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Indigenous-led collaborative empowering

communities through projects and education.

Harvest of All First Nations (HAFN) is focused on Indige-
nous-led reparations, rematriation, and Earth-based
decolonization for the benefit of BIPOC+ communities
for cultural education and health equity. HAFN is a
grassroots community-based organization guided by the
council of leaders creating change in BIPOC+ and
underserved communities in the Denver/ Boulder Front
Range, and beyond.

Our vision is to see measurable systemic changes in
BIPOC+ and underserved communities by facilitating
Indigenous Led Rematriation through TEK, and shi�ts in DONATE & LEARN MORE HERE:
power through BIPOC+ and namely Indigenous represen-
tation in land access initiatives, public & private regula-
tory decision making councils, public & private educatio- HARVEST OF ALL FIRST NATIONS
nal sectors, and underserved community empowerment
education initiatives.
2824 Cordry Ct. Boulder CO, 80303
Indigenous-led collaborative empowering
communities through projects and education.
postpartum care is a critical step towards honest reconciliation, principals to the front of our curriculum. v�rough the lens of
� e An n ual C orn Fe s t i v a l addressing the ongoing legacy of colonization, and the continued harm
caused to Indigenous communities and people of the global majority
educational teachings, workshops, land acknowledgements and equity
consultancy based on ancestral wisdom we utilizing diverse
Harvest of All First Nations’ Annual Corn Festival is a gathering for Indigenous worldviews to create equity within our communities as we
BIPOC+ peoples, leaders, and supporters, aiming to inspire the connect to the natural world; using an interactive experience that will
a w pc @ h a f nco.o rg
creation and development of BIPOC+ seed-sharing and traditional further the understanding of the Natural World beyond the boundaries
crop-growing networks. It provides a celebratory space for cultural of conventional Western ecological paradigms, and in the process,
ceremonies, financial and cultural exchanges, sharing, and learning,
with a specific focus on three sisters' crops and Traditional Ecological
F o o d Ju sti c e & expand and deepen the relationship with all the communities of life.
�e program will explain the importance of social, cultural and land
Knowledge (TEK). �e festival aims to regenerate culture and ecology
by reconnecting BIPOC+ communities with traditional foodways and
So v er ei g n ty P r o g r a m rematriation while accessing di�ferent areas of land in program tours
so there is a somatic experience to the knowledge that will be acquire.
regenerative agricultural systems, bringing awareness to cultural and
land rematriation and reclamation. Information exchange inspires
(F JS) We bring the voice of Indigenous representation to be included in
spaces where equity has to take place while developing partnership
cooperative projects for empowerment, education, and land with other organizations that open up and honor the original People’s
rematriation, emphasizing the interconnectedness of people, plants, �e Food Justice and Sovereignty Program integrates Traditional Lands.
and food. Harvested fruits, vegetables, herbs and over a thousand Ecological Knowledge (TEK) into actionable methods recognized as
pounds of corn are distributed during the festival. We contribute to the permaculture and biodynamic practices. At the heart of our initiative ce s j@h a fn
creation of a local seed-sharing network by providing community is the commitment to creating food sovereignty, fostering a
members with access to free produce alongside traditional foodway
skills and Traditional Ecological Knowledge. To minimize waste, the
reconnection to cultural original foods and facilitating health at
emotional, physical and mental levels. Our goal is to provide access to S o l idarit y An t i-Racis m
festival is a zero-waste event. All workshops and the market are led by
BIPOC+ representatives, o�fering various themes and interactive
nutritious, organic food while breaking free from historical paradigms
and empowering individuals to embrace food culture and Learn in g P ro gram
experiences, ensuring the community has a cultural impact on their
way of life and approach to culture and land care. Indigenous
By reintroducing people to their cultural roots, we strive to reestablish a (S ARLP )
representatives from other tribal nations are invited to lead workshops, profound connection that extends beyond sustenance, nurturing
overall well-being. Under the umbrella of economic justice, we provide Our learning program is a series of 6 monthly learning sessions
with stipends and travel reimbursements.
stipends, ensuring that participants have opportunities to engage and designed to educate communities and institutions about racism and
cornfest i va l @ h a fn co.o r g reconnect with the land. Our program o�fers insights into both urban dismantling internal and external systems of oppression, and white
and rural farming environments, cultivating a sense of community supremacy. �is learning program is designed to help leaders and
and empowerment. �rough the reclamation of food culture and the community members develop the anti-racist capacities to act in
empowerment of individuals to cultivate their own sustenance, we are solidarity with First Nations, people of color, and people impacted by
Ance s t ral fostering self-sustainability. �is transformative journey not only poverty. Participants will explore the ongoing impacts of colonization
involves growing food but also reclaiming the narratives that have been and unconscious bias looking specifically at the ways they show up as
Womb & P os t p art u m historically intertwined with oppression. obstacles in even well-intentioned e�forts at anti-racism and
community work. �e workshops are co-created and co-facilitated by
C are Prog ram ( AW P C ) F JS @ h a f nco.o r g
Harvest of All First Nations and Betsy Gonzalez Blohm. �e intention
of this training is to dismantle white supremacy systems, and the
original target population is to those identified as "white bodies", or in
�e AWPC Program brings healing treatments as well as reproductive
and emotional health education and support
C u l tu r a l E d u c a ti o n an d representation of white supremacy institutions. Harvest of All First
Nations invites you to attend our workshop for allies, collaborators,
to communities in Denver/ Boulder Front Range and Native American
Reservations. (Description pulled from HAFN + CRMC websites) Our
E n v i r o n m en ta l Ju stice and sponsors as an action of participatory reparations, and
cross-cultural healing. We are grateful for each community member,
Indigenous-led program revitalizes traditional midwifery and womb
care ceremonies for people of the Global Majority within Colorado and
P r o g r a m (C E SJ) and this opportunity to create healthy communication and space for
education in the way of connecting across cultural barriers as we move
the Wind River reservation, territory of Cheyenne, Ute, Shoshone, and �is program is a living collaboration between Indigenous Relations towards co-creation for wellness, and equity in our overall
Arapaho peoples. Our womb care o�ferings include healing postpartum Consultants (IRC), partner organizations, educational and communities! �is work allows nonprofits to collaborate and operate in
treatments (Cerrada de Caderas/Closing of Bones ceremony), governmental institutions. Our mission is to decolonize conventional solidarity towards collective liberation.
culturally preserving womb education for youth (Coming of Age and ways of learning and knowing by applying Indigenous Traditional
Moontime circles), elder facilitated hands-on bodywork, herbal Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and Environmental and Social Justice
training, and communal care. Investing in Indigenous womb and s a rlp@h a fn

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