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EEF Character Biography

Name: Elloise Dassault

Preferred name/code name: Gearhead

D.O.B: 16/07/2059

Height: 174 cm

Weight: 73 kg

Body Type: muscular/ athletic

Hair Colour: redhead

Birthplace: Charleston, West Virginia

Handedness: right handed

Skills: good with tech, repair, robotics, skilled with energy and plasma weapons

Weaknesses: workaholic, tired most of the time, tendinitis in both hands

Character Appearance:

a tall and robust woman, redhead with freckles in the center of her face, wears the
uniform and hat left by her father, wears sunglasses to hide her dark circles due to
lack of sleep

Character Back Story:

Elloise was born on July 16, 2059, almost two decades before the great war in the
city of Charleston, she lived with her father who was a high-ranking military man,
her mother died when she gave birth to her daughter.
At 18, she was going to be taken to Vault-Tec University to study engineering, which
did not work out because of the Great War. Her father, being a high-ranking military
man, had a guaranteed place for him and his daughter in Vault 76. when they were
going to enter her father was called for duty, he had to leave his daughter alone in
the shelter, but before leaving he gave her a letter in which he had some
instructions on where to look for him if he did not return on time.
"My little inventor, I know I'll see you again soon" were her father's last words
before leaving, when the bombs fell he hadn't returned and the shelter was sealed.
During her stay at the shelter she was one of the few young adults there, she
studied and graduated with a degree in engineering and mechanics. Years later,
when the vault was opened, she was already an adult, so she took her father's old
letter and followed the instructions that would take her to her beloved father.
With the old letter, after a while she managed to reach a sealed vault hidden in the
mountains, the doors did not open for her, but on the door of the vault there was a
box with an inscription "for my little inventor". The box contained another letter
from her father telling her that he was an officer in a hidden branch of the
government called The Enclave. The letter had instructions on how to get to another
vault in the enclave in which he could gain access to this hidden vault, but first she
should go to the camp McClintock to start her military training and then enter the
vault of the enclave, rising through the ranks quickly by completing missions of
Having gained the same rank as her father, she returned to the hidden vault and
managed to open the doors, inside was a half-built vault full of computer systems
and turned off robots, exploring the vault she reached the war room where there
was a table with the symbols of the enclave and a body sitting in the middle chair,
which held a last letter stained with blood. She took the letter and upon reading it
discovered that she had found her beloved father who died from severe gunshot
wounds, the letter also mentioned that he had left his old officer's uniform and hat
in a locker for her. She found the locker and when he opened it he saw his father's
old uniform along with an old photo of the two of them before the war, along with an
access card, which turned on the experimental AI that would manage this vault, with
all these gifts from his father would promise herself to finish the vault that protected
her father in his last moments.
A couple of years later the Vault AI would notify to her of a transmission from a new
branch of the enclave, the EEF, which called for the remnants of the enclave to join
their forces to rebuild the nation, with the technology of their vault knew that she
could be of help, so without hesitation she got on an experimental power armor that
was storage for research in the vault and went in search of the EEF.

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