SC G6-Final Rev-Model Answer

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Mr Brain Academy 01069752133

Question1: Choose
1- The smallest tiny structures that build up all living organism’s bodies are ……
a- Systems
b- Cells
c- Organs
d- bricks
2- we can see the cell of …… without using a microscope
a- bacteria
b- plant
c- human
d- bird’s egg
3- the …… is responsible for the entry and exist of water into and out of the
a- cell membrane
b- muscle cell
c- nucleus
d- bone cell
4- the structure(s) found in the plant cell and not found in animal cell is/are ….
a- Cell membrane only
b- Cell wall only
c- Cell membrane and nucleus
d- Cell wall and nucleus
5- Growth of a living organism is resulted from increasing the …… of cells in its
a- Length
b- Size
c- Number
d- mass
6- all the following living organisms’ bodies are buildup of many cells, except
a- human
b- fish
c- plant
d- bacteria

Mr Brain Academy 01069752133

7- the body of simple living organisms as bacteria consists of ……….
a- one cell only
b- different cells
c- many cells
d- ten cells only
8- you can see the cells of all the following under microscope, except ….
a- Onion
b- Human skin
c- Leaf
d- stone
9- Which of the following is the correct arrangement of the structure of most
multicellular organisms’ bodies? ……
a- similar cells – organs – Tissues – Systems
b- Similar cells – Tissues – Organs – Systems
c- Organs – Tissues – Systems – Similar cells
d- Tissues – Similar cells – Organs – Systems
10- Stomach is composed of a group of different ……...
a- Bacteria
b- Systems
c- Organs
d- tissues
11- the gelatinous liquid which is found inside the cell is known as …...
a- nucleus
b- cytoplasm
c- cell wall
d- organelles
12- the structure of plant cell which is made up of cellulose is the ……...
a- cell membrane
b- nucleus
c- cell wall
d- cytoplasm

Mr Brain Academy 01069752133

13- the organelles which provide the cell with the needed energy are called
a- endoplasmic reticulum
b- Golgi apparatus
c- mitochondria
d- cell membrane
14- selective permeability of cell membrane means that cell membrane controls
a- the energy which is produced inside the cell
b- the food which is consumed by the cell
c- the substances which are transported by the cell
d- the substances that can enter or leave the cell
15- the two cell organelles which are responsible for transportation process are
a- mitochondria and Golgi apparatus
b- endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus
c- endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria
d- mitochondria and chloroplasts
16- nucleus is responsible for controlling ……...
a- formation of proteins only
b- cell division only
c- formation of proteins and cell division
d- formation of proteins and energy production
17- the following can be stored inside sap vacuole of plant cell, except …...
a- energy
b- nutrients
c- water
d- waste materials
18- the animal cell does not have a definite shape, because it does not have a
a- Cell membrane
b- Cell wall
c- Chloroplast
d- Nucleus

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19- all the following animals have bones in their bodies, except ….
a- cats
b- dogs
c- birds
d- insects
20- the animal cell cannot make photosynthesis process, because it does not
have ……
a- nucleus
b- chloroplast
c- mitochondria
d- sap vacuole
21- most plants appear in ……… color due to the presence of chlorophyll
pigment in their cells
a- yellow
b- blue
c- green
d- red
22- cell biologists use microscopes to magnify ……. To appear larger
a- stones
b- bricks
c- cells
d- rocks
23- methylene blue dye helps us to see the ……. Of the cell as a blue area under
a- cytoplasm
b- Golgi apparatus
c- chloroplasts
d- nucleus
24- the 3D microscope can help in all the following, except that it helps ……
a- cell biologists learning more about cell components
b- scientists to know how planets revolve around the sun
c- doctors to treat some diseases as cancer
d- cell biologists learning more about how cells divide

Mr Brain Academy 01069752133

25- when you feel nervous, your heart beats increase, that indicates the
interaction between ………. systems
a- digestive and nervous
b- digestive and circulatory
c- nervous and circulatory
d- digestive and respiratory
26- in a dangerous situation, your eyes send the information to the ……. To
perform the suitable action
a- brain
b- stomach
c- lungs
d- heart
27- the system which transfers nutrients from the digestive system to the
different muscles of the body is the ……. System
a- circulatory
b- nervous
c- respiratory
d- excretory
28- cells differ from each other in …….
a- Shapes only
b- Sizes only
c- Shapes and sizes
d- Neither shapes nor sizes
29- The muscles are considered as ……...
a- A cell
b- A tissue
c- An organ
d- A system
30- Musculoskeletal system allows the body to ……….
a- Digest food
b- Move from place to another
c- Transmit nutrients
d- Exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide

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31- When the muscle in front of the upper arm contracts and the muscle in the
back of the upper arm relaxes, the forearm moves ………
a- Up towards your shoulder
b- Down towards your shoulder
c- Up away from your shoulder
d- Down away from your shoulder
32- The contraction of muscles moves the bones in ……. Only
a- One direction
b- Two directions
c- Three directions
d- Four directions
33- All the following organs belong to musculoskeletal system, except …….
a- Tendons
b- Cartilages
c- Veins
d- bones
34- cardiac muscles are type of involuntary muscles which form the …….
a- stomach
b- intestine
c- lungs
d- heart
35- among the organs which contain both involuntary and voluntary muscles is
the ……...
a- heart
b- arm
c- eye
d- leg
36- the system which helps your body gets ready to respond in different
situations by secreting hormones is the …........system
a- digestive
b- endocrine
c- circulatory
d- nervous

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37- all the following are happened by the help of endocrine system to face or to
run away from danger, except …….
a- Contraction of your muscles
b- Increasing your breathing rate
c- Increasing your heartbeats
d- Digestion of food that you eat
38- Circulatory system can transport all the following substances through all the
body parts except ……….
a- Nutrients
b- Gases
c- Hormones
d- bones
39- among the organs which belong to respiratory system is …….
a- stomach
b- heart
c- lung
d- brain
40- the lungs take in air when the diaphragm ………, while they release the air
when the diaphragm ……….
a- Contracts – contracts
b- Contracts – relaxes
c- Relaxes – relaxes
d- Relaxes – contracts
41- All the following muscles work in pairs as one muscle contracts, while the
other muscle relaxes, except the ……….
a- Upper arm muscles
b- Cardiac muscles
c- Neck muscles
d- Forearm muscles
42- The systems of the human body get their needed energy from …….
a- The sun
b- Water
c- Food
d- Carbon dioxide

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43- You can use your ……. muscles to help the teeth chew the food
a- Eye
b- Cardiac
c- Jaw
d- hand
44- in small intestine, ……… help(s) in breaking down of food by secreting some
a- pancreas only
b- gallbladder only
c- pancreas and gallbladder
d- pancreas and lungs
45- walls of small intestine contain ……. Which responsible for absorbing
nutrients of digested food
a- blood vessels
b- hairs
c- glands
d- nephrons
46- the part of large intestine which stores the feces until it leaves the body is
the ……….
a- Rectum
b- Colon
c- Esophagus
d- anus
47- the excretion process is necessary to …….
a- digest the food that you eat
b- allow your body to move
c- transport the nutrients inside your body
d- remove the waste products from your body
48- the organ which is responsible for secreting sweat Is the ……
a- esophagus
b- stomach
c- skin
d- kidney

Mr Brain Academy 01069752133

49- among the organs which belong to urinary system are ………
a- stomach and kidneys
b- ureters and gallbladder
c- kidneys and bladder
d- urethra and heart
50- the tube which transports the urine from the kidney to the bladder is the
a- vein
b- urethra
c- ureter
d- artery
51- the process of expelling urine from the body is called ……...
a- urination
b- respiration
c- digestion
d- sensation
52- Engineers design special devices to work instead of ……… organ which filter
the blood from waste materials.
a- Stomach
b- Heart
c- Kidney
d- Lung
53- Among the substances which cannot pass through the kidney’s nephron are
a- Blood cells and urea
b- Blood cells and proteins
c- Proteins and urea
d- Water and urea

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54- The two kidneys remove waste materials as …….., and expel them in the
form of urine
a- Water and urea
b- Urea and blood cells
c- Water and proteins
d- Proteins and blood cells
55- Diabetes disease occurs due to a disturbance in one organ of ……….. system.
a- Respiratory
b- Nervous
c- Endocrine
d- Urinary
56- Pancreas belongs to …….. system and its secretion help in completing ……….
a- Endocrine – digestion
b- Circulatory – respiration
c- Digestive – urination
d- Endocrine – sensation
57- Gravity and magnetism are similar in that …….
a- They are repulsion forces only
b- They are attraction forces only
c- They are forces that attract all objects
d- We can’t see them

Mr Brain Academy 01069752133

58- The ….. of objects and the …….. between them affect the gravity force
a- Mass – color
b- Distance – mass
c- Mass – distance
d- Volume – distance
59- Magnets can be made of ………..
a- Copper
b- Glass
c- Iron
d- Plastic
60- ……… is a magnetic material that is attracted to the magnet
a- Copper
b- Iron
c- Gold
d- Wood
61- When we put a piece of aluminum foil close to magnet, it will ……..
a- Be attracted to the magnet
b- Be a magnet
c- Not attract to the magnet
d- Repel with the magnet

Mr Brain Academy 01069752133

62- Magnet affects certain objects like ……….. when they locate in its magnetic
a- Wood and steel
b- Nickel and plastic
c- Iron and copper
d- Cobalt and steel
63- Generators are used in ………
a- Building houses and heating water
b- Lighting houses and operating electric devices
c- Producing sound energy
d- Generating thermal energy
64- …………. Are used to spin the magnet in the generator to produce electricity
a- Water and winds
b- Light and sound
c- Electricity and sound
d- Sound and heat
65- The source of electricity in any electric circuit may be ………
a- A metal wire
b- A switch
c- A battery
d- An electric lamp

Mr Brain Academy 01069752133

66- When the switch is turned off, it ……….. the circuit, so the electric current
a- Open – will flow through
b- Open – will not flow through
c- Close – will pass through
d- Close – will not pass through
67- The internal switch on a ……….. can be used in the refrigerator to adjust its
a- Battery
b- Thermostat
c- Light bulb
d- Wall socket
68- When electric current flows through your body it ………
a- Causes an electric shock
b- Increasing your mass
c- Decreasing the water level in your body
d- Doesn’t affect your body
69- ……… is a material that can’t allow electric current to flow through
a- Iron
b- Copper
c- Plastic
d- Cobalt

Mr Brain Academy 01069752133

70- the electric wires are covered with ……. as it is …………
a- copper – good conductor of electricity
b- plastic – bad conductor of electricity
c- iron – strong material
d- plastic – electric conductor
71- which of the following is a poor conductor of electricity and is used to coat
wires? ………..
a- a conductor
b- insulator
c- a switch
d- a battery
72- electricity can flow through …………
a- electric conductors
b- electric insulator
c- wooden bar
d- an eraser
73- ……….. can be found in toasters and ……….
a- Microwaves – electric stoves
b- Resistors – electric stoves
c- Electric stove – resistors
d- Microwaves – electric resistors

Mr Brain Academy 01069752133

74- In a ……….., the electric current can flow through different branches
a- Series circuit
b- Parallel circuit
c- Resistor
d- Microwave
75- Scientists use a ………. To detect the flow of small electric currents
a- Generator
b- Galvanometer
c- Battery
d- Switch
76- All of the following are from the properties of the parallel electric circuit,
except …………
a- All components are connected together
b- Electric current pass in one loop only
c- We can turn off or remove one light bulb without affecting the other
light bulbs
d- Electric current flow through different branches
77- The ……… is a muscle that beats inside the human body to push the blood to
all body parts
a- Stomach
b- Brain
c- Heart
d- Hair

Mr Brain Academy 01069752133

78- the artificial pacemaker is inserted into the ……… of the human body
a- brain
b- chest
c- legs
d- hands
79- The molecules is composed of very small particles called ………
a- Cells
b- Atoms
c- Mixture
d- compound
80- both ……….. and ……….. are examples of liquid matter
a- water – milk
b- water – wood
c- water – copper
d- oil – paper
81- thermal energy affects ……… and ………… of a matter
a- temperature – state
b- temperature – color
c- color – taste
d- color – smell

Mr Brain Academy 01069752133

82- on boiling water inside a kettle, …………
a- water particles will move faster
b- water particles will move slower
c- thermal energy of water will decrease
d- thermal energy of water will not change
83- heat transfers from ……….
a- A cold object to an object that has the same temperature
b- A hot object to an object that has the same temperature
c- A cold object to a hot object
d- A hot object to a cold object
84- When the molecules of a substance gain thermal energy, their total kinetic
energy ………. And the temperature of substance
a- Decrease – decreases
b- Increase – increases
c- Decrease – increases
d- Increase – decreases
85- Boiling point of a substance is the temperature at which ………. Changes into
a- Solid – liquid
b- Liquid – gas
c- Gas – liquid
d- Liquid – solid

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86- Changing from gas to liquid is called ……….
a- Melting
b- Evaporation
c- Condensation
d- Freezing
87- in which state(s) of matter are the molecules away from each other ? ………..
a- solid
b- gas
c- solid and liquid
d- solid and gas
88- water molecules have the lowest kinetic energy when it is in the form of
a- ice
b- water drops
c- water vapor
d- steam
89- objects with more thermal energy have …………. Kinetic energy
a- more
b- less
c- the same
d- no

Mr Brain Academy 01069752133

90- on a very hot summer morning, water on the ground may turn into water
vapor, this change is called …….
a- Melting
b- Evaporation
c- Freezing
d- Condensation
91- When the temperature of a rod of iron is increased, ………..
a- Its length increases
b- Its length decreases to its half
c- Its length doesn’t change
d- Its length decreases to its quarter
92- As a result of heat flow through metals, they …………
a- Expand
b- Contract
c- Get smaller
d- Are not affected
93- When a thermometer is placed in a cup of iced water, the liquid inside the
thermometer ………. Due to its …………
a- Goes down – expansion
b- Rises up – expansion
c- Goes down – contraction
d- Rises up – contraction

Mr Brain Academy 01069752133

94- During melting process, matter starts to change from ……. State to ……….
a- Solid – liquid
b- Liquid – solid
c- Liquid – gas
d- Solid – gas
95- By increasing the temperature of a substance, its molecules move …………
each other and the spaces between them ………..
a- Farther away – increase
b- Nearer to – increase
c- Farther away – decrease
d- Farther away – decrease
96- A tightly closed metal lid of a glass bottle can be opened more easily if it is
put in ………. For some time
a- Cold water
b- Iced water
c- Cold vinegar
d- Hot water
97- Engineers leave ………. Between railroad tracks
a- Small spaces
b- Very large spaces
c- Large spaces
d- No spaces

Mr Brain Academy 01069752133

98- If heat transfers to a lower temperature object, its molecules will ………
a- Stop moving
b- Move slower
c- Move faster
d- Not be affected
99- The handle of an electric iron is made of ………….
a- Iron
b- Thermal insulator material
c- Metal
d- Thermal conductor material
100- If you stand on hot sand in bare feet, you will feel the hotness of the sand
because …………
a- Heat transfers from your leg to sand
b- Heat transfers from sand to your leg
c- Your legs are hotter than sand
d- Your legs and sand have the same temperature
101- The average temperature is almost ……….. the final temperature of the
mixture of two substances with different temperatures at the thermal
a- More than
b- Less than
c- Equal to
d- Double

Mr Brain Academy 01069752133

102- The final temperature of two mixed substance with different temperature is
less than that of the …….. substance and greater than the ………… substance
a- Hotter – cooler
b- Cooler – hotter
c- Bigger – smaller
d- Smaller – bigger
103- The measuring unit of heat is called ………
a- Calorie
b- at flow
c- Sound equilibrium
d- Thermal equilibrium
104- Heat is transferred by convection through …………
a- Solids only
b- Solids and gases
c- Space only
d- Liquid and gases
105- Meteorologists are scientists who study …………
a- Weather
b- Rocks
c- Water
d- Cells

Mr Brain Academy 01069752133

106- Heat is transferred through copper and iron by ……….
a- Radiation only
b- Radiation and convection
c- Conduction only
d- Conduction and convection
107- All the following materials are considered thermal conductors, except ……….
a- Copper
b- Iron
c- Wood
d- Aluminum
108- Matter ………., it just changes from one state to another
a- Neither be created nor destroyed
b- Can be created and destroyed
c- Can’t be created but destroyed
d- Can be created but can’t be destroyed
109- Matter can be changed from one state to another, …………..
a- By losing the thermal energy only
b- By gaining the thermal energy only
c- By losing or gaining the thermal energy
d- By keeping the thermal energy without change

Mr Brain Academy 01069752133

110- The mass of a substance doesn’t change when this substance changes from
one state into another, this is the law of conservation of ………….
a- Mass
b- Energy
c- Volume
d- State
111- Due to the friction between a moving abject and a flat road the …….. energy
of the moving objects changes into …………. Energy
a- Kinetic – thermal
b- Thermal – kinetic
c- Potential – thermal
d- Kinetic – potential
112- If there are a small car and a truck move down on the same ramp, …………
a- The car moves faster than the truck
b- The car and the truck move with the same speed
c- The truck moves slower than the car
d- The truck moves faster than the car
113- When a marble goes down on a ramp, its stored potential energy …………..
a- Increases
b- Doesn’t change
c- Changes into kinetic energy
d- Changes into light energy

Mr Brain Academy 01069752133

114- To make clothes we can use……….
a- Steel
b- Concrete
c- Hard fabric
d- Flexible fabric
115- To make bridges we can use ………….
a- Flexible fabric
b- Concrete
c- Smart clothes
d- Glass
116- All the following are properties of petroleum, except …………
a- It is a liquid material
b- If often resists burning
c- It burns easily
d- It is an original material of plastic
117- All the following materials are liquid materials, except ………….
a- Petroleum
b- Glass before cooling
c- Plastic
d- Concrete before drying

Mr Brain Academy 01069752133

118- All the following are properties of smart clothes, except they …………..
a- Control your body temperature
b- Are made of concrete
c- Light up in the dark
d- Keep themselves clean

Question2: put (true) or (false)

1- all living organisms are similar in that they are made up of one cell only (F )
2- all animal cells have a nucleus (F )
3- cell is the building unit of both living organisms and non-living things ( F)
4- the cells that build up a fish body are similar to that of onion plant ( F)
5- Robert Hooke used his microscope to observe cells of some samples of
plant parts ( T)
6- All objective lenses of microscope have the same focusing power (F )
7- We can see the examined sample in bigger size when using the high-power
objective lens (T)
8- Respiratory system consists of a group of different organs that do the
function of respiration process (T )
9- Chloroplasts are found in the cells of banana plant leaves (T )
10- The cells of monkey are surrounded by cell wall from outside (F )
11- There is one big vacuole in the cell of onion plant ( T)
12- Chlorophyll is responsible for absorbing the energy of sunlight to make the
food of plants ( T)
13- Exoskeleton gives some insects their shapes (T )
14- Cell biologists are scientists who study rocks ( F)
15- Cells are usually clear and colorless, so it is easy to see their structures
under microscope ( F)
16- In dangerous situations, nervous system only allows your body to face the
danger (F )
17- Nutrients reach the nerve cells which found in your hand by the help of
circulatory system ( T)
18- A group of different tissues can form a system (F )

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19- The muscle is formed from bundles of muscle tissues (T )
20- The forearm moves up towards your shoulder when the muscle in front of
the upper arm contract (T )
21- Musculoskeletal system consists of muscles and bones only (F )
22- Cardiac muscles are considered as voluntary muscles (F )
23- Cardiac muscles contract and relax all the time without stopping (T )
24- Endocrine system secretes hormones that control the increasing of your
breathing rate during danger (T)
25- Trachea is the only airway through which oxygen passes to reach the lungs
26- Blood transports oxygen gas only to all the body organs and tissues (F)
27- Digestion begins when the food enters esophagus (F )
28- Absorption of digested food starts in the small intestine (T )
29- Glycogen is converted into glucose and stored in liver and muscles (F )
30- The main waste product which is expelled by respiratory system is the urea
( F)
31- Nephron helps in the filtration of blood from urea (T )
32- Blood cells and proteins are too small, so they can pass through the
nephrons of kidneys (F )
33- Kidneys are considered as a filtering system for the blood (T )
34- Proteins can pass through nephrons during filtration of blood in the two
kidneys (F )
35- The two kidneys remove waste materials from undigested food which come
out in the form of urine (F )
36- Pancreas secretes hormone to regulate sugar level in the blood (T )
37- The body uses sugar to get its needed energy (T )
38- Researchers are working to develop an artificial pancreas instead of the
insulin pump device ( T)
39- Electric circuit is the path for electricity that consists of many components
that work together as one system (T )
40- Earth attracts all objects on its surface due to its great mass (T )
41- Magnetism is an attraction or a repulsion force, while gravity is a repulsion
force only ( F)
42- The magnet has a force called magnetism ( T)

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43- All materials can be attracted to the magnet ( F)
44- Cobalt is an example of magnetic materials (T )
45- The magnetic objects are attracted to the magnet at any distance from the
magnet (F )
46- A piece of aluminum foil and a plastic spoon will be attracted to the magnet
(F )
47- Electricity can be produced from magnetism (T )
48- To make electric current flow through a circuit, all components must be
connected to each other (T )
49- The thermostat in a refrigerator contains an automatic switch ( T)
50- Copper, aluminum and rubber are electric conductors (F )
51- All metals are electric insulators (F )
52- Electric current can flow through all materials (F)
53- Electric insulators only allow electric current to pass through them (F )
54- Materials made of metals can conduct electricity (T )
55- Glass is a good conductor of electricity, while water is a bad conductor of
electricity (F )
56- The materials that are used to connect the components of the electric
circuit are called electric insulator (F )
57- The electric insulators keep us safe from getting shocked by the electric
current ( T)
58- The electric devices in houses are connected in series circuit ( F)
59- When a magnet is placed at rest away from copper coil, an electric current
will be produced ( F)
60- By increasing the number of loops in any coil and moving a magnet inside it
rapidly, the amount of generated electric current will decrease (F )
61- The heart is important in our body as it helps in food digestion (F )
62- Scientists use an artificial pacemaker to stimulate the heart muscle to beat
regularly ( T)
63- Matter can be changed from one state to another ( T)
64- Almost all matter contain thermal energy ( T)
65- Substances in gas form have the least thermal energy (F )
66- Gases have variable shape and volume (T )
67- Heat flows from a hotter substances to a colder substance ( T)

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68- Molecules of solids move faster than molecules of liquids (F )
69- The transformation of solid to liquid is called melting and the reverse
process is called freezing (T )
70- Hot water molecules have more kinetic energy than cold water (T )
71- Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules of
a matter (T )
72- Kinetic energy is the energy of motion (T )
73- When an object gains heat, its temperature increases and its state may
change (T )
74- The main idea to make a thermometer is changing the volume of liquid
inside it according to the temperature ( T)
75- If it is hard to open the lid of the jar, we need to pour cold water on the lid
of the jar to open it easily (F )
76- When a substance expands, its volume increases (T )
77- Substances change from liquid state into gas state during evaporation
process ( T)
78- Expansion and contraction of matter occur due to changes in temperature
(T )
79- When a liquid is cooled, it may change into gas ( F)
80- Without leaving spaces between railroad tracks, train accidents may occur
( T)
81- When objects with the same temperature touch each other, heat transfer
takes place ( F)
82- The molecules of the hotter object move slower than that of the cooler
object (F )
83- Plastic resists the transfer of thermal energy ( T)
84- After mixing two substances with different temperatures the molecules
movement of the cooler substance becomes slower (F )
85- The temperature of a hotter substance increases after it is mixed with a
cooler substance ( F)
86- When kinetic energy of molecules decreases, they vibrate slower ( T)
87- When you boil water in a pot, hotter water moves up while cooler water
moves down ( T)
88- Metals such as copper and iron allow heat to travel freely through them ( T)

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89- Matter can’t be changed from one form to another (F )
90- The mass of chocolate bar before melting equals to its mass after melting
(T )
91- If you put some juice in a freezer it changes into gaseous state and its mass
doesn’t change (F )
92- The temperature increases when we go far away the source of heat ( F)
93- A heavier object moves faster than a lighter object when they go down on
the same ramp ( T)
94- A moving car has potential energy, while stopping car has kinetic energy
( F)
95- Flexible fabric is used in making cloth ( T)
96- Smart clothes can control the temperature of the human body (T )
97- Studying chemical structure of any material help us to know its properties
( T)
98- Concrete becomes a liquid material after it dries (F )
99- Plastic often resists burning (T )

Question3: Write the scientific term

1- The main building unit of the living organisms’ body that can do all vital
processes (Cell)
2- A device that is used to see the structure of living organisms’ cells
3- Living organisms which contain cell wall is the structure of their cells and
most of them have a green color (plant cells)
4- They are living organisms that their bodies consist of one cell only
(unicellular organisms)
5- They are living organisms that their bodies consist of many cells
(multicellular organisms)
6- It is the structure which surrounds the animal cell from outside
(cell membrane)
7- They are different tiny structures inside the cell and each type of them has a
special function (organelles)
8- An organelle which helps in packing and transporting different materials
between the cells and out of the cell (Golgi apparatus)

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9- It surrounds the plant cell to give it a definite shape (cell wall)
10- A one big sac-like organelle in the plant cell that stores nutrients, water and
waste material (sap vacuole)
11- They are sac-like organelles that contain tiny green granules and found in
plant cells only (chloroplast)
12- They are scientists who study cells (cell biologists)
13- A stain that is used to color the nucleus of the cell in blue color
(methylene blue)
14- The microscope that helps us to see the top, sides and layers of the cell
(3D microscope)
15- They are cells in the form of long fibers to allow movement (Muscle cells)
16- It is the organ which contracts and relaxes to help in the movement of the
body (Muscle)
17- The system which helps the body to move (Musculoskeletal system)
18- They are muscles that attached to the bones of skeletal system
(skeletal muscles)
19- They are muscles that move automatically, and you cannot control their
movement (involuntary muscles)
20- A type of involuntary muscles which form the heart that contract and relax
all time without stopping (cardiac muscle)
21- It is the system that secretes hormones to control the body temperature
and the blood pressure (endocrine system)
22- It is the system which consists of lungs and other airways
(respiratory system)
23- The process of breaking down the complex food into simpler substances
(digestion process)
24- An organ in which absorption of nutrients starts (small intestine)
25- It is a system that is responsible for storing and getting rid of waste
materials produced from cells (excretory system)
26- The system that is responsible for excretion of carbon dioxide gas
(respiratory system)
27- It is the process of expelling urine from the body (urination)
28- The organ that is responsible for regulating the sugar level in blood

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29- The system which helps in regulating sugar level in the blood by secreting a
specific hormone (endocrine system)
30- A disease that is resulting from the disorder of secreting insulin hormone by
pancreas (diabetic disease)
31- The area around the magnet in which its magnetic force appears
(magnetic field)
32- The force of earth which attracts all objects on its surface to its center
33- The force that allows the magnet to attract some materials without making
direct contact (magnetism)
34- The materials that are attracted to the magnet (magnetic materials)
35- The materials that are not attracted to the magnet (nonmagnetic materials)
36- The device which changes mechanical energy into electrical energy
37- The flow of electrons through an electric wire (electric current)
38- A closed loop through which electric current can flow (electric circuit)
39- A tool in the circuit which is used to open and close the circuit (switch)
40- It is used to adjust the temperature inside some devices such as the
refrigerator (thermostat)
41- The materials that the electric charges can flow through
(electric conductor)
42- They are materials that don’t allow electric current to flow through
(electric insulators)
43- One of the components of an electric circuit that is used to limit the flow of
electricity through the circuit (resistors)
44- The type of electric circuits in which all components must be connected in
one loop (series circuit)
45- The type of electric circuits that are found in houses and help in operating
many devices at the same time (parallel circuit)
46- A device can be used to detect the flow of small electric currents
47- A muscle in the human body that beat regularly to push the blood inside
the body (heart)
48- A device inserted into the chest to stimulate the heart to beat regularly

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49- It is the smallest building unit of matter (atom)
50- The state of matter at which its particles have the most thermal energy
(gas state)
51- The process of shaping a mass of molten glass by blowing air into it through
a hollow tube (glass blowing)
52- It is the change of matter from solid state to liquid state (melting)
53- It is the change of matter from gas state to liquid state (freezing)
54- A process in which liquid molecules move faster and change to another
state (evaporation)
55- A process in which liquid molecules move slower and change to another
state (freezing)
56- A device used to measure the temperature (thermometer)
57- The increase in the volume of a material as its temperature increases
58- Joints between parts of a bridge that allow its expansion without being
damaged (expansion joints)
59- The state of matter which changes into liquid state by heating (solid)
60- It is the increase of the size of a substance due to increasing of its
temperature (expansion)
61- They are materials that allow thermal energy to transfer through
(thermal conductors)
62- Thermal insulator material used to make the handle of an electric iron
63- It occurs when heat transfer stops between two objects reach the same
temperature (thermal equilibrium)
64- It is the measurement unit of heat (calorie)
65- The way by which the heat is transferred through solids only (conduction)
66- The way by which the heat is transferred through gases and space
67- They are materials that slow down the heat transfer through them
(thermal insulators)
68- The mass of a substance doesn’t change when this substance changes from
one state into another (law of conservation of mass)

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69- A form of energy that gained or lost by the matter to change its state (heat
70- A form of energy stored in an object when it is placed on the top of a ramp
(potential energy)
71- The energy that potential energy changes into when an object moves down
on a ramp (kinetic energy)
72- The energy that kinetic energy changes into when a moving object is
affected by friction (thermal energy)
73- A type of clothes keeps themselves clean (smart clothes)
74- A material is made of a mixture of iron and other elements (steel)
75- A mixture of rock, sand and water which becomes hard after it dries
76- A material is made by chemical change of some compounds of petroleum
77- A material that is used in making shrink-Wrap (plastic)
78- A material consists of sand, limestone and soda ash (glass)

Question4: Complete
1- Human body cells need food and oxygen to get …energy……… which is
needed to do all vital processes
2- All cells allow water to go inside and outside them through …cell
3- Muscle tissue is composed of a group of …cells……... that do the same
4- Plant cell similar to animal cell in the presence of cell membrane,
mitochondria…………., …cytoplasm……..., …Golgi apparatus ………,
endoplasmic reticulum and …nucleus………
5- Mitochondria in muscle cells convert …sugar……. Inside the cells into
…enrgy……... which is needed for doing different exercises
6- Cell wall is made up of …cellulose……… and gives the plant cell its definite
7- The presence of …chlorophyl………. Pigment gives most plants their green

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8- Cells of animals do not have definite shapes due to the absence of …cell
9- The body of a bird has …bone……… that give this bird its definite shape
10- Bundles of muscle tissues are organized to form the …muscle organ……...
11- Musculoskeletal system consists of two systems which are …skeletal…….
System and …muscular ……. System that allows the …movement……… of the
12- When you push a door with your hand, the skeletal muscle that found in
your arm work in pairs and move in ……opposite…… directions
13- The muscles of heart are called …cardiac……… muscles and they are
considered as a type of …involuntary…… muscles
14- Endocrine system consists of ……glands…… which secrete …hormones……….
That control body temperature and blood …pressure…….
15- When your heart beats and breathing rate increase, your body sends more
…oxygenated……. Blood to the muscles and brain to face the danger
16- Stomach contains an …acid…… and some …enzymes……. that lead to more
food breakdown
17- Undigested food passes to …large…… intestine which absorbs most of
…waters…. from it, leaving the solid waste that is known as …stool……. or
18- Excretion process happens when …excretory………. System collects the
waste materials produced by …cells……… and expels them outside the body
19- Blood which carries waste materials reach the kidney through a large
20- Urine is composed of …urea……., other waste products and …water………
21- The gravity of earth is affected by two factors which are …mass….. and
22- Magnetism is an attraction or …repulsion………. Force, while gravity is
…attraction…….. force only
23- Magnets attract some metals, such as …iron….. , …nickel…….. and
24- If we put a wooden spoon near to a magnet it will not attract to it because
it is made of ……non magnetic….. material
25- The generator consists of large …magnets….. and …coiled wires……..

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26- The source of electricity in the electric circuit could be …battery……. Or
…wall socket………. That transfers current from power lines connected to the
27- From the components of the electric circuit …switch……., an electric power
source, …wires…….. and an electric device
28- There are materials known as …electric conductors…….. that allow electrons
to flow through such as …metals…… and …water……..
29- The electric current causes …electric shockw……. In the human body as it
contains ……water…… that is good conductor of electricity
30- Handles of screwdrivers are made of plastic as it is an electric
31- A moving magnet inside a coiled wire can generate …electricity……..
32- The electric current can flow through different branches in …parallel……
33- The heart has a natural …pacemaker….. which causing the heart to contract
34- The artificial pacemaker has a built-in …antenna…….. to send information to
35- To build a pacemaker, …battery……… , an insulated electric wire with a
coating and …motherboard……. Are needed
36- Matter consists of small building units called …molecules………., which
consist of smaller units called …atoms……..
37- Water has ……fixed……. Volume and …variable……… shape
38- As the speed of particles decreases, its thermal energy …decrease…………
39- Thermal energy transfers from one substance to another if they have
…different……. Temperatures
40- The temperature at which liquid changes into gas is known as …boiling………
41- Matter can change from liquid state to …solid……. State at low
temperatures, while it can change into …gas……… at high temperatures
42- The …melting…….. point and ……boiling……. Point are physical properties of
43- As temperature ……increases…., the kinetic energy of molecules increases
44- A drop of food coloring added to a hot cup of water will spread out
…faster... than in cold water

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45- Changing of matter from …liquid……… state to …gas……… state is called
46- The increase in the volume of a matter that occurs when heating this matter
is called …expansion………
47- By increasing the temperature of matter, the speed of its molecules
…increase…….. and the kinetic energy ……increase……..
48- Different materials ……expand…….. by heating and …contract……… by
49- Molecules of warmer matter move …faster…….. than molecules of cooler
50- The handle of cooking pot must be made of thermal …insulator……….
51- The heat is transferred from the sun to us through the space by
……radiation……., while heat is transferred through copper by
52- Plastic is a thermal …bad……… conductor of heat, while copper is a thermal
……good…….. conductor of heat
53- The mass of ice cream before melting is ………… its mass after melting
54- Matter neither be ……created……. Nor …destroyed……….., but it just
…changes……….. from one form to another
55- Smart clothes can ……light……. In the dark and keep themselves
56- Glass is a mixture of …sand……………., …limestone…………… and sodium
57- Chemical change of some compounds of petroleum is used in making

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Question 5: Give reason for:
1- You cannot see the body of bacteria with your naked eye
Because it consists of only one cell that cannot be seen by
naked eyes
2- We must rotate the coarse focus and fine focus during
examining a sample under microscope
To see a clear image for the sample under the microscope
3- Plant cells can make photosynthesis process
Because they have chloroplasts on plant cells
4- Both of endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus are
involved in transportation process inside and outside the
Because endoplasmic reticulum transports protein inside
the cell and Golgi apparatus transports different materials
between the cells and out of the cell
5- Plant cell has a definite shape
Because the plant cell is surrounded by cell wall which
gives it the definite shape
6- Muscle cells are in the form of long fibers
To allow movement
7- Cardiac muscles are considered as involuntary muscles
Because they move automatically, and you cannot control
their movement
8- Walls of small intestine contain blood vessels
To carry the nutrients to all body parts
9- The two kidneys contain many nephrons

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To filter the blood and remove harmful substances from
the body
10- Blood cells and proteins can’t pass through the kidney’s
Because blood cells and proteins are large
11- Wood and copper are not attracted to the magnet
Because they are non-magnetic materials
12- The electric circuit must contain a battery
Because it is the source of electricity
13- All metals are considered as electric conductors
Because they allow the flow of electric current easily
14- Most electric wires are covered with rubber or plastic
Because they are bad conductors of electricity to protect
people from electric shock
15- Some electric circuits contain resistors
To slow the flow of electrons through the electric circuit to
prevent its components from damage
16- In the parallel circuit, we can turn off or remove one light
bulb while the other light bulb will remain lit
Because in parallel circuit, the electric current flows along
different branches
17- The heart has a natural pacemaker
To create electrical currents causing the heart to contract
18- Ice melts when it is put in a hot cooking pan
Because heat flow from the hotter substance (pan) to the
colder substance (ice)
19- Engineers use expansion points in the designing of bridges

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To keep bridges safe from buckling when they expand at
high temperatures
20- The size of a balloon decreases if it is subjected to a cold
Because the air inside it contracts by cooling
21- The handle of an electric iron is made of plastic
Because plastic is a thermal insulator than does not allow
heat to transfer
22- Heat transfer stops after a while between two mixed
substances with different temperatures
Because they reach the same temperature at thermal
23- Decreasing of mass of popcorn grains which have some
moisture, after cooking them
Because of the evaporation of the water during cooking
pop corn
24- A truck is faster than a small car, when both of them move
down on the same ramp
Because the truck has mass more than the small car, so the
truck gains more kinetic energy
25- Scientists should study the structure of molecules of
different materials
To understand their chemical structures that help in
understanding their properties

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Question6: What happens if …?
1- There is much water enters the cell
The cell will swell until it bursts
2- Sugar does not reach mitochondria inside a cell
Mitochondria cannot make cellular respiration and cannot
provide the cell with its needed energy
3- The animal cell is surrounded by cell wall
The animal cell will have a definite shape
4- We stain a sample of cheek cells with methylene blue dye
We can see the nucleus of cheek cells as a blue area
5- The lungs when the diaphragm muscle contracts
The lungs take in the air rich in oxygen gas
6- Pancreas and gallbladder do not secrete their enzymes in
small intestine
The chemical breakdown of food will not happen
7- The blood doesn’t pass through the two kidneys during its
circulation inside the human body
The blood will not be filtered from the waste materials and
the body will get sick
8- Pancreas doesn’t make its function correctly
The person will be infected with diabetes disease
9- The force of gravity if the distance between the object and
Earth’s center increases
The gravity will decrease

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10- Large magnets spin at a high speed, around coiled wires
The spinning magnets create electrical charges on the
coiled wires and electricity is produced
11- The switch is closed in the electric circuit
The electric circuit will be closed, so the electric current
flows through the circuit
12- The state of glass when it is heated at very high
It changes from solid state to liquid state
13- You heat a piece of butter (according to change of state)
It changes from solid state into liquid state
14- The level of alcohol inside a thermometer if we put it
inside hot water
It will rise up
15- The size of an inflated balloon if it is put in hot weather
Its size will increase
16- The kinetic energy of molecules of a matter when it
becomes warmer
the kinetic energy will increase
17- Increasing the time of contact between two objects with
different temperatures
Speed of temperature increases
18- The mass of a piece of butter after melting it
the mass does not change
19- The stored energy of a stopped object when it moves
down on a slide
stored potential energy changes into kinetic energy

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20- Mixing rock, sand and water together
concrete is formed

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