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5E Lesson Plan Template

Your name or Hilliary Sanders

teacher name
(if needed)

Date(s) taught April 8-9, 2024

Subject Science, Energy & Waves

Grade level 4th

Materials Lesson PPT with embedded videos

Science Journals
“Accessing Prior Knowledge- STEMscopes” (Google Doc)
jump rope
chart paper

Standards ALCOS 4.6: Develop a model of waves to describe patterns in terms of amplitude
(State and ISTE and wavelength and including that waves can cause objects to move.
Standards for ISTE 1.1d: Technology Operations- Students understand the fundamental concepts
Students) of technology operations; demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot
current technologies; and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging

Objectives  Students will accurately identify and label the anatomy of a wave.

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 Through the utilization of jump ropes and/or dominoes, Students will exhibit
their understanding of wave dynamics by effectively illustrating wave
 Students will utilize Canva to construct, annotate, and elaborate on the
anatomy of a wave.

Differentiation Visual Learners

Strategies  Visual aids such as presentations, diagrams, and videos are utilized to explain
concepts and illustrate the characteristics of transverse and longitudinal waves.
 The activity "Which Wave?" allows visual learners to engage with visual
representations of waves and identify their characteristics.
 Encouraging students to analyze diagrams in their journals helps reinforce
learning through visual observation and interpretation.
Auditory Learners
 A music video about waves is incorporated into the lesson to engage auditory
learners and reinforce understanding through auditory stimuli.
 Facilitating class discussions and verbal explanations provide auditory learners
with opportunities to process information through listening and speaking.
Kinesthetic Learners
 Hands-on activities such as creating waves using slinkies, ropes, and dominoes
cater to kinesthetic learners by allowing them to manipulate objects and engage
in physical exploration.
 Group work encourages collaboration and movement, providing kinesthetic
learners with opportunities for tactile engagement and active participation.
Special Needs Learners
 Differentiated instruction is provided through a variety of activities and
resources to accommodate different learning needs and abilities.
 Visual aids are supplemented with verbal explanations to support
comprehension for students with visual impairments or auditory processing
 Flexible grouping allows for peer support and scaffolding, enabling special needs
learners to receive assistance and guidance from their peers or the teacher as
 Adaptations and modifications are made as necessary to ensure that all students can
content and participate meaningfully in the lesson, considering individual learning sty
preferences, and accommodations.

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The 5 Es
E Description

Engagement 1. Teacher will share a Google Doc titled “Accessing Prior Knowledge-
STEMscopes” with students in Schoology. This document contains a series of
questions related to waves, including questions about wavelength.
2. Students will access the Google Doc and review the questions independently.
3. One of the questions will prompt students to determine which wave has the
biggest wavelength. Students will need to recall or infer information based on
their prior knowledge.
4. Teacher will facilitate a class-wide discussion about the question. Before
revealing the correct answer, students will vote on their choice and teacher will
record their votes in the anchor chart.
5. Following the poll, teacher will lead a brief discussion to explore the reasoning
behind different responses and address any misconceptions or uncertainties.

Engagement  Throughout the activity, the teacher will observe students’ level of engagement
Assessment by monitoring their participation in the discussion and the poll.
 The teacher will listen to students’ contributions during the discussion to assess
their understanding and involvement in the activity.
 Additionally, the teacher will review the submitted responses to the poll to
gauge the extent of student engagement and comprehension.

Exploration  Divide class into groups. Each group will have 1 jump rope and 1 pack of
 Instruct students to collaborate with their partners to create both longitudinal
and transverse waves using the provided materials.
 Encourage students to explore different ways to create waves with each object
and observe the characteristics of each type of wave.
 Ask students to analyze diagrams in their digital journal and identify the type of
eave (transverse or longitudinal) being demonstrated.

Exploration  The teacher will circulate among the groups during the exploration activity,
Assessment observing student engagement, collaboration, and understanding of wave
 Following the exploration activity, each group will be asked to demonstrate
their understanding by presenting their creations of longitudinal and transverse

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E Description

waves using the provided materials.

 The teacher will observe each groups presentation and assess the accuracy of
their wave demonstrations.
 Additionally, students will be asked to explain the characteristics of the waves
they have created, including the direction of particle movement and the
relationship between wavelength and frequency.
 Formative assessment will occur through observation, questioning, and
discussion with individual groups, allowing the teacher to provide immediate
feedback and address any misconceptions or difficulties encountered during the

Explanation  The teacher will begin by reviewing essential vocabulary related to wave
propagation, such as wavelength, frequency, amplitude, transverse wave, and
longitudinal wave. Utilize a vocabulary card anchor chart displayed prominently
in the classroom to visually reinforce these terms.
 The teacher will prose higher order thinking questions to engage students in a
brief discussion to ensure comprehension of the vocabulary.
1. “ How do we define wavelength, and how does it relate to the overall size of
a wave?”
2. “Can you explain the difference between amplitude and frequency, and how
they impact wave characteristics?”
 The teacher will use the lesson PPT with embedded videos to visually illustrate
the differences between transverse and longitudinal waves.

Explanation  Students will respond to the discussion board prompt in Schoology to assess
Assessment their understanding.
 Through Schoology, the teacher will review and evaluate students’ writing
reflections, provide feedback, and facilitate online discussions to further clarify
concepts and address any misconceptions

Elaboration The teacher will explain to the students that they will create a visual representation
of a wave and annotate its anatomy using Canva.
Using the design tools in Canva, students will construct a wave by drawing a
waveform or selecting shapes that represent the oscillation of particles.
Encourage students to be creative in designing the wave and customize its
appearance to reflect their understanding of wave characteristics.

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E Description

Once the wave is constructed, students will use Canva’s text tools to annotate the
anatomy of the wave. They should label key components such as wavelength,
amplitude, and crest/trough.
In addition to labeling the basic wave anatomy, students will elaborate on the
properties and behaviors of waves.
Students can incorporate graphics or icons to represent real-world applications or
phenomena related to waves, such as sound waves in music.



The Leader in STEM education | Accelerated Learner. “STEMscopes 4.6 Wavelength and Amplitude.”,
Accessed 22 Mar. 2024.

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