per capita income of the country, the • The Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP)
annual growth rate of the state was higher recorded around 19% growth over the
than that of the country. previous financial year at current prices in
• Moreover, in 2009-10, the credit growth 2022.
rate (-0.01) was recorded. 1994-95 The
• The per capita income of Telangana increased
highest growth rate (0.47) was recorded in
by 125% in the previous seven years
the state.
• The 130% in GSDP increased from 2014 to
• 2005-06 to 2007-08 A single growth rate
(0.08%) has been recorded in the country.
• As per MOSPI data 2022, Telangana secured
3. Examine the performance of Telangana state in top position among major States in per capita
economic development over other States. income.
Introduction: • Telangana’s achievement was despite massive
hurdles like bifurcation blues, demonetisation,
Briefly mention the economic condition of
Corona pandemic.
Telangana State in different sectors.
• The GSDP of any state is measured in terms of
Body: the economic contributions made by three key
Mention the major reasons that contribute for sectors
economic development in Telangana state. ➢ Agriculture & Allied Sectors
➢ Industries (including mining and
Conclusion: quarrying) and
• Per capita income helps determine the ➢ Services.
average income of a person and also evaluate • Since state formation, the Services sector has
the standard of living of a people. been the highest contributor to Telangana’s
• Telangana has outperformed in economic Gross State Value Added (GSVA), followed by
development. the Industries and Agriculture and allied
• This success has been due to targeted policies sectors.
of Telangana government to transform the • The share of the Agriculture and allied sectors
agricultural sector and simultaneously boost in the total GSVA of the State increased from
the growth for the IT and the pharma sectors. around 16% in 2014-15 to around 18% in 2021-
• The state Government is running schemes like: 22.
➢ Rythu Bandhu focused on farmers • The Government implemented numerous
➢ world’s largest lift irrigation project schemes for:
Kaleshwaram aimed at providing water to ➢ the welfare and development of
the fields of Telangana and farmers and
➢ Arogya Laxmi that ensures the provision of ➢ the increase of production in
basic and supplementary food and agriculture sector.
nutrition to pregnant and lactating • The State has emerged as the largest cultivator
women. of cotton crop.
• The second-largest producer and purchaser of
paddy in the country.

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• The State government spent more for the • The positive impact of the investments being
construction of various irrigation projects and made by the Government towards
also improved electricity infrastructure apart strengthening of the Industrial sector will start
from providing uninterrupted free power to all producing results in coming years and the
agricultural connections. benefits will continue to accrue.
• Further, the government revived tanks under • The Services sector accounted for around 61%
Mission Kakatiya which ensured adequate in 2021-22, is one of the most important
irrigation water to farmlands. sectors in Telangana’s economy. Its share in
• Money has been deposited into the bank the State’s nominal GSVA (around 61%) is
accounts of farmers under Rythu Bandhu larger than the share of this sector in India’s
scheme and farm loans have been waived off. nominal GVA (around 52%).
• Due to all these efforts, the agriculture sector
has progressed and resulted in an increase of 4. Explain the major poverty alleviation programs
the per capita income. of Telangana.
• Besides providing adequate seeds and
fertilizers in advance through Primary
Agricultural Cooperative Societies (PACS), Mention the present condition of Telangana in
Telangana is the only State to invoke PD poverty.
(Preventive Detention) Act against suppliers of Body:
spurious seeds.
• The State government was also providing farm Mention the measures that are taken by
equipment and machinery at subsidised prices Telangana Government to alleviate poverty.
and also increased the go-down for storage Conclusion:
• The Government’s sustained commitment to
• The State government is also promoting
the welfare of the citizens is evident by the
alternative crops including oil palm cultivation
schemes and programmes it has continued to
to increase the farmers’ income.
implementing in 2021- 22 such as Dalit Bandhu
• The Industrial sector contributes less to
and SC and ST Special Development Funds.
Telangana’s economy than it does to India’s
• The initiatives of Government are important
economy. However, the Industrial sector in the
for alleviating poverty and developing a
State is very vibrant.
futuristic developmental state.
• As the Telanagana Government recognizes
• These initiatives provide economic growth
that industrial development is crucial to job
with equitable distribution of its benefits to
creation and increasing productivity in other
the Telangana people.
sectors, it has taken up several measures to
• Which in turn provides social protection to the
ensure sustained growth of the Industrial
Telangana people.
• This includes business reforms like TS-iPASS, Content:
schemes for entrepreneurship like T-IDEA and • Poverty Alleviation program is to address the
T-PRIDE, and multiple initiatives for the MSME poverty and its determinants which has been
sector including Industrial Health Clinics, TS- one of the main focus areas of the Telangana
Globalinker, and partnerships with private Government.
companies like SAP and Sapio Analytics.
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Mana La Excellence Group 1 Mains Practice Questions

• Since formation of Telanagana State, the scheme in 2014 in order to support the
Government has revamped the existing most vulnerable sections of the society.
poverty alleviation programmes, especially the ➢ The scheme is meant to protect
Public Distribution System (PDS) and Mahatma different sections of society.
Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee ➢ Since 2014, an average around 38 lakh
Scheme (MGNREGS) and the 100% subsidised beneficiaries have been covered
2-BHK Housing Scheme. annually under this scheme.
• Further, State level societies such as Society • Public Distribution System (PDS):
for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP) and ➢ The Government is distributing
Mission for Elimination of Poverty in Municipal essential commodities and food grains
Areas (MEPMA) are: to priority households at subsidised
➢ helping to build and nurture women prices.
led Self Help Groups (SHGs) and ➢ The Government has been
➢ implementing poverty alleviation implementing the Public Distribution
programmes in rural and urban areas. System (PDS).
• Importantly, the Government expanded the ➢ The Government of Telangana has
focus of poverty alleviation by working to extended the PDS coverage to an
eradicate multidimensional poverty. additional 96 lakh people over and
• As per NITI Aayog’s Multidimensional Poverty above the prescribed coverage.
Index (MPI) baseline report 2021: ➢ Along with additional beneficiary
• It has three equally weighted dimensions— coverage the Government has also
Health, Education, and Living Standards enhanced the scale of distribution of
• one in four individuals in India is rice.
multidimensionally poor, but in Telangana one ➢ Along with Food Security, the State has
out of seven individuals is multidimensionally facilitated Gas Connections to poor and
poor. marginalised households under the
• Since the state formation, the Government has DEEPAM Scheme.
made targeted interventions for marginalised 5. Explain the status and importance of working
groups in domains such as: age population in Telangana.
➢ Health (KCR Kits, Aarogya Lakshmi, Giri
Poshana, improving the Public Health
Infrastructure etc.,) Write briefly about state of Telangana Economy.
➢ Education (revamping school Body:
infrastructure through Mana Ooru
Mana Badi) and Explain the status of working age population in
➢ Living Standards (housing, skill Telangana.
development, asset creation, free Explain the importance of working age population
electricity, etc.). in Telangana.
• Aasara Pension:
➢ As part of its welfare and social safety
strategy, the Government has • A skilled workforce is important not just for
introduced the “Aasara’’ pension enhancing people's income, but also crucial for
industrialization of the state.
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Mana La Excellence Group 1 Mains Practice Questions

• Cross-country experiences show that population in Telangana is concentrated in the

industrialization initiatives can be successful age group of 20-29 years (constitutes about 20
only with the availability of skilled labour force. per cent of the total population), followed by
• The study by the National Skill Development 10-19 years (about 18 per cent of the total
Corporation has revealed the glaring skill gaps population).
in Telangana. • It is also noted that about 65 per cent of the
• The majority of the state workforce is total population in the state is of working-age
presently engaged as daily-wage earners or (i.e. population aged 15-59).
agricultural labourers'. • The large working age population is an
• While both the government and the private opportunity for the state to leap-frog its
sectors are engaged in skilling process, there is economic growth, as this group comprises the
a great need to strengthen these initiatives. economically active population.
Content: • They earn more than they consume, resulting
in higher savings and investment, which will
• Developing countries are currently undergoing further spur economic growth.
a demographic transition with a lag and at a • The bulge in the working-age population the
faster speed as compared to developed demographic window available to the state- -is
countries. short-lived.
• The demographic transition brings with it • As time passes, the working-age population
changes in the age structure of the population. shifts to dependent population age group.
• Falling (child) mortality rates only followed • During the 'demographic window period, the
later on by falling fertility rates create a large labour force grows faster than the population
youth cohort. dependent on it, freeing up resources for
• Population growth can thus no longer be investment in economic development and
assumed stable during the demographic family welfare. Therefore, per capita income
transition. grows more rapidly too.
• Releasing the assumption of stable or constant • A demographic can be realized only if the
population growth during the demographic government invests in human capital,
transition leads to new insights and a new role especially in health, education and skill
for demography on economic growth in development of those entering in the labour
developing countries. force.
• A changing age structure has consequences for • Otherwise, a large, uneducated unhealthy,
economic growth. unskilled, and under employed workforce
• Many developing countries are currently in a cause a burden to the society and threatens its
phase of the demographic transition which stability.
gives them the prospect of economic growth.
6. Decribe the Education Levels and Occupational
• In other words, these countries are either Status among Working Age Population in
approaching or experiencing a demographic Telangana.
window of opportunity.
Working-age Population in Telangana:
Write briefly about Socio-Economic Condition of
• Age group wise analysis of the population Telangana State.
reveals that highest proportion of the
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Mana La Excellence Group 1 Mains Practice Questions

Body: • A changing age structure has consequences for

economic growth.
Explain the education levels among working age
population in Telangana. • Many developing countries are currently in a
phase of the demographic transition which
Explain the occupational status among working gives them the prospect of economic growth.
age population in Telangana.
• In other words, these countries are either
Conclusion: approaching or experiencing a demographic
window of opportunity.
• A skilled workforce is important not just for
enhancing people's income, but also crucial for Education Levels among Working Age Population
industrialization of the state. in Telangana:
• Cross-country experiences show that • Education plays a key role in determining the
industrialization initiatives can be successful increase in work participation rate and
only with the availability of skilled labour force. productivity.
• The study by the National Skill Development • However, education levels in the working
Corporation has revealed the glaring skill gaps population in Telangana leave much to be
in Telangana. desired. The educational levels in Telangana
• The majority of the state workforce is State, ranging from up to primary (7%) to
presently engaged as daily-wage earners or secondary (29%), intermediate (10%),
agricultural labourers'. graduation (14%), post-graduation and above
• While both the government and the private (4%), and also diploma Polytechnic/ITI (2%).
sectors are engaged in skilling process, there is • Of the state's 2.39 crore working-age
a great need to strengthen these initiatives. population, about 34% are illiterate.
Content: • Of the educated working-age population, 7 per
cent are educated up to primary level, about
• Developing countries are currently undergoing
29 per cent have completed secondary school
a demographic transition with a lag and at a
and 10 per cent lave studied up to
faster speed as compared to developed
intermediate level.
• The working age population that has studied or
• The demographic transition brings with it
are pursuing higher levels of education is
changes in the age structure of the population.
about 20 per cent (graduation 14 per cent and
• Falling (child) mortality rates only followed post-graduation 4 per cent or above).
later on by falling fertility rates create a large
• Only 1 per cent of the working-age population
youth cohort.
in the state are having polytechnic industrial
• Population growth can thus no longer be training institute diploma.
assumed stable during the demographic
transition. Principal Occupational Analysis of Working-age
Population in Telangana:
• Releasing the assumption of stable or constant
population growth during the demographic • This analysis of the major occupational-wise
transition leads to new insights and a new role distribution of the working age population is
for demography on economic growth in based on the Intensive Household Survey.
developing countries.

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• Of the total 2.39 crore working-age ➢ The reason behind the

population, about 85.5 lakh individuals did not backwardness of agriculture is the
reveal their occupation. feudal and semi-feudal systems.
• There are 18.89 lakh students and 17.7 lakh Eg:- Inequality in land ownership,
housewives are in the state is in the age group small plots, partition of plots, high
of 15-19. rent, lack of security of tenant etc.
• Apart from this, about 8.4lakh individuals have • Measures taken to eliminate technological
reported as "do nothing", possibly due to deficiencies led to the New Agricultural
Policy (or) Green Revolution.
• Actions taken to eliminate land system
Among those who are working and revealed their defects are called land reforms.
occupation, the highest proportion is working as
"daily wage labourers", followed by agricultural The main objectives of land reforms in India and
labourers' and "own agriculture. Telangana were:

7. Discuss the features of first phase of land • Removal of constraints to increase in

reforms in Telangana during 1947-1970. agricultural production.
Introduction: • To remove the exploitations and social
injustices in the agricultural sector and to
Mention the reasons that has contributed for land protect the tiller of the land.
reforms in Telangana.
Government has set following objectives through
Body: land reforms:
Mention the important features of the first phase
of land reforms in Telangana i.e.., during 1947- • Implementation of land ceiling: Rational
1970. utilization of scarce land through plot size
Conclusion: • Distribution of land to landless rural
Write impact of the land reforms of this phase. people: Nehru's intention was "The
objective of land reform is to empower the
Content: peasantry economically, socially and
Land Reforms in Telangana: politically".
First Phase (1947 – 70):
• Agriculture occupies an important place in
the economic, social and political life of 3 factors played a major role in land reforms
India even today. at this stage:
• More than half of the population of the • Systematic factors: Land tenure practices,
country and the state depend on tenancy systems, land concentration etc.
agriculture. • Political factors: All India Congress and
• In any year the agricultural growth rate is State Congress resolutions and policies
high, the economic growth rate is also high • Peasant movements:
in that year. There are two main reasons o Telangana Peasant Struggle Against
for low productivity in the agricultural Feudal Extortion,
sector. o Muslim Peasant Struggle against
➢ Technical errors are the cause of Visunur Deshmukh in 1920.
low productivity.
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Systematic factors: • Asami Shakmi Tenants (tenants without

any rights): An Asami Shakmi tenant leases
➢ Feudal policies land for 12 years. He is recognized as a
➢ Tenancy policies shaki tenant when he is able to keep his
➢ Geocentricity etc. which are a hindrance to possession.
agricultural development.
3. Land concentration:
Telangana region was part of Hyderabad state
before Andhra Pradesh came into being, while • In areas like Nalgonda and Warangal in
Andhra and Rayalaseema region was part of joint Telangana region, about 60% to 70% of
Madras state, so although there is some similarity land is concentrated in the hands of
in land tenure practices in these two regions, there Jagidars and Inandars.
is also some difference. • Centralization of land ownership should be
reduced and a maximum limit should be
1. Feudal policies:
fixed and surplus land should be
• Both the feudal systems introduced in the distributed to the landless. Arguments on
British and Nizam regions in India were the subject have always existed.
obstacles to development. Political factors:
• These did not contribute to development
but led to 'stagnation'. • Returning to India in 1915, Gandhiji's
• In 1853, Karl Marx recognized that the political career began with the peasant
zamindari and ryotwari systems were struggle.
contradictory forms of agrarian revolution Eg : Champaran Movement (Bihar)
introduced by the British authorities. • 1931 – The Karachi Congress passed a
• The zamindari system is known as resolution to abolish the Zamindari system.
Pettandari system while Ryothwari system • 1946 – Congress promised to eliminate
is Prajatantra system. middlemen in its election manifesto.
• The zamindari system was a reflection of • The Nizam government not only did not
the British feudal system, while the recognize the Congress party but also
peasant system was a reflection of the banned it until 1946. Therefore, as an
French peasantry system. alternative to this, Arya Samaj started in
• Both of these are not intended for the 1921 and tried to bring awareness among
benefit of the tilling farmer. Instruments the people of Telangana. But it must be
useful to the Government for levying taxes said that after 1948 the Congress came to
on lands. power and played some role in the
formulation and implementation of land
2. Tenancy Procedures in Hyderabad Region:
reform laws.
• There were 2 types of tenants in Peasant movements:
Hyderabad region when the Assamese
Shakmechattam came into force in 1944. • In 1928 N.G. Andhra State Rythu Sangam
• Doubtful Tenants (Permanent Tenants): If was formed under the leadership of Ranga.
the tenant has the right to protect and • 1936 – All India Kisan Sabha formed.
cultivate the land, they are called Doubtful • In 1945 there was a peasant armed
Tenants. struggle.

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Land Tenure Systems in Hyderabad State: There peasantry economically, socially and
were different types of land tenure systems in politically".
Hyderabad state.
Second Phase – Land Reforms after 1970: The first
phase of land reforms was completed by 1970 and
• Jagirs
the second phase of land reforms after 1970.
• Institutions
• Inandars 3 main points can be mentioned for the second
• Surfacekhas round of land reforms.
• Khalsa/Diwani/Rytwari
• Economic Reasons / Green Revolution.
8. Discuss the salient features of the second
• Political reasons
phase of land reforms in Telangana state i.e.,
• The tension of peasant struggles
after 1970.
Economic Reasons/Green Revolution:
Mention the reasons that has contributed for land • By the time of independence, India was in
reforms in Telangana. a position to import food grains from
abroad. As per the instructions of the Ford
Body: Foundation (USA) committee
Discuss the features of the 2nd phase of land • Concentrated Agricultural Districts
reforms in Telangana i.e.., during 1947-1970. Program (IADP) in 1960-61
• Concentrated Agricultural Areas Program
(IAAP) was introduced in 1965.
Discuss the impact of 2nd phase of land reforms in • High Yield Variety Program (HYVP) was
Telangana. started in 1966. Due to this, agricultural
production has increased tremendously.
• One of the primary objectives of land
The main objectives of land reforms in India and reform is to increase agricultural
Telangana were: production. That is, as agricultural
production increased, the need for land
• Removal of constraints to increase in reforms decreased.
agricultural production.
Political reasons:
• To remove the exploitations and social
injustices in the agricultural sector and to
• In 1948, the recommendations of the
protect the tiller of the land.
Kumarappa Committee were limited to the
Government has set following objectives through removal of intermediaries. The slogan
land reforms: "Earth to the ploughman" was raised.
• In the 1952 and 1957 elections,
• Implementation of land ceiling: Rational revolutionary laws were introduced to
utilization of scarce land through plot size reduce the influence of the Communists,
change. but amendments were introduced with
• Distribution of land to landless rural several exceptions to appease the landed
people: Nehru's intention was "The classes and attract rural voters through
objective of land reform is to empower the them.

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• In the 1967 elections, Congress voter • In 1967, the armed peasant struggle that
turnout declined in many states. Non- started in Bari village of West Bengal by the
Congress governments were formed. Naxals entered Srikakulam district of AP
• Under the leadership of Indira Gandhi, the and soon spread to the Godavari river
Congress nationalized the banks, abolished basin (Karimnagar, Adilabad, Warangal,
the royal emoluments, and became the Khammam, West Godavari).
slogan of Garibi Hatao. She tried to turn • It was this Naxalite movement that made
the rural poor towards their party. the tribes conscious and led an armed
• With the advent of non-Congress struggle against the exploitative practices
governments in some states, the issue of of the non-tribal landlords and forest
land reforms has come to the fore again. officials.
• In 1972, on the recommendations of the • The main reasons for the 2nd round of land
committee appointed by the Congress on reforms were the bad results brought by
Land Reforms, the Chief Ministers meeting the Green Revolution, the changes in the
held in 1972 for the first time recognized political power of the state and the
land reforms as a national issue and intensity of the communist
formulated some guiding principles at the movements. Therefore, new laws and
national level. amendments have been proposed in the
• In the All India Congress in 1972, he asked matter of land reforms.
the state congress committees and
9. Explain the Telangana’s podu lands issue of
workers to enact new land reform laws in
Telangana Government.
all states and ensure that land is
distributed to the deserving. Introduction:
• It was in accordance with these guidelines
Mention the podu land issue of Telangana
that the Maximum Land Limitation Act,
1973 came into force.
The tension of peasant struggles:
Mention the Government measures to solve that
• In 1969, under the leadership of the Multi- problem and mention the impact of that move.
Party, there was a land struggle for
government waste lands and government
lands occupied by landlords. • Deforestation, losing fertility of land and soil
• It first started in Krishna district and spread erosion are the problem of Podu system of
all over the state. 64,000 agricultural cultivation.
laborers occupied about one lakh acres of • We can overcome these problems thorough
land and started cultivating it. Government measures by conservation of
• Communist parties and socialist parties agro-biodiversity, especially the local and
have intensified the joint land struggle. native crop species and varieties.
• In 1972, the two Communist parties, the
farmers' unions and the agricultural labor Content:
unions announced a three-phase program The Telangana government has decided to move
of struggle for the Congress to implement landless, non-tribal farmers engaged in Podu
its election promises and promulgate new shifting cultivation inside forests to peripheral
land reform laws. areas as it wants to combat deforestation.

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Podu: Mention the reasons why Telangana Government

want to amend that Act.
• Podu is a traditional system of cultivation used
by tribes in India, whereby different areas of Conclusion:
jungle forest are cleared by burning each year
• The podu land issue will be resolved, only
to provide land for crops.
when the Centre Government should:
• Podu is a form of shifting agriculture using ➢ amend the Scheduled Tribes and Other
slash-and-burn methods. Traditional Forest Dwellers
Issue in Telangana: (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act and
➢ also increase the cut-off date.
• Shifting cultivation continues to be a
• The Centre Government should to take a policy
predominant agricultural practice in many
decision so that the Telangana non-tribals too
parts of India, despite state discouragement
would get relief along with the Telangana
and multipronged efforts.
• Telangana government has controlled the
encroachment of forests by non-tribals, who Content:
are indulging in the practice of shifting • As per State government recent data, around
agriculture (podu). 3lakh farmers were engaged in podu
• Several political leaders have raised the issues cultivation across Telangana state in that
of shifting agriculture and deforestation ➢ 62% are tribals and
wherein encroachers clear a portion of land. ➢ 38% are non-tribals.
• The government now wants to shift out all • Podu is a traditional system of land cultivation
farmers from the forests to the periphery by used by tribes in Telangana, whereby different
allotting lands to them for cultivation. areas of jungle forest are cleared by burning
Impact of the move each year to provide land for crops.
• Podu is a form of shifting agriculture using
• Tribal farmers who have been traditionally
slash-and-burn methods.
cultivating for decades will not be affected by
• The Recognition of Forest Rights Act (RoFR Act)
or 1/70 Act of the Central government would
• This is against illegal encroachers.
allow the State government to give
• The government has in fact, given land
pattas(legal rights over forest land) to tribals.
ownership titles to tribals.
• The RoFR Act, 2006, which puts the cut-off
• Other encroaching farmers will be shifted out.
date as December 13, 2005, the tribes who
10. Explain why the Telangana Government were in forest before the cutoff date will
wants the Centre to amend Scheduled Tribes & eligible to get government pattas.
Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (RoFR) Act,
• As per Act, the State government provided
2006 to end podu lands issue.
rights to 96,600 farmers over forest lands in
Introduction: 2008.
• If the existing Act, was implemented only a few
Explain the Centre’s Scheduled Tribes & Other
Traditional Forest Dwellers (RoFR) Act, 2006. number of tribals would be benefited.
• The State government, which implemented
Body: the act received around 3 lakh applications
seeking Podu pattas for tribal land.

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• But due to lack of data, some tribals who were • Therefore, it will continue to be central to all
in possession of lands before 2005 did not get strategies for planned socioeconomic
pattas. development of the State.
• Besides tribals, some non-tribals who were Content:
occupied the forest lands after 2005 and
cultivating forest lands are also seeking • Agriculture plays a pivotal role in the
pattas. Telangana economy and the better
• Pattas for non-tribals would be given only if performance of this sector is vital for inclusive
they show proof that they have been growth.
cultivating the lands for the past 75 years. • The contribution of agriculture and allied
• Thus a large number of tribals and non-tribals sectors to the State’s Gross State Value Added
would be denied rights over lands if the Act (GSVA) has increased by 142 per cent from
was implemented. 2014 to 2020.
• So Telangana Government wants the Centre • Telangana ranked third in the country in terms
should relax some conditions, so that state is of percentage increase in growth rate of Gross
enabled to give pattas to tribals and non- State Domestic Product (GSDP).
tribals as well. • Telangana achieved the third highest
• In addition, the State government also percentage increase in GSDP value at current
requested the Centre to increase the cut-off prices between 2014-15 and 2020-21.
date. • In 2020-21, Telangana was the sixth highest
• The podu land issue will be permanently contributor to the country’s GDP at current
resolved only if the Centre amended the prices.
existing Act. • The resilience was led by the agriculture and
• Till then, the State is helpless and unable to do allied sectors which grew around 18%.
justice to tribals. Need for Structural Reforms
11. Analyse the need for structural reforms in • In agriculture value chain one of the weakest
Telangana’s Agriculture. links is
Introduction: ➢ getting access to markets and
➢ to receive information on which crops
Mention the present condition of Telangana’s to grow.
Agriculture. • With the increase in production, there are
chances of supply demand shocks which in
turn result in less remuneration for farmers.
Analyse the need for the structural reforms of • Towards this, state government has initiated
Telangana’s Agriculture for enhancing the both multiple strategies in terms of crop
farmer’s income and agriculture production in diversification through support for Oil Palm
Telangana. Mention measures in this regard. and other horticulture crops.
Conclusion: Crop Diversification

• Agriculture is a way of life, a tradition that has • Sustainable agricultural growth in the state
shaped the culture and economic life of the requires crop diversification.
people of the state, and continues to employ
around half of the workforce.
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• This will make farmer incomes more resilient • With an aim to promote sustainable
to fluctuating prices and help them realise agriculture, the state government initiated
higher the farm incomes. promotion of organic agriculture.
• State government has emphasised on the • There are two significant areas where organic
importance of crop diversification and systems have higher yields compared to
recommended crops like Ground nut, Sun conventional systems:
flower, Sesamum, Bengal gram, Black gram ➢ Under extremes climatic conditions and
etc. ➢ in smallholder systems.
• In 2020-21, there was significantly greater crop • With around 88% farmers in the smallholder
diversification in some district of Telangana. category, Telangana state has the potential to
Oil palm cultivation be a model for others to follow.
• Organic farming has advantages such as:
• Oil palm cultivation assumes significance for ➢ It has the potential to produce high quality
augmenting the indigenous availability of food
edible oil. ➢ enhance natural resource base and
• State has the potential planting material, environment
irrigation and proper management, oil palm ➢ increase income and
has the potential to increase income of the ➢ contribute to the wellbeing of the farmers.
12.Explain the Telangana Government’s
• Also oil palm produces 10 to 46 times more oil initiatives for enhancing the farmer’s income.
compared to other oilseed crops.
• Thus, it has enormous potential for cultivation. Introduction:
• To attain self-sufficiency under oil palm in Mention the present condition of Telangana’s
India, an additional area of is required. Agriculture.
• Telangana Stands
➢ 6th in Oil palm area, Body:
➢ 1st in productivity and Mention the steps that were taken by Telangana
➢ 1st in Oil Extraction Rate (OER). Government in various sectors for enhancing
• Around 11 Oil processing units are operating in farmer’s income.
the state at present.
• To augment the Oil Palm cultivation in the Conclusion:
state, the Government of Telangana is
• Since the formation of the state, Telangana has
providing a subsidy to oil palm farmers and made major strides in the Agriculture and
Farmers can avail assistance on Micro/drip Allied Sectors.
• Through policies of Telangana Government,
• The main objective of extending subsidies to the Government intends to increase the
the farmers is to attract farmers to shift to oil
capacity to process the surplus produce from
palm cultivation. the agriculture, horticulture, animal
• To ensure the availability of the oil palm husbandry, milk, and fisheries sectors.
seedlings at the village level, the government
decided to set up palm nurseries in Content:
coordination with the Forest Development • The Doubling Farmers Income strategy of
Corporation, Panchayat Raj and Rural Government of India has recommended that,
Development departments. to increase farmer’s income, it is necessary for
Organic Farming farmers to diversify into non-farm income as

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well as stress upon improving the necessity of Dairy sector:

livestock productivity.
• Dairy sector is an important way for farmers to
• Animal Husbandry provides an additional
increase their earnings and access to more
income and employment to the farmers,
nutritious food for their families.
especially during unpredictable weather
• To encourage farmers to take up dairying, the
state government has introduced a scheme to
Livestock sector: provide Rs.4/- as incentive per litre of milk
• Telangana state has given importance to the collected to the members of Cooperative
livestock sector and come up with schemes dairies by directly crediting the amount to
with an integrated outlook to support farmers their bank accounts every month.
and to develop the sector. • An amount of Rs.343.00 Crore is spent on this
• This led to growth in milk, eggs and meat Programme in between 2014-15 and 2020-21.
production over the years and at all India level Between 2014-15 and 2020-21, milk
for the year 2019- 20, Telangana stands at production has seen a growth of 37% (from 42
➢ 5th in meat production lakh tons in 2014-15 to 57.6 lakh tons in 2020-
➢ 3rd in egg production and 21.
➢ 13th in milk production. • This has also led to an increase in per capita
availability of milk from 321gm/day in 2015 to
Sheep Rearing and Development Programme
410gms/day in 2020.
• SRDP was introduced by the state government
to develop the economic standards of the • With 138.92 Lakh livestock units across the
shepherd communities by supporting the state, fodder plays a vital role in the
traditional shepherd families with supply of production and green fodder is essential for
(20+1) sheep with a unit cost of Rs.1.25 lakh, high yielding dairy animals to enhance
with a subsidy component of 75% and a total productivity.
project outlay of Rs. 5,000 crores. • State government has stressed upon supply of
• From introduction of the program (2017) to till fodder seed to motivate the farmers to
date, a total of 79.98 lakh sheep have been cultivate and make available fodder locally.
distributed to 3,80,878 members of Primary • Accordingly, 797 MTs of fodder seed were
Sheep Breeder Cooperative Societies. supplied in 2020-21 with an output of
• Keeping the rise in cost of Sheep in the open approximately1.60 Lakh MT of dry fodder.
market and also increase in transportation • An amount of Rs. 442.52 lakhs budget is
prices, in the Phase II of the SRDP program indicated under Feed and Fodder
(2021-22 and 2022-23), the Government has Development programme during the year
enhanced the Unit cost from Rs.1,25,000/- to 2021-22.
Rs.1,75,000/- with a beneficiary target of 3.5 Poultry:
• With an annual output of 1,586 crore eggs in
• After the implementation of the scheme, the
2020-21, Telangana stands 3rd in egg
meat production in the state has seen a growth
production in the country.
rate of 43.5% (in between 2016-17 to 2019-20)
from 5.9 lakh tonnes to 8.5 lakh tonnes only • To incentivize the sector, the state
behind Karnataka (with a growth rate of 45% government is providing free power upto
in the same period). 200/unit to 5,894 poultry farms from 2015

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• As per the latest data from RBI, in the year ➢ changing weather conditions creating a
2019-20, with a contribution of 12.94%, to situation of drought
total egg production in the country, Telangana ➢ lack of ground water irrigation sources
state is 3rd top contributor to the production ➢ digging bore wells for water
of eggs. ➢ extreme indebtedness of farmers
Aquaculture: ➢ failure of bank institutions to extend
• A fishery is one of the fast growing sectors the loans in timely manner
generating income and employment in the ➢ increasing capital investments and
state of Telangana. ➢ lack of reasonable market price for
• The sector plays an important role in the farm produce
overall socio-economic development of fisher
families in Telangana by providing nutrition &
food security. • Monetising certain agricultural data has been
• Telangana is the only state where all suitable proposed under a new Agriculture Data
water bodies are stocked with adequate Management Policy of Telangana
numbers of quality fish seed by providing 100% Government.
grant. • The policy which aims to codify norms,
• To provide employment opportunities to processes, guidelines, etc. for handling
women groups, 150 numbers of customised agricultural data.
vehicles, designed for dual usage of raw fish
• Apart from monetising agricultural data, the
sales and Ready-to-Eat fish food are being
policy also proposes:
provided in GHMC limits.
➢ instituting grievance redressal
• For the welfare of the fisheries community, a ➢ data management officers for various
group accident insurance scheme has also
entities including government
been launched by the state government from
➢ a grievance redressal mechanism and
13. Explain the Telangana’s Agriculture Data key principles on which data
Management Policy. governance frameworks, Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs), etc. can
be built for agricultural data.
Explain briefly about the Telangana Agricultural
Importance of the policy:
Data management policy.
Body: • Due to 5 million farmers depend on it and that
the sector contributes to about 15% of the
Mention the reasons that has contributed for the
GSDP. So Telangana Government has been
introduction of this policy.
giving a high priority to the development of the
Conclusion: agriculture sector.
• The Government, further impacts on the levels
• Agriculture forms the backbone of Telangana's of production, productivity, and profitability of
Economy. the farmers by promoting digital agriculture
• This policy will definitely help the farmers of and extensive use of technologies including
Telangana. the emerging technologies like AI, ML, IoT,
• Apart from these Telangana Government Drones and satellite imagery.
should also concentrate on some problematic
areas of agriculture system such as:
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• Agri-tech initiatives, even from the Central Agriculture Knowledge Sharing and
government are up-and-coming in India. Dissemination Centers serving the objective of
• Telangana’s policy could guide the Central the Government to provide services at
government’s initiative of Agri-tech. doorsteps of the farmers to make farming
sustainable and profitable.
Purposes for processing data:
• For agricultural credit:
➢ Assessment of credit worthiness and • Telangana Rythu Vedika Scheme is the
extension of short, medium, and long- scheme of Telangana Government for the
term loans to farmers and the farmers.
associated processes like recovery. • The Government has created a platform
➢ Extending credit to farmers basing on for the farmers to address all the
Negotiable Warehouse Receipts (NWR) underlying issues confronted by the
• For Insurance: farmers.
➢ Providing crop insurance cover and • The platform will act as a one-stop
disbursing of the amount assured on destination for all the farmers by keeping
meeting the defined criteria. the all farmers in a similar platform for
➢ Providing insurance cover for farm selling their produce.
machinery • Through the state policies, the government
• For payment services: will directly purchase the food grains from
Enabling electronic payments and receipts the farmers. Thereby, giving direct aids to
arising out of the transactions relating the the farmers of the state.
purposes specified in this standard. Objectives of the Scheme:
14. Telangana’s Rythu Vedikas truly empowering
farmers. Analyse. • Increase the returns of the farmers who
are affected due to the Pandemic.
• With this portal, Farmers can discuss
Write briefly about Telangana’s Rythu Vedikas various issues.
scheme. • The scheme has the prime objective to
redressal the issues of the farmers.
• The scheme will focus on discussions over
Mention the reasons that Telangana’s Rythu farm-related issues.
Vedikas contributed to empower the farmers of • It will address and raise the agro-farm
Telangana. production related issues.
Conclusion: Benefits and Features of Rythu Vedika Scheme:
The scheme has some unique benefits and
• Agriculture is a focal point to all the strategies
features associated with the welfare of the
for planned socio-economic development of
farmers in the state. Some of these benefits are:
• Agriculture plays an important role in the
• The scheme focuses on organising the
economy of Telangana and its better
farmers into groups, to address the
performance is vital for inclusive growth.
collective issues.
• No doubt, the Rythu Vedikas will become a hub
for all the farmer related activities such as
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• With the scheme implementation, a high • Delivery of services include: Crop Booking,
Price for the Produce is ensured. Enrolment of farmers under Rythu Bandhu,
• The scheme will enhance the agricultural Rythu Bhima, PM Kisan, etc., and
productivity of state. implementation of various state and centrally
• Farmers will be able to access more sponsored schemes by selection of farmers.
beneficial marketing facilities. • Capacity building includes region specific and
• The Rythu vedikas will serve as a platform crop oriented training programs to create
for farmers to collectively raise issues. awareness among the farmers.
• This initiative will increase the productivity • Also, training of the farmers on identification,
of the farms. advantages of natural risks and timely
• It will increase the profits and returns of application of inputs to harness the higher
the farmers. yields are provided.
• A Rythu Vedika will serve as a portal to • The emphasis is to empower the farmers by
discuss the issues of the farmers. adopting good agricultural practices, duly
• By using this platform farmer can also sell emphasizing the critical stages of a crop and
their products. decision making in his own field, and also
• Such a scheme will also ensure that the helping to minimise the pesticide and
rights of the farmers are guarded. insecticide usage.
• As part of knowledge dissemination, training
Empowering the farmers of Telangana: and field diagnostic visits and demonstrations
The initiative is proving to be a role model in take place.
the areas of agriculture. • Besides, timely farm advisories to farmers on
pests and disease outbreak, weather updates,
• Rythu Vedikas are the first of its kind in India market prices, availability of seeds, fertilizers,
where a platform is created for the farmers to etc., at Rythu Vedikas are provided to the
organize themselves in groups for attaining farmers.
their ultimate objectives: • Rythu Vedikas are serving as service centers
• to get the remunerative prices for their crops for all Government schemes by disseminating
• better marketing facilities the latest guidelines, feedback of farmers and
• higher productivity and for making the schemes more reachable to the
• ultimately making the agriculture profitable. farmers.
• They will also help the farmers to organize • Agriculture and Horticulture Universities,
themselves into a formidable group to protect National level institutes, State and National
their rights. Institutes on Agriculture and allied
• The Government of Telangana proposes to departments are utilizing the Rythu Vedikas
connect all Rythu Vedikas across the state for their programs.
through the optical fiber network. • The Rythu Vedikas bring in a transparent,
• Rythu Vedikas function through qualified staff. people-friendly and progressive change in
They ensure the: Agriculture sector.
➢ Delivery of Services 15. Food Processing industry of Telangana has
➢ Capacity Building and been recognized as one of the thrust sectors of
➢ Knowledge Dissemination. Telangana state in the industrial policy
➢ they also get farmer advisories and framework of 2014. Explain its significance.
➢ linkages with service centers for all
the Government schemes. Introduction:

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Mention the present condition of Food processing • To add value to agro-products and to maintain
sector of Telangana. and expand the existing strengths as well as to
partner with the national Food Processing
Mission, there is a need for encouragement in
Mention the reasons why Food Processing this sector.
industry of Telangana recognised as one of the • There are numerous subsidies, policies and
thrust sectors of Government policy. schemes that state has introduced to support
the sector.
• There are few major food park projects with
• Telangana was declared the 3rd most integrated cold chains.
attractive destination for Doing Business in • The state intends to expand the presence of
2019. such parks across other districts in the state.
• The state has built itself as a pioneer in the • To extend the scope and growth of food
export and manufacturing sector. processing industries in the state, the
• The Government intends to further strengthen Telangana Government introduced a Food
its industry ecosystem through its Processing and Preservation Policy in 2021.
manufacturing and employment centric • The primary aim of the policy is to create
approach to industrial development. Special Food Processing Zones (SPFZs) in the
• Since the formation of Telangana, several state.
steps have been taken to foster an investor- • In order to attract food processing industries,
friendly climate. the state has offered power rebates,
• Telangana Government is expanding its reimbursements to Agriculture Produce
support to high growth potential sectors such Marketing Committees (APMCs), capital
as food processing and textiles in order to grants, land cost rebates, and other benefits to
make the state an export hub in these sectors. the establishments within the SPFZs.
• It aims to attract the capital investment and
Content: provide a livelihood to Telangana people.

• Food processing has been identified as one of 16. Discuss the significance of MSMEs to
the 14 thrust sectors for the state in the Telangana’s Economy. Mention the
industrial policy framework of 2014. government’s measures to promote the same.
• Currently, Food processing industry in Intro: Discuss the status of MSMEs in Telangana.
Telangana processes 25% agri & allied output
by value and adds 12.5% in value. Body: Discuss the significance of MSMEs and
• Telangana has a rich agri-food raw material Measures
base. Conclusion:
• Telangana was ranked first across the country
for production of turmeric and sweet orange in Write the way forward- What further measures
2015. can be taken
• Further, Telangana has well-established Content:
poultry and seed business.
It is estimated that Telangana is home to about 2.6
• Moreover, it has huge potential to promote
inland fisheries, organized meat processing, million MSMEs, out of which 56% are in rural areas
greenhouse and exotic vegetable cultivation in and 44% in urban areas.
the state.

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As many as 63.388 Million registered MSME units provided the infrastructure and basic
have commenced their operations since the amenities in the park and also laid a road from
formation of the state, with an investment of the park to the national highway.
about Rs.11,487crore. 3. Micro Industrial Park, Rairaopeta, Bibinagar,
Yadadri – A new Industrial park development
Since January 2015, MSMEs have provided
started during 2020-21, for Micro enterprises
additional employment opportunities to
in 40 acres of land for 171 units. The park will
approximately 1109.89 lakh persons.
attract investments of Rs. 420 Crores and
The Telangana government has been according provide direct employment to 4200 people
top priority to MSMEs growth. According to the TS
To promote growth and employment-generation
iPASS, nearly 16,365 units started operations
potential of the MSME sector, the State
between January 2015 and January 2022,
government has launched several initiatives such
generating employment for 2.44 lakh people.
as the Telangana State Industrial Development
The UDYAM portal data of the Ministry of Micro, Corporation, Telangana Industrial Health Clinic
Small and Medium Enterprises states that MSMEs Limited, has entered into partnership with private
are majorly concentrated in Hyderabad, Medchal- players, launched TS Globallinker (a digital
Malkajgiri, Sangareddy, Rangareddy and networking platform that helps MSMEs contact
Karimnagar districts, with Hyderabad accounting global buyers and sellers and get appraised about
for the highest share of MSMEs among all the opportunities in the sector).
17. Discuss the India's largest floating solar power
Government Measures- project in Telangana. Analyse the advantages and
disadvantages of this project.
Policy measures-
• T-IDEA (Telangana State Industrial
Development and Entrepreneur Write briefly about India's largest floating solar
Advancement) power project in Telangana.
• T-PRIDE Body:
Infrastructural Measures-
Mention the advantages and disadvantages of this
1. There are 28 Industrial parks developed by
TSIIC which are available for MSMEs across Conclusion:
2500 acres of land. 6 new parks have been
This technology is still in nascent stage,
proposed and 12 are under upgradation.
Government should careful watch and monitors
2. Green Industrial park for MSMEs in Yadadri –
its outcomes so that Government can balance
Industries Minister inaugurated
both advantages and disadvantages of this
Dandumalkapur TSIIC-TIF-Micro Small and
Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Green Industrial
Park in Nov 2019. MSME Park is expected to Content:
attract 1,553 crore investments, house more
than 450 industries and generate about 35,000 • Telangana is floating solar parks on water to
jobs. This is the first model industrial park to get around land acquisition challenges
be set up for the MSME sector after the • Ramagundam in Telangana has a unique
formation of Telangana. The government landscape.

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• The Godavari river flows on one side of the Advantages of this technology:
• Being one of the important power generation • No loss of land space.
centres of National Thermal Power ➢ Land space is a huge deal when it
Corporation in South India. comes to solar.
• The area comes under the Godavari Valley ➢ Especially with the rise of community
Coalfields the only coalfield of South India. solar.
• Here coal is mined and processed to create ➢ Many people wish miles of land
thermal energy to cater to the needs of the weren’t being used for solar farms and
state. would prefer things like homes and
• However, the region, besides being known for businesses to be built on the land.
its coal mining reserve and thermal power ➢ Sometimes, trees are even removed to
generation. place solar panels there, which is the
• The National Thermal Power opposite of the environmental ideals
Corporation announced one of India’s largest pushed by the solar industry.
100 megawatts floating solar parks (at a single ➢ With floating solar, no land is used and
location) at Ramagundam. no nature is killed in the process.
• Floating solar photovoltaic plants are • Avoids overheating:
renewable energy generation plants where ➢ A common problem with solar panels is
solar panels are mounted on a structure on a overheating.
water body. ➢ They’re out in the sun all day but solar
panels also have to do with
Floating solar park: overheating causing a lower efficiency.
➢ On large bodies of water, the panels
• The floating solar park is situated away from will still receive the optimal amount of
the Godavari river. sunlight, and they won’t have to deal
• The plant produce 100 megawatts of clean with overheating due to cooling effects
energy. from the water.
• It is also working towards producing Green • Solar helps the water:
Methanol using green hydrogen and carbon ➢ Solar panels help the water.
captured from flue gases of the thermal ➢ This is because the panels on the water
project. stop it from evaporating as fast, which
• The traffic signals have already been energised reduces the amount of droughts in the
with off-grid solar energy, which is used by the area.
local residents of the city. ➢ It also provides shade, which reduces
• There are around 15 solar floating power the amount of algae that blooms.
plants in India under different stages of
construction. Disadvantage of this technology:
• While some are undertaken by the National
• They cost more:
Thermal Power Corporation, some by National
➢ The new technology costs more.
Hydro Power Corporation and others.
➢ Because of it is harder to install, the
• All these 15 solar plants, after construction
need for special equipment and the
might help the country in achieving its clean
need for a specialised installer.
energy targets.
➢ However, the benefits outweigh the
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• These are only good for large-scale arising in the future as the technology
application: expands.
➢ A residential home is not suited for this
18. Write briefly on Telangana Government
policy on urban technologies for 2021-2026.
➢ These are generally used for large
companies, community solar and utility Introduction:
Mention the reasons why Telangana Government
State initiatives wanted this policy.
• Land requirement is one of the challenges
faced by renewable energy projects such as Mention the domains or areas where urban
solar and wind parks. technologies are used in Telangana.
• But with this floating solar plant, clean energy
projects that do not need land.
• In India, given the rise in demand for power
• Telangana has been on an incredible journey
and the need for more clean energy growth,
towards excellence since its establishment.
experimenting with new technologies like
• The state is looking to double production,
floating solar power becomes significant.
productivity, farmer’s income and overall,
• It has more potential to create power than
improve the welfare of all sections of society.
solar panels installed on land in addition it will
• It also aims at having the most optimum
reduce the evaporation from the water bodies.
utilization of natural resources, high quality of
• If they are confined to stagnant water bodies
living and an accountable and citizen-centric
below 5% of the total area of the water body,
there are less chances of any possible damage
• Technology will play a major role in pursuing
to the water body due to this technology.
all the above goals.
• It costs around 20% to 25% higher than the
• The 2nd ICT Policy of Telangana Government
ground solar plants due to the extra cost of
will place IT in the center stage of fulfilling the
floats and other additional devices needed to
above goals.
ensure its anchoring to the water body that
• This policy document will set the path to:
reduces its viability.
➢ continue achieving greatness and
• Environmentalists meanwhile demanding for
➢ empowering the citizens.
well-defined standard operating protocols and
policies for this technology from Government Content:
to avoid any conflicts in future.
• The concept of floating solar power plants is • Telangana is one of the most urbanized states
new in the country but it is slowly getting in the country with over 40% of the state's
expanded in different parts of the country. population being urban residents.
• In future, there could be some conflicts among • The government aims to convert all cities and
different stakeholders like the local major towns into smart cities and facilitate this
communities, farmers and others with the conversion for rural locations as well
private developers of such plants.
Town Domain Services
• Thus there is a need for well-crafted standard
operating protocols and policies from the A multitude of town-specific application services
Government to redress to any such issues will be supported through new technological
functionalities in the domains such as:
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➢ Mobility planning waste management • Digital Healthcare is a fast-growing space

➢ Housing parking with innovations taking over the
➢ Health and healthcare needs of citizens.
➢ Education facilities • Digital consulting, record-keeping,
monitoring and medicine delivery among
Smart Lighting:
others will be explored and made standard
• The use of Information of Technology(IoT) in the smart cities.
has greatly improved the scope and Smart Tourism:
potential of Lighting Solutions in cities.
• LED and IoT-based smart lighting systems • With the emergence of technologies like
will be used to enhance power savings and Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality
add additional features to study air quality (VR) technology, there is a lot of scope to
noise pollution and pedestrian safety make tourist spots in the state more
interactive and attractive for local and
Smart Education:
international tourists.
• Digital education solutions will help us • The government will deploy suitable
serve the students of the state better. solutions with an emphasis on cultural
• The ITE&C Department will work with the
Education Department and develop state- Smart Waste Management:
of-the-art learning solutions and give all
students access to the best learning • Waste management is a key consideration
solutions to designing a well-structured city.
• Hyderabad already has loT-based smart
Smart Mobility:
waste management systems that help save
• New technologies have the potential to fuel, time and other resources.
transform to transportation needs of • More such solutions will be explored and
citizens. more locations will have such smart
• Projects like smart traffic signals, smart technologies for waste management.
buses tracked public transport solutions Data Driven Administration:
will be explored by the government to
improve reliability, accountability and to • Tools for smart administration will be set
ease citizens Iives. up in the city to monitor the operations,
quality, and flow of elements like water,
Smart Water:
air, and traffic.
• Smart Irrigation and water supply systems • The government and citizens will be
will be developed in the upcoming smart enabled to get a holistic view of the city's
cities to study and improve the availability operations and status.
of water, decrease waste and monitor the • In addition, this will also enable data driven
usage of water better. and evidence-based decision-making and
planning for the activities in the city.
Smart Healthcare:
Emergency Control:

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• ICT functionalities will be developed in the • These will portray development and
selected smart localities to control attract further investments, jobs, and
activities and help the town's highly skilled employees to these cities.
administrators to carry out operations • The Government of Telangana will engage
efficiently during medical emergencies and with various private consulting and
natural calamities. research organizations, to benchmark itself
• Facilities along the lines of smart with the best in the world.
ambulances, smart traffic systems, and
Safety and Security
early crisis detection will be developed to
aid emergency control services
• The government will set up a dedicated
Government Services Enablement: Smart Cities wing equipped with expertise
in this space.
• Through E-Governance and M-Governance • It will consist of resources from the
services, the Government is enroute to MA&UD Department and the ITEAC
enabling a 100% digital service Department that will focus on identifying
environment. the ideal solutions, piloting projects, and
• The government will facilitate the setting strategizing the deployment of the
up of physical infrastructure in the form of projects.
Mee-Seva centers and T-Fiber to promote
accessibility of digital services from the
Safety and Security:

• The digital transformation provides us with

opportunities to improve the safety and
security standards in smart cities.
• While the risks faced by citizens are both
online and physical, through the use of
technology, cyber security police will be
facilitated to counter them.
• There will also be a special focus on
developing technological systems to make
Telangana the safest state for women and
Employment and Investment Attraction

• Data generated will not only allow

innovators to provide solutions but will
also help the smart cities to track and
enhance objective development metrics
like the Quality of Living Index, Mun icipal
Performance Index, and ISO indices.

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