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Spring 2023-2024

MA20202 - Transform Calculus


1. (a) Draw a graph for the function

 when x < 0
f (x) = x when 0 < x < 1

0 when x > 1

(b) Find the Fourier integral representation of f of part (a).

(c) Determine the convergence of the integral at x = 1

2. (a) Draw a graph for the function

 0 when − ∞ < x < −π

−1 when −π <x<0
f (x) =

 1 when 0<x<π
0 when π<x<∞

(b) Determine the Fourier integral for the function described in (a).
(c) To what number does the integral found in (b) converge at x = −π ?

3. Express the function (

1 when |x| ≤ 1
f (x) =
−1 when |x| > 1
R∞ sin λ cos λx
as a Fourier integral. Hence evaluate 0 λ dλ

4. Find the Fourier transform of

1 for |x| < a
f (x) =
0 for |x| > a

5. Find the Fourier transform of the function

t, for |t| < a
f (t) =
0, for |t| > a
6. Find the Fourier Sine transform of f (x) = x

7. Find the Fourier Cosine transform of f (x) = e−ax

8. Find the Fourier Cosine transform of

 for 0 < x < 1
f (x) = 2 − x, for 1 < x < 2

0, for x > 2

2 2 2
9. Find the Fourier Cosine transform of e−a x and hence evaluate Fourier Sine Transform of xe−a
1, 0 < x < π
10. Taking the function f (x) =
0, x > π
2, 0 < x < π
R ∞ 1−cos sπ
show that 0 s sin sxds =
0, x > π

11. Find the Fourier Sine transformation of e−|x|

R ∞ sin mx
Hence evaluate 0 x 1+x 2 dx

Spring 2023-2024

R∞ 1 π
12. Using Parseval’s identity, prove that 0 (a2 +t2 )(b2 +t2 ) dt = 2ab(a+b)

sin t 2
R∞  π
13. Using Parseval’s identity, prove that 0 t dt = 2
14. Solve for f (x) from the integral equation 0
f (x) cos sxdx = e−s

15. Solve for f (x) from the integral equation

Z ∞ 1,
 for 0 ≤ s < 1
f (x) sin sxdx = 2, for 1 ≤ s < 2
0 
0, for s ≥ 2

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