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Гл а в н а я V i l l a i n s - A r c h f e y - Wo r l d b u i l d i n g We d n e s d a y

tate/taylor | 23 | they/she

dnd sideblog for @tateytots The villain is my favo rit e p art of A NY campaign. So here I am go nna t alk abo ut
how you can make different k ind s of v illains, ho ning down o n a sp ecific t yp e and
Submit offering various ways t o make t hem int erest ing. A s always, we will be lo o k ing at
real world history, cu lt u re, and myt ho lo gy t o make yo ur v illains seem realist ic
and specifically dastard ly. Fo r o u r first ent ry let ’s discuss…

~~~~~~~~~~~~Archfey Villains~~~~~~~~~~~~


Why archfey ? Two reasons: 1) I like archfey, t hey’re fu ck in’ dicks. 2) So meo ne
who’s name I can’t find asked me t o make t his and I am mo re t han hap py t o make
things for my followers.

NOW, let’s understand what an archfey really is.

An archfey is a creature of fey ancest ry t hat is excessively p owerful, nearing

the p ower of a deity. Usu ally, su ch creat u res are nat ive t o t he Feywild. Wit hin
this realm, they command great p ower and can even shap e t he realm it self t o
their whim and whimsy.

Common Misconception

Archfey doesn’t mean “ supe relf .” An archfey can be a p ixie, a d ryad , a gho st , a
beast of some kind, anyt hing t hat is classified as “fae” o r “fae-like” can be
turned into an archfey. Elf-like archfey are t he mo st COMMON, but abso lut ely not
the ONLY form of an archfey.

The other misconcept io n is t hat t he archfey are good. This is because the
Feywild is mistaken as a p lain of go o d , while Shadowfell is a p lain of ev il. This is
wrong. Feywild в Tumblr
and S had owfell aren’ t images of go o d and ev il. Their are images
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of abundance vs lack of emot io n. S had owfell is a p lain of t he dep ressed, t he
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emotionless, the broken. Feywild is a p lain of t he bip o lar, t he exp ressive, t he
artists and the madmen.

(I’m getting tired of saying “archfey”)

Characteristics of the Archfey

So to understand how we get an A rchfey villain, let s discuss so me general

characteristics of the archfey.

Background .

The archfey come fro m t he Feywild . This is a place governed by emotion. When
its denizens feel somet hing st ro ngly, t hey can p hysically change t heir
environment. A cruel wit ch will t ransfo rm t he fo rest aro und her t o grow t rees
that bleed and produ ce fru it s shap ed like heads. While a k ind p rincess will
transform the fields aro u nd her int o a go rgeo us p lain of cryst alline flowers.

Now, the archfey can t ransfo rm t he Feywild at a mo ment ’s not ice. Which means
they can do one or bot h of t hese t hings:

They can control their emot io ns very well.

They only ever have emot io nal ext remes p owerful eno ugh t o inst ant ly alt er t he

Life style

The archfey live careless lives. They are t o o p owerful t o have any nat ural
predators, as such live carefree and hap py. Due t o t heir ext ended life (t hey live
like thousands of years), t hey are NEVER in rush. Why sho uld t hey be? They’ ve
got time, ALL the time.


Based on HOW the Feywild is, how it is ever-shift ing and changing, it s denizens
must learn to control t his change t o b e able t o t hrive. Since we are wo rk ing wit h
an archfey , we can assume they’ ve alread y t hrived t o t he t o p of t heir fo o d chain.
As such, they must have learned t o co mmand t he Feywild OR adapt ed t o t his
changing world, having very d rast ic changes in p erso nalit y, behav io r, o r even

With all this informatio n, let ’s share so me ideas fo r archfey v illains.

Examples of Archfey Villains

Example #1: The Many Face d Man . Simp ly put, a doppelganger. The archfey are
ever-changing. For this examp le, o u r v illain always changes t heir lo o ks. So yo ur
Party pisses off this archfey o r in so me way beco mes enemies wit h him. So when
your spends the night camp ing o u t sid e, who ever is keep ing wat ch suddenly
poof, is teleported away (b ecau se t his is an A rchfey, it can do t his k ind of shiz)
and in steps a the Many Faced Man who takes this lost P Cs fo rm.

I urge you, IRL, pull the Player of this character aside and tell
them your plan. Tell them that you want to replace them with a
Doppelganger, but not to worry, because their PC will eventually
be rescued. THEN, offer them to role play as a doppelganger
pretending to be their character. Most players will have TONS of
fun with this idea. If you player doesn’t want to RP a
doppelganger offer them to role a new temporary PC or just dump
the idea.

Example #2: Prince of Liars. A very powerful archfey t his o ne is. He has
immense power in the Feywild , and has managed t o TRA P t he Part y in his
domain. I’m stealing fro m Curse of Strahd here, but essentially rewo rk t hat
campaign with more fey-like t hemes. Inst ead of vamp ires, we got fey, inst ead of
Strahd we got a spoiled b rat of a p rince who is all-p owerful but o nly want s t o
mess with the Party befo re k illing t hem in a cruel manner fo r his o r her

For additional complexity, you can make the Prince of Liars have
very drastic shifts of emotion. Think, the bad guy from Split (the
movie). One moment he is nice to the Party and leads them to a
place filled with treasure, the next he snaps into sheer brutal
cruelty and slaughters the ranger’s companion. This will put the
Party on edge when dealing with the guy. Furthermore, knowing
that the archfey is powerful enough to destroy them with ease
puts the Party on the edge, at least until they find something that
can kill or neutralize this big bad.

Example #3: The Undy in g Court . This is for LARGE scale camp aigns. Let ’s say
you have a game that is heav y o n p o lit ics, but sp ans different dimensio ns. So
the PCs are working wit h t he p o lit ics b et ween Mo unt Celest ia and t he 9 Hells
and the Abyss, etc. That ’s when yo u t hrow in t he U ndying Co urt . A hive-mind of
several Archfey that o p erat e as a singu lar ent it y and wish t o exp and t heir
chaotic influence acro ss t he many p lains. They may ally wit h Demo n Lo rds and
expedite chaotic situat io ns t o gain mo re power, so yo ur PCs wo uld have t o
negotiate a turbulent field of p o lit ics.

And that’s that folks. I hope this provides SOME use to y’all and helps you out
with future ideas. Of course you don’t HAVE to follow my guideline 100%. You
don’t need to follow it at all, in fact. Just take it as it is, my ideas for a good fey
villain. What about you folks? Would you like to see breakdowns of other kinds
of villains? I’d love to do more. Send your recommendations my way or share
your ideas for villains. I’d love to hear it. Good luck everyone.

The Unfair DM

пост : реблог из dnd-homebrew5e с заметками (7 072) — Источник

Су ббота, Август 31st , 2019 — 3: 48P M

#im screaming this is perfect timing bc i m homeb rewi ng a whole as s archfey

rn and i was doing #SO much research akfksfjs #i’m still gonna do a lot
more but its nice to see extra stuff on my d as h anyway :3 c #homebrew
#long post #ffr


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