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IP Tool Manual

Issue 3
Author: Tend Technical Publications
Issue: 3
Date: 04/05/2011
Part Number: TE200638
Copyright: © 2011 Honeywell Technologies Sàrl, ECC Division. All rights reserved.
This manual contains proprietary information that is protected by copyright. No part of this manual may be
reproduced, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, translated into any language or computer language, or
transmitted in any form whatsoever without the prior consent of the publisher.
Manufactured for and on behalf of the Environmental and Combustion Controls Division of Honeywell
Technologies Sàrl, ZA, La Pièce, 16, 1180 Rolle, Switzerland by its Authorized Representative, Trend Control
Systems Limited.
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Table of Contents

1 ABOUT THIS MANUAL ................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Conventions Used in this Manual ................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 Contacting Trend.......................................................................................................................................... 5

2 ABOUT IPTOOL .............................................................................................................................................. 7

2.1 The IPTool Window..................................................................................................................................... 7

3 INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................................ 11

4 USING IPTOOL ............................................................................................................................................. 13

4.1 Main Functions .......................................................................................................................................... 13
4.1.1 Check Group Settings ..................................................................................................................... 13
4.1.2 Configure Address Settings ............................................................................................................ 14
4.1.3 Discover IQ System Ethernet Products on a Network Segment ..................................................... 16
4.2 Minor Functions ......................................................................................................................................... 17
4.2.1 Check a Device is Reachable .......................................................................................................... 17
4.2.2 Clear the List of Devices................................................................................................................. 17
4.2.3 Copy Settings to Other Devices ...................................................................................................... 17
4.2.4 Create a TUA for a Virtual CNC .................................................................................................... 17
4.2.5 Disconnect from the Network ......................................................................................................... 17
4.2.6 Address IQ3 Controllers ................................................................................................................. 18
4.2.7 Hide Information............................................................................................................................. 21
4.2.8 Load Data........................................................................................................................................ 22
4.2.9 Make the Physical Connections ...................................................................................................... 22
4.2.10 Refresh the List of Trend Devices .................................................................................................. 22
4.2.11 Run IPTool...................................................................................................................................... 23
4.2.12 Save Data ........................................................................................................................................ 23
4.2.13 Set up a Device to use a DHCP Server ........................................................................................... 24
4.2.14 Set up a Standalone Device............................................................................................................. 24
4.2.15 Set up the Remote Trend Devices Table ......................................................................................... 24
4.2.16 Set Up Virtual CNCs ...................................................................................................................... 25
4.2.17 Use the Default Settings.................................................................................................................. 27
4.2.18 View an IQ3 Controller's Web Pages ............................................................................................. 28
4.2.19 View Devices Using the Same UDP Port Number ......................................................................... 28
4.2.20 View Remote Trend Devices .......................................................................................................... 28
4.2.21 View Specific IQ System Devices .................................................................................................. 29

INDEX........................................................................................................................................................................ 31

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Table of Contents

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4 IP Tool Manual TE200638 Issue 3, 04-May-2011

About This Manual


This manual applies to IPTool version 1.5. It is designed to help you become familiar with the principles of how to
use the program to set up IQ system devices on an Ethernet network, and where necessary fault find.
It is assumed that the engineer has a good understanding of the IQ system, and IQ configuration, as well as building
control, and TCP/IP, and Ethernet.
About IPTool
This section describes IPTool.
This section describes how IPTool should be installed.
Using IPTool
This section provides a description of how to perform all the functions.
1.1 Conventions Used in this Manual
There are numerous items and instructions in this manual, the conventions below are designed to make it quick and
easy to find and understand the information.
 Menu commands are in bold type.
 Buttons, and options in dialogue box that you need to select are in bold type.
 The names of text boxes and dialogue boxes are in bold type.
 Key combinations that you should press appear in normal type. If joined with a plus sign (+), press and
hold the first key while you press the remaining one(s). For example CTRL+P indicates holding down the
control key while pressing P.
 Text you should enter is in Italic type.
1.2 Contacting Trend
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About This Manual

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6 IP Tool Manual TE200638 Issue 3, 04-May-2011

About IPTool

IPTool is a software tool for use when initially setting up IQ system Ethernet devices. It is also useful for fault
finding IQ networks running over Ethernet.
IPTool is able to communicate with IQ3 controllers, 3xtend/EINC L, EINC version 4.2 or greater, IQView, NXIP,
NXNI, and other new generation IQ system Ethernet networked products on the same network segment. IPTool v1.4
or greater is required to set up the addressing mode of IQ3 controllers v1.3 or greater and 3xtend/EINC L v1.2 or
2.1 The IPTool Window
The IPTool Window , shown below, enables of all the IQ system Ethernet devices on a particular Ethernet network
segment to be discovered, and their network settings viewed, and set up. Once the devices have been discovered
their settings can be viewed to look for duplicate address, settings that have not been configured, or settings that are
incorrect. IPTool makes it simple to set up the address settings of IQ system Ethernet devices e.g. IQ3 controllers.
The configuration of the virtual CNCs inside these devices is made easy, and the facility to check that the CNC
exists, and create a TUA to access it reduces any errors that may otherwise occur.

The window is divided into four areas:

Devices List
The Devices List displays a list of all the IQ system Ethernet devices on the same network segment as the PC
running IPTool regardless of their IP settings. Selecting a device in the list causes it settings to be displayed in the
Editing Panel allowing them to be viewed and changed. The list contains the following columns:
Column Description
# vcncs The number of virtual CNCs that have been set up in the device.
Default Router The IP address of the device’s default router.
Ethernet status Indicates the current status of the devices Ethernet network.
Group ( udp) The UDP port used by the device to group IQ system devices on a virtual internetwork. If an
is displayed in this column the device is using the same UDP port as the selected device.
Indicates the device in standalone mode, which means that it will not communicate with any other
devices even if it is set up with the same UDP port.
Hostname The device’s hostname.
Identifier The device’s identifier as specified in its address module.
ILoop Indicates the status of the current loop network to which the device is connected.

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About IPTool

Column Description
IP address The device’s IP address. The column also displays some icons that indicate whether the device is
on the same subnet, as the PC or on a different one.
Device is on the same subnet.
Device is on a different subnet, and accessed via a router.
The PC running IP tool is on a different subnet to the device. Therefore a connection to the
devices vCNC from this PC would currently not function.
Device is using automatic addressing with no DHCP server.

If a is around any of the above icons the IP address is duplicated with another IQ system
device, it does not indicate if the IP address is duplicated with a non IQ system device.
Lan The devices Lan number.
Mac address The device’s MAC address. The column also displays icons that indicate the device type. A
indicates that the device is one imported from a file created in SET. An indicates that the
device is one imported from a file created by IPTool.
Mode Indicates whether any configuration has been carried out on the device. indicates that the
device is locked and IPTool is unable to make any changes. A indicates that the device is in
factory mode, and should be returned to the factory. A indicates that the device is set to use
automatic addressing therefore its address settings may change.
Node The device’s network address.
Remote Trend The IP addresses or host names of any IQ system devices on other network segments that the
Devices device can communicate with.
State/age The time of the last message received from the device. The column also displays some icons that
indicate the state. A indicates that the data is uptodate, and a indicates that IPTool is busy
obtaining information from the device.
Subnet Mask The device’s subnet mask.
Type The type of device.
vcnc data The network settings of the virtual CNCs that have been set up in the device.
Ver The version of firmware in the device.
WINS Server The IP address of the WINS server.
Note that not all parameters are supported by all devices. IPTool will prevent adjustment of parameters not
supported by a particular device.
Editing Panel
The Editing Panel contains the various settings that relate to the device selected in the Devices List. If information
in the Devices List for the selected device is uptodate a tick is displayed next to the identifier box the device is busy
obtaining information an hourglass is displayed. The table below lists the settings that are displayed.

Setting Description
default router The IP address of the router that is to be used by the device as the default router.
device mac The device’s MAC address.
device mode Indicates the device is network, or standalone. Whether its IP settings are automatically set up
(DHCP), and whether it is locked.
Hostname The device’s hostname.
identifier The device’s identifier
inet group (UDP The UDP port used by the device to communicate with other IQ system devices as a virtual
port) internetwork.
Ip address The device’s IP address.
lan The device’s Lan number.
Lock for Editing Indicates whether the information in the list has been locked to prevent it being refreshed
while it is being edited.
node The device’s network address.

8 IP Tool Manual TE200638 Issue 3, 04-May-2011

About IPTool

Setting Description
remote Trend Contains the IP addresses and subnet mask of the devices in the Remote Trend Devices Table.
subnet mask The device’s subnet mask.
type The device type.
virtual CNCs The network settings of the virtual CNCs that have been set up in the device.
Message Time The time of the last message received from the device.
Status Bar
The Status Bar is located below the Toolbar. It provides information whether IPTool is connected and the last
message received and the time it was received.
The Toolbar contains a number of buttons that provide easy access to some of IPTool’s functions. The table below
lists the buttons that are available.
Button Description
Connect/Disconnect Changes between Connect, and Disconnect depending on the connection status.
Connect connects to the network, Disconnect disconnects form the network.
Search For Trend Devices Refreshes the list in the Devices List.
Request Trend Device Enables a specific IQ system device to be viewed even if it is on a different subnet to
Details By IP Address the PC running IPTool providing you know its IP address.
IQ3 Address Wizard Allows the address settings of IQ3 controllers to be automatically specified.
Save File Saves information about the set up of IQ3 controllers such as their Lan numbers, IP
address to a .mac file that can then be used by SET to update the information it stores
about the controllers, or for restoring settings after faults or failures.
Open File Enables information about the set up of IQ3 controllers such as their Lan numbers, IP
address etc has been set up in by SET to be loaded from a .mac file created by SET.
This information can then be used by IPTool to quickly set up the controllers, or to
restore setting after faults and failures.
Default Settings Enables the default settings to be set up.
Hide ip Columns Hides the columns that contain IP information.
WRITE DATA Writes changes to the device.
Clear List Clears the Devices List.
Note that the IPTool Window's title bar displays the IP address and subnet mask of the PC.

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About IPTool

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IPTool is supplied and installed with SET.

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12 IP Tool Manual TE200638 Issue 3, 04-May-2011

Using IPTool

This section describes how to use IPTool. It is organised in two sub sections:
Main Functions
Minor Functions
Main Functions
This section describes the three main functions of the program.
Check Group Settings
Configure Address Settings
Discover IQ System Ethernet Products on a Network Segment
Minor Functions
This section describes the functionality of the applet, which support one or more of the main functions.
Check a Device is Reachable
Clear the List of Devices
Copy Settings to Other Devices
Create a TUA for a Virtual CNC
Disconnect from the Network
Generate IQ3 Controller’s IP Addresses
Hide Information
Load Data
Make the Physical Connections
Refresh the List of Trend Devices
Run IPTool
Save Data
Set up a Device to use a DHCP Server
Set up a Standalone Device
Set up the Remote Trend Devices Table
Set up Virtual CNCs
Specify the Default Settings
Use the Default Settings
View an IQ3 Controller’s Web Pages
View Devices Using the Same UDP Port Number
View Remote Trend Devices
View Specific IQ System Devices
4.1 Main Functions
4.1.1 Check Group Settings
IPTool enables all the devices that are on the same network (i.e. use the same UDP port) to be checked to ensure that
they are all set up correctly. The table below lists what is checked, and the possible solution if there is a problem.
Check Descriptions Solution
Duplicate IP Checks to see if any of the devices have the same Change one of the IP duplicated addresses
addresses IP address as any other device on the Ethernet address so that all addresses are unique.
Same Subnet Checks to that all of the devices in the group have Change the subnet masks that are wrong.
Mask the same subnet mask.
Compatible Checks that the IP settings all of the devices in the Check the incompatible device’s IP address
Network group enable them to communicate with each and subnet mask.
Address other.
Same Default Check that all of the devices in the group have the If necessary change the IP address of the
Router same default router. device's default router.
Empty Checks whether the device with the lowest IP If the internetwork is to be built across routers
internetwork address has its Remote Devices Table set up. This the device with the lowest IP address must
master router device will be indicated by a in the remote have its Remote Trend Devices Table
table Trend devices column. specified as described in the ‘Set up the
Remote Trend Devices Table’ section of this
Note that on a DHCP system then the Remote manual .
Devices Table must be set up in all devices. IP Tool
does not check for this.

IP Tool Manual TE200638 Issue 3, 04-May-2011 13

Using IPTool

Check Descriptions Solution

Standalone Checks that none of the devices in the group are set Set the standalone device to be networked as
Devices to operate in standalone mode. described in the ‘Set up a Standalone Device’
section of this manual .
Duplicate Checks that none of the devices (including any Change the Lan number or node number so
Lan/Node vCNCs) in the group have duplicate Lan and node that each device has a unique address on the
Address numbers. IQ network as described in the appropriate
section of this manual.
To check the group settings:
1. Make the physical connection to the network segment as described in the ‘Make the Physical Connections’
section of this manual.
2. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual.
3. Configure the address settings for devices that are to be in the group , as described in the 'Configure
Address Settings' section of this manual.
4. In the Devices List click any device in the group that is to be checked.
5. Click Check All Devices In This Group. The Trend Internetwork Group Check dialogue box is

6. Click OK. The check will now be performed. When the check is complete a dialogue box will show the
4.1.2 Configure Address Settings
Before attempting to configure a device’s address settings ensure that it has been installed according to the supplied
installation instructions.
To configure address settings:
1. Make the physical connection to the network segment as described in the ‘Make the Physical Connections’
section of this manual.
2. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual.
3. In the Devices List, click the device that is to be configured. Its settings will be displayed in the Editing
You should be able to identify a particular device by its unique MAC address, this appears in the list, and
on a label on the device. Therefore if you are connected to the device over the Ethernet network, and not
directly into the device’s Ethernet connector you will need to goto the device, and make a note of the MAC
4. Before attempting to make any changes check that the device’s mode is not set to LOCKED ( ) if it is
you will be unable to make any changes.
5. If you want to ensure that the data in the Editing Panel is not refreshed while you are making changes
select the Lock for Editing check box.
6. If the IP address, subnet mask, and default router WINS server and DNS server are to be obtained from a
DHCP server select the Auto-ip-DHCP check box and goto step (12), otherwise goto step (8).
If configuring an EINC, use of a DHCP server is not supported; the DHCP check box is replaced with the
Auto-ip-switch check box. Selecting the Auto-ip-switch check box sets the EINC’s IP address to 128.1.1.
<address switch setting> (e.g. if the address is 80 the IP address would be
Note that not all IQ system Ethernet products support using a DHCP server, if this is the case the DHCP
check box will be disabled. Also note that the manual configuration of a DNS server is not possible using
IPTool if this is required it must by done using SET, or on the device itself.

14 IP Tool Manual TE200638 Issue 3, 04-May-2011

Using IPTool

7. In the ip address box enter the device's IP address. It is important that the IP address for each device on the
network is unique. IP address in the following ranges should not be used:
IP Address Reason
127.x.x.x.x Reserved for loopback.
Non masked part of IP The non masked part of the IP address cannot be all 1’s or 0’s e.g. if IP address
address is 1.2.x.x and subnet mask is then x.x. cannot be either 255.255 or
0.0. to Reserved for multicast.
Addresses to Reserved for experimentation and development.
x.x.x.255 Reserved for broadcast.
If the Ethernet network to which the device is connected has a DHCP server and the device is not obtaining
its settings form the DHCP server it is important to ensure that the IP address of the device is outside the
range of IP addresses assigned by the server. If this is not the case, the DHCP server may assign the IP
address to another device.
8. In the subnet mask box enter the required subnet mask. The subnet mask must ensure that all devices for
the same internetwork, which are not separated by routers, are on the same subnet. Therefore all devices
that are not separated by routers should have the same subnet mask.
9. In the default router box enter the IP address of the default router. It should be set to the IP address of a
router on the same subnet. To check the default router is reachable click Ping next to the default router
box. For more information see the ‘Check a Device is Reachable’ section of this manual.
10. If a WINS server is being used in the wins server box enter the IP address of the WINS server. To check
the WINS server is reachable click Ping next to the default router box. For more information see the
‘Check a Device is Reachable’ section of this manual.
11. In the inet group ( udp) box enter the UDP port the device is to use to communicate with other IQ system
devices on the Ethernet network. All IQ system devices used to create an internetwork must use the same
port the default for all IQ system devices is 57612.
12. In the lan box enter the device’s Lan number. This can be in the range 1 to 119 excluding addresses 2, 3,
and 10.
13. In the node box enter the device’s network address. This can be in the range 1 to 119 excluding addresses
2, 3, and 10.
Note that not all devices require the Lan number and node address to be specified.
14. In the identifier box enter the device’s identifier.
Tip it is recommended that to prevent confusion where possible the identifier and hostname are set to be the
16. If host names are to be used to address the device in the hostname box enter the device’s hostname.
The host name is separate from the Identifier. It must be unique on the network, and must not be greater
than 15-characters in length and can only contain 7-bit ASCII characters in the range A-Z, a-z or 0-9 plus ‘-
‘ or ‘_. It must start with a character in the range A-Z or a-z and must not end with ‘-‘ or ‘_’.
17. If the device is to form part of an internetwork that spans routers it is necessary to set up the Remote Trend
Devices Table as described in the ‘Setup the Remote Trend Devices Table section of this manual.
It is recommended that the remote Trend devices table be placed in all IQ system devices on the Ethernet
network and include the details of at least two devices from each subnet to be linked by the internetwork.
For increased reliability details of additional devices should be specified. If automatic addressing is being
used the devices must be specified using host names, and if manual addressing is being used the list should
contain the devices with the lowest IP addresses.
19. If a PC is to connect to the IQ network via one of the device’s virtual CNCs, or the device is to send alarms
to a supervisor over Ethernet set up the virtual CNCs, as described in the ‘Set up Virtual CNCs’ sections of
this manual. To check the host device for the virtual CNC is reachable from the PC running IPTool click
Ping next to the IP address of the host device. For more information see the ‘Check a Device is Reachable’
section of this manual.
20. Click WRITE DATA.

IP Tool Manual TE200638 Issue 3, 04-May-2011 15

Using IPTool

4.1.3 Discover IQ System Ethernet Products on a Network Segment

IPTool enables all the IQ system Ethernet devices connected to the Ethernet network segment (same piece of cable,
not across routers) regardless of their IP settings to be viewed, and information about their networking configuration
to be displayed.
To discover IQ system Ethernet products on a network segment:
1. Make the physical connection to the network segment as described in the ‘Make the Physical Connections’
section of this manual.
2. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual.
3. Click CONNECT. IPTool will broadcast a special message over the local network segment, and display
the responses as shown below.

4. If there is more than one network adaptor is available on the PC the Choose Primary Ethernet Adapter
dialogue box is displayed, goto (4), otherwise the process is complete.

5. Click the network adapter whose network settings are to be used by IP Tool to determine whether a device
is on the same network as the PC.
6. For Windows 7 it is possible to limit communication to only the selected adaptor by selecting the 1 Only
check box. If this check box is left cleared and for all other operating systems communications will be sent
using all adaptors.
7. Click OK.
Once the list is displayed it is possible to make changes to the settings of the selected devices by specifying
the required setting and then clicking WRITE DATA. It is possible to add virtual CNCs, check the device
is reachable, create a TUA for a virtual CNC, import/export data to/from SET, set up virtual CNCs set up
the Remote Trend Devices Table, set up device addressing, the view remote devices, or view an IQ3
Controller's Web pages
The list can be cleared by clicking clear list, and updated by clicking Search For Trend Devices. When a
device is selected clicking Refresh will update its data.
Note that if the local network segment is very large, or very busy all the devices may not reply, and clicking
Search For Trend Devices may be required.
Note that IPTool uses port 65534 and may be block by the PC's personal firewall.

16 IP Tool Manual TE200638 Issue 3, 04-May-2011

Using IPTool

4.2 Minor Functions

4.2.1 Check a Device is Reachable
It is possible to check that a device is reachable from the PC running IPTool using its current IP settings. This is
done by pinging the device’s IP address.
To check a device is reachable:
1. Make the physical connection to the network segment as described in the ‘Make the Physical Connections’
section of this manual.
2. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual.
3. In the Devices List, click the required device.
4. To check the device is reachable click Ping next to the ip address box. To check the device’s default router
is reachable click Ping next to the default router box. To check the device’s WINS server is reachable
click Ping next to the wins server box. To check the devices in the remote Trend Devices table are
reachable click Ping next to the remote Trend devices box. A dialogue box is displayed.
If a device is reachable a dialogue box similar to the one shown below is displayed.

If a device is not reachable a dialogue box similar to the one shown below is displayed.

This could be because the device is switched off, or the IP network is not set up for the PC running IPTool
to communicate with the host.
Note that before checking that a device is reachable ensure that any data changed by IPTool has been written to the
4.2.2 Clear the List of Devices
If required the list of devices in the Device List can be cleared to ensure that when a refresh (Search for Trend
Devices) is performed the information is uptodate.
To clear the list of devices:
1. Click Clear list.
4.2.3 Copy Settings to Other Devices
It is possible to copy some settings from one device to another by selecting the setting, pressing CTRL+C to copy it,
then highlighting the parameter that is to be changed and pressing CTRL+V to paste the required information.
However the preferred method of reusing settings in different devices is to use the default settings as described in
the ‘Use the Default Settings’ section of this manual.
4.2.4 Create a TUA for a Virtual CNC
A TUA for a virtual CNC that can be used by SET to access it can be created.
To create a TUA for a virtual CNC:
1. Make the physical connection to the network segment as described in the ‘Make the Physical Connections’
section of this manual.
2. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual.
3. In the Devices List, click the device containing the virtual CNC for which a TUA is to be created.
4. In the list of virtual CNC’s click the required virtual CNC.
5. Click Make TUA for VCNCs. The TUA is added to the list of TUA’s available to SET, and copied onto
the clipboard. The name of the TUA will be the identifier of the device containing the virtual CNC.
Note that if the device has DHCP enabled the hostname is included in the TUA instead of the IP address.
4.2.5 Disconnect from the Network
To disconnect from the network:
1. Click Disconnect.

IP Tool Manual TE200638 Issue 3, 04-May-2011 17

Using IPTool

4.2.6 Address IQ3 Controllers Generate IP Addresses from a File
It is possible to specify the Lan, network numbers, IP address, and subnet mask of IQ3 controllers using a comma
separated text file to determine the IP address and subnet mask. The Lan number is the same for all controllers, and
the network numbers are set up in order from a start address. This enables an IT department to assign a number IP
address specifically.
Note that this method of setting up addressing details should not be used for controllers that are set to use automatic
The file should be in the format shown below:
<IP address>,<Subnet Mask>
<IP address> specifies the device’s IP address, and <Subnet Mask> specifies its subnet mask. The details for each
different controller should be specified on a separate line e.g.,,,,
IP address in the following ranges should not be used:
IP Address Reason
127.x.x.x.x Reserved for loopback.
Non masked part of IP The non masked part of the IP address cannot be all 1’s or 0’s e.g. if IP address is 1.2.x.x
address and subnet mask is then x.x. cannot be either 255.255 or 0.0. to Reserved for multicast.
Addresses to Reserved for experimentation and development.
x.x.x.255 Reserved for broadcast.
To generate IP addresses from a file:
1. Make the physical connection to the network segment as described in the ‘Make the Physical Connections’
section of this manual.
2. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual.
3. Click IQ3 Address Wizard. The IQ3 Address Wizard dialogue box is displayed.

4. Click Select File. A dialogue box that enables the files to be specified is displayed.
5. Select the file from the list. The file will be loaded in Notepad. To select a file stored in a different location,
click the drive, or folder in the Look in box that contains the file, and double click the folders in the folder
list until the file is displayed.
6. Close Notepad.
7. Click Use IP/SUB addresses from CSV file radio button.
8. Specify the controllers that are to have their addressing details set up by clicking the required controllers in
the list on the left, and then clicking >. The controller will be moved to the list on the right of the dialogue
box. To remove a controller from the list on the right click it, and click <. To add all controllers, click >>>;
to remove all controllers click <<<.

18 IP Tool Manual TE200638 Issue 3, 04-May-2011

Using IPTool

9. Order the controllers in the right hand list in order by clicking the controllers and then clicking ˆ to move
the controller up the list, or ˇ to move the controller down. The list must be in the same order as the file.
The controller that is to be assigned the first IP address and subnet mask in the file is at the top of the list
and the one to be assigned the last one is at the bottom of the list.
10. In the UDP port box enter the UDP port that is to be used by all the controllers (normally 56712).
11. In the Lan box enter the Lan number for all the controllers. This can be in the range = 1,4 to 119 excluding
12. In the Node box enter the first network address that is to be used. This can be in the range = 1,4 to 119
excluding 10.
13. Click RENUMBER LIST. This causes the controllers in the list to be renumbered as required.
14. Click TEST FOR FREE IP ADDRESSES. This will ping each of the IP addresses in turn to check that
they a valid, and not duplicated. If there are any errors such as duplicated IP addresses you should correct
the problem before proceeding.
15. Once all the devices have been pinged and the settings are correct click APPLY CHANGES to write the
information to the controllers. Generate IP Addresses from Lan and Node Numbers
It is possible to specify the IP address, subnet mask, Lan number, and network address of IQ3 controllers based on
specified Lan and node numbers. When the IP addresses are generated from the controller’s Lan number and
network address the last two numbers of the IP address are defined by the Lan and node numbers e.g. number.node number
The Lan number is the same for all controllers, and the network numbers are set up in order from a start address.
Note that this method of setting up addressing details should not be used for controllers that are set to use automatic
To generate IP addresses from Lan and node numbers:
1. Make the physical connection to the network segment as described in the ‘Make the Physical Connections’
section of this manual.
2. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual
3. Click IQ3 Address Wizard. The IQ3 Address Wizard dialogue box is displayed.

4. Specify the controllers that are to have their addressing details set up by clicking the required controllers in
the list on the left, and then clicking >. The controller will be moved to the list on the right of the dialogue
box. To remove a controller from the list on the right click it, and click <. To add all controllers, click >>>;
to remove all controllers click <<<.
5. Order the controllers in the right hand list in order by clicking the controllers and then clicking ˆ to move
the controller up the list, or ˇ to move the controller down.
6. In the UDP port box enter the UDP port that is to be used by all the controllers (normally 56712).
7. In the Lan box enter the Lan number for all the controllers. This can be in the range = 1,4 to 119 excluding
8. In the Node box enter the first network address that is to be used. This can be in the range = 1,4 to 119
excluding 10.
9. Click Generate IP addresses from Lan and Node.
10. Click RENUMBER LIST. This causes the controllers in the list be renumbered as required.
11. Click TEST FOR FREE IP ADDRESSES. This will ping each of the IP addresses in turn to check that
they are valid, and not duplicated. If there are any errors such as duplicated IP addresses you should correct
the problem before proceeding.
12. Once all the devices have been pinged and the settings are correct click APPLY CHANGES to write the
information to the controllers.

IP Tool Manual TE200638 Issue 3, 04-May-2011 19

Using IPTool Generate IP Addresses Starting From a Particular Address

It is possible to automatically define the IP address, subnet mask, and network address of IQ3 controllers starting
from a specified IP address and node number. The IP address and node number will be incremented by one as each
controller in the list is processed, and the Lan number, and subnet mask assigned accordingly.
Note that this method of setting up addressing details should not be used for controllers that are set to use automatic
To generate IP addresses from starting from a particular address:
1. Make the physical connection to the network segment as described in the ‘Make the Physical Connections’
section of this manual.
2. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual.
3. Click IQ3 Address Wizard. The IQ3 Address Wizard dialogue box is displayed.

4. Specify the controllers that are to have their addressing details set up by clicking the required controllers in
the list on the left, and then clicking >. The controller will be moved to the list on the right of the dialogue
box. To remove a controller from the list on the right click it, and click <. To add all controllers, click >>>;
to remove all controllers click <<<.
5. Order the controllers in the right hand list in order by clicking the controllers and then clicking ˆ to move
the controller up the list, or ¡ to move the controller down.
6. In the UDP port box enter the UDP port that is to be used by all the controllers (normally 56712).
7. In the Lan box enter the Lan number for all the controllers. This can be in the range = 1,4 to 119 excluding
8. In the Node box enter the first network address that is to be used. This can be in the range = 1,4 to 119
excluding 10.
9. Click Use IP addresses starting at.
10. In the first box next to Use IP addresses starting at enter the first two numbers of the IP address the box
in the format shown below:
<Number 1>.<Number 2>.0.0
11. In the first box next to Use IP addresses starting at enter the subnet mask in the next box. This must be a
class B subnet mask e.g.
12. Specify the subnet mask in the next box.
13. Click RENUMBER LIST. This causes the controllers in the list be renumbered as required.
14. Click TEST FOR FREE IP ADDRESSES. This will ping each of the IP addresses in turn to check that
they a valid, and not duplicated. If there are any errors such as duplicated IP addresses you should correct
the problem before proceeding.
15. Once all the devices have been pinged and the settings are correct click APPLY CHANGES to write the
information to the controllers.

20 IP Tool Manual TE200638 Issue 3, 04-May-2011

Using IPTool Generate Lan and Network Number

It is possible to automatically define the Lan number, and network address of IQ3 controllers starting from a
specified node number. The node number will be incremented by one as each controller in the list is processed, and
the Lan number assigned accordingly.
To generate Lan and network number:
1. Make the physical connection to the network segment as described in the ‘Make the Physical Connections’
section of this manual.
2. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual.
3. Click IQ3 Address Wizard. The IQ3 Address Wizard dialogue box is displayed.

4. Specify the controllers that are to have their addressing details set up by clicking the required controllers in
the list on the left, and then clicking >. The controller will be moved to the list on the right of the dialogue
box. To remove a controller from the list on the right click it, and click <. To add all controllers, click >>>;
to remove all co ntrollers click <<<.
5. Order the controllers in the right hand list in order by clicking the controllers and then clicking ˆ to move
the controller up the list, or ¡ to move the controller down.
6. In the UDP port box enter the UDP port that is to be used by all the controllers (normally 56712).
7. In the Lan box enter the Lan number for all the controllers. This can be in the range = 1,4 to 119 excluding
8. In the Node box enter the first network address that is to be used. This can be in the range = 1,4 to 119
excluding 10.
9. Click None.
10. Click RENUMBER LIST. This causes the controllers in the list be renumbered as required.
11. Click APPLY CHANGES to write the information to the controllers.
4.2.7 Hide Information Hide IP Information
The IP information about each of the devices in the list can be hidden this removes the ip address, subnet mask,
default router, wins server, and rem Trend devices columns from the display. This enables the other information
to be seen more easily.
To hide IP information:
1. Click Hide ip Cols. The ip address, subnet, default router, and rem Trend devices columns are hidden,
and the Hide ip Cols button changes to SHOW ip Cols. To view the IP information again click SHOW ip
Cols. Hide the Editing Panel
The Editing Panel can be hidden.
To hide Editing Panel:
1. Clear the Hide Editing Panel check box.

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4.2.8 Load Data

If information about the set up of IQ3 controllers such as their Lan numbers, IP address etc has been set up in by
SET the information can be loaded from a .mac file created by SET. This information can then be used by IPTool to
quickly set up the controllers, or to restore setting after faults and failures.
To load data:
1. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual.
2. Click Open File. The Open IPTool File dialogue box is displayed.

3. In the folder list click the required file. To select a file stored in a different location, click the drive, or
folder in the Look in box that contains the file, and double click the folders in the folder list until the file is
4. Click Open. A dialogue box is displayed to indicate the progress. The devices specified in the file will be
added to the Devices List at the top with an in the Mac Address column to indicate that they have
been imported.
5. The imported devices must now be assigned to an actual device by clicking each imported device in turn,
dragging it onto the actual device its settings are to be applied to, and releasing the mouse button. This
assigns the imported devices parameters to the actual device, and the imported data is removed from the
4.2.9 Make the Physical Connections
IPTool must be connected to the same network segment of the Ethernet network as the IQ system devices that are to
be set up using a standard Ethernet connection.
To connect to the IQ network over Ethernet:
1. Fit a standard Ethernet card into the PC running SET, following the PC manufacturer’s instructions for
fitting an expansion card, and the instructions supplied with the Ethernet card.
2. Plug the Ethernet network cabling into the Ethernet card, ensuring that you are connected to the same
network segment of the Ethernet network as the IQ system devices that are to be set up.
3. Configure Windows Networking to suit the Ethernet network.
4.2.10 Refresh the List of Trend Devices
To refresh the list of IQ system devices:
1. Click Search For Trend Devices.
To refresh all devices using the same UDP port:
1. Click a device that uses the required UDP port.
2. Click Refresh All In This Group.

22 IP Tool Manual TE200638 Issue 3, 04-May-2011

Using IPTool

4.2.11 Run IPTool

To run IPTool:
1. Run SET.
2. On the Tools menu click Trend ip-Tool.
3. Click CONNECT to connect to the network. If there is more than one network adaptor is available on the
PC the Choose Primary Ethernet Adapter dialogue box is displayed, goto (4), otherwise the process is

4. Click the network adapter whose network settings are to be used by IP Tool to determine whether a device
is on the same network as the PC.
5. For Windows 7 it is possible to limit communication to only the selected adaptor by selecting the 1 Only
check box. If this check box is left cleared and for all other operating systems communications will be sent
using all adaptors.
6. Click OK.
4.2.12 Save Data
Information about the set up of IQ3 controllers such as their Lan numbers, IP address can be saved as a .mac file
which can then be used by SET to update the information it stores about the controllers, or for restoring settings
after faults or failures.
To save data:
1. Make the physical connection to the network segment as described in the ‘Make the Physical Connections’
section of this manual.
2. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual.
3. Set up the devices as required.
4. Click Save File. The Save ipTool File dialogue box is displayed.

5. In the File name box enter the required file name. To store the file in a different location, click the drive, or
folder in the Look in box that contains the file, and double click the folders in the folder list until the file is
6. Click Save.

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4.2.13 Set up a Device to use a DHCP Server

Some devices can be set to obtain their Ethernet address settings (IP address, subnet mask, default router, WINS
servers) from a DHCP server providing one is set up on the device’s subnet, and is configured to provide the
required settings.
To set up a device to use a DHCP server:
1. Make the physical connection to the network segment as described in the ‘Make the Physical Connections’
section of this manual.
2. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual.
3. In the Devices List, click the device that is to be set to use a DHCP server.
4. Select the Auto-ip-DHCP check box.
Note that not all IQ system Ethernet products support using a DHCP server, if this is the case the Auto-IP
check box will be disabled.
5. Click WRITE DATA.
Note that if there is no DHCP server the device will go into link local mode where it will automatically
negotiate its IP address with other devices on the subnet.
4.2.14 Set up a Standalone Device
If a device is to be connected to an Ethernet network, but is not to form Lans or internetworks with other devices it
can be set to Standalone mode. When in this mode the device will not attempt to communicate with other IQ system
devices. It will be possible to communicate with it via it local supervisor port connect to its virtual CNC, and for
IQ3 controllers (v1.1 firmware of lower) it will be possible to access its Graphical Display Pages over the Ethernet
Note that not all IQ system Ethernet devices support this mode of operation. Check the product's documentation for
more details.
To set up a standalone device:
1. Make the physical connection to the network segment as described in the ‘Make the Physical Connections’
section of this manual.
2. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual.
3. In the Devices List, click the device that is to be set to standalone mode.
4. Clear the Networked check box.
5. Click WRITE DATA.
To change the device back to network mode select the Networked check box.
4.2.15 Set up the Remote Trend Devices Table
If a device is to form part of an internetwork that spans routers it is necessary to set up the Remote Trend Devices
Table so that the device knows about the other devices on the internetwork that are not on the same network
Note that in EINCs the Remote Trend Devices Table is known as the Remote EINC Table.
It is recommended that the remote Trend devices table be placed in all IQ system devices on the Ethernet network
and include the details of at least two devices from each subnet to be linked by the internetwork. For increased
reliability details of additional devices should be specified. If automatic addressing is being used the devices must be
specified using host names, and if manual addressing is being used the list should contain the devices with the
lowest IP addresses.
To set up the Remote Trend Devices Table:
1. Make the physical connection to the network segment as described in the ‘Make the Physical Connections’
section of this manual.
2. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual.
3. In the Devices List, click the device for which the table is to be setup.
4. Click +. The Remote Trend Device Setup dialogue box is displayed.

5. If the remote device is to be specified by its hostname select the Use Hostname check box.
6. In the IP Address box enter the IP address or hostname of the remote device.
7. in the Subnet Mask box enter the subnet mask of the remote device.
8. Click OK.

24 IP Tool Manual TE200638 Issue 3, 04-May-2011

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9. Repeat steps (5) to (9) for each device that is to be included in the table.
10. Click WRITE DATA.
Once a device has been added to the table it can be edited by double clicking it. A device can be removed from the
table by double clicking it, and then clicking Delete. The table can be copied to other devices as described in the
‘Copy Settings to Other Devices’ section of this manual.
4.2.16 Set Up Virtual CNCs Set up a Virtual CNC in Alarm Mode
The alarm mode of a virtual CNC enables alarms generated from IQ controllers or other devices to be transmitted to
a PC running a suitable supervisor (963) connected to the Ethernet network where the connection to the virtual CNC
is of a temporary nature. An IQ controller can send its alarms to the virtual CNC using normal IQ system Lan/device
addressing, and the virtual CNC will forward the alarms to the PC using the port and the alarm IP address, specified
in the virtual CNC. The supervisor listens for alarms on the specified port, and retrieves the site identities, Lan
numbers, and device addresses of any alarms it receives so that it can process them further. To set up a virtual CNC
in alarm mode its IQ network address must be specified, along with its port address, and the IP address to which it is
to send alarms.
Note that the alarm mode of a virtual CNC is not available in IQ3 controllers. IP alarms should be sent using the
IQ3's ability to send IP alarms directly to a supervisor.
To set up a virtual CNC in alarm mode:
1. Make the physical connection to the network segment as described in the ‘Make the Physical Connections’
section of this manual.
2. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual.
3. In the Devices List, click the device for which the virtual CNC is to be set up.
4. In the list of virtual CNC’s double click the virtual CNC that is to be set up. The Virtual CNC Setup
dialogue box is displayed. If the virtual CNC does not appear in the list of virtual CNCs double click a
blank line in the list to add a virtual CNC as described in the ‘Add a Virtual CNC’ section of this manual.

5. In the Node box enter the network address of the virtual CNC. It can be set to any valid address (1 to 119
excluding addresses 2, 3, and 10). 0 will disable the virtual CNC.
6. Specify the TCP port used by virtual CNC. It is recommended that the port number be set to 2774, as this is
the port number that supervisors expect the virtual CNC to use.
 To specify a port manually clear the Use Default Port check box and in the Port box enter the
required port number.
 To force the default port number to be used select the Use Default Port check box this will cause the
port number to be set to 10000 plus the IQ network address i.e. if the network address is set to 4 the
TCP port would be i.e. 10004.
Take note of the port number because if software is to receive alarms from the virtual CNC it will need to
be told this number.
7. Select the Alarm check box.
8. If device to which the virtual CNC is to send its alarms is to be specified by its hostname select the Use
Hostname check box.
9. In the IP Addr box enter the IP address or hostname of the device to which the virtual CNC is to send its
10. Click OK.
11. Click WRITE DATA. To check the host device for the virtual CNC is reachable from the PC running
IPTool click Ping next to the IP address of the host device. For more information see the ‘Check a Device
is Reachable’ section of this manual.
The virtual CNCs can be automatically numbered according to the standard rules by clicking Auto-Number
VCNCs see the ‘Autonumber Virtual CNCs’ section of this manual for more details.

IP Tool Manual TE200638 Issue 3, 04-May-2011 25

Using IPTool Set up a Virtual CNC in Supervisor Mode

The supervisor mode of a virtual CNC enables the connection between a PC running supervisory or tool software
and the IQ network to be made over Ethernet to the virtual CNC, rather than the normal RS232 connection to a
standard CNC. The supervisor/tool connects to the virtual CNC by using the device’s IP address or host name and
the port as set up in the virtual CNC module making connection to the virtual CNC. This enables the supervisor/tool
to communicate with devices on the IQ network, and for those devices to communicate with it.
To set up a virtual CNC in supervisor mode:
1. Make the physical connection to the network segment as described in the ‘Make the Physical Connections’
section of this manual.
2. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual.
3. In the Devices List, click the device for which the virtual CNC is to be set up.
4. In the list of virtual CNC’s double click the virtual CNC that is to be set up. The Virtual CNC Setup
dialogue box is displayed. If the virtual CNC does not appear in the list of virtual CNCs double click a
blank line in the list to add a virtual CNC as described in the ‘Add a Virtual CNC’ section of this manual.

5. In the Node box enter the network address of the virtual CNC. It can be set to any valid address (1 to 119
excluding addresses 2, 3, and 10). 0 will disable the virtual CNC.
6. Specify the TCP port used by virtual CNC.
 To force the default port number to be used select the Use Default Port check box this will cause the
port number to be set to 10000 plus the IQ network address i.e. if the network address is set to 4 the
TCP port would be i.e. 10004.
 To specify a port manually clear the Use Default Port check box and in the Port box enter the
required port number.
Take note of this port number because software that is to connect to the virtual CNC will require it to be
specified. A TUA can be created that will allow SET to access it by clicking Make TUA.
7. Click OK.
8. Click WRITE DATA. To check the host device for the virtual CNC is reachable from the PC running
IPTool click Ping next to the IP address of the host device. For more information see the ‘Check a Device
is Reachable’ section of this manual .
The virtual CNCs can be automatically numbered according to the standard rules by clicking Auto-Number
VCNCs see the ‘Autonumber Virtual CNCs’ section of this manual for more details. Add a Virtual CNC
Virtual CNCs can be added as required.
To add a virtual CNC:
1. Make the physical connection to the network segment as described in the ‘Make the Physical Connections’
section of this manual.
2. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual .
3. In the Devices List, click the device for which the virtual CNC is to be set up.
4. Double click a blank line in the list of virtual CNC’s. The Virtual CNC Setup dialogue box is displayed.

5. Set up the virtual CNC as described in the ‘Set up Virtual CNCs’ section of this manual.
6. Click OK.
7. Click WRITE DATA.

26 IP Tool Manual TE200638 Issue 3, 04-May-2011

Using IPTool Auto number Virtual CNCs

The virtual CNCs for a device can be auto numbered, and if necessary added automatically. The network addresses
are set to 101 to 108 depending on the number of vCNCs available in the product. The TCP port number set to
10000 plus the network address i.e. 10101, 10102, 10103 etc.
To auto number virtual CNCs:
1. Make the physical connection to the network segment as described in the ‘Make the Physical Connections’
section of this manual.
2. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual.
3. In the Devices List, click the device for which the virtual CNCs are to be renumbered.
4. Click Auto-Number VCNCs. Virtual CNCs will be added to make up the maximum number for the
device, and any existing virtual CNCs will be renumbered according to the rules described above.
5. Click WRITE DATA.
Caution: check the automatically assigned addressed are unique on the Lan. Delete a Virtual CNC
To delete a virtual CNC:
1. Make the physical connection to the network segment as described in the ‘Make the Physical Connections’
section of this manual.
2. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual.
3. In the Devices List, click the device for which the virtual CNC is to be deleted.
4. In the list of virtual CNC’s double click the virtual CNC that is to be set up. The Virtual CNC Setup
dialogue box is displayed.

5. Click Delete.
6. Click OK.
7. Click WRITE DATA.
4.2.17 Use the Default Settings
The default settings for the subnet mask, default router, WINS server, remote Trend devices and UDP port number
can be used to quickly set devices.
To use the default settings:
1. Make the physical connection to the network segment as described in the ‘Make the Physical Connections’
section of this manual.
2. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual.
3. Ensure that the default settings are as required as described in the ‘Specify the Default Settings’ section of
this manual.
4. In the Devices List, click the device that is to be edited to highlight it.
5. Select the check box next to parameters that are to be set to the default settings. The box will greyed out,
and the Default Settings button will change to Defaults IN USE.
6. Click WRITE DATA. Specify the Default Settings
The default settings enable default values for the subnet mask, default router, WINS server, remote Trend devices
and UDP port number to be specified.
To specify the default settings:
1. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual.
2. Configure the address settings of a device to those that are to be used as the defaults as described in the
‘Configure Address Settings’ section of this manual.
3. Click Default Settings. The Default Settings dialogue box is displayed.

IP Tool Manual TE200638 Issue 3, 04-May-2011 27

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4. Click Copy from Selected Device to copy the settings from the selected device to the default settings. If
required edit the settings by entering them in the appropriate box.
Note that the remote Trend devices cannot be changed.
5. Clicking Reload will return the settings to the last ones saved. This allows you to temporally change the
settings to allow devices to be set up and then return to the normal defaults.
6. Click Save, to permanently save the information.
4.2.18 View an IQ3 Controller's Web Pages
It is possible to access the web pages made available over an Ethernet network. These pages provide information
about the module parameters in the controller, and enable alarms and graphs to be viewed, adjustments to be made,
as well as access to the IQ3’s GraphIQs pages if they have been setup.
To view an IQ3 controller’s WEB page:
1. Make the physical connection to the network segment as described in the ‘Make the Physical Connections’
section of this manual.
2. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual.
3. In the Devices List, click the IQ3 controller in the list to highlight it.
4. Click Web Page. The IQ3 controller’s WEB page will be displayed.
Having accessed the controller you can navigate around the various pages to view the required information
and if necessary make adjustments. Clicking the different parts of the screen will enable you to perform
different tasks the display will make is clear what can be done. When a reference to a module is displayed
with an underline clicking it will display the module’s detail page. For more details of using IQ3 controllers
from a web browser see the ‘IQ3 Web User Guide’.

Note that if the is displayed is displayed next to the controller's IP address in the IP address column it will not
be possible to view the web pages as the controller and the PC device are on different subnets.
4.2.19 View Devices Using the Same UDP Port Number
All devices that are to be on the same Lan or internetwork must use the same UDP port. It is possible to restrict the
devices in the Device List to devices that are using the same UDP port.
To view devices using the same UDP port number:
1. Make the physical connection to the network segment as described in the ‘Make the Physical Connections’
section of this manual.
2. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual.
3. In the Devices List, click a device using the required UDP port number.
4. Select the Show this Group Only check box.
4.2.20 View Remote Trend Devices
It is possible to view IQ system devices on a different subnet to the PC running IPTool providing they have been
added to the Remote Trend Devices Table of a device that is on the same network segment.
To view remote IQ system devices:
1. Make the physical connection to the network segment as described in the ‘Make the Physical Connections’
section of this manual.
2. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual.
3. In the Devices List, click the device that has remote devices set up.
4. Click . All the remote devices set up in the selected device’s Remote Trend Devices Table will be
added to the Device List with and ( ) next to them to indicate that they are on a different subnet.

28 IP Tool Manual TE200638 Issue 3, 04-May-2011

Using IPTool

4.2.21 View Specific IQ System Devices

It is possible to view a specific IQ system device even if it is on a different subnet to the PC running IPTool
providing you know its IP address or host name
To view specific IQ system devices:
1. Make the physical connection to the network segment as described in the ‘Make the Physical Connections’
section of this manual.
2. Run IPTool as described in the ‘Run IPTool’ section of this manual.
1. Click Request Trend Device Details By IP Address. The Request by Ip Address dialogue box is

2. In the Enter IP Address or Hostname box enter the IP address or host name of the device that is to be
3. Click OK. The device will be added to the list with a ( ) next to it to indicate that it is on a different

IP Tool Manual TE200638 Issue 3, 04-May-2011 29

Using IPTool

This page is intentionally left blank.

30 IP Tool Manual TE200638 Issue 3, 04-May-2011


Add Default Router ........................................................................ 17
Virtual CNCs .......................................................................... 26 Remote Device ....................................................................... 17
Auto-Number Virtual CNCs Refresh
Virtual CNCs .......................................................................... 27 The List of Trend Devices ...................................................... 22
Check Remote Trend Devices
A Device is Reachable ............................................................ 17 Ping ........................................................................................ 17
A Virtual CNC's Host is Reachable ........................................ 17 Set up...................................................................................... 24
Group Settings ........................................................................ 13 Set up...................................................................................... 14
The Default Router is Reachable............................................. 17 View ....................................................................................... 28
The Remote Devices are Reachable ........................................ 17 Run
Clear IPTool..................................................................................... 23
List of Trend Devices.............................................................. 17 Save
Configure IPTool Data ............................................................................ 23
Address Settings ..................................................................... 14 SET
Default Router......................................................................... 14 Export Data ............................................................................ 23
DHCP ..................................................................................... 24 Import Data ............................................................................ 22
DHCP ..................................................................................... 14 Set Up
Identifier ................................................................................. 14 Address Settings ..................................................................... 14
IP Address ............................................................................... 14 Default Router ........................................................................ 14
IP Settings ............................................................................... 14 DHCP ..................................................................................... 24
Lan Number ............................................................................ 14 DHCP ..................................................................................... 14
Network Address .................................................................... 14 Identifier ................................................................................. 14
Remote Trend Devices Table .................................................. 24 IP Address .............................................................................. 14
Remote Trend Devices Table .................................................. 14 IP Settings .............................................................................. 14
Standalone Devices ................................................................. 24 Lan Number............................................................................ 14
Subnet Mask ........................................................................... 14 Network Address .................................................................... 14
UDP Port................................................................................. 14 Remote Trend Devices ........................................................... 24
Virtual CNCs .................................................................... 25, 26 Remote Trend Devices ........................................................... 14
Virtual CNCs .......................................................................... 14 Standalone Devices ................................................................ 24
Connect Subnet Mask ........................................................................... 14
Over Ethernet .......................................................................... 22 UDP Port ................................................................................ 14
Contacting Trend ........................................................................... 5 Virtual CNCs .....................................................................25, 26
Conventions Used in this Manual .................................................. 5 Virtual CNCs .......................................................................... 14
Copy Settings
Settings to Other Devices ........................................................ 17 Copy to Other Devices ........................................................... 17
Create Span routers................................................................................. 14
TUA ........................................................................................ 17 Specify
Default Address Settings ..................................................................... 14
Settings ................................................................................... 27 Default Router ........................................................................ 14
Delete Default Settings ...................................................................... 27
Virtual CNC ............................................................................ 27 DHCP ..................................................................................... 24
DHCP .......................................................................................... 24 DHCP ..................................................................................... 14
DHCP .......................................................................................... 14 Identifier ................................................................................. 14
Disconnect from the Network ...................................................... 17 IP Address .............................................................................. 14
Discover IP Settings .............................................................................. 14
IQ System Ethernet Products .................................................. 16 Lan Number............................................................................ 14
Display......................................................................................... 21 Network Address .................................................................... 14
Export Remote Trend Devices Table ................................................. 24
Data to SET............................................................................. 23 Remote Trend Devices Table ................................................. 14
Find Standalone Devices ................................................................ 24
Devices on a Network Segment .............................................. 16 Subnet Mask ........................................................................... 14
Generate UDP Port ................................................................................ 14
IP Address from Lan and Node Numbers ............................... 19 Virtual CNCs ...............................................................14, 25, 26
IP Addresses from a File ......................................................... 18 Standalone Device ....................................................................... 24
IP Addresses Starting From a Particular Address .................... 20 Support .......................................................................................... 5
Lan and Network Number....................................................... 21 Technical Support ......................................................................... 5
Getting Support.............................................................................. 5 The List of Trend Devices ......................................................22, 24
Group Settings ............................................................................. 13 Trend
Hide Contacting ................................................................................ 5
Editing Panel ........................................................................... 21 Technical Support..................................................................... 5
IP Information ......................................................................... 21 UDP port ..................................................................................... 14
Import View
Data from SET ........................................................................ 22 Devices Using the Same UDP Port Number ........................... 28
Install Editing Panel .......................................................................... 21
IPTool ..................................................................................... 11 IP Information ........................................................................ 21
IP Address ....................................................................... 18, 19, 20 IQ3 Controller Web Pages ...................................................... 28
IPTool Remote Trend Devices ........................................................... 28
Install ...................................................................................... 11 Specific IQ System Devices ................................................... 29
Run ......................................................................................... 23 Virtual CNCs
IPTool Window ............................................................................. 7 Add ......................................................................................... 26
IQ3 Controllers Alarm mode ............................................................................ 25
Web Pages .............................................................................. 28 Autonumber............................................................................ 27
Network Segment Create TUA ............................................................................ 17
Discover IQ System Ethernet Products ................................... 16 Delete ..................................................................................... 27
Physical Connections ................................................................... 22 Set up.................................................................................25, 26
Ping Supervisor Mode .................................................................... 26

IP Tool Manual TE200638 Issue 3, 04-May-2011 31

Trend Control Systems Limited
Albery House, Springfield Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 2PQ, UK. Tel:+44 (0)1403 211888 Fax:+44 (0)1403 241608
Trend Control Systems USA
6670 185 th Avenue NE, Redmond, Washington 98052, USA. Tel: (425)897-3900, Fax: (425)869-8445

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