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E5 Trial - Day 2

Receive: Founder's Orb

Cross-Examination: --Dhurke Explains Himself--

Press: 2nd statement "The next thing I knew, I was standing there with a bloody knife in my
Press: 5th statement "I've no recollection of what happened in the interim."
Select: First option "Yes it is"
Press: 7th statement "But I didn't kill him. At least, I don't think I did. It'd go against
everything I believe in."

Present: Mysterious Bloodstain at 3rd statement "The possibility of a third party being
there in the tomb is probably nonexistent."

Select: Second option "The real killer"

Highlight: Sarcophagus

Update: Mysterious Bloodstain

Select: Third option "Before Dhurke entered the tomb"

Cross-Examination: --What Rayfa Witnessed--

Press: 2nd statement "Around 2:30 PM, I saw my father heading for Amara's Tomb."
Press: 3rd statement "My father let out a scream and came dashing out of his room -- his
face, pale."
Select: Third option "Press harshly"

Present: Ahlbi's Statement at 4th statement "I had been gazing upon the courtyard since
about 2, but father was the only one I saw."

Select: Second option "Where Nayna disappeared to"

Select: Second option "He was attacked by Nayna"

Select: <Either option>

Present: Painkiller Shots

Select: First option "Continue the defense"

Select: Second option "Does not exist"

Present: Rayfa Padma Khura'in

Select: First option "Call on Rayfa"

Insight --Rayfa's Insight--

Select: 3rd statement "He had been waiting vigilantly, when suddenly, he heard Dhurke's
voice." at 3rd frame.
Present: Sound - "Man's Voice"

Present: Tomb Crime Photo

Highlight: Cell phone

Insight Revised "My father than took a call from a subordinate at the palace."

Select: 3rd statement "My father than took a call from a subordinate at the
palace." at 3rd frame.
Present: Sound - "Lion's roar" (let the 3rd frame play a little to see it)

Select: Second option "The bazaar"

Select: Second option "It's very important"

Present: Ahlbi's Statement

Insight Revised "The true source of that loud bang was the firecracker Datz threw." "And
that final laugh belonged to none other than Datz himself."

Select: 1st statement "At around 3 PM, my father was waiting in the tomb to make the
hostage exchange." at 5th frame.
Present: Sound - "Explosion" (after it goes blank in 5th frame)

Present: Ahlbi's Statement

Present: Inga's Notepad

Select: Second option "Someone channeling him"


Cross-Examination: --Channeling the Minister--

Press: <Every Statement>

Select: Second option "You bet there is"

Present: Gemstone
Present: Nayna

Cross-Examination: --I'm No Spirit Medium, Sonny--

Present: Woman's Photo at 4th statement "After Queen Amara's passing, Her Eminence,
Queen Ga'ran is the only spirit medium left."

Present: Nayna

Cross-Examination: --The Lawyer's Theory is Absurd--

Press: <Every statement>

Select: Second option "She channeled someone"

Present: Mysterious Bloodstain at the 4th statement "Minister Inga was the sole victim.
There was no other spirit to channel until he was dead."

Present: Dhurke Sahdmadhi

Highlight: Sarcophagus

Receive: Dhurke's Corpse Photo

Present: Maya Fey

Present: Amara Sigatar Khura'in

Cross-Examination: --You Have No Proof--

Press: 2nd statement "However, you have no evidence proving your distasteful theory."
Select: Second option "Prove she was in the tomb"

Present: Pink Butterfly Pendant at 3rd statement "There is nothing to prove I was even at
the scene of the crime."

Present: Dhurke's Corpse Photo

Highlight: Blue Pendant (near arm)

Update: Pink Butterfly Pendant

Select: First option "Push to continue"

Select: Second option "The motive"

Bracelet: Her left hand's middle finger

Perceive: At "At 2 PM, during the Rite of Channeling,"

Update: Channeling Photo

Present: Amara Sigatar Khura'in

Present: Ga'ran Sigatar Khura'in


Cross-Examination: --Nahyuta's Confession--

Press: 5th statement "My mother was simply covering for me. I am ashamed I let her go so
far for my sake."

Select: First option "Didn't know Nayna's real identity"

Present: Woman's Photo at 6th statement "I was reunited with my mother, Queen Amara,
fifteen years ago when Dhruke abducted her."

Highlight: Baby

Present: Rayfa Padma Khura'in

Present: Amara's Assassination File

Present: Dhurke's Badge

Present: Photo of My Father

Insight --Rayfa's Insight--

Select: 3rd statement "Dhurke's fingerprints were discovered on the lighter found at the
scene of the crime." at 4th frame.
Present: Sight - Hand in mirror (top right)

Insight Revised "But if someone had put his prints on the lighter after the fact, then we
know not to whom it belongs."

Select: 4th statement "But if someone had put his prints on the lighter after the fact, then
we know not to whom it belongs." at 4th frame.
Present: Sight - Wristband in mirror (play scene a little to see it)

Present: Tomb Crime Photo

Highlight: Tomb
Highlight: Sarcophagus

Highlight: Blood on left arm

Present: Inga Karkhuul Khura'in

Select: Second option "Does not exist"

Select: First option "Accuse"

Select: Third option "The Founder's Orb"

Select: Second option "He didn't know the founder's name"
Select: Third option "She can't channel spirits"
Select: Second option "She'd have no claim to the throne"

Present: Founder's Orb

Present Dhurke's Badge

--End of Episode 5--

Demo - Episode 1
Receive: Rohl's Autopsy Report
Receive: Crime Photo

Receive: Treasure Box

Receive: Song of Ceremony

Select: Yes or No [Tutorial purposes, outcome is the same]

Cross-Examination --The Accused's Account--

Present: Treasure Box at the 3rd statement: "I've never even seen that treasure box with
the green Khura'inese butterfly on it!"

Insight --Rayfa's Insight--

Select: 3rd statement "Still, I can't believe it -- a murder after the morning Dance of
Devotion?" at 3rd frame.
Present: Sound Song of Ceremony

Select: 2nd statement "With the pain, the victim's vision went dark. This is when he lost his
life." at 5th frame
Present: Sight Highlight any of the black area before "Pain" appears.
--Demo End--

Phoenix Wright: Asinine Attorney (DLC)

Receive: Article on Channeling

Receive: Scroll

Cross-Examination: -- Is She Really the Princess? --

Press: 5th statement "And the real princess is taller, too!"

Present: Scroll at [new] 5th statement "The real princess is taller and more slender. In fact,
I'd say she's about 5'7" tall!"

Select: Third option "Her body double"

Present: Article on Channeling at 5th statement "There's no way this imposter can prove
her royal lineage."


Apollo Justice: Asinine Attorney (DLC)

Receive: Nine-Tails Vale Guidebook

Receive: Penrose Theater Flyer

Receive: Space Center Pamphlet

Cross-Examination: --My Dream Destination--

Present: Nine-Tails Vale Guidebook at the 2nd statement "It has a uniquely Japanese
building with a many-tailed creature in front."

Examine: Statue (bottom left)

Receive: Legend of Kyubi Scroll

Examine: Stall (center right)

Receive: Lotus Root

Examine: Giant spider (top right)

Receive: Warding Charm

Present: Legend of Kyubi Scroll

Present: Penrose Theater Flyer at the 3rd statement "And there is a flashy, yet cool
individual who performs wicked feats of wonder."

Examine: Poster (bottom left)

Receive: Promo Video

Examine: Theater
Receive: Steel Samurai Poster

Examine: Man (in front of poster)

Receive: The Amazing Mr. Hat

Present: Promo Video

Present: Steel Samurai Poster

Present: Nine-Tails Vale Guidebook

Present: Penrose Theater Flyer


Special Episode (DLC)

Turnabout Time Traveler

SE Investigation - Day 1
Talk: Larry
Talk: 1st option "You're getting married?"
Talk: 2nd option "Larry"

Move: Detention Center

Talk: Ellen
Talk: 1st option "Suspicion of murder"
Receive: Ellen's Pendant
Talk: 2nd option "The wedding"
Talk: 3rd option "The shadowy figure"
Receive: Ellen's Statement

Move: Mooring Dock

Examine: Airship
Examine: Broken bench (bottom right)
Examine: Map (bottom right)
Receive: Flying Chapel Pamphlet

Talk: Edgeworth
Talk: 1st option "The incident"
Talk: 2nd option "Edgeworth"

Move: Reception Hall

Talk: Ema
Talk: 1st option "What happened"
Talk: 2nd option "The murder weapon"
Receive: Time Keeper
Talk: 3rd option "A star-crossed marriage"

Examine: Large object (center on floor)

<Will zoom>
Receive: Broken Lantern
Examine: Red and white object (left)
Examine: White outline
Receive: Photo of Victim
Examine: Paper (bottom left of white outline)
Receive: Gloomsbury's Note
Examine: Reddish object (right of white outline)
<Will zoom back out>

Examine: Pegabull lantern (back right)

Examine: Table with flowers (back center)
<Will zoom>
Examine: Left table
Examine: Window
Examine: Flowers

Examine: Hot air balloon model (top left)

Examine: Airplane model (top right)

Rotate: Right
Examine: Door
Examine: Machine (back)
Receive: Fog Machine
Examine: Partition

Rotate: Right
Examine: Machine (back)
Examine: Partition
Examine: Orange object (on table)
Receive: Business Card Wallet
Move: Mooring Dock

Talk: Sorin
Talk: 1st option "Ellen"
Present: Ellen's Pendant
Talk: 1st option "Ellen"
Talk: 2nd option "The time machine"

Move: Foyer

Talk: Nichody
Talk: 1st option "The incident"
Talk: 2nd option "Time travel"
Talk: 3rd option "Discovering the crime"

Examine: Card (on floor)

Examine: Flowers (right table)
Examine: Table (left)
Receive: Photo of Reception
Examine: Photo (far left)
Receive: Selena Sprocket Photo
Examine: Radio (far right)

Present: Selena Sprocket Photo

Talk: 4th option "Sorin's past"

Move: Mooring Deck

Talk: Larry
Talk: 1st option "What you saw on the airship

Magatama --What Larry is Hiding--

Present: Ellen Wyatt
Present: Business Card Wallet

Talk: 1st option "What you saw on the airship"

Receive: Larry's Drawing
Discard: Business Card Wallet
Receive: Photo of Hold

Move: Detention Center

Talk: Ellen
Talk: 1st option "Investigation results"
Talk: 2nd option "Time travel"

SE Trial - Day 1
Receive: Autopsy Report

Cross-Examination --Rundown of the Case--

Present: Photo of Victim at the 2nd statement "The victim was hit with it from behind, and
he fell over, right into the lantern."
Select: Second option "It's not possible"
Highlight: Debris on his chest

Select: First option "He was killed somewhere else"

Present: Photo of Victim
Highlight: Petals (on thigh)
Present: Photo of Hold

Cross-Examination --The Prosecution's Rebuttal--

Present: Fog Machine at the 3rd statement "And that estimated time of death is correct.
There's no way it could be wrong."
Receive: Hold Entry Record

Present: Larry Butz

Cross-Examination --Nick Is A Jerk Face!--

Press: <Every statement>

Present: Flying Chapel Pamphlet at the [new] 4th statement "Anyone could tell there were
two Pegabulls by looking at the Flying Chapel's pamphlet!"

Select: Second option "No, of course not"

Update: Broken Lantern

Cross-Examination --Moving the Lantern--

Press: The 4th statement "So I decided to do Elly a favor"

Select: First option "It's important"

Press: The [new] 5th statement "I tried to sneak into the reception hall, but I got caught and
locked up in a cabin."
Present: Broken Lantern
Highlight: Red flowers (bride is holding)

Select: First option "Everyone at the reception"


SE Investigation - Day 2
Talk: Larry
Talk: 1st option "The incident"
Talk: 2nd option "The cabin"
Update: Larry's Drawing

Move: Detention Center

Talk: Ellen
Talk: 1st option "Sorin"
Talk: 2nd option "Pierce Nichody"
Talk: 3rd option "Time travel"

Move: Mooring Deck

Move: Hold

Talk: Ema
Talk: 1st option "The incident"

Examine: Flowers
Examine: Dishes (next to flowers)
Examine: Pegacows (left)
Examine: Bells (right of the Pegacows)
Examine: Model airplane
Examine: Candle (on table in the back)
Receive: Candelabra
Examine: Cake
Examine: Engine (right)
Examine: Lever
Receive: Lift Bloodstain

Present: Lift Bloodstain

Talk: 2nd option "The candelabra"
Update: Candelabra
Talk: 3rd option "The bloodstain"
Select: First option "The same source"
Update: Lift Bloodstain
Update: Candelabra
Move: Foyer

Talk: Sorin
Talk: 1st option "The cover-up"
Talk: 2nd option "Time travel"
Present: Candelabra
Select: First option "Take a peek"
Receive: Sorin's Notebook
Receive: Newspaper Article

Move: Mooring Deck

Discard: Sorin's Notebook

Talk: Nichody
Talk: 1st option "The cover-up"
Talk: [New] 1st option "The accident"
Talk: 2nd option "Selena's last moments"
Present: Candelabra

Magatama --Pierce's Secret--

Present: Sorin Sprocket
Present: Newspaper Article
Present: Lift Bloodstain
Select: Second option "Sorin was there during the crime"

Talk: 3rd option "Pierce's secret"

Move: Reception Hall

Examine: Table (center back)

<Will zoom in>
Examine: Sparkling object (left table)
Receive: Key of Love
Examine: Window
Examine: Flowers
<Will zoom out>

Examine: Pegabull

Rotate: Right
Examine: Door (near maid)

Rotate: Right
Examine: Patched up Pegabull (back near maid)
Update: Broken Lantern
Examine: Fog machine (behind maid)

Rotate: Right
Examine: Pegabull
Select: Third option "Color of the wheel handle"
Update: Broken Lantern

Move: Wright Anything Agency

Move: Detention Center


SE Trial - Day 2
Cross-Examination --What Sorin Remembers--

Press: The 4th statement "But when I got there, Dumas was already..."
Present: Hold Entry Record
Select: Second option "Not yet"
Highlight: Door (left)

Select: Second option "The power of love"

Select: Second option "The airship wasn't flying"

Present: Larry's Drawing

Highlight: Sign and broken bench (bottom right)

Cross-Examination --The Truth--

Press: The 1st statement "The truth is, I went to the vista deck with Pierce."
Select: First option "Have it added"

Press: The 4th statement "I was badly injured from being stabbed, but I was frantic."
Select: First option "Have it added"

Present: Candelabra at the [new] 5th statement "The knife wound is quite deep, and
continues to throb with pain."
Select: Third option "He has no memory of it"
Select: Second option "His notebook"
Present: Newspaper Article

Update: Newspaper Article

Receive: Sorin's Notebook

Select: Second option "No"

Examine: Book <It opens>
Examine: Torn page
Select: Third option "Use fingerprint powder"

Dust: Area to the right of torn sheet (Blow to reveal letters)

Analyze: White letters

Update: Sorin's Notebook

Select: Second option "No"

Select: Third option "Somebody else tore it out"

Present: Pierce Nichody


Cross-Examination --Why I Tore Out the Page--

Press: The 4th statement "But I went against his order. I tore the page out of his notebook,
and hid the body."
Select: First option "Hiding the body"
Select: First option "Add to testimony"

Present: Broken Lantern at the [new] 5th statement "In the hold, I hid the still-warm body
in the spare Pegabull lantern."
Highlight: Red and white handle

Present: Gloomsbury's Note

Present: Candelabra

Select: Third option "Selena's fiancé"

Present: Selena Sprocket Photo

Select: First option "Accuse"

Cross-Examination --Right to Remain Silent--

Press: <Any statement>

Select: Third option "Actions on the day of the crime"
Select: First option "Add to testimony"
Present: Photo of Reception at the [new] 3rd statement "I was always in the company of
others. I didn't have an opportunity to murder Gloomsbury."
Highlight: Fog Machine (the source, top left)

Select: Third option "The murder weapon"

Select: First option "The Time Keeper"
Select: Second option "The First Startup of Love"

Present: Ellen's Pendant

Examine: Hole (left of sprocket on bottom)
Examine: Pendant (that you just placed)
Rotate: So you face it top-down
Examine: Broken glass and blood

Update: Time Keeper

Present: Selena Sprocket Photo

--End of Special Episode--

Closing/Credits/Contact Information

I hope by being spoiler free, you could work your way through without too much clutter
and/or distractions. I find it more enjoyable to see the story progress in the game rather
than the guide go with it. This spoiler free is for your reference if you only want to
progress. :)

People who have used my previous guides may have noticed that this is my first formatted
guide (rather than ASCII). Though I do miss making ASCII logos and working with ASCII
files, I am prioritizing user readability and streamlining.

Please send all feedback, corrections, or just a plain old comment to my email listed below.
Even if it's something as small as a typo!

Please recommend the FAQ if you liked it, or even consider donating at the link above!

Thanks for reading, cheers!



Thanks to Capcom and Nintendo for putting this great game onto the 3DS!

Thanks to gameFAQs for the simple FAQ submission!

Thanks to you the reader, who would have otherwise made my work feel wasted if you
hadn't read this. :) I really appreciate it!


Email me at mkaykitkats [at] live [dot] com

Or feel free to send a direct message to my gameFAQs account.

I read all emails, and respond if needed. :)

Version Info
 Version 0.1 [08/24/16] FAQ Creation and Game Demo Guide (included here).
 Version 0.2 [09/08/16] Game's official release and Episode 1 complete.
 Version 0.3 [09/09/16] Episode 2 complete.
 Version 1.0 [09/11/16] Episode 3, 4, and 5 complete. Full game!
 Version 1.1 [09/15/16] First DLC (Phoenix Wright - Asinine Attorney) added!
 Version 1.2 [09/22/16] Second DLC (Apollo Justice - Asinine Attorney) added!
 Version 1.3 [09/29/16] Final DLC (Turnabout Time Traveler) added! This will likely
be the final major update. Edits and corrections will still be made as necessary.

Authorized Websites
If you find this FAQ on any sites other than the ones listed below, please contact
me immediately. [original submission]

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