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SOE11157: Assessment 2

Assessment type: Individual coursework report based on a case study

Submission deadline: 21st April 2024, 11:59 PM

Word limit: 2500 words (plus or minus 5% deviation is allowed)

Assessment 2 is an individual piece of work. You will be writing a report based on the
Panasonic case study. The case study is about how Panasonic incorporates AI – a cutting
edge technology into its warehouse operations via their initiative Panasonic Connect Co.,
Ltd. as part of the Panasonic Group.

Assessment task: Evaluate the AI-based warehouse task optimisation technology

unveiled by Panasonic Connect through discussing operational benefits and application
challenges to Panasonic’s operations and supply chain.

Note: Late submissions will be subject to the relevant penalties outlined in the Module


Individually you will prepare a report which should include the following:

• Brief overview of Panasonic Connect and its AI-based warehouse task optimisation
• A critical analysis of the implications of current and emerging digital technologies
regarding the opportunities, constraints and challenges for the business operations
of the industry in which Panasonic operates through a critical review of the key
literature on innovative process technologies for operations and supply chain
• In the remaining part of your report, please cover the following items:
o Clearly address whether this new technology is a product or service; you can
compare it to other technologies that you have already discussed in your
o Discuss at least two relevant frameworks/models’ application in the context
under study. The frameworks/models presented on slides 7, 8, 10, 19, 20,
23 and so on in Lecture 5, and different logistics services discussed in
Lecture 6 can be used as references. You are not recommended to limit
yourself to Lecture 5 and lecture 6 content. It is also important to be able to
apply relevant concepts from other lectures.
o What further initiatives would you take, if you were the CEO of Panasonic
Connect, to improve the company's warehousing and logistics operations?
• A structured and well-presented report (Napier House Style report format is
• Appendices if available.
• Citations within the text and also references listed in the end, where a large portion
is expected to be academic peer-reviewed journals.

Success factors

There are four main criteria for success:

• Understanding - Your reports should demonstrate an understanding of OM issues.

You can best demonstrate understanding by applying concepts from the course
to the case study organisation(s).
• Substantiation - The reports should be underpinned by course material,
concepts/theory, and references. Work earning higher marks will show evidence
of additional reading around the topic chosen and tools employed. Additional
reading means going to the library – or online equivalents – and reading articles
from OM journals. What you learn is then applied explicitly in your analysis.
• Insight - Your work must demonstrate critical evaluation and insight into the
operation and relevant theory.
• Presentation - The reports should be well-structured and clearly presented.

Report specifications

• Your report should be a maximum of 2500 words excluding the title page, and
references. Sticking to a strict word limit is difficult and an important skill for you
to acquire, so make sure that you write in a concise and focused manner. It should
be typed in font size 12 and 1.5 line spacing and must be presented in portrait
format, not landscape.
• An essential feature of the report is to illustrate how theoretical constructs or
models can help to explain the actions of organisations in practice. You are
therefore advised to read widely. In fact, unless you have read and referenced a
minimum of 15-20 discrete academic references, it is unlikely that you have done
sufficient reading. Multiple versions of the same book or referencing individual
chapters will not count as multiple sources. Beware of sources from the Internet
(no Wikipedia or blogs): apart from reputable and academic references that can
be downloaded through the Internet, most Internet references are not considered
reliable for an academic piece of work. Academic journals generally offer a better
source than textbooks.
• APA referencing system is a requirement in The Business School. This requires
you to state the surname of the author(s) in the text of your report, followed by a
comma and year of publication, e.g.: “Kraljic (1983) states that….” If you use direct
quotes, then the page number should follow e.g.: Kraljic (1983: pp. 112) states
that “The profit impact of a given supply item can be defined in terms of volume
purchased, percentage of total purchase cost or impact on product quality or
business growth”. Failure to reference properly constitutes a violation of the
university regulations, i.e. plagiarism, and is a serious offence.
• Plagiarism is not acceptable! Students’ work must be the students’ own work.
Other author’s work (journals, books, white papers) must be acknowledged when
it appears in your submission. Plagiarism is academic misconduct and appropriate
action will be taken against students submitting plagiarised work. See the
referencing guidelines contained within the assessment folder which provide full
details of not only how to reference in the required style but also discuss

Fail (0-30%) Basic (40-49%) Average (50-59%) Good (60-69%) Excellent (70%+)
criteria (Report)
Poor layout and
Work requires an Structure supports work
presentation, lacks Well-structured
improved structure and Some structural work would presented but potential
Presentation structure. Clear
presentation. Minor better refine the submission for further refinement.
presentation with a clear
(10%) errors with layout. No errors in
grammar and spelling to improve flow of work. No spelling/grammar
grammar and grammar and spelling.
errors evident. errors.
Failed to grasp the Good understanding of the
task and clearly relevant supply chain
Understanding of A strong understanding
cover areas concept across the whole Exceptionally clear and
Understanding theoretical concepts of SCM concepts. They
required. Has not submission. consistent understanding
and how SCM concepts are evaluated and
and demonstrated a
are applied in practice.
Response is critical and in-
applied, highly
of the issues and how
Substantiation critical depth level of SCM concepts apply is
Report criteria is partly consistently
(50%) understanding of understanding of SCM demonstrated across all
addressed, insufficient demonstrated across all
supply chain concepts consistently across sections.
evidence provided. sections.
concepts being all relevant areas of the
assessed. report.
Lacks critical
evaluation due to All concepts and
Some critical evaluation Excellent critically
errors in Critical where theories
and reflection due to evaluated across all
referencing. No theory/concepts are applied are critically evaluated
theory/concepts being sections.
clear definitions across all sections. across all sections.
Insight (20%) provided and/or no
applied. Limited
Referencing across all Multiple referencing
Multiple referencing
discussion of benefits across all sections to
analysis discussing sections to support across all
and limitations of support arguments
benefits and arguments made. sections to support
concepts. made.
limitations of arguments made.
High level of precise detail
Fails to provide a
clearly identified and
clear and relevant Conclusions provided
Conclusions emergent from Conclusions emerge reiterated in the
conclusion to the with linkage from
Conclusions work as missing literature and practice,
previous discussion and naturally from previous conclusion and supported
(10%) clearly linked to literature discussion and linked to by evidence from external
evidence from but lacks depth and
and practice. literature and practice. literature sources.
literature and sophistication.
Indication of priorities
and challenges.
Strong evidence of a well-
Has moved well beyond
Lacks external Acceptable across Has moved well beyond the read/informed
the minimum number
resources to sections in referencing minimum number of assignment from a large
of sources and/or has
support discussion, practice with very sources and/or has compilation of material.
predominately focused
Referencing where statements minor incidences of predominately focused on
on journal articles
Has predominately
(10%) are made and not statements made and journal articles rather than focused on journal articles
rather than
supported. APA7th not supported by recommended texts to rather than
recommended texts to
limited/not external sources. support discussion. APA 7th recommended texts to
support discussion.
applied APA7th slight errors. consistent and precise. support discussion.
APA7th perfect.
APA7th perfect.

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