Golarion 101, PT 1

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This will be the first of a series of easily digestible, ever-referenceable snippets that,
taken as a whole, will become our Player’s Guide for KM:DCC. I know not everyone is
familiar with Golarion Lore, so I will be mama-bird feeding you little chunks in the
leadup to and during the game.

The Big 4 Areas I want to cover are:

1. Clerics and Deities (introducing the slight rules tweak to the cleric and the
playable pantheon of Golarion).
2. Restov and The Stolen Lands (giving you the needed backstory for the
immediate setting and time period, so you can incorporate that info into your
3. Other New Rules (The Ranger Class and Campaign Traits)
4. Kingdom Management

I plan on dropping all the info for the first 3 points before our first session,
and then the Kingdom Management rules prior to your founding it. Without further
ado, let’s get it…

Clerics play a large part in Kingmaker, and not just because of the whole healing
deal, but because your choice of deity may end up affecting your kingdom in some

In addition, Clerics in KM:DCC gain an additional Special Boon, in exchange for a

smaller array of Holy Weapons and Unholy Creatures.

In order to best illustrate an example of this, let’s introduce two of the major
playable deities in the Golarion pantheon, ABADAR and ERASTIL. Though both
Lawful deities, they represent diametrically opposed concepts. Let’s start with the
bling, the Golden One...the Keeper of the Key, the God of Civilization himself,

As the God of Progress, Abadar represents cities, banks, wealth and technology, and
the positive aspects thereof, in addition to those listed in his KM:DCC SRD below.
His symbol is a golden key, and his clerics often emboss their armor with golden

Damn, that is one full collection plate to start with! Their temples often serve a dual
purpose as a banking institution! Imagine if the Vatican gave auto loans! With the
addition of the Light Crossbow as a Holy Weapon, Clerics of Abadar can take a back
line approach and utilize a high AGI score. With ranged smite attacks, a grip of cash,
and a spate of enemies that one most certainly will encounter in the Stolen Lands,
Clerics of Abadar are prepared to plant the roots of civilization in the wild untamed
lands of Golarion.

And speaking of Lawful deities with ranged smite attacks, next up is Erastil, God of
The Hunt!

Ol’ Deadeye, as he is known to many, is an ancient deity that has persisted since the
old days of Golarion and may be the oldest on the list. Erastil represents the family,
the hearth, the tribal village...his purview is that of the bow and the knife, the rod
and the hook, and the barter system. He is most often depicted as a humanoid
figure with the head of an antlered deer drawing a large longbow.

Clerics of Erastil are often among the leaders of their villages or settlements, but
have been known to become hermits or nomads, often travelling with Rangers and
joining forces to expel bandits. In addition, they are often master huntsmen. To
reflect this, the cleric gains the following profile:
Borrowing a skill from the new Ranger class make this Cleric a valuable asset to any
exploration party. The Unholy Creatures are ones most likely to cause issues to
deep forest exploration, and with the longbow and handaxe Holy Weapons will be
sure to keep them at bay.

Though these two deities represent the Law side of the spectrum, what happens
when Abadar’s glittering progress and bustling civilization butts up against the
pastoral settlement and old-world traditions of Erastil?

Both make great choices for a Cleric in Kingmaker: DCC!

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