Antonio S and Julia L (W4.S3) Poster-For-Download

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Lithium Ion Batteries

Antonio Sodré and Julia

Introduction Manufacturing Process Dangers

In simple words, a lithium-ion battery is a type of rechargeable battery that is Batteries, are dangerous but the Lithium Ion batteries are the ones that cause
Figure 2
charged and discharged by lithium ions that moves between the negative (anode) more damage. They are mostly banned from planes, as they "randomly" explode.
and positive (cathode) electrodes. They are widely utilized in the real world and
Slurry used in lithium ion battery
Slurry preparation The Lithium-Ion batteries are undoubtedly the most efficient in receiving and
releasing electricity, but this high efficiency causes a lot of problems especially if
are known for their versatility and efficiency, having a high energy density, which
Electrode materials are mixed with a conductive binder to form a uniform the battery has no efficient or damaged separator. The high flow of electricity
means they are able to store a lot of energy in a small amount of mass (Bernard, slurry, a suspension, with the solvent. The anode material is a form of inside, causes the batteries to heat up, causing damage in the separator initiating
n.d.). However there are a few issues in relation to this battery's sustainability and Carbon and the cathode is a Lithium metal oxide. This slurry is then a mixture of the cathode with the anode leading to a short circuit. Which in often
safeness. In this poster you will learn all about the Lithium ion batteries, and coated on both sides of the collector (AI foil for the cathode and Cu foil for the initial factor for a explosion (Why Do Lithium-Ion Batteries Explode?, n.d.).
understand a little bit more about why they are the most used battery out there, as the anode). This sudden combustions, lead to serious burns on the users and workers that
well as what makes them not sustainable and dangerous. Figure 3 produce or recycle the batteries. Either way lithium ion batteries, shouldn't be
Coated foils being compressed
Calendering condemned as most of them are robustly produce to prevent shorts and are very
safe to use, but keeping a watch especially with lithium ion batteries inside
Components The coated foils are compressed by two rotating rollers to adjust the vehicles and small devices that daily experience the flow of electricity is important.
electrode bonding, density, conductivity, etc. A lack of safety in a battery can not only be dangerous during its usage for the
The lithium ion batteries are not subjective to always the same metals, in its consumers, but for workers during its production.
production. All of them have a lithium metal oxide as the cathode in the battery
representing one of the two electrodes in the battery, but the combination of
metals with lithium can vary like lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2), lithium iron Figure 4
phosphate (LiFePO4), or lithium manganese oxide (LiMn2O4) (Lithium Batteries,
n.d.). The anode is usually made of graphite, Figure 1
The Four components of Li-Ion Battery
Electrode cutting machine
Cutting Sustainability Issues
which helps store the lithium ions when The electrodes are cut into smaller strips and are then sent to a vacuum
Lithium is not an easy element to mine. In the process, water is pumped into the
charging like show in the image. Then there oven to remove the remaining moisture and solvent.
is electrolyte that allows the movement of the reservoirs. Saltwater cannot be used, so it requires a considerable amount of fresh
ions to the cathode and anode acting like a water, and mines can suffer from droughts. Also, it leaves behind a toxic waste
medium, mostly made of salts and solvents. that takes centuries for nature to clear up. According to Andy Patrizio, it is
Figure 5
The last main component is the separator,
that is a porous wall in the middle of the
battery to separate the cathode from the
Separator placed between the electrodes
Cell assembly estimated that between 200 and 500 million tons of spent battery waste will be
generated annually by 2020. Lithium batteries have chemicals such as
manganese, nickel, and cobalt which can be harmful to the environment. When
anode, preventing short circuits and The electrodes are stacked together with the separator between the
they are exposed to the water supply systems, or to the ecosystem in general,
providing the longevity of the battery. They anode and cathode to avoid shorts, and this structure is then connected
are usually resins. (The Four Components of they end up contaminating the water and may destroy aquatic life.
to the terminals (carry the cells' electrical current).
a Li-Ion Battery, n.d.) Cobalt, nickel, copper, and aluminium are all metals used in lithium ion batteries
that can be recycled and reused. Cobalt for example is cheaper to recycle than to
Uses of the battery Figure 6 mine for it, and this is what make the cost of recycling lithium ion batteries worth

One of the most common types of battery, are lithium ion batteries. They are used
The Application of a Vacuum Pump in
the Production of lithium ion batteries Electrolytes injection the process. However, the same does not apply to lithium and the recycling
process can be very dangerous, as their components make them highly
a lot in the real world for their light weight, ability to recharge, versatility, efficiency, The electrodes are inserted into a cell case, which is not fully sealed. A
flammable. Water or any water based liquids are enough to cause a damaged
and affordability, powering devices including portable electronics. Lithium ion vacuum is then used to ensure that there is no remaining moisture or air, lithium battery to catch fire. In the picture in the right, lithium ion batteries exploded
batteries are also used in electric vehicles, enabling them to run with enhanced and a precise amount of electrolytes are injected into the case. at a waste centre for not being disposed correctly. Figure 8
Plea to public to dispose of batteries
range and performance. They can also store renewable energy and serve as So fire services are asking people to dispose them properly after recent fires at waste
centres and bin trucks
backup power sources for homes and businesses during outages. A lithium ion Figure 7 correctly. One of the ways of doing that would be to
Battery charging and discharging
battery is a more affordable option, in comparison to other types of batteries, and take them to separate recycling or household
its price has generally been declining since its introduction in 1991. The majority of
Cell finishing hazardous waste collection points, not to household
garbage or recycling bins. It is estimated in the UK
the lithium ion batteries cost decline is has been coming from research and
development related activities, which helped improve several different aspects of A formation process which activates the battery cell by first charging it last year, that batteries caused more than 260 fires
the lithium ion landscape, including manufacturing systems, the design of the occurs where a charging and discharging equipment is used. An effective at waste sites (Itvx).
solid electrolyte interface (SEI) film is formed on the surface of the
battery themselves as well as the supply chains (Phiddian, 2021).
negative electrode to initialize the lithium-ion battery.

The Application of a Vacuum Pump in the Production of Lithium-Ion Batteries [Illustration]. (2023, March 20). A-vac Industries. Retrieved September 5, 2023, from

Battery Electrode Slurry Rheology [Illustration]. (n.d.). Centre for Industrial Rheology. Retrieved September 5, 2023, from

Battery Pack Testing Equipment [Illustration]. (n.d.). Retrieved September 5, 2023, from
Bernard, P. (n.d.). Three battery technologies that could power the future. Saft Batteries. Retrieved September 4, 2023, from

Electrode cutting machine for lithium-ion secondary batteries etc. [Illustration]. (n.d.). 長野オートメーション . Retrieved September 5, 2023, from Lithium ion batteries are widely used around the world, mainly due to their light
Lithium batteries. (n.d.). DoITPoMS. Retrieved September 5, 2023, from weight, ability to recharge, versatility, efficiency, and affordability. However lithium
Patel, P. (2021, December 9). Molasses-like material promises cheap, large-scale battery storage for wind and solar [Illustration]. Anthropocene. Retrieved September 5, 2023, from ion batteries can also be very dangerous during its production and recycling, and
Phiddian, E. (2021, November 22). Lithium-ion batteries have become 97% cheaper. Why? Cosmos Magazine. Retrieved September 4, 2023, from
their materials are not renewable causing a huge damage to the environment
Plea to public to dispose of batteries properly after recent fires at waste centres and bin trucks [Illustration]. (2022, June 22). Itvx. Retrieved September 5, 2023, from
when extracting them and disposing. Its efficiency is undeniable, but for a future it
Why Do Lithium-Ion Batteries Explode? And What to Do If It Happens to You. (n.d.). Pope McGlamry. Retrieved September 5, 2023, from
is better to use batteries such as Sodium ion or Bio batteries, as they are cheap
and renewable providing also a similar efficiency.
Zigzagging to the cell stack [Illustration]. (n.d.). KIT Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Retrieved September 5, 2023, from

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