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ne ther

March 8, 2039 trans*plant special edition biohacking journal

anarres p. 12 [open the
molecule / archive]

> […] Obtaining a

pure molecule of
chlorophyll raises the
same obstacles as ob-
taining testosterone
on the part of both the
pharmaceutical and
biomedical industry
as well as of the legal
and health system. It
is the whole life which
is patented. […] <

> select [open the code : mpn T*P] / print low res mode / human lecture codification

p. 8 [open the code / archive] p. 27 [open the seed / archive]

> […] [Disconnection] tion] from what you’ve > […] In 2032, the control of the pharma-
from the [Internet] has named [consciousness, Pan-African Alliance ceutical industry. […] in
been achieved. [Now] this “self”] that [pretends condemned molecular 2037, a remote connec-
is your turn to achieve to command] XXX [un- colonialism and declared tion point to the Intranet
the [most] important able to connect] with the WHO institution Mycorrhiza was estab-
disconnection: the one other [life forms] XXX non grata in the Afri- lished […] <
from the [Western] we [call you the discon- can continent, since it
“self”. The [disconnec- nected ones] […] < considered it under the
We thank all the members of the biohackers community for the interviews and/or contents they have shared with us in order to
prepare this issue. For safety reasons, their names will not appear on these pages but we know they will recognize themselves.

– Note on the edge of time –

This journal is part of the Trans*Plant project. We are grateful to all who have accompanied us in the process.
Quimera Rosa >

Journal made at 42°17’18.914’’N, 3°16’35.01’’E, designed and layout by txe roimeser.

Made in collaboration with the CCCB (Center for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona) as part of the Science Friction exhibition.

English version in collaboration with Solu / Bioart Society in the framework of Biofriction program.
Translation: Ari Gatak.
Proofreading: Helen Torres.

I have thrown several personal tarot spreads and noticed something strange. A couple of cards
were recurrent and out of personal context. So I decided to throw a general spread to find out
what’s hidden in the messages.

I use two types of tarot. The first one is from A C and the second one is from O. They are five-card
spreads to be read first in a line, then as a mirror. The predominant card is therefore the central one.

The Magician appears first. He symbolizes will, The second spread tells me more or less the
the wisdom and the word by which worlds have same. First card: be awake and vigilant about the
been created. He has the ability to cast white arrival of something unexpected. It is followed
and black magic; to manipulate the tangible and by the Death, that which never dies. Then
the intangible. It is followed by the Eight of comes the Failure. We get locked in a box in the
Wands. Communication that comes and goes at middle of the sea. Then, throw away all knowl-
the speed of light. / The central card is anoth- edge acquired so far by means of traditional and
er eight, this time of Swords, which indicates academic studies. It ends with the Judgement.
thought interference. / It is followed by the This card tells us not to judge events as good
Tower. This card shows an unexpected fall that or bad on an individual basis. There is no place
occurs overnight. / The spread ends with the for judgement if we think about becoming. / I
Hermit, external information is cut off. Time can see communication will soon cut off. Giv-
of solitude and reflection. Light is the only one en that these days this happens almost exclu-
that can enlighten us. sively through the Internet, I think it is about
to fall. It is not an accidental crash, but some-
thing that is being built up. Something is being
brewed. The Magician and the becoming are up
to something.

4 · editorial neither urras

Historical context:

Year 2036, February 26. By that date, the annual resources available on planet Terra
had already been exhausted. The Global North human lifestyle already needed six planets
to support its rate of consumption. On March 8, multiple transnational and intersection-
al uprisings broke out all over the planet, combining various physical and virtual actions,
many of them coordinated. One of its most remarkable effects was the fall of the network
then called the Internet; the rarefaction of mineral resources had already complicated its
maintenance and made its administration more authoritarian. That March 8 the min-
eral extraction mines were occupied and reappropriated by their workers and neighboring
communities. Undersea cables were cut and many data centers were attacked through the
network itself and from the streets. On March 13 the Internet shut down.

It is in this context that we present this archival publication and, simultaneously, the
first paper edition of Neither Urras Nor Anarres1, the digital journal used as an
internal communication tool by the members of a biohackers network.

To put it together, we relied on remains of various nUnA digital versions found on

damaged hard disks, as well as on direct testimonies from members of the small group
of biohackers called Trans*Plant (T*P). This group also provided us with access to
some objects and documents that have been preserved throughout this time travel.

As all archives, this one is very incomplete; also as all of them, it has a speculative part.
The editorial group presenting this printed version of nUnA does not consider ar-
chaeology as a science that explains the past based on the finding of material remains,
but rather as a practice which, based upon these remains, seeks to develop a coherent
narrative of either the past or the future.

1. The title of the journal refers to a sentence by K CH on a night of mescal with QR at

19°24’55.205’’N and 99°8’12.274’’W. At some point of the conversation, she broached “We want
neither Urras nor Anarres!”. The reference comes from “The Dispossessed”, a science-fiction novel by U K
LG. The story takes place on a planet called Urras and its moon, Anarres. The inhabitants of Anarres are
the descendants of exiled people from Urras, after their participation in an anarchist revolution two hundred
years before the events narrated in the book. They live in sharing culture in a world with extremely scarce
resources. The inhabitants of Urras, on the contrary, have developed a capitalist urban culture.
nor anarres editorial · 5

This archival edition of nUnA is based on the remains of T*P, due to the interesting
and diverse quantity of obtained material, and to the peculiarity of its project called
Mycorrhiza Intranet Connection… One of the aims of this project was to connect
to the Mycorrhiza, that is, a network composed by a symbiosis of roots and fungi
through which the land plant world communicates. For this reason, they first needed
to anticipate the Internet shutdown, in order to prevent any control over the connec-
tion operation from endangering the mycorrhizal network of the vegetal world.

To understand the Mycorrhiza Intranet Connection project we think it’s crucial to sit-
uate both the group and the context of its actions.

The T*P group, like the networks of which it was part of, was configured by trans-
feminist, non-binary and sexually dissident entanglements, in alliance with activists,
artists, scientists and hackers. Its beginnings in biohacking in the late 2000s started
to take shape in the post-porn community years at 41°22’47.112’’N, 2°10’14.385’’E,
in which BDSM practices were fundamental. Their affinity for latex gloves, needles,
scalpels and ropes is key to understanding its unashamed approach to tattoo, nursing
practices and biomedical experiments carried out in kitchens, garages and laborato-
ries. All these practices were closely linked to self-experimentation, and to what was
then called DIY/DIWO (Do It Yourself / Do It With Others). Even though T*P
defined itself as a transnational nomadic group, it was composed mainly by Europeans
and people from Abya Yala who had migrated to Europe. Their work on extractivism,
colonization and witch hunting brought them to cross back the Atlantic in 2012, to-
wards 17°22’56.889”S, 66°9’52.364”W, and to the Akelarre Yaku project, in collabo-
ration with M F D, in order to establish a first direct connection with the vegetal and
the molecular through a research on the cinchona tree, quinine extraction, malaria,
and the birth of pharmaceutical industry.

2015. It is the time of COP21, when a committee of experts has certified the name
of a new geological era, the Anthropocene, characterized by a kind of human activity
that has changed the natural cycle of Terra. Global warming, nuclear crises, dramatic
decline in biodiversity, human and non-human climate refugees… There is no room
for doubt. However, D H warns us of the main danger of the term Anthropocene: the
very notion of the Anthropos, based on “human exceptionalism and methodological
individualism”; she also reminds us that all forms of life will eventually seek their
own solution to get out of this crisis; therefore, there is no possible way out without
a collaboration among them.

This archive shows some of the actions of T*P biohackers group that took place be-
tween 2016 and 2038. We hope this contextualization will help you link the distinct
actions presented in the following pages. The journal has been structured keeping the
original names that formatted the archives, which have been encoded to be legible
to humans as Open the Code, Open the Molecule, Open the Identity, Open the Pill, and
Open the Seed.

May the Chlorophyll be with/in you.

6 · open the code neither urras

After the Internet shutdown on
accumulated recycled material and was established at 41°39’59.7”N,
March 13, 2036, the Trans*Plant had provided themselves with their 0°53’58.1”W, at a place where the
group decided to test the first con- own mini-Internet. river drought had left big Mycor-
nection to Mycorrhiza, the net- rhiza caves exposed. The remote
work made up of a symbiosis of The goal of the first test was to cre- connection node was established
roots and fungi through which the ate a first direct connection point not far from there, on the -3 level at
land plant world communicates. It at a specific spot in Mycorrhiza, as 41°39’35.432”N, 0°54’27.387”W.
took them twenty years to get to well as to establish a remote con- It is also known that QR*3 used to
that moment. Their goal was to nection with a T*P server, in order call this place “the Bunker”,”the
set a tool for a direct communica- to obtain parts of the information Incubator”, or “the -3”.
tion with the vegetal, in the hope exchanges and to develop a human
of generating a post-Anthropos language translation code. The connection point was suc-
alliance. In order to establish the cessfully established, but the first
connection point to Mycorrhiza, That first test was entrusted in members of this group died right
they had set up their servers with 2036 to the QR*3 group, and away under the effect of a still un-
nor anarres open the code · 7

Remote connection

Neither Urras Nor Anarres

node to Mycorrhiza made

Reconstitution made by

editorial group in 2038.

up by Artemisia annua.

known volatile molecule. At that of the initial remote connection seed that had been cryogenized
time, they ignored that the process node. Two of them were: in 2019 at 47°17’48.046”N,
would lead them to another kind of 2°30’35.319”E.
connection to the vegetal—an in- - This node must be located in a
travenous administration of chlo- bunker to prevent anyone from de- In this reconstituted version, the
rophyll to their participants… tecting it. Milpa has been replaced by Arte-
misia, a plant used for thousands of
It is a fact that the remote connec- - This node must incorporate years to treat malaria, an endem-
tion node is still alive, but its cur- a safety system in case of intru- ic disease that has gone global on
rent location remains unknown. It sion into the bunker, which will Terra due to global warming. The
is also known that its setting un- be monitored by Mycorrhiza. relationship of T*P group with
derwent multiple developments, This system is based on the release seeds cryogenization is explained
one of them being the change of of volatile molecules depending in detail in Open the Seed.
the kind of plants that ensured its on the behaviors of the intrud-
operation and safety. In its first ers, the composition of which will One of the conditions set by T*P
version, Mycorrhiza was made up remain secret. when delivering us these files was
by a Milpa, a cultivation system not to publish any information,
used in some territories of Abya Thanks to some elements provid- only a few images of its reconsti-
Yala. In the next pages you will find ed by T*P (photographs, diagrams, tution, as well as some information
some images of this initial version. texts and code extracts) we have regarding its functioning. They
been able to reconstitute one of the have only allowed us to publish
We also know that Mycorrhiza had latest versions of this connection a partially decoded text excerpt
requested the QR*3 group multi- node. For this purpose, they have emitted through Mycorrhiza. •
ple criteria to establish the safety delivered us an Artemisia annua
8 · open the code neither urras

> select do Milpa” means to carry out the

whole process, from the selection
have to [hack this identity control
center] XXX”<de control identi-
[open the of the site to the harvest. The tario] XXX” <
code : mpn concept of Milpa refers more to a
way of doing than to a cultivation
T*P] / print system; it involves complex inter-
low res mode actions and relationships between
people, and different relationships
/ human lec- with both plants and the land. <
ture codifi- > Message received through
cation @ nei- Mycorrhiza during the second
connection established from the
ther urras Bunker. The excerpts in brack-
nor anarres ets are the ones that could have
been decoded. The others are
Anonymous. 2016 an attempt to weave these frag-
ments together by the editorial
> The Milpa is a cultivation group. The parts in XXX are the
system used in some territories ones left unsolved.
of Abya Yala based on ancient
farming methods. It is a meth- “[The disconnection]
od of cultivation that produces
corn, beans and squash, grown […] [Disconnection] from the [In-
in concentric circle patterns ternet] has been achieved. [Now]
in which every plant protects is your turn to achieve the [most]
and provides nutrients to each important disconnection: the one
other. The Milpa refers to the from the [Western] “self”. The
physical space, the soil, and the [disconnection] from what you’ve
plant species that grow in it. It is named [consciousness, this “self”]
also the reflection of the knowl- that [pretends to command] XXX
edge, the technologies and the [unable to connect] with other
practices necessary to obtain [life forms] XXX we [call you the
food from soil and labour. “To disconnected ones] XXX You will
nor anarres

Remote connection node to

Mycorrhiza made up by a Milpa. GR*3
Group, 2036.
open the code · 9
10 · open the molecule neither urras

Open the Molecule gathers nurses, biologists, doctors, chem- for the first IV. It is known for a
some remains of the first chloro- ists, artists… fact that no further records of in-
phyll IV, made at 46°3’36.804’’N, travenous chlorophyll in humans
14°30’16.467’’E, in December It is implied from the stories and had been found: the protocol was
2017. This section shows some documents found that there were developed by contrasting hacked
stories, images, diagrams and sci- numerous complications, which at papers from scientific publication
entific articles that give an account the beginning had to do with a cer- sites.
of the research, as well as the ob- tain resistance in the scientific field
stacles found by T*P in their at- to hybridize the animal world with
tempts to acquire a pure molecule the plant world. Apart from the
of chlorophyll and to elaborate a multiple transdisciplinary collabo-
protocol after three years of re- rations, it was not easy to achieve a
search. Three years of ongoing continuous accompaniment by sci-
dialogue and joint practice with entists in the preparatory process
nor anarres open the molecule · 11

> 2016. The first exchanges with biomedical professionals

seem to announce serious complications: non-solubility
An anonymous of chlorophyll in water and, therefore, in blood; risk of
stroke; totally unknown effects on the immune system;
risk of anaphylactic shock; risk of diabetes from glucose
production as a result of photosynthesis.

> March 2017. Research at 41°24’31.239’’N,

2°11’57.813’’E, and 41°23’8.317”N, 2°11’39.953’’E,
encounter with photodynamic therapy: a photosensitive
molecule and its activation by exposing the area to be
found fragment

treated to light. One of the results: chlorophyll cannot

produce photosynthesis when isolated from plant cells.
[…]. Good news: there is no risk of diabetes. But the
energy received after the application of chlorophyll, in this
context, is transformed into reactive oxygen that causes the
death of the exposed cells.

> December 2017. Therefore, the action at

46°3’36,804’’N, 14°30’16.467’’E should be performed
without light, which is no longer color, but energy. A
process invisible to human perception. The chlorophyll
molecule has a light absorption spectrum in red and blue,

which gets almost to zero in green. We see plants as green

because they reject that visible part of the electromagnetic
spectrum. We associate them with what prevents them from
living. […]


N N N N Simplified version of a chlorophyll

Mg Fe molecule and a hemoglobin molecule:
their structure are very similar, the main
difference is that the central atom of
C2 C2 C
hemoglobin is iron, while in chlorophyll
O is magnesium.
We know that this image was a source
C 20 of inspiration for T*P.

Mg = Magnesium Fe = Iron

In 2037, when the damaged hard the action was carried out almost the first members of this group
drives were found, video record- in the darkness. The video images died immediately after, under
ings of the first IV became avail- are recorded with a thermographic the effect of an unknown mole-
able. The T*P group had to deal camera from the time the chloro- cule. And also that in 2037 the
with an important variable: the ef- phyll is administered in the vein. first connection was successfully
fect of light on human body from The action was completely done established after a group of hu-
the moment chlorophyll enters in the dark, except for the mo- man agents accepted the protocol
blood. Light on the body could ment of connecting the catheter, called Less Human Than Human.
lead to a risk of cell death while which was illuminated with a sin- This protocol stipulated that a
the chlorophyll remain in the or- gle green LED. chlorophyll IV was the first step to
ganism (from 24 to 36 h.) and to reach a connection with the Myc-
photosensitivity of eyes and skin We also know that, in 2036, when orrhiza Intranet. •
(degressively over the period of ap- the first attempt to connect to the
proximately 2 months); therefore, Mycorrhiza Intranet took place,
12 · open the molecule neither urras

between laughter and fatigue. This Two years based on the convic-
text has several voices and runs tion that an intimate relationship
through various veins. This text with plants is possible. Two years
is the result of affects, allianc- of a process based on the profound
es, pacts and care. This text is a conviction that a chlorophyll IV
journey that has been traveled is possible. An intravenous that,
through together. through the fantasies, fears and
judgments that generates, opens up
This text wants to rest, to go to the discussion on the identitarian
bed and stay with. This text is system. This process of self-exper-
borderline, it inhabits the bor- imentation is not individual, since
der. This text calls upon the dead the people who accompany the
and the living, the human and the person receiving the IV are tran-
non-human to a post-anthropo- sitioning with her. Transitions that
centric ritual. How to live and die are permanently modified through
together? How to live with? How feedback processes. And, beyond
to make Mycorrhiza? How to es- these specific processes, it is the
tablish interspecies communica- social norms what’s challenged.
> select tion networks?
Part II. After two years of re-
[open the This text needs 27 plant species search, we finally decided to obtain
molecule : mpn to be written. This text expresses
deep doubts about any concept be-
the source of chlorophyll in the
form of a pure molecule extract-
T*P] / print ginning with “self”, including that ed from living Chlorella, a type
low res mode of “self-experimentation” used by
ourselves. Perhaps it is not about
of single-celled green algae. This
molecule, Chlorin e6, obtained in
/ human lec- what we do with our lives, but what the form of a dark green powder,
ture codifi- we do with/in life. was purchased from a biochemi-
cal company at 36°57’18,851’’N,
cation @ nei- This text suffers from arrhythmia. 122°3’5.912’’W. In order to do so,
It pumps up all the contradictory we had to pose as researchers from
ther urras emotions experienced throughout a university at 41°23’2.083’’N,
nor anarres these last two years of transition 2°6’52.96’’E.
process. From a sketch of a human
Anonymous. 2017 transition to plant. Obtaining a pure molecule of chlo-
rophyll raises the same obstacles as
> Part I. This text only suffers obtaining testosterone on the part
from a little jet lag with the of both the pharmaceutical and bi-
present. It has been written omedical industry as well as of the
between 2 am and 8 am on legal and health system. It is the
this December 5, 2017. The whole life which is patented.
English translation has been
done just before being read, Part III. The main downside of
right now. chlorophyll is that it is not soluble
in water and, therefore, in blood,
The bed that has been shared which forced us to mix it with a sol-
until now starts to welcome vent, Dimethyl sulfoxide, known
both a night and a day shift, in as DMSO. DMSO can penetrate
order to allow for such transla- skin and other membranes without
tion. In the next room, proto- damaging them, thus it serves as a
cols for performing the IV are vector for introducing substances
being reviewed and practiced, into a living system. Which will
nor anarres open the molecule · 13

make Ce6 penetrate deeper into months. During the first week of
my body and remain longer in it. this period, I could not be exposed
Therefore, the choice of a dose, a to natural light or strong indoor
frequency and a duration, becomes lights, in order to avoid the risk of
crucial to carry out this IV. serious burns. This sensitivity will
decrease progressively. Numerous
The main property of Ce6 is its trips have been planned for the fol-
photosensitivity, and since my body lowing two months, so I will have
is devoid of chloroplasts, I will not to be completely covered. How
be able to photosynthesize. So, as will the different control systems
long as this molecule remains in react to the impossibility of iden-
my body, and in the case it receives tifying me due to a human > plant
light, it will produce free radicals transition process?
in the form of reactive oxygen,
which will induce oxidative dam- A process that goes through a more
age. A process that will cause cell sensitive becoming. A becoming
death in illuminated areas. sensor, as N M says. My will is
not to become more human, but
Chlorin E6 Trisodium Salt
Chlorin e6 has a major absorption less human. It is not really a desire - Frontier Scientific, Inc. Logan,
peak at wavelengths that corre- to become plant, but to hybridize Utah, USA
sponds to what the human visual with plants. To become with. To - Result: No response
system interprets as red and blue. transition together. “May the chlo- - Same case for about 10 others
Its permanence in my body is es- rophyll be with/in you.” < companies
timated to last between 8 and 24 - 9189 €/g
hours, its dissolution with DMSO
would not allow for an exact cal- Photolon®
culation. My eyes and skin will re- - Belmedpreparaty. Republican
main photosensitive for nearly two Unitary Production Enterprise.
- Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
- Result: bureaucratie impasse
- 1000 €/g

Chlorin E6
- Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Inc.
(European Support Office. Heidelberg,
- Result: only available for research
(universities, laboratories, hospitals).
We said we are researchers of a
Catalan University.
- Use: Performance @ Kapelica
Gallery. Ljubljana, Slovenia.
- 900 €/g

DMSO Dimethyl sulfoxide

- Sigma-Aldrich / Merck
- USA / Germany
- Result: bought by on
- Use: to dissolve Chlorin E6 in water
(and so in blood) to make it suitable
for IV @ Kapelica.
- 1 €/g
14 · open the identity neither urras

Open the Identity collects the ear- in order to learn tattooing and group as a notebook.
ly experiments of the Trans*Plant make chlorophyll ink. Except for
group. its impermeability, bacterial cellu- This tattoo depicted an Ani-
lose has similar characteristics to malPlant, Elysia chlorotica. This
Thanks to the original Leather human animal skin, and it is used sea slug incorporates chloroplasts
Book kept by T*P, we have been as a biomaterial for the care and into its own digestive cells from
able to obtain fairly complete in- regeneration of tissue. In 2016, at the algae it feeds on. And it is there
formation about this period. 47°4’33.557’’N, 2°22’56.776’’E, it where organelles continue to pho-
was used to take care of K’s skin af- tosynthesize for nine months, the
The Leather Book was made ter a first chlorophyll tattoo. That same period of time they would
in 2016 at 41°26’55.109’’N, same year a chip was implanted need to do so in algae. The tat-
2°4’34.083’’E, out of bacterial cel- in K, information that appears in too produced a nice swelling and
lulose sheets cultured by the group the leather book, also used for the a small infection. It remained per-
8 de marzo de 2039 edición especial trans*plant ni urras ni anarres
nor anarres open the identity · 19

Bacterial skin
(sheets of the leather

1 SCOBY (Symbiotic Colony Of Bacteria

and Yeast, also called kombucha)
1 liter of water (60 liters of water)
200 ml of cider vinegar, do not use wine
or apple vinegar (12 liters)
200 g of sugar (12 kilos)
2 tea bags (60 tea bags) 1 black plastic bag

A pool made in a wheelbarrow placed in a

garden in the summer. SCOBY grows better
in heat, in a temperature grade between 18
and 35° C. The skin takes about 2 weeks

to grow, depending on temperature.

Tattoo Potion
(Chlorophyll Tattoo Ink)

10 g of sodium chlorophyll powder (it can

be food chlorophyll extracted from chlorella)
100 ml of Hamamelis water
5 ml of propylene glycol
5 ml of medicinal glycerin
1 mixer or blender, 1 sterilized bottle,
1 scale

Sterilize all tools before using them. Mix all

the ingredients and beat. Store in a sterile
jar in a cool, dark place.

ceptible to human normative vi- century ago, cinchona was the only allowed its users to modify their
sion for nearly 6 weeks. treatment for malaria used world- skin pigmentation, with innumera-
wide, based on the extraction of an ble nuances and a 6-week duration
This tattoo was part of a collective alkaloid, the quinine. An alkaloid after each tattoo session. •
ritual conceived as the beginning that shaped the birth of the phar-
of a Trans* process, accompanied maceutical industry in a context
by a change of name—from Y to of political rivalries between colo-
K. A name inspired by quinine, nial powers.
from cinchona’s bark, a tree native
to central Andes forests, and a sub- We also know that, since 2029,
stance used by Andean witches as a this community used a new tattoo Note: little is known so far about the ef-
remedy for fever and muscle aches, ink that could easily interact with fects of a chlorophyll tattoo on the human
and also as an abortifacient. Until a the production of melanin, which animal body.
20 · open the identity neither urras

> select is 868 bytes. The write/read and

power transfers are performed
an RFID chip the size of a grain of
basmati rice? A 2 × 12 mm chip en-
[open the in 15.36 MHz frequency and at a capsulated in biocompatible glass,
identity : mpn distance of less than 5 cm. NFC
(Near Field Communication) is
located between the skin and the
muscle of the triangle formed by
T*P] / print the acronym for this wireless tech- the metacarpal bones of the fore-
low res mode nology that allows machines to
recognize each other by radio fre-
finger and thumb of the left hand.
A site chosen for its accessibility
/ human lec- quency. It is a technology designed
ture codifi- for identification (RFID - Radio
Frequency ID), integrated into
cation @ nei- the latest models of smartphones,
credit cards and transportation.
ther urras In short, a technology that deals
nor anarres only with knowing that you are you
and, in the same gesture, makes
Anonymous. 2016 you feel heartened by the thought
that, indeed, this is the case. Each
> There is a kind of fascination electronic chip based on this tech-
the moment I approach the nology has a unique identification and dexterity, and for the low risk
phone with the NFC Tools ap- number, which cannot be changed of damaging radial and median
plication open, and the message or deleted. At least in theory. nerves, blood vessels, tendons or
“NFC tag detected” appears. synovial sheaths. Also a place full
The machine reminds me of An implant of a free, non-detect- of soft tissue that helps absorb
the reality of my transition pro- able version of higher-capacity impacts, and that is at a reasona-
cess before humans have the should lead to the consideration of ble distance from the bone against
capacity to do so. According to the unforeseen, non-standard uses which the chip could collide, lead-
it, my gender is ISO 14443-3A of this technology. Transforming ing to a break of the glass capsule.
and my available technologies an identification technology into a In the six weeks following the im-
are NfcA, Mifare Ultralight post-identitarian technology used plantation, the chip has migrated a
and Ndef. My serial number to hack what is called human being. little more than half a centimeter
is 04:FA:10:12:FF:38: 84. I am to the vertex of the triangle formed
not (at the moment) password But why to start a human > plant by the two bones. But there is still
protected. My (small) memory transition process by implanting a good distance from critical points
nor anarres open the identity · 21

and it shouldn’t move any more, as tative silence is not an evidence of nology like it or not. I’m a dog. Or,
it is now wrapped in collagen gen- a conspiracy and asocial tendency. I would rather say, a bitch.
erated by the organism to isolate it, Being recognized by NFC devices
due to its incapacity to expel it. is then the first step to be recog- Above all, do not confuse H’s Cy-
nized by humans in my transition borg Manifesto with Hollywood’s
Collagen whose formation I accel- process. A new identity document Terminator manifesto. My will is
erated, in theory, by taking prena- has been implanted in my body, not to become more human, but
tal tablets during the first month. and I control its data. The ques- less human. It is not really a de-
Ready to give birth to a little green tion is that it seems that, in order sire to become plant, but rather to
monster. to become a plant, one has to go hybridize with the vegetal, to be-
down the biological pyramid step come with. To transition together.
My transition process aims for the by step, the great circus of the hi- “Making Kin. Not Babies”. <
loss of my human condition and erarchy of different life forms.
the adoption of a new name to be
socially recognized. The chances The first RFID chips have been
that this change might be accepted tested in a mouse over twenty years
by the Civil Registry seem to fall ago. Its use became widespread for
exponentially to zero. And I’m not the identification of livestock and
sure whether I want to be a guinea companion species (as well as their
pig of psychiatrists willing to test human owners). The first cyborg
if I feel like a plant trapped in a was a mouse developed in a labora-
human body –which would allow tory in the 1960s in the context of
them to invent a kingdom dysphoria the space race. Cyborg becoming
disorder–, or if my photosynthetic is, above all, an animal becoming,
will is not an extreme manifesta- whether transhumanists and their
tion of a repressed anorexia, or dreams of improving the human
whether my admiration for vege- species through a fusion with tech-
22 · open the pill neither urras

2016 The research begins with the These are the first lines of Onco- pharmacological costs. In those
aim of establishing a protocol for MouseTM Journey, the T*P group’s years, the main medical technolo-
the first chlorophyll intravenous: we notebook, where all their Open gy to treat cancer was chemother-
did not find any human references. the Pill research on photodynamic apy, which depended on the phar-
Reading of scientific papers: we found therapy and Human Papillomavi- maceutical industry as well as on
a record of intravenous in medical rus (HPV) is condensed. significant medical resources.
practice (Photodynamic Therapy -
PDT) used to treat localized cancers. At that time, PDT was a medical We have implied from the notes in
Its principle: IV of a photosensitive technique still difficult to access, the notebook that the encounter
molecule and its activation by expos- limited to a few private clinics and with PDT not only gave the group
ing the area to be treated to light, in some hospitals, especially in Abya clues about a possible intravenous
order to cause cell death. Yala countries, where it had begun chlorophyll, but also brought them
to be implemented due to its low to begin a new parallel biomedical
nor anarres open the pill · 23

research—replicating the tools and ronment could also help explain a biopsy, in order to make the tests
protocols of photodynamic thera- their interest in the collective on that grown-in-vitro tissue, and
py to treat human papillomavi- management of sexual transmis- not on non-human animal cells.
rus condylomas in a DIY/DIWO sion viruses, as well as their lack of
manner. prejudice and apprehension when In the notebook, we found pro-
putting bodies on an experimental tocols to grow in vitro tissue in
HPV is a sexually transmitted vi- table. which culture food was adminis-
rus, classified as an STI (Sexually tered from plasma and proteins
Transmitted Infection), which was In the found files there are several from human blood itself. Fetal
quite widespread in the population notes that refer to the complex- bovine serum (FBS - Fetal Bovine
at the beginning of the 21st centu- ities of moving forward with the Serum), traditionally used in cell
ry, a virus several members of the replication of the PDT protocol culture, derived from the blood
T*P group lived with. without the use of non-human an- drawn from a bovine fetus through
imals. In order not to experiment a closed collection system from
2017 The group begins the re- on bodies other than their own, the slaughterhouse. At that time,
search at 41°24’31.239’’N, they began a parallel research at N FBS was the most widely used se-
2°11’57.813’’E, and at 41°24’31.239’’N, 2°11’57.813’’E; rum-supplement for in vitro cell
41°23’8.317’’N, 2°11’39.953’’E, at 19°24’55.205’’N, 99°8’ culture in all scientific laborato-
alternating between scientific lab- 12.274’’W; and at 38°33’45.915’’N, ries on planet Terra. The T*P
oratory and garage/kitchen. In the 121°44’18.389’’W, cultivating hu- group refused to experiment with
OncoMouseTM Journey notebook, this man tissue (fibroblasts) acquired non-human animals in any labora-
research is also coded as My disease from their own bodies by means of tory, hence much of their Open the
is an artistic creation, a name that Pill research shifted to find other
was apparently linked to the post- alternatives to the use of FBS.
porn practices of members of the
T*P group, what gives us clues of Eventually, they established a pro-
a continuity with the documentary tocol to replicate photodynamic
My sexuality is an artistic creation. therapy and treat papillomavirus
condylomas based on scientific
Their familiarity with BDSM papers, though without the use of
practices and the post-porn envi- mice or non-human animal cells. •
24 · open the pill neither urras

your own model with the disease Performativity of laboratory life,

of your choice. Get ready, curves the notions of objectivity and
are coming. truth are at stake. What happens
with visual representation systems
[…] The main objective of My dis- (drawing, photo, video, 3D…) that
ease is an artistic creation is to open have shaped a discipline such as
the black box, as hackers say, or biology and its use as verification
to open the pill, as AIDS activists systems (M.F.)? What translation
used to say. It is about replicating tools can we implement when talk-
knowledge and making it accessi- ing about notions such as body,
ble. On the other hand, through life, performativity, disease, iden-
self-experimentation and from a tity, individual, collective, autono-
collective perspective, we want to my, experts…? <
locally form a critical mass of us-
ers/experts (understanding users
as experts) as well as to establish a > ** C notes:
critical and open dialogue with the
health system. or my part, I would try to start
> select It is also about generating a kind
with this: not to use bovine serum,
maybe ask for a free sample of HPL
[open the of knowledge that could break ta- (human platelet lysate - a kind of
pill / mi en- boos related to the diseased body.
A body is always a sick body, con-
bovine serum obtained from human
blood: serum + platelets), and work
fermedad es sidering disease as part of life itself with donors and blood separation.
una creación can be a creative tool to decon-
struct the normalization processes
At the same time, look for a vegetal
alternative. In addition, I find this
artística : mpn produced by the notion of healthy interesting because it raises ethical/
T*P] / print body. < hygienist/safety issues… regarding
the contagion and the purity of the
low res mode blood used to feed cultures. We
/ human lec- + privatization of the living
+ creations of “model organisms”
should develop this

ture codifi- + trans-species biopolitics

+ trans-species exist and are manufac- and if we’d want to get out of this…
cation @ nei- tured in laboratories like mice with
implanted human cells because this is a market quite
ther urras similar to the oncomouse. HPL is
obtained from unused blood draws
nor anarres > […] self-experimentation from European countries. Also, the
and performativity as research companies that commercialize it make
Anonymous. 2017 methods: it clear that it is virus-free blood and
does not come from foreign or non-
Excerpts from the How to develop a transdisciplinary European people-: / … hOrroooorr <
“OncoMouseTM research when art is connected
Journey” notebook” to science? After a historical re-
vision of the separation between
> […] a journey through the both disciplines, a consequence
biomedical mirror: becoming of the witch hunt in Europe and
OncomouseTM. […] Concept of the colonization in Abya Yala, we
model organism, procurement will see the concrete effects of this
of cells, patented animals mod- separation—that is, the creation of
ified to develop human cancer universities, the condemnation of
cells, possibility of ordering witchcraft, […]
nor anarres open the pill · 25

> HPV + Do not be afraid, whatever your - Learning about HPV: its history,
sexual practices may be, you can its presence in the population, the
(Human Papillomavirus). avoid any cancerous development gender and sexuality dimension,
of the virus by doing a smear test the socio-economic dimension,
Anonymous Notes 2017 every 3 years and the different strains of HPV of
which only some are problematic
+ There are DIY tests to detect in terms of health, ways of detec-
+ The human papillomavirus rep- HPV and a lot of documented in- tion, treatments and vaccines (with
resents one of the most common formation < their pros and cons).
sexually transmitted diseases
- Learning about PDT: biology,
+ There are more than 100 viral > Notes 3: chemistry, electromagnetic spec-
types trum and light.
Anonymous 2017
+ Most of the described HPVs do - Learning about the functioning
not cause any symptoms > On the one hand, we had a work of the pharmaceutical and biomed-
group of about ten people, includ- ical industry: privatization of living
+ Between thirty and forty types ing people affected by HPV, some things, patents, bio-capitalism, co-
of HPV are normally transmitted interested in the transdisciplinar- lonial dimension, extractivism, use
through sexual contact and infect ity and identity issues addressed of other forms of life, persistence
the anogenital region by the project, others interested of the rigidity of gender and race
in learning about HPV, and also categories in scientific products
+ Most people with HPV do not doctors, patients, performers, biol- and research, ecological cost…
know they are infected ogists, PhD students, and journal-
ists. Above all, it was a plural group - Collective learning of laboratory
+ Most HPV infections in young of identities and people that do work. <
people are short term, with little not fit into the binary definitions
long-term significance. 70% of of man/ woman, hetero/homo,
infections disappear within 1 year healthy/sick, expert/user, looking
and 90% within 2 years for a space where they could dis-
cuss and learn together different
+ Some types of HPV can cause ways of understanding the process-
warts or condylomata (HPV 6 and es that affect our body, the medical
11), while others can cause sub- practices, etc., taking into account
clinical infections, which could (in different corporealities and identi-
a minority of cases) lead to cervi- ties and paying special attention to
cal, vulvar, vaginal, anus or penis trans*, crip and functional diversity
cancers processes.

+ Infection with HPV is the most The process resulted in a shared

common cause of almost all cases learning that took various forms:
of cervical cancer, although most
infections with this virus cause no

+ HPV types 16, 18, 31, 45, are

carcinogenic with high cancer risk.
33, 35, 39, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59 and 66
are low-risk HPV types. This at no
way means that someone infected
with a carcinogenic HPV will de-
velop cancer
26 · open the seed neither urras

We know that in 2019 the T*P allows for better preservation of WHO to cure malaria (99.5% vs.
group started working with Ar- the properties of cryogenic sub- 79.5%). ACT tablets are based on
temisia annua, a plant commonly stances. the combination of an active prin-
called Sweet Wormwood, or Sweet ciple of the plant, artemisinin, with
Annie, its English nickname. A In 2018, a research team from the another molecule, to reduce the
plant used by Chinese medicine Democratic Republic of the Con- possibility of parasite resistance
for more than two millennia in the go carried out a clinical trial on responsible for the disease. The
form of an infusion to treat inter- 957 patients, with which it demon- Chinese researcher Y T was the
mittent fevers and malaria. strated the superiority of decoc- one who managed to isolate and
tions of Artemisia annua and Ar- name the artemisinin molecule in
This work was carried out in a bio- temisia afra (African version of A. 1969. She focused her research
technology laboratory company at annua) over the artemisinin-based on traditional Chinese medicine
47°17’48.046’’N, 2°30’35.319’’E, combination therapy (ACT), remedies, after finding references
which developed a technology that the treatment preconized by the to the plant Artemisia annua (ab-
nor anarres open the seed · 27

sinthe) as a good remedy against In 2019 at 47°17’48.046’’N, the creation of a new transnation-
fevers –a possible symptom of ma- 2°30’35.319’’E, the T*P group al body where the various medical
laria– in a 1,300-year-old book. proceeded to cryogenize Artemisia cultures of the planet would coex-
She was awarded the Nobel Prize annua seeds in a liquid medium at ist, and whose actions would be co-
in Physiology and Medicine in -196° C. The spheres surrounding ordinated according to the needs
2015 for this research, making her the seeds were composed of wa- of those affected.
the first Chinese woman to receive ter, plant nutrients, and depleted
it. It was also the first time that the soil-regenerating microorganisms. It is also known in 2037 that a
Nobel Foundation recognized the Some of them had been encapsu- remote connection point to the
merit of traditional Chinese med- lated in calcium alginate in order Intranet Mycorrhiza was estab-
icine. An alternative vision, advo- to be transported without the need lished, by means of an Artemisia
cated by the Pan-African alliance, to maintain the cold chain. annua plant whose seed had been
thinks that it is the plant polyther- cryogenized in 2019. The pictures
apy what makes it effective against In 2032 the Pan-African Alliance below show the cryogenization
the disease and what reduces the condemned molecular colonialism process and the recipe for the en-
risk of resistance. One argument in and declared the WHO institution capsulation in calcium alginate. •
favor of this is that the Artemisia non grata in the African conti-
afra variety does not contain arte- nent, since it considered it under
misinin but it is nevertheless effec- the control of the pharmaceutical
tive in treating malaria. industry. The Alliance called for
28 · open the seed ni urras
ni anarres open the seed · 29
most radical otherness. The color aphylactic shock; risk of diabetes
of the alien. from glucose production as a result
of photosynthesis.
> [memories > End of 2016. 47°4’33,557’’N,
2°22’56.776’’E. First action for > 2017. Research at
of alien this beginning of the transition 41°24’31.239’’N, 2°11’57.813’’E;
travel / 2016 process: change of name, implan-
tation of an NFC chip in K’s left
and 41°23’8.317’’N, 2°11’39.953’’E,
in order to replicate the tools and
> 2017] hand, first chlorophyll tattoo. The protocols of the medical practice
imperceptible and the visible. (Photodynamic Therapy) used to
Anonymous. 2036 treat localized cancers. Its princi-
> The question of whether K has ple: intravenous of a photosensi-
- fragments - turned green is a recurring one. tive molecule and its activation by
As if contact with a different life exposing the area to be treated to
> I look back 20 years af- form would automatically led to light. Chlorophyll cannot produce
ter that, at the beginnings of a transfer of pigments that would photosynthesis isolated from plant
Trans*Plant, and think about contaminate the initial color. The cells. (…) Good news: there is no
our first goal of performing a visual recognition criteria are the risk of diabetes. But the energy re-
first IV in K. The first thing basis on which power relations ceived is transformed in this con-
that comes to mind is green. have been established, the valid- text into reactive oxygen that caus-
Green as a translation process, ity of certain bodies established es the death of the exposed cells.
a concept, a symbol. A simple as the norm against others. (…) The action at 46°3’36.804’’N,
color at first glance; literally. The artistic practice initially pro- 14°30’16.467’’E, therefore, should
The thread of a project whose duced this visual perception in a be performed without light, which
main question could be: who pictorial way, through a mixture is no longer color, but energy. A
would be able to establish the of pigments. A model that implies process invisible to human per-
consequences of an intravenous defining the visual not by the light ception. All these molecules have
chlorophyll without having any emitted, but by the reflection of an an absorption spectrum in red and
reference of previous experi- object. blue, which falls almost to zero in
ence? (…) green. We see plants as green be-
> The first exchanges with bi- cause they reject that visible part of
> Early 2016. Reading res- omedical professionals seem to the electromagnetic spectrum. We
idence at 48°53’2.161’’N, announce serious complications: associate them with what prevents
2°21’2.195’’E. Green as an an- non-solubility of chlorophyll in them from living. […] <
thropomorphic color associated water and, therefore, in blood; risk
with the vegetal, in charge of of stroke; totally unknown effects
representing the natural in its on the immune system; risk of an-
> The cards predicted the Internet crash, and the prediction was real. The situation is chaotic.
There are no resources to survive and no clear information. There is talk of a volatile molecule
that has killed some people. They also say we won’t be able to keep being communicated as before.
/ I search for information in older oracles. I will use the Runes and the I Ching.

Asking the runes about the molecule. Asking the I Ching about future

I picked up Odin’s rune. It could indicate that Two hexagrams. Lake and Heaven into the up-
what is being lived or what is happening is kar- per trigrams. First hexagram: Break-through.
mic. / It is an opportunity to discover inherit- Changing line #6. The lake has risen up to
ed lies. / The second stone is Elhaz, it speaks heaven; and Force, the Creative. / The first
of self-preservation. Self-defense mechanisms hexagram is the announcement, the bursting. A
arise naturally, granting the necessary pro- change of course, of times, of life. It’s time to
tection. Future must be ensured and not be clean yourself and your environment. It is a risky
squandered. / The third rune is Is, it speaks of and difficult maneuver, but healthy and neces-
stagnation and paralysis. The circumstances are sary. Eradicate the evil: Pressure builds up until
controlled by fragility and rigidity. The situa- it breaks through and makes you take action. /
tion tends to be one of convalescence. / This Six at the top means: the decision, advancement
spread makes me think that the molecule has has been reached. Victory has been achieved.
served a specific purpose, but its future is un- Everything seems to be in order, but you need
certain. Is is freezing. How to know if ice is to examine the situation until you eradicate the
eternal or it will turn into water once again? remnant of the evil. If you overlook it, it will
Water never stops, it always finds a way to come succeed in escaping and everything will start
through. over. / Second hexagram: it is time to act, to
create. It is a strong time. Like the growth in
the spring. / It is pure driving force, the seed,
the idea. Time, origin, light. / To begin with,
to engender, to spiritually enlighten, to lead, to
invent. Go back to nature and learn from its in-
finite creativity. Information that does not be-
long to us is over.
We shall only have the needed information.

APRIL 2038
Thanks to some documents provided by the T*P group, we were able to verify that the use of various predictive and/or divination
methods was a common practice among the network they belong to. These used them to obtain information about the near or
distant future, to resolve conflicts and solve problems, as well as to structure some of their gatherings or reflect on important
issues. From all the found material, we have selected two spreads: one made in October, 2036, and the other one in April, 2038.
We have selected them because of how stunning their predictions turned out to be. We know they were both made by the same
person, a witch who lived at 34°39’1.968’’S, 58°34’56.094’’W, who laid out all the spreads while smoking leaves of Sweet Annie.
trans*plant manifesto neither urras nor anarres biohacking journal

[…] The biggest problem with mainstream Note: The existence of two versions of
ecology is that it is based on the notion of na- the Trans*Plant Manifesto is reported;
the one presented here are fragments of
ture, a notion historically created to separate
the first one. It is estimated that it was
humanity from the rest of the universe, estab- drafted at the end of 2018. It appears
lishing a colonial relationship with it. The di- that it was distributed almost exclusively
chotomy culture/nature structures an infinite within the biohackers network. In its
edition of July 28, 2038, the journal
list of other dichotomies of modern western
specialized on open biotechnology
thought: man/woman, white/non-white, hete- Neither Urras Nor Anarres mentions a
ro/homo, science/witchcraft, adult/child, nor- second version, written that same year,
mal/ abnormal… The second term of each which describes the near end of the
network –which at that time was called
dichotomy is associated with nature and, there-
the Internet– and all the technologies
fore, with the same regime of violence. A heter- dependent on it. What was considered
otrophy carried out to its maximum allows for by biohackers the ideal time to start the
the establishment of a necropolitics that has lit- project that was been developed for two
decades—the connection of a private
erally decided to consume everything. Protect-
connection point to Mycorrhiza. And that
ing nature therefore seems like a bad idea… It an intravenous chlorophyll protocol was
is quite curious that it has come to be accepted ready to be administered to the involved
that an individual delimited by a skin envelope human operators. To date, no version of
the second manifesto coded to be legible
constitutes a living being, but the planet as a
to humans has been found.
whole is not a living organism […].

[…] To be able to think of a non-anthropocen-

tric ecology we need to move from identities
based on essences to identities based on rela-
tionships. A human > plant transition process
that includes a chlorophyll intravenous proto-
col opens the discussion on the identity system
at stake through the fantasies, fears and judg-
ments that generates. A process of self-exper-
imentation that is not at all individual, since
the people who accompany her also travel with
her. Obtaining a pure molecule of chlorophyll
raises the same obstacles as obtaining testos-
terone on the part of both the pharmaceutical
and biomedical industry as well as of the legal
and health system. It is the whole life which
is patented […].


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